A.O.E.M: Dichotomy

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A.O.E.M: Dichotomy Page 3

by Aubrey Ross

  Turning from the sunset, she caught a figure out of the corner of her eye. The person ducked around the side of the bungalow. She rushed inside and locked the door, her heart pounding in her chest.

  Should she call the concierge, security? What if it had been Ray? She started for the phone. Ray wouldn’t have ducked out of sight. Someone was slinking around in the shadows and that wasn’t --

  A firm knock on the front door stopped her in mid-stride. Why had she agreed to come here alone? According to public records, no violent crimes had been reported on the island, but that didn’t mean none had occurred. Shit! She just wanted a few days of peaceful solitude.

  The intruder knocked again.

  Okay, pull yourself together. Criminals don’t knock. Do they?

  She crept toward the door, her mouth dry, her lungs burning from lack of oxygen. Leaning toward the door, she peered through the peephole. The man faced the ocean, the night breeze ruffling his dark hair. “May I help you?” she called through the door.

  “I was debating whether or not to approach you when you spotted me. I was pretty sure you were alone and I didn’t want to frighten you.”

  She released a ragged breath. Well, he’d failed miserably! “My husband’s in the shower. I’ll send him out in a few minutes.”

  “I just need to borrow one of those maps. Can you slide one under the door?”

  “Sure. Just a minute.” Chelsea retrieved her map from the bedroom and attempted to fold it as she crossed the living room. If he wanted in, all he had to do was smash the front window. The bungalows were secluded, no one would hear. She was either safe or she wasn’t. She couldn’t change the situation, and his story seemed reasonable.

  Flipping on the porch light, she eased open the door. Dressed in tailored slacks and a broadcloth shirt, he looked overdressed for the setting. His cuffs were rolled up onto his forearms and his shirt was unbuttoned at the neck; still she could easily picture him presiding over a boardroom or a court of law. Elegant, sedate, debonair, he emanated wealth and power.

  “Did you just arrive?” She stepped outside and let the door swing shut behind her.

  He smiled and Chelsea’s stomach fluttered. His eyes had appeared brown until he smiled. They were actually midnight blue. “It’s that obvious? Relaxing is not my forte. I’ve been dragged here under duress.”

  “I see.” She held the top of the map, while he angled it toward the light.

  “I wasn’t far off. We’re the next bungalow over.”

  “We?” The disappointment in her tone infused her face with heat.

  “My business partners and I.” He folded the map, his gaze never leaving her face. “There’s no husband in the shower, I take it?”

  Their fingertips brushed as he handed her the map. Desire curled through her belly, unexpected and intense. She cleared her throat. “Would you like to borrow a flashlight? It’s getting dark fast.”

  “I have my bearings now. Why don’t we enjoy what’s left of the sunset?”

  She glanced at the horizon. The vivid orange and crimson had faded to purple and gray. She could go inside and finish the book she’d started on the plane, or enjoy the company of this intriguing man.

  Not much of a choice really. “My name is --”

  He pressed his fingers against her lips. “No names, no small talk, nothing practical.” He made the word sound downright offensive. His gaze searched hers. “Tell me about your dreams instead.”

  Mesmerized by the deep timbre of his voice, Chelsea couldn’t look away. He traced her lips before moving his fingers to her chin. “I’m not sure I can do that.” She smiled. “I’m the curious type.”

  He took her by the hand and led her to the steps, ignoring the wicker furniture. She sat on the middle stair and he sat one up from her, his legs framing her body. He placed his hands on his knees, not touching her directly, just surrounding her with his heat. “If you could have a super power, what would it be?”

  This could be interesting. “Only one? I’ve just survived the most stressful year of my life. I deserve more than one.”

  “Sorry, you only get one.”

  “I want to be able to fly -- no, teleport, move instantly from one place to another.”

  “Curious and impatient, a challenging combination.” Amusement warmed his tone and made her want to snuggle back against him.

  “I’m not usually impatient. I just spent the better part of the day on airplanes.”

