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Muse Page 3

by Alexa Riley

  I lift my hand to cover my mouth and apologize. “Sorry. I didn’t eat much for breakfast, skipped lunch, and Italian is my favorite.”

  “Shit, I’m already fucking up, letting you go hungry.” He whips open the rest of the boxes and grabs a couple of plates. Then he dishes out some lasagna, spaghetti with meatballs, and chicken marsala onto one of them and slides it over to me. “Eat up, baby, and I’ll pour you something to drink. Pick your poison”—he gestures towards the bottles on the counter—“I have ice for the soda, more water in the fridge, a bottle of white wine around here somewhere, if you don’t like the red, and vodka or rum if you’d prefer a mixed drink.”

  Since my mouth is full, I point at one of the bottles of soda. After he slides a glass with ice toward me, I explain, “You probably shouldn’t offer me alcohol since I’m not old enough to drink yet.”

  His body jerks and his hand stills mid-air, the lasagna sliding precariously around the spoon he’s holding. “How old are you?”


  He heaves a sigh of relief. “Thank fuck for that.”

  With my cheeks heating again, I jerk my chin at the spoon in his hand. “You should probably serve that before it ends up on the counter.”

  He finishes dishing out his food and moves around the counter to take the stool next to me. He slides it closer, and his thigh bumps against mine when he sits down and starts to dig into his meal. “Eat up, baby. You’re going to need the energy later.”

  The energy? My head jerks up. “Oh, right. Because I’ll need to pack up my stuff and move it here if I’m going to stay with you for the next couple of months.”

  “First of all, there’s no ‘if’ about it. You’re not going anywhere,” he grunts as he stabs his fork into a bite of the chicken on my plate and lifts it up to my lips. It tastes even better knowing that fork has just been inside his mouth, and I moan again. “I’m definitely not letting you out of my sight when you make sounds like that.”

  “It’s not my fault! This is the best Italian food I’ve ever tasted.”

  He feeds me another bite before saying, “You can have it every day if you want. Whatever it takes to keep you happy.”

  I’m pretty sure I’d be happy with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the rest of my life if I could spend it with him. “I don’t need fancy Italian take-out every day.”

  “We can order from other places, too,” he offers.

  “I guess I should’ve said, I don’t need take-out all the time.”

  His broad shoulders shrug as he admits, “It’s what I usually do for meals since I’m not good in the kitchen.”

  “I can cook!” I volunteer with a smile. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to make any nice meals. My roommates and I don’t have a lot to spend on groceries. It’s usually simple, like Ramen noodles or sandwiches.”

  His eyes look hard for a moment, but then his whole face softens. “My little muse can cook. I’m a lucky man,” he chuckles softly.

  When we finish off our meal, he gets up and grabs a pad of paper and a pen from a drawer. “Make a grocery list while I call the movers so they can get your stuff packed up and bring it over here ASAP.”

  “Movers?” I shake my head, not understanding. “Don’t be silly. They’d be a waste of money since I’ll only need a few suitcases of stuff.” It’s all I own. I can pack it myself. I pretty much live out of it.

  Chapter Five


  Irritation spikes at her insistence that she won’t need all of her things. I was already pissed when I learned that she had been practically starving herself to survive. I make a vow to myself that she will never again go hungry. She’ll never go without anything she needs or wants.

  “You agreed to be here as long as I need you,” I remind her. “We will be moving all your things here, little muse.”

  Her lips twitch and I expect her to start yelling at me any second. She surprises me when they tip all the way up into a shy smile. “I only meant that you won’t need movers because I don’t have much. Everything I own can fit into a couple of suitcases.”

  Her words both piss me off and break my heart for her. Why hasn’t someone been caring for this precious gem? She deserves the world, and I am going to be the one to give it to her. I should count myself lucky no one else has snatched her up already.

  I push the pad and pen closer and stare into her gorgeous pools of jade. “Make the list, baby. Since you don’t have anything else to wear, I’m still going to send someone to get your stuff.”

