Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 25

by Candace Blevins

  Tyler glanced at Viv and looked back to Johan. “She looked at me as she talked, letting me know she wasn’t trying to hide it. If she’d tried the ventriloquism thing, to attempt talking without my knowing, she’d be in ten times more trouble.”

  “She didn’t know you’d made arrangements to hear conversation on this side of the pool?”

  Tyler shook his head. “Let’s get her inside and get the rest over with, shall we?”

  Viv almost cried with relief when Tyler finally took the soap from her mouth, but soon discovered her mouth hadn’t been forgiven yet, as he placed three clothespins on the end of her tongue before inserting a bit and buckling the straps tight enough to pull her cheeks back.

  Soap still coated her tongue, teeth, the roof of her mouth, and the inside of her cheeks; and drool continued to flow from her mouth as and the clamps and ginger pieces were removed, and she was finally released from the stockade.

  “Grab your elbows behind your back and keep your eyes on the ground, my naughty slave. You don’t have permission to look higher than anyone’s feet.”

  Logically, Viv knew this was to keep the saliva flowing out of her mouth, so it wouldn’t choke her or make her sick. However, on an emotional level, Tyler’s wording hammered home her status – a naughty slave unworthy of looking higher than another person’s feet. She was property, with no choices, no rights.

  Viv wondered again what Tyler planned once they were in private. Their agreement allowed for multiple punishments with no safeword, but required at least twenty minutes between activities to the same part of the body. The exception to the rule was her ass, where he only had to wait five minutes. However, he’d given her four in rapid succession before — moving from ass, to pussy, to asshole, to breasts, with no time to rest or recover between.

  The primary thought in her mind was she’d have at least twenty minutes before he could punish her nipples again.

  When they entered the room he released her bit gag, removed the clothespins, and waved towards the sink. “You may rinse your mouth with warm water until the soap is gone. Take your time and be thorough. Use a glass if you want. Once you turn the water on, don’t turn it off until Sir Johan and I return.”

  Johan motioned his slave towards an empty corner. “Kneel in the corner, arms at your back and forehead touching both walls.”

  The men went into the bedroom and closed the door behind them, and Viv wasted no time running to the sink in the kitchenette and using a glass from the cabinet to rinse her mouth — over and over and over and over.

  She peeked at Anna a few times, kneeling in the corner with elbows grasped behind her back. The girl didn’t fidget or move at all; she looked like a statue. Viv couldn’t even see the motion of her breathing.

  The men returned, and the sounds of furniture being moved set Viv’s insides to fluttering once more, but she didn’t turn to look. She was still working to get the soap from her molars.

  When at last she was sure the soap was gone, even though the taste remained, she turned the water off but didn’t look behind her or move; Tyler hadn’t told her what to do when finished. She merely dropped her head and stood as she was.

  Tyler walked to her and made a production of looking through her mouth with a flashlight. He scraped his nails inside of her molars to be sure all the soap was gone, pulled her cheeks away from her teeth and ran his fingers along her gums, prodded between her teeth, and finally felt under her tongue. She felt like a horse. Or, an object, which she supposed was the point.

  When he at last turned the flashlight off he motioned towards a gynecological table. She wanted to say how much she knew she deserved this, wanted to apologize for challenging his authority, but he hadn’t given her speech privileges back yet so she silently walked to the table, climbed on, and settled her legs in the stirrups. He nodded but didn’t strap her in, and turned to help Johan, who seemed to be in the beginning stages of complicated shibari work on Anna.

  The two men took a long time encasing the other slave in rope and turning her into a beautiful work of art. When they finished she appeared to be lounging in a swing chair, albeit one created by a very clever spider. Anna was obviously deep in subspace, and Viv envied the woman the peace she knew the ropes could provide.

  Viv also realized Tyler intended to take a while punishing her, and she had plenty of time to think about her own dilemma while the men worked on the other submissive.

