Della let out a breath. “Ah, Saints, no, Allegra.
“They sold me as a pleasure girl, she said dully. “Or a wife, I guess. Eventually.
“Are you saying youre married?
“Yes. She drew in a breath. “So you see, I cannot dine with that lovely boy who would have melted my heart twelve days ago.
“Allegra, wait. Della laid a hand on her arm. “If you were taken to Jazid, sold as a slave and married against your will, none of thats legal.
“It doesnt matter. Another man has had me. The succession rules wouldnt allow my betrothal to Aron.
“Dont be certain, Della said. “Dawnfield heirs have married widows, especially in the days when men died so much more often in war. She pushed her hand through her gray hair. “Nothing like this has ever happened. Ive no idea what applies here.
“I need to see King Jarid as soon as possible. She hesitated, unsure how much to say. Della was a kings advisor, but Allegra didnt even know what to tell Jarid. “Its about something else, though.
“I cant say. Im sorry.
Della considered her. “Who beat you?
“It was just a tussle.
“Those bruises may be fading, Della said quietly, “but I can tell. It takes more than a tussle to do that kind of damage.
Allegra remembered how Yargazon had dragged her across the carpet, his brutal determination. “I fought with a man who works for my husband. He caught me trying to run away. In a low, angry voice, she said, “I left him chained and gagged, with his head split open.
Della looked at a loss for a response. “And your husband?
“He might be looking for me. Im not sure.
“What about that boy?
“He was orphaned in the war. She sat back, fatigue settling into her. “He was traveling with my husbands men. Ive promised to take care of him.
“What does your husband do?
“Heswith the army.
“A soldier?
“Not exactly. Allegra wasnt sure how it worked. The army answered to Markus, but Yargazon commanded them. “He travels with them.
“The life of an army tender is no way for a boy to grow up. Della regarded her with puzzlement. “If you were with the army, couldnt you ask an officer from the Misted Cliffs for help?
It took Allegra a moment to untangle what she meant. Of course. Emperor Cobalt had taken command of the Jazid army and added two thousand of his own men.
She said only, “There was no one I could ask.
Della thought for a moment. “To have the marriage declared illegal, we would petition Cobalts government in Jazid.
Allegra could imagine the political turmoil that would ensue if the king of Aronsdale asked the Dawn Star emperor to void the marriage of Jazids fugitive prince regent.
“Its not that simple, she said.
“Tell me, Della urged.
“How do you tellWhen a man Allegra stumbled with the words, clumsy in talking about this with someone she didnt know well. “If you lie with him, and theres pleasure Her face burned. “Why do I feel terrible? Why do I want to run and shout in anger? I didnt, in that moment
“That he aroused you doesnt mean it wasnt rape, Della said.
“He stopped. When I said no.
“Then why are you angry?
Allegra took a breath. She told Della what had happened, sparingly, with nothing to reveal Markuss identity, no names, no mention of Ozarson. In constrained sentences, she described the days from when the nomads caught her until she escaped. Sometime during it all, tears started to run down her face, a release she hadnt known she needed until it happened.
When Allegra finished, Della exhaled. “I cant claim to have answers to something this complicated, she said. “But you have every right to be angry. Its not surprising you responded to him. He rode with you for days, always touching you in sexual ways. The nomads drugged and starved you, even withheld water. Its no wonder you were dazed. Then you were completely dependent on this man for food, shelter, even sleep, none of which he provided properly.
“Sometimes I wanted to rage, Allegra said. “But other times She thought of Markus lying next to her, his body silvered by the starlight, of the strength, the intelligence, the leader she had seen in him, of the admiration she fought so hard not to feel. “He was beautiful. I wanted to touch him. See his smile. Hear him say how good I make him feel. She gave an embarrassed laugh. “Have him stare in shock when I insulted him.
Dellas expression gentled. “Maybe under other circumstances, the two of you could have met without anger. But he put you in an intolerable situation. He cant force you to become what he needs.