  “Okay.” She shrugs nonchalantly, but her eyes are lit with happiness. Unable to resist, I step into her space and bring my mouth down over hers. I’ll never get enough of her taste. I run my tongue along the seam of her lips and she immediately opens for me. Good girl.

  My hands dive into her hair and I cradle her head as I drink my fill. Eventually, I know if I don’t stop, I’ll throw her down on the counter and have my way with her until she doesn’t have the energy to protest wanting to leave here. But that’s not how our first time should be, so I take a deep breath and tear myself away from her. She looks dazed and hungry with desire, and when she sticks her pink tongue out to moisten her lips, I almost break, but I remind myself this is about making her want to stay. She has to see I can care for her in all ways.

  With a quick kiss to the top of her head, I tap the pad with my finger and stalk out of the kitchen. At the last second, I flip around and snatch up her purse, taking it with me. I head in the direction of my home office. I spend most of my time working in my studio, but I have an office in my house for all the business shit. Once I’m there, I sit in a gray leather desk chair and pull it up to my simple dark wood desk.

  I reach into my pocket to grab my cell phone but pull out a different one and remember that I kept Shelby’s. It’s a piece of shit and I put a new phone on my list of things to buy for her. After retrieving my own phone, I make a call and am assured that someone will be at her place to pack her stuff up within fifteen minutes. I’m tempted to leave it all there and just buy her all new clothes and toiletries, but I don’t know if there are any keepsakes she won’t want to part with. Speaking of clothes…I bark one last order into the phone before hanging up. “Don’t touch her underwear,” I snap. “Just leave it all behind.”

  Next, I put in a call to my assistant, who is thankfully a woman, and instruct her to order a whole new wardrobe for Shelby. With her weight and height listed on her license and having seen so much of her when she’d been barely covered by her “uniform,” I’m able to eyeball her size with confidence. This will work for now. Once I get her some clothes, I can take her out to pick whatever she likes.

  I make a few more calls, adding her to my bank account and credit cards. When I’m finished, I slip her license and phone back into her purse but leave it behind in my office when I return to the kitchen. It sounds silly, but I feel so much better just knowing she’s taken care of. If, God forbid, something happened to me she would still be taken care of. She’ll never go without with her name on my bank account.

  The take-out containers are almost empty, which makes me smile. Some primal part of me is satisfied knowing I’ve fed my woman. That same part is the one that has a craving to do other things to her. To prove to her and everyone else that she is mine. In time, I remind myself.

  Shelby is still seated at the island and her head is bent over the paper, her reddish brown curls pulled over one shoulder, showing off the slender arc of her neck. My tongue itches to lick all that silky flesh before working my way down to her perky tits. She really is perfect. I didn’t know perfection like her existed.

  As I approach her, I hear her humming while she writes. It stops me in my tracks, my body still and silent, becoming lost to the siren call of her voice. I wasn’t bullshitting her when I told her she was my muse. Every note she sings inspires me to create. Her energy fills the room, in turn sparking my own.

  The explosive chemistry between us and
the way she has wrapped around my heart inspire a whole other host of reactions. Ones I’m fighting a losing battle at containing.

  I close the space between us, and she lifts her head, smiling shyly when she sees me. Her cheeks are stained with pink, and I tilt my head to the side as I study her curiously.

  “What are you thinking, sweet girl?” I ask as I brush the pad of my finger over the pretty blush on her cheekbone. The way she leans into my touch fans the desire simmering in my blood.

  “It was nothing, just me being silly.” She shakes her head and lets out a small, self-deprecating laugh. I love her laugh but not that kind.

  I grasp her chin and hold it so that she has no choice but to look at my face. “Everything you do is worth paying attention to. I can promise you that. Now, tell me what you were humming.”

  “It’s a melody that I haven’t been able to get out of my head,” she admits with a small shrug of her delicate shoulder. I glance down at the paper and realize she’s drawn a staff and has been jotting down the notes.

