As soon as the small jet landed in Fergus Falls, the paramedics entered the plane to assist in loading Rebecca into the waiting ambulance. Within minutes, Rebecca, Dr. Sal, and Lindy were on their way to Lake Regional Hospital, where Rebecca’s mother anxiously awaited her arrival. Lindy made Grace and Emily promise to go back to Emily’s house. She would call with a status report as soon as she had any news.
As Emily and Grace came into the dark kitchen of Emily’s house, they were flooded with emotions of the past few weeks. They made it as far as the kitchen table before they both collapsed in deep sobs. They cried for the lost dreams of tomorrow for Rebecca and her weak, fragile body. Grace made a pot of coffee and offered to go over to pick up the Christmas puppy, Linus. Perhaps this cuddly little dog could help them pass the hours of waiting that they knew lay ahead of them.
Grace heard Linus barking and lots of giggles as she rang the doorbell at the Brooks’ home. When Warren opened the door, he told her that he was surprised that they were already home. He stopped in mid-sentence as he looked into Grace’s eyes. He asked, “What happened?”
All Grace could do was to fall into his arms, as once again the deep sobs overwhelmed her. He held her, rubbing her back and softly whispering in her ear that he was here for her. After a few minutes, Warren led Grace to the sofa and offered her a glass of water. After a few sips of water and some deep sighs, Grace told them what was going on. The girls sat quietly listening to Grace tell them that Rebecca might be dying and what a comforting presence Lindy had been to all of them. The girls promptly offered to continue to watch Linus. Grace decided that with all the chaos of the next few days, that was a great idea.
Warren walked Grace back to Emily’s front porch, where they lingered for a few more moments. He reached for her, and she fell comfortably into his warm embrace. Finally, her hands gently reached for his face and she kissed him. Then without a word, she turned and walked quietly into the house. Warren remained in place for a few minutes, trying to understand what had just happened. For whatever reason, he knew that Grace had just opened his heart, which had been tightly closed for a long time. As he walked back to his house, he knew that his life was about to change.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Rebecca’s Challenge
Upon arriving at the hospital, Rebecca was given a battery of tests. Her oxygen level remained dangerously low, as well as her pulse and respiration.
Lindy stayed with Rebecca while Dr. Sal went to turn in the medical records he had brought from the cruise ship. Then he called his parents in Chicago and explained that he was in Minnesota. He told his disappointed mother that he would be delayed for several days.
Sal found Lindy in the hospital café, staring into a cup of coffee. The exhaustion of the last few days had finally taken its toll on her. Sal slid into the booth beside her and cradled her in his arms. Lindy simply rested her head against his chest and wept. After a little while, they walked back to the ER, where they were told to wait for the attending doctor to return with the test results. Lindy called the house and told Emily that this might be a long night and that they should go to sleep. She promised that as soon as she knew what was going on, she would call regardless of the time.
After a two-hour wait in the ER waiting room, a nurse arrived to inform them that Rebecca was being moved to ICU and that her mother would be waiting for them in the ICU waiting area. Lindy and Sal walked down the hall in silence, thinking the news was not good.
As they rounded the corner, they saw Rebecca’s mom waiting for them. Lindy ran to her. A nurse led them to a small, dimly lit private room. Sal chose to wait in the open waiting room and not intrude. Monica explained that she still had no information and feared the worst. While they waited, she asked Lindy to tell her all about the cruise. To their amazement, they sat laughing about the cruise and all the fun they had. Monica thanked Lindy for helping Rebecca enjoy these last precious days with her best friends.
There was a soft rap on the door, and two young doctors and a nurse entered the small room. The grim look on the faces meant that this was not good news. After reviewing all of the tests, which included an MRI and CAT scan, it was determined that Rebecca had severe heart damage, her kidneys were beginning to shut down, and the seizure might have caused irreversible brain damage. The prognosis was very poor, and they did not expect Rebecca to survive the next forty-eight hours. They did not believe that she would regain consciousness.
