Saving Samantha

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Saving Samantha Page 5

by S Cinders

  She suddenly felt her nightgown being raised and in a few moments was as naked as Henry had been when she had entered his room.

  His mouth captured hers once again after tossing her night clothes aside, but this time his hands found her breasts.

  Samantha hadn’t felt that her breasts were very sensitive and didn’t understand why they were sexualized in the book that she had been given. It wasn’t until his callused hands began their ministrations that she began to change her tune.

  He pinched her nipples to the point of pleasure pain and then soothed them. Breaking his kiss, he bent and took one into his mouth sucking hard. Her hips flew up as her core ached to be filled.

  “Henry,” Samantha cried out as she clutched his head to her breast.

  He smiled and paid the same careful attention to the opposite breast.

  Samantha was panting, her core dripping wet and begging to be touched. She didn’t realize that all of the moans were now coming from her, but Henry did, and he loved it. It would seem that her passions would be a good fit for his own.

  He slipped a hand to her thigh, and she parted hers—it was beautiful.

  “Please Henry, do something, please,” Samantha’s writhed in his arms.

  “You don’t know how much I love hearing you say my name. Just tell me what you need.” His eyes glittered dark and dangerous.

  “I don’t know,” she whimpered.

  He laughed, “I don’t believe that for a second, especially coming from the woman that broke into my room and watched me pleasure myself.”

  “Touch me,” Samantha demanded, “Touch me in my secret place where no man has ever been before.”

  “And no man ever will—save me,” and then he slid his fingers into her wet curls. “You are soaked, my darling.”

  Samantha couldn’t speak, this was nothing like touching herself. She thrust her hips up at his dancing fingers, but he stayed on the surface teasing her, learning her folds. Finally, he slipped one thick finger into her core and penetrated her.

  “Yes,” she cried out, thrusting frantically, not caring what she looked like only knowing that she needed more, wanted more from him. “Please, Henry, I need… I need…”

  “I know what you need darling,” he soothed, taking moisture from her aching core and coming back to her pulsing clit slowly he began to circle it with his thumb, then he continued with fingering her core but this time sliding two fingers into her tightness. It wasn’t more than a few moments before she went spiraling over the edge. Her nipples hardening into diamonds as her core released her pleasure all over his hand.

  His tortured chuckle brought her back, “You need to breathe, darling, come now, take a breath.”

  Samantha sucked in a long breath, as his fingers slowly eased her down, small contractions still wreaking havoc on her system. “I didn’t know. I couldn’t have known.” She tried to focus on his face, “Is it always this way?”

  Henry gave her a teasing smile as he pushed a sweaty lock of hair off her cheek, “No. I truly have never seen anything more magnificent in my life.”

  Samantha flushed having her words thrown back at her.

  But before she could respond he lowered his head to whisper, “And that was my fingers, imagine what it will be like when my cock is filling you up .”


  “Whatever is the matter with Samantha?” Freddy ventured to ask his wife Lucy the next day after he had tried on more than one occasion to speak with her about a new gelding.

  Lucy hid a smile before taking her beloved’s arm into her own, “Is there something amiss with Sam?”

  “Yes, by Jove,” his third chin warbled disconcertedly. “She not only was not attending me at all, but then when I asked if I should pick up Hollingsworth's grays she said it would be just the thing. And everyone knows that Hollingsworth’s grays are short on the instep. It was a trap that she should have seen coming a mile wide. I am telling you Lucy that the girl is dicked in the nob. If I didn’t know better I would almost say she was acting as if she were twitterpated. Although who could possibly catch her eye here I cannot fathom.”

  Lucy’s eyes danced with mischief, “Can’t you, darling?”

  “What?” Freddy’s eyes locked on her’s. “Never say that Sam is lovesick, I won’t believe you.”

  Lucy laughed merrily, “I shan’t say that, for I do not know if it is true. But I do feel that there is something of that nature in the air.”

  Disbelief was written clearly across his face, “Never!”

  Lucy leaned up and kissed his florid cheek, “Do not count her out. I shall not say any more on the subject, but I do believe that our little Samantha may have been bitten by the love bug.”


  Juliana frowned at Eden, “How is it that you have arranged for a game of hide and seek and I am partnered with the Duke? Did mother put you up to this?”

  Eden smiled innocently, “Of course not dearest, I thought that since you had a prior acquaintance that it would be a good fit. Is that not the case? I could always rearrange the teams.”

  “You could place me with just about anyone else and it would be more comfortable, just please do not make me hide with the Duke.”

  Eden nodded knowingly, “Certainly, I had no idea you were so afraid of the man.”

  Juliana did not like the idea of her sister in law thinking that she was afraid of anyone, least of all the Duke. “I am NOT afraid of the Duke, I simply prefer the other gentlemen’s company.”

