The Devils Dawg Pound

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The Devils Dawg Pound Page 5

by Annie Buff

  Poppy and Pretty Boy came outside so he could say a proper hello and introduce his woman to the Devil’s.

  “Smoke, thanks for coming.” Pretty Boy greeted the other President. “This is my Poppy and this…” he said as he rubbed her swollen belly. “This is mine. DNA or not, she belongs to me and Snowman needs to die.”

  Smoke extended a hand to both Poppy and Pretty Boy. It had been a few years since they’d crossed paths but once a brother, always a brother.

  “Good to see you again Pretty Boy, and very nice to meet you Poppy. Yeah, I agree on the whole Snowman issue. Women are off limits and if he’s coming after yours we gotta handle that as quickly as possible. Red and I are going to entertain your girl here, you look like you need to have a talk with my VP. He’s waiting and has a few really fucked up ideas.”

  Smoke had to chuckle, Renegade always had those types of ideas. It was the way he was built. Smoke often wondered what happened to him as a young man to cause this, but Ren never spoke of his past. They watched Pretty Boy and Renegade wander off towards Poppy’s gardening shed.

  “So, Red tells me it’s a girl, have you picked a name yet?” Smoke asked Poppy. “My wife and I have a daughter too, she’s two and her name is Nora. She was named after me, I was born Nero Xavier McAllister.”

  Poppy smiled, she had a name in mind but hadn’t told anyone, even Darius didn’t know. “I am still kicking around a few, I do need to make a decision soon though because in just four months she will be here. Please don’t let him get himself killed, no matter what his demons are I absolutely love that man and I have no idea what I would do without him.”

  Smoke had no intention of her Pretty Boy finding harm. Snowman however was an entirely different matter.

  Ren and Pretty Boy sat on the grass, both lighting up. “She is beautiful man, so let’s make her safe from this fucker. You got ideas where we can find him?”

  He did, there were a few whore houses that would give him refuge and Pretty Boy knew Snowman had a sister that might hide him. From what he had been told she hated her brother but he had a way of getting what he wanted. This time he was going to lose though. Poppy and the baby were his and no one was going to take them from him. “Yeah, got a few ideas of where he is. I dream of dragging him by his intestines while I’m doing eighty down the highway, fucked up right? I’ve done worse though so I guess that’s more fucked up.”

  Ren just grinned, remembering the demise of Juan Carlos Gomez, otherwise known as El Jefé. He enjoyed that kill more than he should have, but sometimes the kill was just fun.

  “Not that fucked up man,’ Ren assured him, “I’ve done some shit that anyone else would have puked doing, so I get you. Probably more than anyone else does. I’ve been through some seriously fucked up shit myself.”

  Pretty Boy had a feeling he and Renegade had lived through similar childhoods but neither of them asked, and neither one volunteered any unnecessary information. Nobody but Poppy knew the gory details and no one else needed to, that was something he kept to himself. Red knew some, and the brothers made their guesses but they didn’t have any facts.

  Smoke and Red took Poppy to her obstetrician appointment while Pretty Boy and Renegade went scouting. It was just a routine appointment for a weight check and her doctor was finally happy she had stopped throwing up and was gaining a few pounds. He still wanted her to gain, she was at five months and had put on less than ten pounds.

  The Hunters

  Pretty Boy took Ren for a ride into town, he wanted to show him his warehouse playroom. There was still blood on the floor from his last kill. He did a piss poor job cleaning up. He noticed a fingertip that was in the corner of the room. He needed someone like Ajax around to keep him out of jail.

  Ren looked around smirking, he could see the fun that had transpired in here. He knew Pretty Boy was paid for this fun. Ren just did it for enjoyment, but whatever their reason they were very similar.

  “This is where I want him.” Darius said referring to the lone chair in the center of the room. It looked eerily like an electric chair with the leather straps for restraint. Renegade saw cords, knowing somehow he had juice running to this chair.