One of the doctors asked if she had prepared a living will. Calmly, Monica advised them that no extraordinary measures were to be taken. Rebecca wanted to pass away in peace and dignity. Lindy agreed as Monica signed papers stating her decision.
The nurse took them down the hall to the ICU area. Monica, with Lindy at her side, entered the small dark cubicle where Rebecca lay. The only noise came from the beeping of the monitors. Aside from the oxygen mask, Rebecca looked as though she was sleeping and at peace. Lindy reached for Rebecca’s right hand, while Monica held her left hand. For a moment, they simply looked into Rebecca’s pale and gentle face. Then very softly, Monica began to pray the Lord’s Prayer as she gently rubbed her daughter’s hand. Lindy joined in and felt as though her heart was breaking.
The nurse appeared after a short time and told them that they should go home and get some rest. She promised to call them if there was any change. Together, they walked down the dimly lit hall back into the waiting area. Lindy saw Sal sleeping in a chair in the corner. When she woke him, he took Lindy’s hand and agreed it was a good idea for her to go home and rest.
With very little discussion, Lindy decided that they should all go back to Emily’s house. Monica quickly agreed, saying that the thought of being alone tonight was just too much to bear. Lindy assured Sal that they would find a place for him to sleep as well.
When they pulled into the driveway, they saw that the kitchen lights were still glowing and it had started to snow. As they walked into the warm, cozy kitchen, they could smell the coffee and saw a mound of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies spread over the table. Both Grace and Emily turned in silence before they rushed to give Monica a hug. The rest of the night was spent talking about the cruise, eating the cookies, and drinking pots of coffee.
When the telephone rang at 7:00 AM, they were all still awake. Emily answered it and said that she would make sure to pass the information on to Monica. The news was better than it had been last night. Rebecca’s condition had become stable, and they had even detected some eye movement. The attending doctor, Kevin Tolzman, had asked to meet with the family at 9:30 AM to discuss what options were available for Rebecca. Monica insisted that all of the girls come with her to hear firsthand what was going to happen.
At 9:30, they were anxiously awaiting Dr. Tolzman’s arrival. Each of them visited Rebecca in the ICU for five minutes. They understood how serious her condition was.
Dr. Tolzman was a tall, young doctor with a compassionate tone to his deep voice. Slowly he reviewed all the test results and Rebecca’s current vital signs. He held Monica’s hand as he told her that he had also reviewed Rebecca’s living will. In order to honor her very specific requests, there would be no extraordinary means used to keep her alive. However, he felt that she was comfortable and pain-free at this time, and the staff would do everything possible to keep her comfortable. He then told Monica that the next few days were critical; if she survived, he could recommend a nursing home, seeing as there was no hospice facility in Fergus Falls.
Lindy asked if it was possible for all of them to be with her at the same time. Dr. Tolzman nodded and told them to follow him. As they entered Rebecca’s dark cubicle, they quickly gathered around her bed. Each of them gently rubbed her arms, hands, or legs. Monica leaned over and put her hands on Rebecca’s pale face. Then she whispered to her that they were all here for her. One by one, they told her how much they loved her. Each of them tol
d her why she had been so special in their life. Softly, Lindy began to sing “Amazing Grace.” They joined in perfect harmony as they sang through their tears. As they finished, the nurse arrived to advise them that she needed to take Rebecca down for one more MRI to check for brain activity.
They left Rebecca’s cubicle as they had entered, one by one in silence. Then they all left the hospital together. Once they were outside in the cold Minnesota air, they broke down in uncontrolled sobs of agony. How could this happen so quickly? Why now after they had all come back together and found true friendship? The drive back to Emily’s was painfully silent.
Once they were settled back in the kitchen, Sal announced that he had rented a car and was leaving in the afternoon to head to Chicago. He promised he would return to them if they needed him. Lindy drove Sal to pick up his rental car and have a private moment. He told her that he knew that the days would be painful. He also told her that her strength would be a source of comfort for Monica and her friends. He felt strongly that God would give her whatever she needed to get through this difficult time with grace and understanding.
As they embraced and kissed, Lindy asked when she would see him again.