Allegra brushed the tears out of her eyes. It was a relief to talk to Della. Her confusion remained, but some of her anger had eased. “I just cant see Prince Aron.
“Ill talk to him. The last thing you need right now is another man pressuring you. She paused. “Ive known Aron all his life. I doubt hell care that you had this marriage before him. All I ask is that you dont shut out the possibility. Della rubbed her eyes. “Im old, Allegra. I served as a kings advisor to Jarids grandfather and now to Jarid. The Suncroft healer is a blue mage, but shes older than me. Arons mother is the only other mage here who can do green or greater spells. None of the guild apprentices can go beyond gold. We need someone young to carry on afterafter were gone.
Faced with that painful declaration, Allegra couldnt refuse her. “I understand. Yet saying that much felt wrong, as if she were offering something she no longer had to give. Even if she never saw Markus again, he had left an indelible mark on her life.
“Allegra? a boy said.
She looked up with a start. Ozarson had opened the door and was standing in its archway.
“Goodness, Allegra said. “How did you know where to find me? You shouldnt be here. Both the guild mistress and Marnie had made it clear that only women were allowed in this part of the guild house.
“I heard the cook talking to some girls. He stood tensely, his hand gripped on the doorknob.
Della looked from Ozarson to Allegra. “I think it will be all right for him to spend just a few minutes here. She smiled at Ozarson. “Will you be all right in the stable tonight?
“Yes. He said only one word, but it crackled with tension, also a hint of the regal authority he would someday wield. His excitement from earlier in the day had vanished.
Della stood up and laid her hand on Allegras shoulder. “Ill see what I can do about an audience with Jarid.
“Thank you. Allegra rose, as well. “For everything.
Ozarson stepped aside as Della left. Then he came in and closed the door. “Will you go to the castle with that man?
“I told Della I couldnt, Allegra assured him. “That I was married. When alarm flashed on his face, she said, “Della thinks my husband is a tender with Cobalts army.
His posture remained stiff. “And me?
“I said you were an orphan who lost his parents in the war. Is that all right?
He seemed as if he were balancing on a cliff. He came over and stood by the table, resting his palm on it. His fingers flexed until he was gripping the wood and tendons stood out on the back of his hand.
“And you? he asked. “Will you go with these people?
“Go with them?
“To the castle.
Suddenly she understood. This boy had lost so much, the people he loved, his family and title. His future. She laid her hand on his. “I would never strand you. What happened with Markus and me has complications, but I will never leave you alone. I swear that to you, as your regents consort and as a mage.
He stared at their hands, and his shoulders slumped as if he finally had release. Looking up at her, he spoke in a lighter tone. “The cook told me we could go to the kitchen for a snack.
A smile softened Allegras face. The settled lands could plunge into war, with battles and magic blazing across the desert, but Ozarson would want to eat first. “Well get a snack, I promi
se. She waved him in the direction of the stable. “ After we wash up.
“I can use the pail of water in the stable. He looked inordinately pleased with the idea.
Allegra spoke warily. “Why is that particular pail of water such a fine idea?
He regarded her innocently. “Thom is there.
“Who is Thom?
“The stable boy. A wicked grin spread across his face. “Ill bet he needs a bath, too.
Allegra could just imagine. She held back her laugh and gave him a stern look. “When you come back here, young man, I want you cleaned up. Not covered in mud and hay.
“I will! He was off before she could say more.
Allegra disliked leaving Ozarson in the stables at night, but he clearly wanted to be on his own. He and Thom got on well, and the other boys father had no objection to Thom staying with him. He promised to check on the boys later. The idea of having a friend his own age, without adults monitoring his every move, seemed so new to Ozarson, it tore at Allegra. So she made herself go to her own room. She wondered how everyone would feel if they realized the coveted Shadow-Dragon king sought by the warlords of half a dozen countries was snuggled in the loft of an Aronsdale barn that some optimistic person had dubbed a stable.
