A Darkening of Magic: Chosen Saga Book 0.5

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A Darkening of Magic: Chosen Saga Book 0.5 Page 3

by J. L. Clayton


  Years had passed, and my life did not seem as bleak now that I had a companion to spend my nights with. She challenged me in every way.

  “Hey, Crispin, look what I found!” She pointed at something behind her.

  I walked over to where she was pointing and noticed a hidden compartment behind one of the large bookcases. I peered inside the section to find a panel that was slightly ajar. I reached in to open it all the way, but Nicole startled me.

  “Hey,” Nicole grabbed my waist, making me jump. I glared at her. She giggled and said, “What if your hand gets cut off or something? Are you sure you want to be doing that?”

  I gazed at her blankly. “I am very sure.”

  Without waiting for her reply, I reached in and pulled out what was inside. I stared down at an old, dusty book.

  “Really, as if this room didn’t have enough books already?” Nicole muttered.

  “As long as they are good books, then one can never have too many, Nicole,” I chided.

  I moved the fragile book over to the table under the light.

  “It must be something really important to be hidden like that,” she chirped happily.

  I nodded, brushing off the dust and cobwebs. The book was small and thin, with only ten pages, and bound in leather. Magicae Nigrae was inscribed on the cover.

  I looked back up at Nicole.

  She shrugged. “Black Magic? Well, go on, open it and see what all the fuss is about.”

  Grinning at her approval, I opened the book, instantly thrilled to have something forbidden in my hands.

  Masculine handwriting covered the first page.

  This is a book of black magic and whoever cast the spells within the pages of the dark arts must be prepared for the backlash upon their soul.

  “So, what does it say?” she asked, trying to read over my shoulders.

  I shook my head and pulled the book away from her, opening the next page and reading the first spell. It was an immortality spell. My body hummed with excitement. There was no doubt in my mind that I was going to cast this spell. My soul was already damned.

  I turned to her and said, “Let’s do this.” I pushed the book under her nose. I knew the only way possible for this to happen was with her help.

  She gave me a funny look but took the book and read the spell. She frowned and turned the book back to the first page.

  “I’m not doing this. Did you read what could happen if you tried a spell like this?” She looked at me incredulously.

  I grabbed the book back. “Fine. If you will not help me, I will do it alone.” I glared at her.

  “Really, you are going to do that spell no matter if I help you or not?” She folded her arms.

  I nodded, feeling subdued. I would find a way to do this, with or without her.

  “Fine, I will help you. Give me the book, and I’ll find the ingredients you need.”

  Skeptical, I watched her move about the room.

  What if she betrayed me like my mother did my father?

  “I can trust you…right?”

  She bit her bottom lip. “Yes, Crispin, you can trust me.”

  I scowled. “Good, because I would hate for us to no longer be friends.” For some reason, I felt like I had to warn her. “My father has taught me a lot of things in my sixteen years of life. One is how to kill someone that betrays me. That is, after all, what he did to my mother! She lied to him, stole his money, and ran off with another man, but the worst part was when she came back and tried to kill me. That is when my father had no choice. He killed her and protected me.” I furrowed my brow. “So, if you ever betray me, Nicole, then your fate is sealed…just as my mother’s.”

  She clutched her chest and took a step back. With a shaky voice, she said, “Wow, Crispin. Am I wrong or did you just go on autopilot?"

  “What do you mean?” I put my hands behind my back.

  I did not want to kill the only friend I had.

  “Never mind. You just sound like him…but that’s why you said it that way.” She sighed, “How about we compromise? You tell me what I need to get you for the spells and the book stays with you? That way, you will be able to trust me.”

  I exhaled and nodded.

  She touched my shoulder. “Crispin, I’m not your mother, and I would never do that to you.”

  I smiled and wrote down everything I needed for the four spells I wanted: Immortality, blocking, unleashing, and remembrance. The last one caught my eye.

  Nicole said she would get me all the items I needed. Four weeks went by. She came to see me every day like clockwork, bringing each item I needed. It felt as if she was dragging the process out, and my suspicions were right when she asked one day if I was sure about casting the spells.

  “Yes, of course I am.” I crossed my arms.

  “I was hoping you would have changed your mind by now, but I see that isn’t going to happen.” She shook her head.

  I smirked. “Then your eyes are working for you nicely.”

  She huffed out a breath and handed me the four candles I was missing. I grinned, took them from her, and quickly placed the candles on the table.

  “Now, I can begin,” I announced, turning to face her. “I will do the unleashing spell first. The book states that whoever casts this spell will be able to unleash the untamed magic within themselves. If I am to understand this book correctly, I will not need any of the other materials you have brought me. The only time I will need the items provided is for this first spell.”

  She shook her head, and playfully shoved me. “Then why did you need me to gather up this other stuff if you didn’t need them?”

  “Because, Nicole…” I studied her.” I am unsure if I am correct in my assumption, and I would rather have the items just in case.”

  She nodded, and I began the ritual. I took a white piece of chalk and drew a four-pointed star on the floor. I then placed all four candles around the star in a semi-circle.