  Eden’s lips twitched, “I see. And he is not so very handsome after all, I would be something of a chore to be saddled with the Duke.”

  Juliana bristled, “The Duke is very handsome, as you well know. Anyone should be honored to spend time in his company. It is only that I do not wish to, that is all.”

  “Say no more,” Eden rushed on, “I know how some men are intolerable to be around, arrogant and mean spirited. My goodness darling, I would not wish that on you for the world.”

  “Eden!” Juliana exploded, “The Duke is nothing of the sort, he is perfectly amiable and lovely to visit with. He is very good looking and perfectly kind. Why are you going on so?”

  “Perfect!” Eden grinned, “Then the teams will remain as I have placed them, I am so very glad that we had this talk. I must be off now, I have so many things to do before the game begins. Would you please gather up Samantha and meet on the south lawn no later than two?”

  Juliana stood there with her mouth flapping. She had been expertly outmaneuvered and could do nothing but snap her jaw closed, and pray that the Duke had suddenly taken ill.

  But at a five to two, when she and Samantha found themselves walking onto the south lawn the first person she saw was a very healthy and hearty Duke who didn’t like any more pleased to be her partner than she was to be his.


  Eden announced the rules to all of the guests. The teams were to be as follows, Juliana and the Duke, Samantha and Mr. Harris, Lucy and Freddy, Miss Vivian Pressmiser and Ian, Miss Evelyn Cumberbatch and Jacob, the Dowager and James which left, Phillip and Eden,

  James did not seem overly excited about escorting the Dowager of Lancaster about. But Jacob felt James clearly got the better end of the stick, where as his partner had barely left the school room and was unfortunately still mostly covered in spots.

  Terrible thing, spots, especially when they were so very rampant as they were on Miss Cumberbatch's face.

  Samantha hadn’t dared look Mr Harris in the eye and Juliana was still fretting over the Duke thinking she was out to trap him. So, it would seem that the only teams that were happy with their partners were the married folks.

  Lucy’s younger sister Vivian was paired with the Duke’s younger brother Ian. He had taken one look at the vivacious blond and scowled so deeply that she had promptly burst into tears.

  Jacob tried to switch partners which only offended Miss Cumberbatch who flushed a violent shade of red or perhaps she had been that color
originally with the spots it was really hard to tell.

  Eden told them all that they were not allowed to switch or quit and that they had five minutes to hide before she and Lord Phillip were coming to find them.

  For a moment, no one moved.

  And then Eden said that if they could not figure this game out they would play it every afternoon until the houseparty ended.

  Suddenly, there was a flurry of activity as the couples went racing in all different directions.

  Henry grabbed Samantha’s hand and they fairly flew out of the south garden toward the cliffs.

  “Are we going to the house?” she asked, thinking that it might be wise to double back.

  Henry shook his head, “No, I saw a cave not far from here, they will never find us there.”

  Samantha grinned, “Sounds perfect, lead on then”

  Henry was stunned for a moment. The sun shining down on her hair, catching highlights of burnished copper and gold, her eyes dancing. She was so trusting and carefree. He cared so much about this woman in such a short amount of time. How could this be so? And yet he knew it with every fiber of his being.

  Samantha’s smile dimmed, “What is it?”

  Henry shook his head, “Nothing, you just looked magnificent is all.”

  A warm flush graced her cheeks and she glanced shyly back at him. He took her hand once again and off they went to find the hidden cave.


  The sounds of the sea were much louder as they descended to their hiding place.

  “This is perfect,” Samantha said in wonder.

  Henry took her arm, “Watch your step now.”

  She allowed him to help her over the pointed rocks. The cave was indeed small and dark, but as they turned the corner it opened up to be much larger.

  “My goodness, however did you find this place?”

  Henry flashed her a winning smile, “I have been spending a lot of time in the area.”

  Samantha tilted her head, “Is this for that spy business?”

  Henry stifled a laugh, “Something like that.”

  She frowned, “I don’t like the fact that you could get hurt at any moment.”

  In a moment, Henry had caught her in his arms, “It is what I do, darling, do not worry over me.”

  Samantha replied in a low voice, “I cannot help but worry. I didn’t want to like you, you know.”

  Henry kissed her forehead, “I am a dastardly fellow.”

  Samantha smiled despite herself, “When that horrible nickname came out, I wanted to blame you.”

  Henry’s grip on her tightened, “I would never bring you sorrow, please know that. I tried to stop it. It seemed the harder I tried, t he further it spread.”

  Samantha tipped her face up and Henry saw that she was smiling.

  “It doesn’t matter,”she said.

  “It doesn’t?” he repeated, not really understanding.

  “No,” Samantha answered. “I am glad it happened, because it brought me closer to you.”