  “He won’t be leaving here alive, it may not even be in one piece, depends on my mood at the time.” He stood starring at his own torture chamber. Lately he hadn’t used it much, but thinking of Snowman in that chair brightened his day.

  “I’ve loved her since the second I met her, never thought she would actually be mine. Now that she is I have to protect her. You know what I am, no one has ever been able to calm the beast inside me. Poppy does that and I have no idea how.”

  Ren nodded, he understood in a way. Since the first time he saw his raven haired beauty he felt more at peace. He still admired from afar but his day was coming soon too.

  “Your beast doesn’t scare her. I saw how she looked at you and that beautiful girl is completely yours. She’s different, like she sees you in places you don’t want to show her but she can see them anyway. Like somehow she gets you to tell her things you’d never speak of and she doesn’t ask. You just can’t help it.”

  Pretty Boy just shook his head. Renegade has just described his relationship with Poppy completely. She was everything he said and then more on top, but more than anything she was his love.

  He and Ren left the warehouse, riding by the places that Snowman had used as refuge in the past. The neon green and yellow signature Harley was nowhere to be found so they kept riding, stopping at the Gray Bar for a drink before heading home. Pretty Boy wasn’t avoiding going home, he was just annoyed not being able to find Snowman quicker. A drink would calm him, going home to his pregnant woman in a bad mood was not a great idea.

  “My mother was a prostitute, never gave me much in the way of love. I started running errands for the Mob in Chicago when I was ten. Lenny the Butcher was the one who looked after me. That in itself should explain everything.” Ren was staring into his drink as he spoke.

  They were alike in many ways, but even where they differed there was an understanding. Pretty Boy didn’t share his story, but he assumed Ren had an idea of his past.

  Poppy ordered pizza, not really being in the mood to cook and not knowing when her man would return. Smoke along with Red kept her company most of the day.

  “You think he took Renegade to the warehouse?” She asked Red as she counted cash for the delivery kid.

  The look of utter shock was almost comical. Red had no idea she knew about where Darius did his extracurricular activities.

  “Yes I know all about that old warehouse. I followed him one night, it was before we’d had sex the first time and I actually thought he was going to see one of those prostitutes he used to go to. Believe me, when I realized what it was I felt really stupid. Please don’t tell him I did that, he would consider it a breach of trust and I couldn’t handle that.”

  Smoke nodded along with Red. Both Presidents agreed it was something to be kept quiet.

  “Sweet girl that boy hasn’t even looked at another woman since the day he met you.” Red explained. “I’m pretty sure he fell in love from the first smile. Never worry about him being faithful, trust me Poppy he is completely in love with you. There will never be another woman.”

  Poppy knew he loved her. The night she’d followed him she hadn’t been one hundred percent sure. Now she had absolutely no doubts.

  Pretty Boy and Ren had rolled up silent in case Poppy was napping, she had taken to an afternoon nap more frequently as her pregnancy progressed. He could hear her talking about the night she’d followed him, he knew already. This wasn’t the kind of life you let someone follow you and not know about it. The only thing he didn’t know was if she ever went back and let herself inside. That was a question he needed answered.

  He let Ren go first, walking in just a second behind him. It was just long enough for the conversation to change. Pretty Boy went straight to Poppy kissing her cheek. He never arrived home without bringing her a kiss
on the cheek.

  “Wanna go sit with me outside for a few minutes? I need our time.” He extended a hand and she graciously accepted it. The time he referred to was about thirty minutes, it was there before dinner talks, kisses and sometimes just hugs without words.

  They sat on the bench he had made for her by her garden, Pretty Boy put his arm around her and pulled her in close. He wanted to feel her lips on his. He was aware they were probably being watched but his shyness was waning. After several kisses he wanted to talk.

  “Did you ever go inside that warehouse?” Poppy almost fainted, he knew and she was in major trouble. How was Darius ever going to trust her again, she was shocked he wasn’t yelling at her. Even more shocked he hadn’t walked out and said they were done.