  Tyler stepped to Viv’s side and talked as Johan adjusted the gyno table. She’d been comfortably reclined, with the stirrups fairly low and not too far apart as she watched the shibari work, but he flattened the table, raised and spread the stirrups, and used rope to secure her torso and limbs.

  “You may speak to answer my questions, with no requirement to keep your answers short. Do you feel you deserve punishment?”

  “I do, Master.”

  “Please elaborate.”

  “I didn’t realize I was challenging your authority when I did it, but now, I realize….” She took a breath. “I’m sorry, Sir. I have no excuse. I was wrong, and I need correction and deserve punishment.”

  “More than you’ve already received?”

  Well, that was debatable, but, “It’s not my call, Sir. You’ll know when I’ve had enough. I’m your property, but I chose to belong to you, and I trust you to know when I’ve learned my lesson enough to keep from making it again.”

  Johan began placing clothespins on her pussy lips and Viv looked to Tyler in alarm, but didn’t say anything.

  “Since we have guests, I need to gag you, but only to keep words from forming, not for sound.”

  Viv nodded. “Yes, Master.” He wanted to be sure their guests didn’t see him ignoring a safeword, and Viv knew he was right to do so.

  Tyler angled the stirrups and Viv realized she’d be flogged on her sensitive pussy and inner thighs. She’d never been able to eroticize either place, and her insides quaked and quivered as her arousal level ratcheted as high as it would go. She’d be horny until it started, in anticipation of the helpless pain Tyler was about to put her through — pain she had no way to stop, because she’d agreed he could do it when her behavior warranted, and she’d just agreed her behavior had warranted whatever he saw fit to do.

  Johan’s unfamiliar fingers placed six clothespins on her right labia, another six on her left, and then the table was lowered until her ass rested just below the level of Tyler’s hips. Her Master threaded the dozen clothespins to the embroidery hoop and then pulled, tugged, and adjusted the twine until her lips were pulled out as far from her pussy as possible.

  The largest ball gag they owned looked like a wiffle ball, with more holes than plastic, but was huge. Viv could scream all she wanted, but would be completely incoherent. It always took him a while to work the gag in, and today was no different. Once it finally settled behind her teeth, he gently pulled her jaw down and ordered her to push her tongue under the gag. He released her jaw, trapping her tongue under the ball, and proceeded to run a rope through the ball and methodically attach it to the table on either side of her head. He pulled the ropes tight so she couldn’t raise her head, and her stomach somersaulted as she realized this meant he’d likely flog or cane her breasts.

  Tyler walked around her once, checking attachments to be sure they were secure, and fitting a finger between rope and skin in multiple places to be sure her circulation would be fine.

  He finally positioned himself below her, squid whip in his right hand, and leaned forward until their gaze met. “You know how much I love you, and you know how serious I take our power exchange. You deliberately broke a rule, and we must address it so you’ll think twice before doing so again. I’m not angry with you. I’m providing consequences so we can be sure you’ll be of a mind to follow the rules in the future.”

  He straightened and she no longer saw his face, though she could see where his raised arm was aimed. An almost apologetic voice reminded, “I love you, Viv,” and the cruel rubber flo
gger crashed into her right breast five times before moving to her left breast for another five vicious lashes. Tyler alternated five per breast until each had received fifteen, but Viv was frantic from the first strike. She hopelessly fought the bondage, screamed at the top of her lungs, and did her best to shout rainbow, but she couldn’t even begin to form the word with the huge gag filling her mouth and pressing her tongue. Her jaw had hurt before he started, but she completely forgot the ache during the assault on her breasts.

  Her Master didn’t give her a chance to catch her breath before he lashed her inner thighs with the horrible squid whip. She didn’t try to count this time — she knew he could give up to thirty per leg if he chose, and assumed he’d give her the max. Once again, she thrashed and fought, screamed and snarled, but he didn’t relent.

  He paused when he finished this time, and leaned in so she could see him, though he didn’t say anything. Viv had the distinct impression it was more about him seeing her, checking in to see how she was doing, than about her seeing him.