Sal softly lifted her face to his and said, “Anytime you need me, I will be here. Chicago is not that far away, and I will do whatever it takes to be at your side. Lindy, before I leave, you need to understand that I am completely in love with you. This is not a quick shipboard romance. I intend to come back for you. I believe that we are meant to be together, and my goal is to make that happen. So, my sweet Lindy, be prepared to be romanced, loved, and a permanent part of my life in the future.”
Lindy was speechless. All she could do was smile, nod, and tell him that she was looking forward to his romancing. As his car pulled out of the parking lot, he waved and told her would be back soon. Lindy stood smiling and crying at the same time as she watched Sal’s car disappear onto the highway that would take him to Chicago.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
The Homecoming
Almost all of the next few days were spent at the hospital for the girls, each taking turns to be with Rebecca for a short, five-minute visit once an hour. Emily and Lindy had talked Grace into going back to work. When she was not at the hospital, Monica slept in Rebecca’s room at Emily’s. Every time she walked into the room, she was amazed at how it had perfectly captured Rebecca’s love of life and music. She felt a special peace as she slept there, knowing the loving care that had gone into this special place for her daughter.
It had been four days since Rebecca had been admitted. Dr. Tolzman advised Monica that although they had found some brain activity on Rebecca’s last MRI, his recommendation was that she be transferred to Pioneer Nursing Home by the end of the week. He told her that the staff would make the arrangements and give her more details about the transfer.
Monica came back into the ICU waiting room looking shaken as she told them about what Dr. Tolzman had recommended. She sobbed as she told them that this was not how she wanted Rebecca to leave this earth. Although the nursing home was a good place for many, this was not where Rebecca should be. What if she woke up? How could Monica explain to Rebecca why she had allowed this to happen?
The answer was simple, but the problems they faced to make it happen were massive. Lindy worked for two days to make sure all of the arrangements were made to have Rebecca transferred to Emily’s house. Lindy signed documents stating that she would be Rebecca’s primary nurse and a temporary nurse had been hired to fill in the times that Lindy needed to sleep. Seeing there was a do not resuscitate order, the rest of the issues had already been resolved. Monica planned to stay with Rebecca in her peaceful room.
Finally, the ambulance pulled into Emily’s driveway to bring Rebecca home. The little elevator proved to be a wonderful solution for getting her upstairs. Quickly, Rebecca was in her own bed surrounded with her love of music and all those whom she loved.
They took turns being with her, bringing their coffee mugs and meals to her bedside. They talked constantly, laughed about all of their adventures over the years, and prayed with her. They wiped her face with a cool washcloth and brushed her beautiful hair. They played her favorite songs and sang. They simply wanted Rebecca to feel their presence and for her to know that she was loved.
Monica was sleeping on the chaise lounge in Rebecca’s room when she awoke to a strange sound. She sat up to see if Linus, Lindy’s puppy, had once again snuck into the bedroom. Instead, she saw that it was Rebecca making the sound. She yelled for the others to come. Rebecca lay there, wide-awake. She looked as though she had just awakened from a long night of sleep. She stretched and coughed as she tried to raise herself up. Monica told her to lie still until Lindy came to help her. Rebecca wanted to know how she had gotten here, as her last memory was on the cruise ship.
All at once, there was chaos as Emily, Grace, and Lindy came running into the bedroom. They stopped short and stared in amazement at Rebecca’s pale blue eyes and her smile. Rebecca cleared her throat as she softly said, “Well, girls, you have some explaining to do. How did I get from the ship to my bed without knowing it? Why do all of you look so surprised? What is going on? Lindy, talk to me.” They gathered around her bed as Lindy told her all that had happened the last week. She finished by telling her that they never left her side through the entire ordeal.
Rebecca had tears in her eyes as she told them that she had, indeed, felt their presence. She told them that she had been dreaming of floating through a blue sky and seeing Grandma Ruby waiting for her with her arms outstretched. She felt freedom, joy, and great peace. She felt herself soaring in and out of clouds that made her feel warm and loved. Then she looked up into each of their faces and asked, “Did you sing “Amazing Grace” for me? I heard it so clearly. Did you know that I sang along with you? We had such perfect harmony, and the words were dancing around me.” Grace told Rebecca how they stood beside her bed, each of them touching her as they sang to her.