  “Poppy I knew that night you were behind me. I’ve done this way too long to not spot a tail. I ain’t mad sweetheart, I get it. You weren’t sure about us, I hope to fucking God you are now. But did you go inside? Please Poppy, I gotta know.”

  “No, I never went back. I felt really stupid after I figured out where you went. Please don’t hate me. I’m so sorry Darius.”

  “Promise me you’ll never go inside, you don’t need to see what happens in there.”

  Poppy nodded, she really didn’t want to know what he did in there. She had an idea and that was enough. He pulled her back into his arms, this time kissing her forehead. There was no way he could ever hate her, she was everything to him.

  He proved it to her that night, they made love slow and sweet. The way he wanted it, not rushed. As her body enveloped his he gave her deep, gentle thrusts. They were the kind he did their first time, and he never broke eye contact with her. She had to see the utter devotion he had for her. As Poppy hit her peak so did Darius. Clawing the bedsheets and groaning through each pulse of his cock as he jetted into the woman he couldn’t live without.

  Mister Clean

  The next morning Poppy sat with her coffee watching the sun come up, listening to the quiet when a Harley came screeching into her driveway. The man on the bike was terrifying. His shaved head was covered in tattoos along with most of the rest of him, he had a ring in his lip, hoops in his ears but the thing that struck her most was his eyes. One was green the other was hazel. His legs were as long as she was tall and he was a wall of solid muscle. The man had to be six foot five. He turned off the key and grinned at her, dismounting from his bike.

  “Pretty Boy up yet?” he said to her. This had to be Ajax. Red said he was scary and he wasn’t lying. But she was a biker’s girl so she stood and reached out her hand.

  “I’m Poppy, nice to meet you. I’ll assume you’re Ajax. He’s making breakfast, come on in.” He followed her in and when he saw Pretty Boy cooking he couldn’t contain his laughter.

  “Fuck you Ajax, my woman needs food.” He said as the brothers embraced, but the newcomer was still chuckling. The rest of the men greeted him, seems he was well known, just not well liked. It didn’t seem to faze Ajax in the least, he had a job to do.

  Poppy took over cooking breakfast so the men could talk, they were on the porch but with the weather being nice she had the windows and doors open. She heard most of the conversation and as they were discussing where to look it hit her. Michael had a hunting cabin up north, they went once for a weekend and Poppy was fairly certain she could find it again. Darius needed to know.

  “Hey guys I think I can help. Michael took me up north once, he said it was his Dad’s old hunting cabin. It’s not far from here, maybe two hours and I’m almost sure I can find it again. If not I can get you close, then it’s up to you.”

  Pretty Boy just smiled at her, she had helped more than she would ever know. He just had no plans to tell her what would happen to Snowman once they had him in that chair.

  The electrical in the warehouse had been severely upgraded. With the amount of voltage he had running to the chair it was necessary, or he’d blow the whole grid. If that happened people would ask questions and that usually meant the cops. Cops were something he didn’t need snooping around, especially when he did a shitty clean up from the Mark he’d had in there.

  “Your girl is smart Pretty Boy, I want her.” Ajax joked with both of them. Women were a distraction he didn’t afford himself. He had to stay on his game, and females were generally needy. At least the ones he had known in the past were so he just didn’t bother.

  “I see you’re still smoking that funny stuff.” Pretty Boy joked back, watching everyone’s faces. They all saw Ajax as an asshole, and he was to an extent. Pretty Boy just understood him in an odd way. Ajax was about the job, he never had a MC to be loyal to. So he was loyal to himself and to a few others including Pretty Boy.

  “Okay boys, eggs, bacon and pancakes are ready and on the table. There’s coffee and OJ, get a plate and do not make a mess in my house!” Poppy instructed the men as they filed into the dining room.

  Red chuckled as he went for his breakfast, he saw the mother hen coming out in her. Even with him it was apparent, she would be dishing out antibiotics and a pain pill as soon as he had food in his system.