  The pause lasted mere seconds and Tyler lifted his arm, said, “One,” and lashed the sensitive skin of her spread open pussy with the same merciless rubber strands of the hated squid whip. He declared the number before each strike, and Viv tensed in fear for each unstoppable blow to her most sensitive parts. She couldn’t block it, couldn’t move out of the way, couldn’t communicate enough to beg him to stop — not that it would’ve done any good. She’d agreed to this, and if he stopped she’d be happy in the moment, but disappointed in him the next day for not following through on his promise.

  When the twelfth lash finally fell, Viv was a mess. She was certain her punishment wasn’t over, but was thankful this part seemed to be.

  Tyler and Johan worked together to remove the clothespins from her pussy, and Johan set the embroidery hoop to the side and helped free her legs from the stirrups.

  Viv was limp as the men began at her ankles and coiled the rope around her calves. They stopped as they reached her knees, so her legs resembled a mermaid’s fin, and Tyler promptly folded her in half at the waist, smoothing her legs straight so the rope circling her shins wasn’t far above her eyes. Johan connected a rope to something behind her head, and looped it into the rope at her ankles before tugging it back until her ass was lifted off the table and her knees were a few inches over her eyes.

  She didn’t know what implement her Master had chosen, but he didn’t make her wait long. She screamed at the impact, and instantly recognized the slap, burn, and shock of the heavy leather belt he wore with jeans as it traced a thick line of agony across both cheeks of her ass.

  He struck five times quickly, gave her a few seconds to gasp for air, and delivered another five without mercy. She’d lost track of how many he’d given when he said, “That was twenty, you have five more to go. These will be much harder, and I’ll give one every ten seconds.”

  Viv was lightheaded and in danger of passing out as the final impact finally landed. She hadn’t even been able to scream for the last two, as they’d taken her breath away.

  Tyler didn’t rub or soothe her ass, though he did walk to her face and cradle her cheek in his hand, and the moment of tenderness was a welcome relief in the sea of pain. “Johan is going to help me teach you another lesson while we give you a chance to recover before your final fifteen strokes with the cane. This part won’t hurt, Precious, but you don’t have permission to come.”

  Viv wasn’t even a little horny, but managed to keep from rolling her eyes at his words.

  She couldn’t see Johan through her legs, but he ran his hands across the backs of her legs where there was no rope, massaging closer and closer to her pussy until at last his fingers played with her pussy lips, and finally sank inside. By the time he made it inside, if she could have moved to encourage him, she would’ve.

  Tyler stayed above her head, soothing her with soft words, telling her how good she was doing.

  Viv felt an orgasm growing, but had no way to warn Tyler or stop Johan. She made noises to let them know, and tried to show Tyler with her eyes, but he only reminded her she didn’t have permission. Finally, when she was so close she was ready to cry for fear of falling over the edge, Tyler stood and Johan stopped.

  “You’ve had your allotted rest, and then some. Time for the cane, my naughty slave.”

  Viv was so horny she almost looked forward to the cane, and knew there had to be a catch because Tyler would never let her enjoy a true punishment. She was right, of course, and discovered the catch when the first cut sliced across the backs of her thighs. She didn’t know which cane he was using, but it felt more like a walking cane than a traditional rattan.

  She got a look as the second blow fell, and realized it was indeed a thick cane with a curved handle, and she wasn’t sure she could handle fifteen strokes. She fought her restraints harder than she’d managed yet, but it did no good — there was no way out, and no way to make it stop.

  When Tyler at last tossed the cane and came to her, he cradled her face once more. “Sshhh. It’s over, love. Only six strokes, not the full fifteen.”

  Johan disconnected the rope holding her gag to the table, and Tyler gently eased it from her mouth as Johan released her arms, torso, and legs.

