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Breakthrough Page 14

by Sarah Stevens

  “Thank you for that. I know I’m Coach Hutton’s granddaughter and all that shit, but I want to be me, Mandy, and I want to make my way just like anyone else. I get I’ll be behind the scenes for a while, I’m starting at the bottom of the totem pole here. I want the opportunity to do what I love, and the job I’m here to do. So, bring on the stretching and massages I’m ready for it.”

  “Ha well let’s start with meeting the other trainer. He should be here soon. We will be a team that also works alongside the strength and conditioning coaches in some respects. So basically, we will treat you a little like an intern, however that is just so you get your feet wet and into the groove of the team dynamic. We’ll rotate you around, so you get a taste of every aspect. Have you ever had to do stitches before? That is a big one we are often dealing with in a game situation, it’s fast paced so we can get these guys sewed up and back on the ice as soon as possible.”

  “I can’t say I have done stitches in a game situation before, but I’m excited to try. I was kept behind the scenes, no one ever knew I was on the staff.”

  “We won’t work that way; we are all here to do a job. And as you know, this team is more like a family. I remember your grandpa. I was only able to work with him for one season before he retired. He was a good man. If you are anything like him then these guys will be shown no mercy.” He laughs.

  “Ya know it is really refreshing to be treated like an equal instead of the red headed stepchild.”

  “Who’s the red headed stepchild?” this average height red head almost an auburn guy, maybe a little older than me, enters the office. I cover my mouth and chuckle just a little bit, not enough for the new guy to notice. However, Chris isn’t hiding his laugh.

  “Mandy, this is Meyers, he is the other trainer,” Chris says as he is trying to hold in a laugh. I think this might actually work out; however, I haven’t had to interact with the team yet. “Meyers, this is Mandy Hutton, the new trainer on our team.”

  “Like Coach Hutton, Hutton?” he questions.

  “Yes, my grandpa was Coach Hutton.”

  “Wow, okay. I heard he used to bring his granddaughter around all the time then she stopped coming. You must have been at school.”

  “Yeah, I was, then I got a job in Boston working for the baseball team. Now I’ve moved back to be with my grandma. It has been a good choice so far. To answer your question, I was the red headed stepchild with that team. I was hidden in the background and a glorified masseuse. I was just saying how much I look forward to not feeling like the red headed stepchild here.”

  “No worries, we work together and who’d want to hide a face like yours? As long as you know your shit and can get the job done, I’m game for having a girl on my team.”

  “I never realized how shitastic my last job was. In thirty minutes, you both have accepted me and made me feel like I actually matter, what I do and love to do matters. Thank you.”

  “We got you,” they both say in unison.

  The rest of the morning I get a tour of the facilities, get my official staff badge and permanent parking pass before the guys help me drag all my new gear to the car then we head out to grab some lunch. We have to be back by twelve-thirty for the afternoon practice, where I’ll meet all the team officially. When we start prepping for practice, my nerves kick in. I’ll be seeing Parker and Cameron, who I haven’t seen since before Christmas.

  The team meeting has started as we walk in. Coach stops talking and all eyes are on me as the room falls into silence. Coach recovers and introduces me.

  “Guys, this is our new trainer Amanda Hutton. She is joining us as of today.”

  A chorus of “hey’s” and “welcome” follows as I stand there with a team of hockey players staring at me. I’ve never felt so on the spot as I do right now, especially with Parker and Cameron looking right at me.

  “Glad to be a part of the team guys. The Notes have been a part of my life growing up and I’m excited to be here,” I stammer out. Coach Crawford takes it from there.

  “Okay guys, I know we’ve had an odd schedule this holiday season but the race for the cup is on and every play counts. Let’s get our asses geared up and out on the ice. Again, welcome Mandy to the team. Let me know if any of these guys give you a hard time. Guys, let’s make Mandy welcome and keep the hazing to a minimum. Now let’s move it.” Chris and Meyers usher me out of the locker room down the hall to the trainer’s room, thankfully not open to the locker room like in Boston.



  The day has come where Mandy will be inserted into my everyday life. I look forward to it and dread it all at the same time. I know what’s coming from my teammates, the comments they will make about her. I can’t help but feel protective of her and I sure as hell hope her presence around the team doesn’t cause me any problems.

  Since we have a late start, Cam and I meet up and grab some lunch before getting to the rink.

  “So, are you ready to see her today?” Cam asks after we take a seat.

  “Yeah, I’m ready but not ready for her to be around the team. I don’t think I can handle all the crude comments they’re gonna make about her.”

  “All I can say is ignore it, you’re gonna have to. They will be worse if they know about how you feel about her. Right now, you need to concentrate on the game, I don’t even want you thinking about that video getting out. So far, you’ve been lucky man. It could have easily been put out after Christmas. You took a risk going to the Hutton house for Christmas.”

  “Yeah, I know, you’ve mentioned it a time or two. It was an important day, and I was able to talk to Mandy about everything. It was a good day.”

  “Are there any updates from the police about who the red head is?” he questions.

  “Nah, unfortunately. Whoever it was knew what they were doing by staying out of camera view. I’m still convinced Connor has something to do with it.”