  I have perfect pitch and need only read the music to hear it in my head, but that’s not how I want to hear Shelby’s creation for the first time. “Let me show you something.” I release her chin and step back, then grasp her around the waist and help her off of the stool. Without a word, I lead her back to our bedroom and dig out a pair of sweatpants for her to wear with the shirt she has on. They are way too big for her, so I roll up the bottoms and tie the drawstring tight so they will stay on. She looks adorable and I’m almost distracted from my current course.

  With one more perusal of her body, I’m satisfied that she is covered up enough for the walk to my studio. I take her hand and lead her through the house, out the back door, and across the yard to the retrofitted building.

  My eyes stay focused on Shelby as I open the door and gesture for her to enter first. Her reaction is priceless. She lights up like the sun as she takes in the space. “Wow,” she breathes. Her eyes bounce around from the wall of instruments, to the recording booth, to the acoustic rehearsal space, to all of the equipment used for recording, mixing and editing.

  “This is my sacred space,” I tell her quietly. “Even my brother isn’t allowed in here.” Shelby’s eyes snap to me, and they are big and round with surprise. I want her to know what it means for me to bring her here.

  “But you brought me in here?”

  I smile and tug her back so I can take her in my arms. “Where else would I take my muse?” I wink at her. "You have to be here to help my creative juices flow.”

  She giggles and dips her head, but not before I see the pink once again blooming on her cheeks. I kiss the top of her head before guiding her over to a microphone that is hooked up to computer equipment. After pressing a few buttons and perfecting the settings, I hand her the mic.

  “Sing your melody for me,” I request.

  She looks at me nervously for a moment, but then seems to gather some confidence and takes the microphone. I hit record and give my girl a nod.

  The notes are sweet and simple, but they have a mountain of potential. I won’t tell her yet, but when I’m done with my current project, she and I are going to bring her song to life. For now, I close my eyes and just sit back and listen to the cadence of her voice. I let it wash over me, bringing peace to my soul. However, when I open my eyes, I see the woman of my dreams, the one who brings my body to life. The only woman to ever make me crave her touch, the feel of her damp skin sliding against mine while she writhes beneath me and I drive her to the height of passion. She finally has a face and it’s Shelby. It’s always been her. No wonder my connection to her was so instant.

  My cock is like a steel fucking rod in my pantleg and I adjust myself to try and find a more comfortable position. It doesn’t work. The only relief I’m going to get will be from coming deep inside of Shelby and pumping her full of my cum until there is nothing left. Even then I’m not sure that will be enough.

  She finishes off her song and beams at me so brightly, I feel as though I’m being bathed in sunshine. I return her happy expression and reach over to the computer and fiddle with it for a moment before playing the recording back to her with a few tweaks to the sound. She listens intently, and when it’s done, she throws herself into my arms, almost knocking us both to the ground. “That was amazing!” she shrieks before crushing her lips to mine.

  Chapter Six


  The instant Shelby’s lips touch mine, what’s left of my control shreds to tatters. My arms go around her, and I grab her plump ass, lifting her so she’s straddling my lap. I lower her down slowly so she feels every thick inch of my cock as it presses into the heat between her legs. She lets out a little moan and it is the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard.

  Her arms lock around my neck and pull my head forward as she tilts her head, trying to deepen our kiss. At the same time, she begins to rub herself on my dick, seeking her own relief.

  I yank my head back and grip her face in both hands. “I’m in charge, little muse,” I growl. I have to be or I might lose all control. I need to take this slow, and with her pushing hard against my control, it’s about to shatter.

  I break her hold and place her hands on each of my shoulders. “Don’t move these unless I tell you to. Understand?” She nods and her tongue darts out to wet her lips, making them glisten. Sometime soon, I’m going to see those same lips shiny from my cum as she looks up at me from her knees.

  I grunt in pain as my erection grows impossibly harder. I have to push that image away so that I don’t explode like a fucking teenager before we’ve even begun.