  I laid a black piece of cloth in the middle of the star. Taking several deep breaths, I stepped into the makeshift circle. I sat down on the cloth and crossed my arms, feeling a high of some kind take over. Slowly, I lay back and closed my eyes. A whopping sound chimed out as my back touched the cloth. I opened my eyes and saw a black hue encircling me.

  “Nicole,” I said eagerly. “Would you please light the candles after I call out the color?” I ordered, looking at her.

  She nodded with wide eyes. I grinned, and the spell began.

  I started to chant the incantation:

  “I seek only the magic buried deep within my soul. I ask only of one thing from the beneath, simply unleash what is my birthright as I chant the colors to break free.

  White, so pure and light.

  Red, blood deep and rich.

  Violet, lost souls and fight.

  Black, death of night, bring with you, a wicked bite.”

  Nicole lit the candles for me, and then something odd started to take shape. Thick, black smoke started to billow up from the floor. There was an audible groan, and the walls started to shake.

  “Crispin, maybe you should stop,” Nicole suggested.

  I ignored her and finished the spell.

  “Bring forth to me, a soul free of binding and impossibility. Unleash dark and light I call to thee, unleash magic and power within me meant to be.”

  There was a loud pop. The candles flickered out, and then the room went dead silent.

  “Did it work?” Nicole asked, with a noticeable quiver in her voice.

  After she asked me the question, everything seemed to stop, as if time itself stood still. I rose to my feet and crossed my arms. I looked over at Nicole. She was not moving or breathing. She was a statue.

  I looked around and waited. Black smoke started wafting around the room in a frenzy, kicking up dirt. I closed my eyes and coughed. Blinking rapidly and trying to regain my wits, I shook my head, and I saw…her
...it? I did not know, and I did not care. She was magnificent. She looked at me, blinking her red eyes, and grinned.

  I knew that whatever was before me was some kind of enchanted, winged creature – a demon. Her skin and hair were as black as a clear midnight sky with some scattering of the heavenly stars over her body.

  “Did you call for a little Wicked in your life?” she asked.

  I scratched my head, “No.”

  “Are you certain?” she teased.

  I nodded. “Very.”

  “If you didn’t summon me, then why am I here?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I have no clue. I was actually trying to open the magic within me.”

  She clapped her hands and giggled. “Oh, you did summon me then, and now, I am yours to command. Bound to you in magic. Wicked at your service. How may I be of use?”

  I rubbed my eyes and shook my head. I was starting to get frustrated, but she did say she was mine.

  “Alright, Demon—”

  She interrupted. “Please, call me Wicked.”

  I ground my teeth, waving one hand. “Fine, Wicked, do you know how to unlock the power within me? Also, I am planning on doing these other spells.” I handed her the book. She looked them over and nodded. “So, you think these can be done?” I asked.

  She winked. “Yes, I do, and you don’t even need that little book.”

  I smirked, feeling pleasure churning inside my body.

  “Excellent. Then please, Wicked, work your magic,” I urged.

  She cocked her head to the side, touched the tip of her nose, and disappeared.

  I looked around for her and found nothing. I was blistering mad, wondering where she went.

  I muttered, “She took my spell book.”

  “Huh?” Nicole asked, a puzzled look on her face.

  I started to explain when the door crashed open and my father stormed in.

  “What have you been up to, my son?” Father asked.

  I narrowed my eyes. I was not some small child he could intimidate. “Good evening, Father. So nice of you to pop in.”

  My father backhanded me with a nasty cats-got-your-tongue-spell that I was sure he had wanted to cast for a while. It hit me square in the mouth, causing me to bite my tongue. I winced. He wanted me to be quiet, which was fine with me. I had nothing to say to him.

  Chapter Eight


  “I think you need to learn more manners. A lashing may do you well. Trust me, son, I know exactly what you have been up to. From this day forth, your studies are over. Now, it is time for obedience training. I want a powerful seed on my throne, someone that I will be proud to call mine. However, as it is looking, you are lacking…greatly. Guards, please take him to the holding cell,” my father commanded.

  “No, please?” Nicole cried out, falling to her knees in front of him.

  I shook my head. I did not know what she was doing. The girl had to be mad. She must have thought my father was going to kill me, but he would never kill the heir to his kingdom. I reached down to pull her up, but my father had other plans.

  He flicked his hand, sending a spell. A bright orange ball spiraled at me so fast that I did not have time to react, knocking me onto my back. I gasped, rubbing my abdomen. Struggling, I regained my footing. Nicole looked at me with worried eyes. I frowned at her and shook my head, silently hoping she would stay quiet.

  Father reached down and picked Nicole up, placing one hand firmly on her shoulder. He looked down his nose at her and said, “You sure are a pretty little thing. What are you doing in here? Hmm? Oh, but I see…you are the reason my son does not mind his studies anymore. Therefore, you must be the reason why he is growing soft!”

  Father flicked his eyes my way. Grinning, he spun Nicole around to face me. He wrapped his right arm around her waist, and placed his left hand around her neck.

  He taunted, “Have you tasted her flesh, son? She is very pretty, and so sweet. I do believe she would taste divine.”

  My father ran a hand down her neck and cupped one breast.