  She was lifted into the strong arms of her Master and carried to the sofa, where someone had stretched a clean sheet. Tyler gently placed her on her side, arranging her head and upper arm on pillows to be sure she was comfortable. A soft blanket was tucked around her, and a drink with a straw held at her mouth. It took a few moments to work her jaw before she dared try to drink, but Tyler was patient and didn’t rush her. She finally accepted the straw and drank heavily, recognizing the sports drink Tyler so often used to rehydrate her after an intense session.

  The men were releasing Anna when Viv fell asleep, and when she awoke it was dark, and she didn’t seem to be on the sofa. She felt for Tyler and he moved as soon as she touched him, gentle hands reassuring and comforting her as his face came into view in the near darkness.

  “What time is it?” she asked as she realized they were in bed, and their guests seemed to be gone.

  “We have no early morning plans, so it doesn’t matter. How do you feel?”

  She hated waking in the night and not knowing the time, but Tyler insisted on unplugging the clock in the bedroom while on this part of their honeymoon, and she’d already argued the point more than she probably should have, so she answered his question. “Hungry, thirsty, and…” She paused as she searched for the right word, and finally settled on, “off-kilter. Sir.”

  Tyler disconnected her wrist cuff from the chain on the bed as he asked, “Hungry for a snack, or a meal?”

  “Meal, Sir. I want a plate full of fried eggs, and raisin toast soaked in butter.”

  “I’m inclined to trust what your body’s craving, so use the restroom if you need to, brush your teeth and hair, and pull your hair into a ponytail.”

  When Viv returned from the bathroom Tyler had her lay on the bed, told her she didn’t have permission to come, and proceeded to use his mouth on her until she was begging for permission.

  When she was about to come, whether she wanted to or not, he stopped abruptly, helped her up, attached a leash to her collar, and led her to an all-night diner.

  As they ate, he made her keep her hands clasped at the back of her head with her breasts thrust out, her back arched, and her knees spread wide. Orange slices went in her pussy before going in her mouth, and it seemed every time the fork left her mouth, he poked and prodded her nipples with it on the way back to the plate. He kept her riding the edge of an orgasm throughout breakfast, and when he tired of hearing her beg for release, he took her speech privileges. Her arms sagged once, but he pinched and twisted her clit hard enough she made sure it didn’t happen again.

  He requested a few disposable spoons from the server before they left, and when they returned to the room he cut the handle from one and had her use a fingernail file to sm
ooth the edge. She still wasn’t allowed to speak, and couldn’t ask why.

  When she’d sanded it to his satisfaction he had her recline on the bed and tuck her knees behind her arms. Viv instantly realized his intent as he settled the plastic dome over her clit and wrapped her labia around it. He inserted a plug in her ass, a dildo in her pussy, and constructed a rope harness to hold everything in place.

  Tyler led her around the resort on a leash, and insisted she walk in a graceful high step — and lashed her legs with the other end of the leash when he wasn’t satisfied with her performance. The plug and dildo shifted with each lift of her knee until she thought she might go mad with lust, but she couldn’t get any friction to her clit.

  After what felt like forever but was probably only around twenty minutes, he secured her neck and wrists into the same stocks she’d been in the day before and flogged her ass at the perfect speed and strength to bring her to orgasm. However, with no stimulation to her clit, and with constant reminders she didn’t have permission to come, the flogger turned the blazing fire into an inferno to rival anything Hades himself might build — but didn’t push her over the edge.

  When they prepared to leave the resort later in the evening, she still hadn’t been allowed to come, and had been kept on edge all day. Tyler waited until their luggage was packed and ready to be zipped before finally removing the rope harness, the dildo, and the plug, but he left the spoon shielding her clit. He had her don sexy boy-short undies and casual shorts, which she soon realized would continue to hold the spoon in place.

  He washed and packed the used items, draped her bra and a t-shirt over his arm, and motioned her to step into the flip-flops he tossed on the floor. “This portion of our honeymoon ends when we step through the final door and walk towards the plane, and not before.” He nonchalantly caressed his belt buckle. “Should you act up before we exit into the sunshine, you’ll be punished wherever we happen to be at the time. Grab the smallest rolling bag and walk with me, please.”


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