Up in her room, Allegra practiced spells. The green one she had made earlier had drained her, and she only managed to light a candle before exhaustion settled over her. It would be a while before her gifts returned fully, but they were healing.
Worn-out, she tumbled into the first bed she had slept in for days and let slumber take her.
The stable was empty.
Neither stall contained Shadow, nor were there two young rascals anywhere in evidence. Morning light filtered past the doors and drew a ruddy glow from leather saddles hanging on the walls. The scent of hay filled the air, rich and pleasant. But no boys and no horse.
Allegra walked out into an area of hardpacked dirt where Thom had probably walked many a horse. The stable was set back from the guild house, and a meadow stretched from here to the main building. A cluster of girls was sitting in the grass with an older woman, and light-pictures of flowers hazed the air above them. Allegra smiled, remembering how she had drawn such pictures when she had been young, learning from an elderly yellow mage in the village of Spindle Vine how to mold light with her spells.
The girls were laughing and chattering, but they fell silent as she approached. She was glad she had changed into the tunic and leggings the guild mistress had offered her last night, so she no longer looked scruffy.
“My greetings, Mistress Allegra, the woman said, a motherly type with a cheerful smile and gray peppering her yellow hair. “Welcome to the guild.
Allegra thanked her. If they recognized her, chances were they also knew why Della had arranged for her to come. It was awkward, given the situation, but she couldnt say anything. So she just said, “I wondered if any of you had seen the boys who slept in the stable last night.
That evoked a round of giggles, which didnt bode well. Girls in Aronsdale were nothing like those in Jazid. If they felt inspired to bedevil the boys, they would have no qualms about indulging the impulse.
“Young ladies, the woman said sternly. “What did you do?
“They were making a lot of noise, a girl with a mop of gold hair said. “Running around, tussling and shouting and laughing. So we She paused for effect.
The woman frowned at her. “You did what?
Another girl with innocent blue eyes said, “Why, we gave them a bath.
Allegra groaned. She couldnt imagine what Ozarson would do if a gaggle of girls attacked him with buckets of water. It was so far outside his experience, he had probably been dumbfounded into just standing there, gaping.
“And where did the young men go after this tumult of yours? Allegra asked. The situation would have been funny if she hadnt been so worried.
“What does tumult mean? one of the younger girls asked.
An older one snickered. “It means we chased them, and they ran back into the stable.
“They arent there now, Allegra said.
“Oh, they came out on the big horse, the girl said. “The new stable boy with black hair was riding it, and Thom was sitting behind him, holding on. The new boy yelled Hai at us like he was some great warlord or something, and off they went.
That sounded like Ozarson, fending off a wild pack of warrior moppets. Allegra tried valiantly to appear stern, since laughing would only encourage them. “Do you know where they went?
The girls shook their heads, and the teacher looked apologetic. “I suspect the boys rode out to the hills. Thom often does that to exercise horses for our guests.
“Ah. Well, thank you for your help, Allegra said.
The walk out of town didnt take long. As Allegra strolled through the meadows below the castle, a cloud drifted over her, its shadow moving along the ground. She could see a large horse on a distant hill, nibbling grass. Two boys were sitting nearby, one with black hair and the other with yellow.
She paused, torn between checking on Ozarson and leaving him alone. Were he any other boy, he would be fine. Even if he had been a stable boy, no other horses were in the stable, and Shadow probably did want exercise. If she went over there, it would look odd. But he wasnt any other child, and she feared to leave him even in situations that for another boy would be perfectly normal.
He needs to know what its like to be nine. She prayed silently to Saint Azure, the patron of children. Please let him have this time. Let him know some tiny part of childhood before his life takes it away from him forever.
The castle stood above her, golden and out of reach. Two people were coming down the hill, a tall man who looked like a bodyguard and a girl of about fourteen with dark, straight hair and a violet tunic that fluttered in the wind. Allegra waited, uncertain if they were headed to Crofts Vale.