Lindy left to call Dr. Tolzman and tell him about the miracle that was taking place at Emily’s. He told her that he would come over and that he needed to talk with Monica. He arrived ten minutes later. As Emily showed him into the living room, she was shocked by the grim look on his face. She expected that he would be happy that Rebecca had come back to them. Yes, he was wrong in his diagnosis, but he should be happy for the surprise recovery. He quietly asked for all of them to gather so he could talk to them together.
Monica was the last to enter the room; for the first time in a week, she had a smile on her face. Dr. Tolzman cleared his throat; he really did not want to tell these special women what he had to tell them. “Well, I am so glad that Rebecca is in this lovely home, surrounded by her mother and friends. However, I need to tell you that this is probably Rebecca’s final hours. The medical books do not have a solid explanation for this, but it often happens just before death. The body has one final rally. It is as though the patient wills herself to be awake and spend the last few moments of life with her loved ones. Some who have faith call this God’s final gift of life. Scientists have tried to prove otherwise and cannot seem to find a physical explanation. Regardless, I am here to tell you to not waste one precious moment that you have been given. Say what you need to say and have no regrets. I am officially off duty for the next forty-eight hours but would like to stay here with you.”
Monica said that she knew that this was God’s last gift to Rebecca while she was on this earth. “Let’s use every moment to celebrate Rebecca’s life and time with her. I think each of us should have some alone time with her. Emily, will you go to her first? Let us not waste time with tears; we will have plenty of time for that later. Now is the time to share joy with her.”
As Emily climbed the stairs to Rebecca’s room, her legs felt heavy
. Before she reached for the doorknob, she took a deep breath, brushed her tears away, and put a smile on her face. The visiting nurse had helped Rebecca to sit up with the help of piles of soft pillows. Her hair was brushed, and she wore a new blue, satin nightgown. Emily thought to herself, She looks like an angel.
Rebecca patted the side of her bed and asked Emily to come sit with her. As Emily grabbed Rebecca’s hand and looked into her sweet face, the tears began. It was Rebecca, who dried her tears and tried to comfort Emily. Softly, Rebecca told her that she knew that she was dying and that it was perfectly okay with her. “God has given me a preview of heaven, and I am happy to be going there. I have never felt such peace before. I am so happy that I have faith in him and that I know the joy that is waiting for me. I know you will be sad and miss me. I will miss you, too. I want you to know that I know you will be an important woman. You are blessed with gifts of leadership. Use them well and make me proud. Your life has been a painful journey, and you will have the opportunity to make this a better place for others. I have valued your friendship. You have given me the gift of fortitude. You have been my example of how to move on when I thought I could not move one more step. I thank God for the day, so many years ago, that he brought us together. Be at peace and know that I will be your joyful guardian angel.”
Then she squeezed Emily’s hand and told her to go bring Grace to her.
When Emily came into the living room, they were all amazed at the look on her face. Instead of tears, they saw a gentle smile. Emily looked relaxed and at peace as she told Grace that it was her turn to go to Rebecca.
Grace left the room without a word and ran up the stairs to Rebecca’s room. Rebecca saw Grace standing at the door, and she lifted her arms to receive Grace’s gentle hug. Rebecca asked for a sip of water. After she drank a little, she turned to Grace and began to speak. “I don’t think I have ever told you, but Grace is the perfect name for you. You are full of God’s glory and show his love through your gentle and kind ways. Fergus Falls was always meant to be your home. I know there were times when we all left you behind and that it was painful for you. However, look at what you have done for Fergus Falls. It is so much more than your delightful clothing store. You have given Fergus Falls spirit, laughter, and happiness. During the long winter nights, your bright talents have made people come to be entertained. You use your talents so well.
Sisterhood Of Lake Alice Page 22