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Breakthrough Page 23

by Sarah Stevens

  “Let me see.” It’s all I have at the moment waiting for it all to sink in. She lifts her shirt up just enough for me to see the bruising on her side. It doesn’t look good. “Let me get these guys set for practice and then I’ll bring you back and I’ll take a better look, see if I have a trick up my sleeve to make it feel a bit better. Are your ribs okay?”

  “Yeah, my ribs feel fine. Thank you, Mandy,” she says sounding defeated.

  I give her a hug, place a kiss on Callie’s head then go do my job and get the guys on the ice so I can look at Angie better. I check in with Meyers asking if there is anything else left to do.

  “Nah, Parker was the only one left after he talked Cam down from something. I guess Cam is out on the ice taking whatever is going on out there. I’m going to head out to the bench, but I think Parker is waiting for you to bandage his face up before hitting the net.”

  “Okay, thanks. How do you feel about having Callie hang with you for a little bit while I take a look at Angie? She said one of her injuries from the other day is bothering her.”

  “That’s fine, just bring her out when you’re ready and I’ll keep the guys out of the room until you’re done.”

  “Thanks, Meyers. I’m glad you were okay and on my side.” Then I walk back to find Parker who is sitting on one of the tables in all his gear waiting for me.

  “Hey, is Angie okay?” he asks.

  “Not really. It’s a long story and I have to get you fixed up so you can go defend the net.” I peck his lips then grab my supplies. Once his wound is covered to my satisfaction, he’s free to go, but not before he kisses me, tilting me on my axis before he steps back and says, “Thanks,” then picks his stick up and walks away. I stand there for a second in a daze and when I snap out of it, I have Angie on my mind.

  Returning back to the lounge, I find Angie and Callie on the floor playing with some blocks, of course decorated with the Notes logo.

  “Hey, are you ready? All the guys are on the ice, so the room is clear. Meyers is going to take Callie while I take a look at you.”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” she says as she stiffly gets up from the floor. I pick Callie up and we head back. After a quick stop at the bench to leave Callie with Meyers I get Angie up on the table and have her lift her shirt up so I can see the full extent of the damage. Surprisingly, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I slather some salve over the bruises and she’s good to go.

  “Angie, I’m worried about you, I really am. Please don’t hesitate to ever call me if you need a place to go. Grandma and I will always be there for you. We have a morning skate, then leave for Tampa tomorrow afternoon. I’ll need you at the house by eight, packed and ready to go. A car will be by to pick you and Callie up at noon for a one o’clock flight. Will that be a problem?”

  “Not at all, I’ll be there.”

  “Okay, we will be here another couple of hours. Why don’t I go grab Callie and you two can go grab something to eat?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”



  I get Cam back to the locker room, pushing him down on his bench, like a misbehaving toddler. To think it wasn’t long ago he was telling me to get my shit together.

  I get in his face this time. “What the hell was that shit out there?”

  “I saw her face and anger consumed me.”

  “Yeah well it sure as hell wasn’t what she needed from you, or anyone. Let alone in front of Callie. Did you even ask any questions, or assume the worst? That could have been from her ordeal in Vegas. No, you shot straight to the worst-case scenario.”

  “Was I wrong?” he asks.

  “It isn’t my place to tell you what is going on with Angie, that is something you’d need to ask her about. But know that she has Mandy and I in her corner if she needs us. We can’t do anything for her unless she wants us to. Now go get your ass ready and get on the ice.”

  “I was right, her asshole husband did that to her.”

  “Man, it’s her place to tell you. If she wants to. Mandy is with her now and we have a job we need to do. You’re angry, go take it out on the ice. But, please let her come to you. She doesn’t need someone making her cry, she needs people she can trust around her. I’m not sure of her whole story either.”

  “Fine. I hear you. But wouldn’t seeing bruises on a friend’s face like that make you angry too?”

  “It did, I’m not going to lie. But Angie wanted to come here today and see the team let them know she was okay and thank everyone for the well wishes. She’s a good person in a screwed-up situation I’d assume. Now, let’s get dressed and get on the ice. I’ll be out as soon as Mandy comes to take care of my face.”

  “Okay, I’ll apologize to her and keep my cool after practice.”

  “Good, you need to.”

  We both get suited up, then Cam hits the ice. I’m sitting and waiting for Mandy to come in, and when she does, I ask if Angie is okay. Once she tells me it’s a long story, I brush it to the side, and she goes about covering my wound. I kiss the hell out of her, leaving her standing there in a daze, while I head out to the rink.