  “When all of this business is said and done, Samantha, there are many things I will be wanting to say to you.” Henry’s eyes were dark and serious. “But for now, I want you to promise me that you will remain safe and stay inside the Duke’s estate as much as possible.”

  “Whyever would I want to do that?” Samantha asked.

  “Yeah?” Another voice added, “Why would she want to do that?”


  Henry eyed the Frenchman and inwardly cursed himself three times the fool. Why he had thought to bring Samantha here, he would never know.

  Henry hadn’t supposed in a million years that the smugglers would be out in the light of day, and even more shocking that they would be bold as brass and approach them.

  “I beg pardon, sir, but, you are on the private land of the Duke of Bilkshore,” Henry chose his words carefully. “Is there anything amiss or that we can assist you with?”

  The man wasn’t as tall as Henry, but he was stocky and mean looking with coarse clothing that indicated he hadn’t much use for the finer things.

  “I don’t rightly care whose land it is, Gov,” the man smiled, and his rotten teeth turned Samantha’s stomach.

  She turned her face into Henry’s shoulder and felt Henry’s arm tightening around her.

  “I see,” Henry answered tightly, “Well, I shall need to be escorting this fine lady back to her party. We will bid you good day, sir.”

  In a flash, a flat nose, bulbous revolver came ripping out of the baser man’s coat, “Not so fast, Cap'n Harris.”

  Henry’s eyes flashed, so the man knew who he was, and was armed. In the same instant, Henry was able to push Samantha behind him. “Your quarrel is with me, I assume, not with the lady, let her go, and we can discuss the matter like gentlemen.”

  The other man laughed, “And allow her to sound the alarm? You must find me daft. No, Cap’n I shan't think that we shall be lettin’ the pretty thing go anywhere. She is a bit tall though, ain't she?”

  Samantha fumed, “I am not overly tall—you are just a trifle bit short! I will have you know that there is nothing wrong with my stature, sir!”

  The man’s eyes widened in delight, “And here I had put you down for a milk water miss . She has spirit, right and tight.”

  Henry sighed, “And then some, Mr…” he paused realizing that he didn’t know what to call their detainer.

  “Rigal,” the man supplied. “I know your name Cap'n’ but what of our lady friend?”

  “Miss Stretch,” Samantha supplied without missing a beat.

  Henry choked.

  Samantha continued, “How is it that you look French and even have a French last name, but you speak like an Englishman?”

  Rigal smiled again, “Taken a fancy to me, haven’t you miss? But it won’t serve, I have a lady bird already. Although, I must say you are a taking creature, just the same.”

  Samantha swallowed the urge to wring his neck, “Charmed, I am sure. I am certain she counts the moments until you return. However, you didn’t answer my question.”

  He wrinkled his brow and then itched his cheek with the edge of his revolver, “What was it? Oh, right! Well, I was born in France and lived there until I was four, but my parents were forced to come back to England. Once here my father was impressed into his Majesty's army and killed shortly after. My mother did not survive long without him—being a woman and not having a very good constitution and all.”

  Samantha looked at him in horror, “So, who took you in?”

  Rigal looked at her in confusion, “Took me where?”

  “When you were a child. Who took care of you after your parents were killed?”

  Henry laid a hand on her arm to steady her.

  Rigal gave a bitter laugh, “There are those out there that prey upon children in the streets. Those are not times that I wish to remember.”

  Samantha shrank against Henry, “And that is why you betray your count ry. Goodness, b ecause it betrayed you.”

  Rigal stood tall, “I do not betray France— m ake no mistake of that.”

  She closed her eyes softly before opening them a trace of wetness on her lashes, “I didn’t even think about the reasons why some would do the things they do. Life is not black and white, is it? There is not a clear right and wrong in every circumstance. For what it is worth Rigal, I am terribly sorry about what happened to your father and mother.”

  Rigal shifted unsteadily on his feet, he waved the gun about nervously, “Thank you, Miss, but I cannot let you go. You do understand that, don’t you?”

  Samantha nodded, “Most certainly! But I shan’t be any trouble, I assure you. What is it that you would like me to do?”

  Henry looked at Samantha to Rigal and then back again in astonishment. This is not how hostage situations were supposed to go. It was almost as if they were about to order tea and break out a package of cards for a game of cribbage.

  “Now just a moment here,” Henry began because so
meone had to be the voice of reason.

  Samantha looked at him in astonishment, “Why are you taking that tone?”

  “Is he always this superior?” Rigal interjected.

  “Goodness, I certainly hope not,” Samantha added, “I’ve just been getting to know him, and I rather like him.”

  “I am right here!” Henry barely controlled the urge to stomp his foot like a child. This was not how things were supposed to go!


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