As they reached Allegra, the girl inclined her head. “My greetings, Mistress Allegra. Im Sky Dawnfield. My father wishes to see you.
Dawnfield? Saints above. She was Arons sister. The royal family did Allegra great honor, sending one of their own. She bowed to Sky, hoping she was using the proper protocols. “Im privileged to meet you, Your Highness.
Sky lifted her hand toward the castle. “Shall we go?
Allegra glanced at the distant hill. Ozarson and Thom were running after each other and tumbling in the grass.
“Is that the boy who came with you? Sky asked.
Allegra nodded. “Im worried about leaving him alone.
Sky peered at the hill. “He looks fine to me.
“Im sure he is, Allegra said, as much to convince herself as anyone else.
She started up the hill with Sky, nervous tension coiling within her.
The Receiving Hall was long and elegant. Its walls gleamed with mosaics in gold, ivory and crystal, and arched windows graced one long wall, drenching the room with sunlight.
Allegra waited with Sky and the guard as her fathers retinue approached from the far end of the hall. The four guards with him wore Dawnfield colors, white, gold and violet. The king dressed more simply, in a white shirt, dark trousers and knee-boots. His face had classic lines, with his straight nose and high cheekbones.
Sky resembled her father, whereas Aron had the tousled brown hair and fresh-faced quality so often seen in the Tallwalk Mountains of his mothers home. Jarid was more reserved, less open, less sunny. Although he had the pale complexion common in western Aronsdale, his straight black hair, streaked with gray, evoked the Jazid influences in his Dawnfield lineage. As he drew closer, Allegra realized he had violet eyes, the same as her own, unknown except in southern Aronsdale. She was startled to see a heavy scar that ran down his neck from his ear.
She sank down on one knee and bent her head.
“Please rise. Jarids voice was oddly hoarse, as if he rarely used it. He never gave speeches; his wife, or more recently his son, always did the honors. Allegra had never thought much about it, but hearing him,
she wondered if he found speaking difficult.
The king smiled at his daughter. “Thank you, Sky. Ill see you at dinner.
Sky nodded and left them, her footsteps quiet on the gold and white tiles. Jarid lifted his hand, inviting Allegra to walk with him. They strolled down the hall with the five guards.
“Della says you wished to speak with me, he said.
She wondered what else the mage mistress had told him. “Its about the past few days.
He glanced at her. “I understand you were betrothed to a Jazid man. Against your will.
Although it had been kind of Della to pretty it up, Allegra didnt want to mislead him. “I was kidnapped and sold to him as a slave. We werent married until later.
He drew her to a stop, his gaze flaring with anger. “We have a treaty with Jazid. The late Atajazid DAz Ozar and I signed it, and the government installed by the Misted Cliffs swore to uphold it. Any Jazid nomad who enters Aronsdale and abducts our citizens is committing a crime punishable by time in prison.
She grimaced. “I dont think the nomads or my husband care.
“The marriage isnt valid, Jarid said firmly. “We can dissolve it.
She regarded him uncertainly. “How?
“We will present the case before the court Cobalt established in Jazid. They would also bring in a Jazidian judge. Your husband will be called to testify, as will the nomads. When she started to shake her head, he said, “Yes, I know, they will swear you wandered into Jazid. Well deal with that. He regarded her steadily. “I will tolerate no one kidnapping my subjects. Nor will I allow them to abuse one of my strongest mages, a woman personally called to the castle by my own House.
His vehemence startled Allegra. She had feared he wouldnt believe her, but he seemed to understand exactly, which made her suspect she wasnt the first woman kidnapped this way. But what he described could never work. If she went to a Jazidian court and accused Markus Onyx of abductiona man who was supposed to be dead, and who had a price on his head if he turned up aliveit would inflame an already explosive political situation. And of course, the entire matter of her kidnapping Ozarson would arise.
“Your Majesty. She spoke cautiously. “Im deeply grateful for your support. But the situation hascomplications.
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