  Practice flies by quickly, once everyone is showered and ready to leave the team trickles out to the lounge area to say hi to Callie and Angie, verifying that they are in one piece before leaving for the day. Mandy comes out last, after cleaning up and getting the place ready for tomorrow, packing the road trunks while still making sure there are supplies for tomorrow’s practice. I’ve already got Callie in my arms when she sidles up to my side. I wrap my arm around her pulling her in close and watch as Cam apologizes to Angie for his earlier behavior. Things seem to be going well, and I see her lean in and give him a hug. All is right in the world, at least for the time being. We all walk together to the parking garage to leave in two separate directions. The girls are headed back to Maggie’s house and Cam and I go back to his place. I’m still avoiding the condo. Hoping things go back to normal quickly, I decide the condo needs to go and I will put it on the market after the season is over. I don’t need it anymore since I won’t be hitting the bars or needing a place to bring a bunny back to. Letting that place go will be a refreshing new start.

  As expected, the next few months have gone by in a blur, and back to normal. Mandy, Angie, and I had to testify in court against Connor and his sister but in the end we won. They both were put in jail for the federal kidnapping charge and Tamera got some extra time added for the blackmail stuff. Their mom, who planned everything, even got some jail time. Chris ended up in jail in Las Vegas since that was where the crime was committed against Meyers. The custody case was closed months ago, releasing a ton of stress off Mandy’s shoulders. Now we are heading to the Stanley Cup playoffs.

  Angie has become part of the family and spends more time with Maggie and Callie than at her own house. She’s saying John isn’t home when she is not traveling with the team so why should she be all alone in that big house. We don’t have any issue with it because she seems happier around all of us, and safe. However, she also seems off sometimes, like she’s hiding something. Mandy knows when she’s ready to talk about it she will come talk to her. With Mandy and Callie spending a lot of time out at my house, having Angie around gives Maggie some extra company.

  That leads me to Mandy. Things are going better than I could have ever expected. I still have to deal with bunnies trying to get my attention, but Mandy is the only one I have eyes for, and she knows it. I’m more than grateful she is not the jealous type. Last month I decided to go ahead and put my condo on the market, and it sold in a matter of weeks and will close in the next two weeks. I’m afraid to put my guard down, because everything seems to be going in the right direction finally. I can’t even remember the last time I was so happy. But also, being a goalie, I know never to relax in the net until the final buzzer.

  We are getting ready to hit the road for the last time in the regular season. Mandy helps me pack my bag and then we go over to Maggie’
s for dinner where we will meet up with Angie, then hit the road first thing in the morning for our flight to Boston to play the Bear Claws. Mandy hates going back to that city, it’s where all hell broke loose for her and her life. The only good thing that came out of her working for the baseball team was Callie. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am Connor has no rights to that precious little girl, I hope if things continue to go as they are I’ll have the opportunity to adopt her as my own one day, then add to our little family after I marry Mandy. Right now though, we are all concentrating on this last road series then the playoffs. Meyers and Mandy have done an excellent job as trainers working together and keeping the team as healthy as possible. I’m excited for another run at the cup this year.

  When we arrive at Maggie’s house, we see a car we don’t recognize. What the hell? We cautiously enter the house hand in hand wondering who we’ll find.

  Mandy enters first calling out for Maggie, “Grandma, we’re here.”

  “We’re in the kitchen,” Maggie answers.

  When we walk in, we see John sitting at the table lovingly holding Angie’s hand and having a real conversation, not a pissed off at the world get out of my face attitude in sight. Weird. We both go over to hug Maggie and she takes Callie out of Mandy’s arms so she can love on her. I know she was planning to spend a lot of time with Callie when they moved down from Boston, but the road takes us away so much.

  I sort of feel like I’m living in the Twilight Zone right now.



  After Grandma takes Callie from me, I turn around and look at Angie, trying to see if there is anything telling in her face. I see nothing. Having John here is unnerving, especially since we haven’t seen him since that one night at their house after Vegas. I try and let it go and have a nice dinner, including John in the conversation, then he announces he’s going with us on the road.

  “Why would you want to do that?” I ask. “Angie will be with Callie most of the time we’re gone, like she always is.”

  “Because I want to, because I have the time off work and can.”

  “We have to clear it with the team for you to travel with us and Angie and I have a shared room.”

  “I’ll stay with you then,” he counters.

  “Um yeah, not going to happen,” Parker chimes in. “If it’s that important, you can stay in my room with me,” he offers.

  “Hey, Angie, can I talk to you for a minute, I have some things I need to go over with you before we leave in the morning?” I question, trying to get her away from everyone so I can ask her what the hell is going on.

  “Sure,” she answers then we get up and go to Callie’s room.

  “What is going on here?”

  “Not sure, but his trust is nonexistent, he thinks I’m the one cheating on him when I know for damn sure he’s the one cheating. I have proof now. And when this season is over, I’m filing for divorce. I’ll have enough money saved up from working for you and Callie where I won’t be hurting until the divorce is final. He can’t hold the prenup over my head.”

  “So basically, he is tagging along so he can see if you’re hooking up with the players. He’s crazy.”