  “A necessary evil, even for many super heroes. The X-men have a jet, so did Wonder Woman.”

  The unconventional conversation relaxed her, soothed her far more than she expected. She wanted to feel his hands on her shoulders, his lips press against her temple. She wanted…

  “If you could have a mystical creature as a pet, which one would you choose?”

  “Pegasus, definitely.”

  He chuckled. “You really do want to fly. I would have guessed a unicorn.”

  She turned, resting one arm on his thigh. “I love unicorns. On any other day, that would have been my choice.” Moonlight revealed his face in high relief, accenting each angle. Maybe this island made people seem more attractive. Chimera meant illusion. Perhaps she was seeing what she wanted to see. “What about you? What super power most appeals to you?”

  “Invisibility.” He stood, drawing her with him.

  “Really?” She swallowed with difficulty. How long had he been watching her? He wouldn’t even tell her his name. “How would you use the power?”

  He cupped the side of her face, teasing her lips with his thumb. “I wasn’t spying on you. That’s not my style at all.” Taking a step back, he pulled her onto the porch and into his arms. “When I see something I want, I take it.”

  His mouth covered hers before she could reply. Firm and demanding, his lips slid and caressed. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her breasts against his chest. He traced her lips with his tongue, then dipped inside, stroking, exploring. He tasted of mint and something unique, evocative. Angling her head, she curled her tongue around his, savoring the exotic flavor.

  Panting harshly, he cupped her bottom with both hands and rubbed his erection against her belly. “Say ‘come inside me’ or say ‘good night’.”

  She chuckled, tension making her giddy. “Don’t you mean ‘come inside with me’?”

  “No.” He paused, nibbling at her bottom lip. “I said exactly what I meant.” His mouth hovered just out of reach, while his hands kept her pressed against his straining cock.

  “Tell me your name at least. We can’t --”

  He lowered his arms, his gaze suddenly shuttered. “Sleep well, Chelsea.”

  He slipped into the shadows before she realized he’d called her by name.

  * * *

  Grasping a stick of salmon-colored chalk, Delano completed the intricate pattern on the floor. Symbols surrounded the bed, waiting for the evocation. So few of the Dichotomy still possessed the gift of Discernment. He’d been proud of his gift, perhaps too proud. He’d taken his abilities for granted and failed Sam and Thane. The images and sensations unleashed during a Discernment were complicated and subjective. There were no absolutes.

  He couldn’t think about his brothers right now. He had to concentrate on Chelsea. She’d responded with compassion and humor, stirring feelings all but forgotten in Delano. He hated to agree with Ray, but Chelsea could be the one. Still, they had to be certain. It was best to progress in stages, and this was the next step.

  Spreading out on his bed, Delano controlled his breathing, whispered an incantation activating the symbols, and summoned Ray from the slumber state. Delano had guided others through this ritual many times, but he’d never actively participated.

  How does this work? Ray’s voice sounded within his mind. How real are the sensations?

  Everything will feel real to us. When humans remember the interaction at all, it seems like a distant dream. Or so I’ve been told by those who’ve mated after a successful D
iscernment. If the Discernment is unsuccessful, the human will remember nothing.

  Binding securely to Ray, Delano projected himself across the metaphysical plane. Isolating Chelsea’s energy pattern, he brought her bedroom into focus. Ray followed close behind, emanating awe.

  Delano let nothing distract him. He would savor Ray’s appreciation when they had more time. Establishing a link with Chelsea’s mind, he searched for the center of her emotions, the very essence of her personality. No artifice existed here, no inhibitions, just brutal honesty.

  I’ll open a path. Enter carefully.

  Ray communicated his understanding and insinuated himself into Chelsea’s mind. Delano waited, making sure she accepted Ray’s presence before he joined the meld.

  The Discernment identified potential and determined compatibility. Many humans were simply incapable of loving a Dichotomy.