  Ajax took his plate, thanking Poppy for the food and went out to the stoop. There were too many people for his liking inside so he found some solitude.

  As he finished his food he heard the screen door open and shut. Tiny feet were coming, Poppy. She sat herself down next to him on the porch steps.

  “Hi, you didn’t have to eat out here. We had plenty of room at the table.” She didn’t know him yet, so she didn’t understand his need to be alone.

  “I like to be alone, don’t bother me none. I’m used to it, this ain’t a job where you make friends easy. People like me, we don’t have get togethers. Don’t do weekend barbeques, we just do our thing and hope to stay out of jail.”

  “Well not here you don’t, see I get that you aren’t liked. I saw them, saw how they looked at you when you walked in. But this is my house and Darius is my man so I say you’re welcome here anytime you want to be here.”

  He had to internally laugh, this tiny little woman ran the show. That was apparent by how she commanded all these very alpha men.

  “Darius huh? Well we all got named something by our Momma’s. Just can’t look at him and see Darius.” Ajax smiled as he told her.

  She did, and she wondered if Ajax would share his name with her. Seemingly reading her mind, he let her know the answer to the unasked question.

  “Don’t ask, ain’t nobody call me that anyway. That guy died a long time ago.”

  “Okay, maybe later; but I have another question. How do you deal with what you see when you clean up from whatever they do. Darius has hinted at what he’s done and yuck!”

  He grunted a laugh. He had seen some very grizzly things but it was all part of the job. “Family owned a slaughter house, ain’t nothing gross after growing up in that business.”

  She nodded, that explained how he was able to do what he did and not get physically sick. Poppy struggled to get up off the step. Her belly had grown enough that it was harder to move around. Ajax was on his feet helping her up.

  “Thank you, I have dishes and you guys probably need to do man stuff like scratch and grunt or something.” She giggled as she headed in but his voice stopped her.

  “Noah.” Was all he said to her but she completely understood, that was his name. Poppy turned around and walked over to him, reaching up and forcing him to bend down as she kissed his cheek.

  “Thank you Noah, nice to meet you.”

  The Chase

  The next morning they loaded into the trucks and headed north to where Poppy had been with Snowman. She watched the scenery change from high desert to pines. The trees up here were something she had always loved. One day she hoped to be able to live up here, it was peaceful and serene.

  Darius drove, keeping his left hand on the wheel and his right holding on to her. He had a feeling that knowing how close Snowman could potentially be was more stress than she needed. And he was certain s
he knew what was going to happen when Darius found him.

  As they came upon civilization he heard her stomach growl. They had left too early for breakfast and she needed to eat. They all could use some food and coffee so he pulled into a little no-name café and stopped.

  “Need to get her fed. Anyone else want food? I’m buying.” Pretty Boy announced.

  Those were the magic words, they all piled into the café. Darius noticed Ajax smile and take the chair on the opposite side of Poppy and he laughed. Big, mean Ajax had gone and gotten himself tamed by a little woman. He almost couldn’t wait to see what came next.

  Red, Smoke and Renegade discussed a plan of attack if Snowman was indeed at the hunting cabin.

  “Prez,” Renegade added his preference, “we should do it like we did when that asshole was squatting in your cabin, park and walk in. I say let me go scout first, see if he’s even there and then we can go in.”

  Smoke had to agree, going in on foot would be the best way. He explained to the table what Ren was referring to and how they took down that particular problem. Ren noticed a sour look coming from Pretty Boy.

  “No worries brother, I’ll personally make sure his ass is strapped in that chair of yours. Then it’s party time.” Ren told him with an evil grin.

  Pretty Boy knew Poppy was right there listening, but he also was aware she understood he was going to kill Snowman. She just didn’t need to know how he planned on doing it.

  With breakfast over the caravan went further up the road until Poppy recognized an old closed down gas station.

  “There!” she yelled, causing Darius to hit the brakes and make a hard right. “This is where we turned, I’m sure of it.”


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