  “I never said he was normal.” She laughs.

  We go back out to the kitchen where Grandma is serving coffee and pie. I don’t question John anymore and just go with the flow for the rest of the night. Grandma bathes Callie and gets her ready for bed, she does this on the eve on road game series. It’s her bonding time before not seeing Callie for a few days or even a week. When Callie is ready, Parker and I go through our goodnight routine, leaving kisses on her forehead and tucking her in.

  Angie and John are getting ready to leave when we walk back out to the kitchen.

  “Should we meet here and drive to the airport together in the morning?” Angie asks.

  “That’s fine. There is plenty of room in the car for everyone. We’ll be leaving at six-thirty so don’t be late.”

  “We won’t. I’m already packed and ready to go,” Angie says as she leans in to give me a hug and then thanks Grandma for dinner. John awkwardly stand by the door waiting for her.

  Once they are heading down the driveway, I say to Parker, “This should be fun.”

  “Yeah a blast,” he replies sarcastically.

  Surprisingly, John was on his best behavior and took his time with Angie and Callie like a champ. He did escape frequently to make a call here and there but was present for all meals and even seemed to enjoy the games, that Angie had to explain to him. We traveled to three cities in five days, no major injuries, and only one loss. Either way, we are the top seeded team in our division and have a good standing in the playoffs going in.

  There is enough of a break before the playoffs so the whole team and their families can get together to celebrate Callie’s first birthday at Parker’s house. We have a beautiful cake made from a local bakery that’s shaped like a flamingo. Pink and gold balloons everywhere, and a casual barbeque with Cam and Parker manning the grill. Not that anyone needed a reason to relax and enjoy each other, but we had a great day and so many gifts. This girl is so spoiled. Now not only does she have a pink flamingo that goes everywhere with her, but she has a pink flamingo rocker. The surprise of the day, however, was after most everyone left for the day, Cam and Angie were still downstairs talking to each other, and John didn’t bother to attend the party. I guess he was confident his wife hadn’t been cheating on him and went back to his normal asshole self after they got back from that trip. Parker brought Grandma, Callie and I upstairs in his house. He led us to a door I’ve never been in before. When he opened the door, I was shocked and burst into happy tears.

  “Go ahead, go in.” Parker urges me forward. I stand in the middle of the room and do a complete circle taking in the entire room, Callie’s room. He decorated this room for Callie, covered in pink flamingos and rose gold accents.

  “It’s beautiful.” I say as I hug him, “Thank you. When did you have the time to do this?” I ask.

  “I had a few people help.” He winks at Grandma.

  “Angie too,” Grandma adds. “We’ve been coming over here while you both have been at the arena making sure it was getting done right. We had a lot of fun.”

  “Not that I’m complaining or anything but, why?” I ask.

  “Why, because I love you and Callie both and I wanted to prove to you I’m not going anywhere. I’m here to stay and I want both of you in my life for the long haul.”

  “I love you too, Parker. Thank you.” Then I kiss him showing him how thankful I am. I’ll really show him how thankful I am later after everyone is gone and Callie is in bed.



  The Notes swept the first series against Dallas, giving the team a longer break before the next series against Saint Louis. We took the opportunity to relax, swim in my pool I just got opened back up right before Callie’s party, and spend time with friends, out of the workday environment. We all sat back and took a breath.

  Our Saint Louis series was a little tougher to get through, but we managed to take it to a full seven games and coming out on top. Next, we are up against Vegas. A place with bad memories for all of the team. This time we do not have anyone or anything to worry about. I have to admit though, the Vegas organization was supportive of us and what we were going through as a team. They got wind of the kidnapping and offered any support we needed. However, tonight I plan to take them out of the series so we can go to the finals. We have three wins and only need one more to take it. In the last two minutes of the game Cam shoots and scores evening up the game. It’s going to be a long night in the net I can already feel it. As expected, we go into overtime for another twenty-minute period. No score. I’m grateful for the intermission, I need a breather before we go for another twenty. No shootouts in playoff hockey, we play until one team scores.

  Back in the net and the fifth period of the game starts. I can see that both teams are getting tired, b
ut Vegas seems to have lost all their momentum. Ski takes a pass from Seb, back to Ski, and then bam, in the net it goes for the win and Western Conference title. The entire team jumps over the wall and comes rushing to center ice, yelling and screaming and jumping all over each other. This is a feeling I’ll never forget. Both teams line up to shake hands, a tradition after a playoff series victory, once the other team leaves the ice, hanging their heads in defeat the trophy is then brought out onto the ice and we all yell and scream our excitement again. All the coaches and support staff including Mandy are on the ice to celebrate with us. Mandy comes sliding into me trying to wrap her arms around my padded body without success. So, I drop my helmet and gloves and pick her up, kissing her right there on the ice in front of everyone. This is my life, and I’m going to live it to the fullest.


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