  Ray knelt beside her bed, his hand cupping one full breast as he kissed her tenderly. Delano watched his twin, amazed that he felt no jealousy. She sifted Ray’s hair through her fingers and arched into his touch.

  In reality they would battle social conventions, customs, and moralities. If she accepted them in her mind, it improved the chances they could overcome her misgivings. If the essence of her personality rejected either of them, there was no hope for a true bonding.

  Delano stretched out on his side, slipped one arm beneath her neck, and guided her face toward him. Ray moved to her breast, sucking her nipple deep into his mouth. She smiled at Delano, parting her lips invitingly. Pressing his mouth over hers, he explored her lips before delving deeper. Her tongue stroked over his, curled around his, until Delano groaned.

  She’s the one, Ray panted. She has to be the one. She’s magnificent.

  Delano understood the desperation in his twin’s tone. Compatible mates were rare and wonderful. They would treasure, protect, and provide for her, if she could accept what they were.


  Descending to her other breast, Delano suckled with the same rhythm and intensity as Ray. She tangled her fingers in their hair, one hand on each head.

  Fingers. Delano sent the thought to Ray. We will only penetrate her with our fingers.

  Ray nodded. I have to taste her, but the rest can wait.

  As they licked and sucked their way along her torso, Delano hooked his hands under her knees. He pulled her legs up and back, parting her thighs as Ray moved between them. Ray’s golden hair created a striking contrast with her ivory skin. Delano’s gut clenched, his cock tightened painfully. Every molecule of his being longed for her, ached for the completeness only found with a true mate.

  Ray parted her folds and paused, allowing them to absorb the beauty of her dusky flesh and the creamy proof of her arousal.

  She wanted them. She wanted both of them.

  Ray licked her slit from back to front over and over. Delano watched her face, her uninhibited response to Ray’s ministrations. Her skin flushed, her nipples peaked and she cried out.

  Heat coiled. Desire pounded. Delano gasped for breath. They quickly traded places. Ray rocked her hips up off the bed, offering Delano her rounded ass. Delano parted her cheeks, circling her tiny anus with his finger, then his tongue.

  Holding her legs back with his forearm, Ray positioned his finger at the entrance to her pussy.

  Together! Delano urged. We enter her together. Show her what it means to be one. Ray pushed into her core as Delano sank into her ass. Oh gods, she’s hot! And tight.

  I need to be inside her, Ray moaned. I don’t think I can wait.

  No. Delano’s need was just as demanding, but their discovery could not be compromised. The Discernment is successful. She is compatible with the Dichotomy. Move with me, brother. Bring her release. If her mind retains this memory, it must be filled with joy.

  Ray leaned down and caught her swollen clit between his lips, circling and licking as he thrust his finger deep. Delano countered his speed and depth, pulling out as Ray pushed in. Chelsea cried out, her inner muscles squeezing rhythmically.

  Yes, sweet love. Give yourself over to the pleasure, Delano silently encouraged her, Ray’s mouth busy on her clit. She screamed, her back bowed, as they drew every last shudder from her trembling body.

  Chapter Four

  Chelsea sprang up in her bed, soaked with sweat and trembling. Pressing her thighs together, she ignored the tingling echoes of sensation. She was still dressed. No one was here. It had to have been a dream.

  Then why could she remember every nibble, every lick, every -- God, the dark stranger had fingered her ass while Ray… She had never imagined sensations like those existed. Just thinking about it made her body ache for more.

  “Oh, this isn’t good.” She crawled out of bed and hurried into the bathroom, splashing cold water on her face. It had to be the island. Something in the food or the air made her lust crazed. Sensible, conservative Professor Lamar would never allow two men into her bed at the same time. She didn’t have casual affairs much less --

  “Stop it.” She looked at her reflection and pushed her hair out of her eyes. It had been a dream, nothing more. Two very attractive men happened across her path and her subconscious happily took advantage of the stimulation.