  Her hips press down and rub again, prompting me to move my hands to her waist and hold her still. She lets out a little whine of protest but keeps her mouth shut. Her bright green eyes are filled with feverish desire, but they focus on me as I speak. “This pussy is mine, baby.” I move one of my hands beneath the waistband of her pants and between her thighs to cup her sex. “Mine to taste, to fuck, to give you endless pleasure.” My eyes narrow in warning as I continue. “Mine. You come when I give you permission”—I lean in close—“and I mean every time. Your orgasms belong to me. No touching yourself unless I tell you to.”

  Shelby visibly swallows as she nods and her body trembles. Not from fear, though, from the need I can see building in her eyes. She’s into the power play. I didn’t even know I had this inside of me, but it’s pushing out now. The need to dominate her. Only her.

  “Has anyone else touched my pussy, Shelby?” My middle finger draws a line from the bottom of her pussy to the top, feeling how wet her panties are. She shivers and shakes her head. “You’ve been saving this virgin pussy for me, haven’t you?” I slip a finger under the silky fabric and repeat the action before pushing it inside her virgin hole. “You’re tight as fuck,” I groan. “I’m going to have to make sure you’re good and ready for my cock before I take that cherry you saved just for me.”

  Shelby whimpers and shifts restlessly but doesn’t attempt to seek her own pleasure. “Good girl,” I praise before taking her lips in a hungry kiss. I slip a second finger inside her and stretch her a little before thrusting them in and out while the heel of my hand grinds against her clit. It doesn’t take even a minute before she shatters, and I swallow her cries of release.

  I work her through the orgasm until she is spent and collapses on my chest. We are both breathing hard, and while I came in my pants along with her, I’m still hard and desperate to be inside her.

  “I’ve never—I mean, holy cow. That was incredible,” she pants, averting her eyes out of embarrassment.

  “It was sexy as fuck, my little muse. Don’t go shy on me, baby, because I’m not done with you yet. We haven’t even touched the surface of incredible.”

  Gathering her in my arms, I tuck her head into the crook of my neck and swiftly get to my feet. I carry her outside and lock the door before sprinting back to the house. I waste no time getting to our bedroom and laying her out on the oversized
king bed that sits in the middle of the room.

  “Take everything off except your panties,” I demand. When she hurries to obey, it helps to calm the raging beast inside me. Never taking my eyes off of her, I pull at my clothing until I’m standing naked before her, taking all of her in. My cock is thick and hard, the angry, red tip pointing up at me, clearly pissed at not being wrapped up in Shelby’s tight cunt. Soon, I promise myself, as I take another deep, steadying breath.

  When Shelby is finished undressing, her eyes drop to my cock and widen with a mixture of fear and want. “Don’t worry, little muse. We’ll fit perfectly. Your pussy was made for my cock.” I stroke myself a couple of times while she watches, the need slowly overtaking the fear. I’ll make it work. I don’t care if I can only get half my cock inside of her. That will be good enough for me. I’ll take whatever I can get when it comes to her.

  My eyes ghost over her whole body and she is so fucking beautiful it almost hurts. Her tits are heavy and full, enough to spill out of my hands while her rosy nipples dig into my palms. Her belly is soft and a little round, with a cute little belly button. Her waist nips in before her hips flare wide, ripe for birthing. I picture her thick thighs squeezing my hips as I plunge inside her and I can’t wait anymore.

  I climb onto the bed and straddle her legs before leaning down to place a soft kiss over her private place. Her underwear is saturated. I slip a finger under her panties and swipe it up the center, coating it in her desire. “So fucking wet for me,” I murmur before I lick it clean. “I knew you’d taste sweet. Like sugar and honey.”

  Shelby’s face is flushed, but I still see the darker red on her cheeks as she blushes. I can’t help but grin wickedly. “There is no need to be shy, Shelby. You are exquisite.” She smiles so beautifully, I’m momentarily stunned, but my dick is making it very difficult to savor the moment. I need her like I’ve never needed anything.


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