  “I’m sure he does. Please watch yourself. Keep your distance from Mandy, and keep your head on the game and in the net.”

  “I know, and I will.”

  We finish eating and get over to the rink for our team meeting.

  The meeting went well, and the guys behaved themselves. Mandy looked great too. It’s a catch twenty-two having her in my world. Look but don’t touch. She came in and Coach introduced her to everyone, warned them to be good and not to haze her too much. It’s a given some sort of initiation is going to happen. Then the trainers left, and we got ready to hit the ice for practice. It was a good practice. Everyone was on point and I think we’re ready for tomorrow night’s game.

  Cam and I hang around talking to Ski and Seb, catching up a bit since the holidays. I hadn’t talked to them about what happened, so I filled them in. They know the story with Mandy and I and how I want her, and she wants to be friends so, Seb asks, “How are you going to deal with her here all the time?”

  “I’ll manage as long as the others don’t make comments that will piss me off.”

  Ski’s the one to reply, “Good luck with that. We haven’t had a girl on staff before. They are going to have a field day with it.”

  “Maybe our captain should have a few words with the team about respect then,” I say as I turn to gather my stuff. “I’ll see you all tomorrow,” as I walk out the door not waiting for Cam to reply but I hear them laugh as the door shuts.

  I poke my head into the training room to see what Mandy is up to, noticing she’s gathering her things to head out for the day. “Can I walk you to your car?” I ask quietly so only she can hear, and Meyers and Chris don’t notice me standing there.

  “Are you sure?” she questions as she walks out into the hall.

  “Mandy, what can I say other than I’m a glutton for punishment?” I shrug my shoulders like I don’t even care, however I do. This is my career on the line if that scam of a video gets out.

  “You’re full of shit. I know what that video getting out could do to you and your career, police involve
ment or not.”

  You’re right I do care, but how the hell will anyone know if we walk to the parking garage together? We work in the same place.”

  “Fine, walk with me. I don’t want to be the reason you have any problems. I do care about you, more than I should.” I hear her say the last part under her breath, she must’ve thought I couldn’t hear her.

  “How are Callie and Maggie?” I keep up some small talk.

  “Everyone is good, and it’s been quiet. Connor hasn’t shown up again since Christmas Eve. I have my childhood friend watching Callie with Grandma while I’m at work. Angie will be going on the road trips with us as my nanny. Besides that, nothing has been going on. The holiday is over and now it’s time for me to get my ass back to work. I already feel like this will be a better job. I may be starting off with stretching and massages and small things like that, but I’m being groomed to be the assistant trainer next season. I signed a three-year contract today,” she says as we walk into the elevator. I take the opportunity of being behind closed doors to bring her into my chest and hug her, pulling back I kiss her cheek, closer to her lips than I probably should have. She feels good in my arms.

  “That’s great Mandy, I’m so happy for you. I hope you continue to be happy here with the Notes.” As the elevator dings our arrival to our floor of the garage, I put space between us.

  I usher her to leave the small enclosed area before me and as she passes, she says, “Thank you,” then quickly rushes to her car, two rows away.

  I can’t help standing there watching her walk away and wanting her back in my arms. One day when all this shit is done and over with, I’ll have her by my side and in my arms whenever I want, as soon as I convince her she belongs there.

  I’ve started staying at either Cam’s place in the city or out at my house. Today, since we have morning skate tomorrow and a game tomorrow night, I’m heading to Cam’s. He pulls into his parking spot as I’m getting out of my car, so I wait for him by the elevator.

  “What’s the plan for tonight?” I ask

  “Just chill with a couple beers and grill some burgers. Some of the guys are heading out to dinner but I declined for us. Seb and Ski said they might stop by later.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Are you ever going to go back to your condo? Not that I mind having you stay here sometimes, but you can’t be afraid of that place. It got cleaned up and you got the security beefed up. You should be good to stay there now.”

  “Right now, I prefer people not knowing where I’m staying. I’m sorry if I’m cramping your style. We used to party all the time, now it doesn’t interest me. I want to be the man Mandy deserves and if I have to keep it in my pants to prove it to her, especially after that stupid kiss, that’s exactly what I’m willing to do.”

  “Nah man, you’re fine. It’s good to take a break every now and then, regroup my mind, and honestly, I’m getting too old for that crap. Seb and Ski, they are five years younger than us and still have many oats to sow. I wish I could find a girl like Mandy. I know I gave you more than enough shit over her, but I believe she’s the one for you. I see you with Callie and the three of you just mesh so well together. I hope in the end you get your girl, but it might take a huge gesture at some point to make the point you want.”

  “Yeah, I think you’re right. Things needed to get cleared up with Little Red and the blackmail before I can do anything.” Then my phone dings alerting me of a text.

  Little Red: I will give you one warning and here it is. Stay away from her.

  After the last incident, I added the unidentified number into my contacts, so I knew who it was if she texted. Along with the message she attached a photo of me and Mandy exiting the elevator earlier.

  “What the actual fuck?” I’m pissed when I turn the phone to show Cam.