  I struggled to control myself as my entire body shook with rage. The spells he cast on me were too strong, and it was impossible to help her.

  If only I had my damn powers, I thought, clenching my fist. Wicked, where did you go?

  My father moved his hand down Nicole’s stomach, smiling malevolently. I watched his hand moved farther and farther down. I felt like I was going to explode. I pushed against his knockback spell, but every time I moved, the spell would rekindle, and to keep standing took every ounce of strength I had.

  I looked over at Nicole and noticed that she was starting to cry. She did not fight him. Like me, she knew it was a feat impossible to achieve.

  My father stopped, with his hand firmly cupping the junction between her legs. “Oh something this tight…” He moved his hand back and forth, making Nicole squirm. “Lets me know you haven’t touched her at all, and that is such a pity.” My father shook his head and turned, taking Nicole with him. Immediately, my father’s men took hold of my arms and led me away.

  Chapter Nine


  Several hours passed. I stood watching as my only friend was about to die. I did not have enough magic and power to stop him.

  No one did…really. We were all just pawns in his game. Once upon a time, I loved my father. Once upon a time, I respected my father. Now I hated him more than I had ever hated anyone. I thought my mother would be the only parent that I loathed, and it was true… I did loathe her deeply, but she never took my friend away from me! Not like he was about to do.

  “Hey there, good looking. Did you miss me?" She waved her hand. "Oh, don’t answer that,” Wicked said as she placed one hand over my lips, preventing me from speaking.

  I looked from her to my father and back. She gave me a toothy grin and popped her neck.

  “Oh, I bet you are wondering if Pops over there can see me…” She held up her middle finger and laughed, looking at my father.

  I did not understand why holding up her middle finger was funny, but I really did not care. I had to save Nicole.

  “Nope, he can’t see me. The only one who is privileged is you. Yeah, I know you are probably wondering where the hell I went. Funny thing about that, I actually went back to Hell.” She winked.

  Without a doubt, this demon was mad. Nevertheless, I did not expect anything different from a spawn of Satan.

  “I’m only partially bound to you, and until you finish the spell, I’ll never fully be yours and good ol’ Daddy can call me home whenever he feels the need to.”

  I looked over at Nicole. My father’s men were putting shackles on her. I sighed, closing my eyes for a second, trying to remember the spell. I did not remember seeing anything more on the paper, but if there was more, and it would give me my full power, I had to take it.

  Opening my eyes, I saw my father stripping Nicole of her clothing. It was just one more thing my father loved to do to his victims—humiliate them.

  “It was always fun,” he had told me once.

  He once told me how much pleasure he got from degrading his subjects, and I remembered thinking that I would never rule like him.

  I waved my hand for the demon to get on with it.

  She clapped her hands and said, “Oh goodie, I promise this won’t hurt…too much!”

  She brought her fingernail up to her lips and pressed down. I watched as blood welled up on the edge of her bottom lip. Slowly, looking deep into my eyes, the demon leaned in and gave me a kiss on the mouth. It was my first kiss, and I hated it. Her blood tasted like smoke and ash with a bitter undertone, making my gag reflex set in. Her blood was a thick substance that seemed to force its way down my throat and infuse itself into my marrow. I did not like that I had a foreign invader now living inside of me.

  Yet, I knew that, somehow, I was going to remove whatever hold she placed on me. At that moment, however, I did not have time t
o contemplate how I was going to do it. I started to get hot, and my body seemed to be breaking.

  Wave after wave of pain thrust through my core. I gasped, looking at her with indignation. I wanted to kill her. I wanted to wrap my hands around her neck and squeeze until all she felt was a never-ending pain.

  The pain came and went in a matter of seconds, even though it felt like forever. I was confident in my estimation because I knew if my father had been privy to what was taking place; he would have put a stop to it.

  I looked at the demon, fury burning behind my eyes. “I thought you said there would not be any pain?”

  She tittered, “I never said there wouldn’t be pain. I said there wouldn’t be much pain.” She nodded once.

  I stepped towards her, ready to take out my frustrations.

  She would learn to fear me! She would learn to respect me!

  My father unknowingly intervened.

  “Son, I was going to take her life myself, but then I thought it would be much more satisfying if I had you to do the deed instead. Consider this a lesson on listening and obeying.”

  I stopped and turned to my father. At that moment, my mind was only on the thought of revenge. I completely forgot about my only friend in the world. I felt an edge of panic clouding my vision.

  I could not kill her…she was my friend.

  “No, Father, I will not kill her,” I said, my voice calm.

  He laughed, “Have you fallen in love with this girl?”

  I looked at her, tilting my head, wondering if I loved her. “She is my companion…I believe everyone needs a companion in their life.”

  My father glared at me. “Not you. You need no one but me. I am the only person you will ever need in your life.” Father opened his hand and chanted, “Obedietiam,” hurling an obedience spell at me.

  I moved. This time, I was not going to stand there and let his magic take hold of me, but my father was relentless, throwing spell after spell. He laughed as I tried dodging the next spell he cast, but I was out of room. I hit the floor, and once again, my father’s magic played me like a violin, beautiful in its execution.


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