  She’d hoped to sleep in, to awaken relaxed and refreshed, not horny and restless. Shaking her head, she shed her rumpled nightclothes and stepped into the shower. The cool water soothed her, but the slide of her soapy hands fueled her imagination -- or was it her memory?

  Refusing to give the dream any more thought, she donned the halter-top sundress she’d picked up on her way to the airport. Most of her wardrobe had been unsuitable for a tropical vacation, so she’d splurged. As she’d told Marissa, clothes were a weakness of hers.

  Trinkets and Truffles was within walking distance, but she needed coffee badly. Maybe the dress hadn’t been such a good idea. She could picture herself riding along on the Vespa with her skirt flapping around her face.

  A knock on the door interrupted her musing. Her stomach tightened as the memory of the dark-haired man materialized within her mind. She glanced through the peephole and a pang of disappointment replaced the tension building within her. Aurora Burton stood on the porch.

  Chelsea opened the door and her smile broadened. Ray stood off to one side. “Good morning,” Aurora said, returning her smile. “We were on our way to breakfast and wondered if you’d join us.”

  “I’d be delighted.” One of the dark green Jeeps was parked in front of the bungalow. “Can we stop by Trinkets and Truffles? I went there to buy sunscreen and got distracted.”

  Aurora poked Ray in the arm. “I wonder what distracted her.”

  “I can’t imagine.” He chuckled. “We’ll pass the gift shop on the way to the restaurant.”

  “Let me grab my purse.” After purchasing the forgotten sunscreen, they headed farther down the road. “Will your brother and sister be joining us?”

  “This is a vacation for Aurora and me. Delano and Evette have meetings scheduled every day. They’ll be free to socialize at night.”

  Suspicion tingled down Chelsea’s spine. “They arrived last night?”

  “Yes.” Ray glanced away from the road and met her gaze. “Why do you ask?”

  “I was just curious.” She stared into the distance. The road followed the coastline, affording a spectacular view of the ocean. Chelsea couldn’t bring herself to admit she’d spent time alone with a stranger, that she’d felt desire for a man who refused to speak his name. “What sort of business brings your family to the island?”

  “We’re investment capitalists,” Ray told her. “We’ve provided funding for a wide range of entrepreneurial endeavors.”

  “That’s a risky business.”

  “Not if you do your homework.” Aurora spoke from the back seat. “We fully investigate each potential client, analyzing not only the information they provide, but

  also objective data we collect on our own.” She went on, detailing the most rece
nt inventors Burton and Associates had financed.

  They chose a casual buffet and sat in a sunny courtyard. Chelsea was more interested in the lively conversation than the food. She sipped her coffee and picked at the contents of her plate, her gaze lingering frequently on Ray.

  “He’s still determined to do this box lunch social,” Aurora informed her.

  “And I think you should be there to support me.” Ray cocked one of his eyebrows in silent challenge.

  “Be there to watch you make an ass out of yourself is more like it.”

  He gasped in mock horror. “I think the dress is very becoming. I can’t believe you’d say such a thing.”

  “When is the auction?” Chelsea smiled as the image of Ray in the gingham pinafore flashed through her mind.

  “It begins at eleven in the bandstand.” Ray lowered his voice and leaned toward her. “Are you going to bid on me?”

  Chelsea laughed. “How will I know which box is yours?”

  “You’ll know.” He grinned. “Believe me, you’ll know.”

  * * *

  The bandstand sat in the center of a cluster of shops. Chelsea lifted her face to the sun and closed her eyes, enjoying the balmy breeze and the relaxed atmosphere. A small crowd gathered, sitting on the lawn as they waited for the auction to begin.

  “Oh-my-god.” Aurora’s lamenting tone told Chelsea what she would see before she opened her eyes.

  The participants filed out of one of the shops and sat in the chairs arranged upon the bandstand. Laughter erupted in the crowd, but Ray held his head high, smiling brightly. He wore a white tee shirt beneath the pinafore and white running shoes. A light sprinkling of hair covered his muscular calves and he’d fastened a blue bow in one side of his hair.


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