  “How the hell did she get that photo on the second floor of a secured garage?”

  “You got me. I have to call Coach and Henry.”

  “You make that call and I’ll start making dinner. Is salad okay with you to go with the burgers?”

  “Yeah that’s fine.” At this rate, I’ve lost my appetite. I make the call to Coach, he said he will get security on it and reaffirmed that I need to call Henry.

  “Hello,” he answers on the first ring like he was expecting me.

  “Hey Henry, we have another problem. I just got a text from the red head and she has a photo of me and Mandy exiting the elevator at the rink’s private garage.”

  “Well fuck. How did she gain access into the garage and how did she know when to be there?”

  “You got me. Coach is contacting security at the rink. We have cameras all over but I’m guessing no one will be able to find her in them like last time. Hell, I can’t even walk to my car anymore without it being a problem. I literally rode the elevator with her up to the same floor, she walked out and directly to her car. I can’t let this person, whoever she is, control my life Henry.”

  “I know, I’ll call Coach and see what security says. I’m going to see if anyone new has been added to the security staff. The garage is so secure that you would have to work there to be able to gain access.”

  “Sounds like a plan, let me know if you find anything.”

  “I will.” We disconnect the call and I go find Cam in the kitchen.

  “Well?” he questions.

  “Henry is convinced that she has to work there. He’s going to check if there are any new security staff matching her description. I have a feeling that won’t work though. That red hair has got to be a wig.”

  “Looked like it to me in the video you showed me. Nothing we can do right now. I was told today Mandy will have extra security on the road for her and her nanny. Let’s hope it isn’t a new female staff member.”

  “Mandy won’t be safe if that is the case.” Now Cam has me worried.

  The rest of the night seems to go by slowly, we eat dinner and chill for a while, watching some film, not that I can completely concentrate on it with Mandy invading my thoughts. No one gets back to me, so we take our asses to bed.

  The next morning, I wake up to a text from coach asking me to arrive early before morning skate. Luckily, I woke up before my alarm was due to go off so I get ready to go in after texting Coach back letting him know I’d be there in less than an hour. I poke my head in Cam’s room letting him know I’m taking off, and why.

  “I’ll get ready and follow you in after I grab some coffee,” he says, slowly rolling out of bed.

  “See ya later then. Coffee is all ready for you,” I grab my travel mug and head out the door.

  Coach and Henry are waiting for me in Coach’s office with the head of security.

  “Morning guys, what’s the update?” I ask taking a seat.

  “Craig here looked at all the film yesterday and as we suspected saw nothing, he also checked the security employee roster. The last new hire he found was over a month ago and was a female,” Coach fills me in.

  “So, what does this mean? We are at square one?” I ask.

  Henry interjects himself into the conversation, “There isn’t anything that stands out with this girl and she wasn’t even working yesterday. She will be working tonight for the game, but her position isn’t one that would give her access to any of the players. She works the security gate at the door.”

  “I’m sorry Mr. Marshall, I wish we had better news for you. The security team that is allowed access to the players areas are on full alert about the situation. None of them being female. We will all keep a close eye out on anything that seems off. It’s our jobs to prevent things like this and we will be on top of it from now on. I’ve also got one of the tech guys looking through all the badge scans to see if anyone was where they shouldn’t have been yesterday.” Craig says while wearing a guilty look on his face.

  “I appreciate it, Craig. So now what? I go about my day as normal?” I question

  “Unfortunately, yes. We also want you to stay away from Ma
ndy. You both have a lot going on personally, and it’s best you keep everything professional at this time. Do what you want once everything is settled but right now, stay away from the girl,” Coach says.

  “Got it. It’s pretty sad you feel the need to dictate who I can and can’t talk to, however I get it. Well I guess since I’m here early I’ll gear up and get out on the ice, maybe get a few laps around the ice while it’s peaceful. Cam should be here soon, he wanted to check in on what is going on before the game. I’ll see you out there, Coach.” I leave the office pissed that they are treating me like a child and head to the locker room. This is going to be a long ass day. Morning skate, game, and then we catch a flight tonight to our first away game in the new year.



  It’s going to be a long day, it’s game day. I’m actually excited, however during my break between morning skate and game time I have to come home and pack for the road trip, and that involves a lot since Callie is coming with me. I talked to Angie when I got home yesterday about the road trip and she’s ready to go and super excited. She hasn’t had an opportunity to do much traveling since her husband is such a homebody. Sometimes I wonder how these polar opposites ever got together and got married. I just hope John can handle her being gone as much as she will be for the next few months until the end of the season.

  Morning skate session went well, until I get pulled into the coach’s office right afterwards, definitely cutting into my prep time at home. As I enter the office, I see Henry sitting there with someone from security. My nerves spike at the scene.

  “Hello everyone, Coach. What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Mandy, we had an incident yesterday after practice. Parker got a text message with a photo of you and him stepping out of the elevator. I’m sure you are aware of the issues he has had lately. We can’t trace back who took the photo or how. We all wanted to make you aware. Be extra careful right now and keep some distance between you and Parker until this situation is done and over with.”


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