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Muse Page 7

by Alexa Riley

  My eyes are glued to the screen for a minute or two, then my head swivels to lock eyes with Shelby. I imagine the look of wonder on her face matches mine. “Our baby,” I breathe.

  Shelby is beaming at me when she echoes, “Our baby.”

  I lean down and press my lips to hers in a sweet, loving kiss. “You are going to look so fucking hot with a round belly, my little muse,” I mumble against her lips. She breaks our kiss by laughing and shakes her head.

  “You are the only one who is going to think that, Apollo.”

  She’s wrong, but I don’t tell her that. If she is in denial about other men wanting her, I’m not going to challenge it.

  “Let me just clean up, and I’ll give you two a minute,” Dr. Nevins says. I’d completely forgotten that we weren’t alone and by the deep blush on Shelby’s face, she clearly did too. It’s cute as hell.

  Once we’re alone, Shelby removes her feet from the stirrups and turns to sit, her legs dangling off the edge of the table.

  “Let’s revisit the whole ring and fiancée conversation,” she demands. My pants tighten at her attempt to be stern and commanding. She manages to look adorable and sexy as fuck at the same time. Riling her up is becoming one of my favorite pastimes.

  However, I decide to let her think she’s in charge. “What about it, baby?”

  “You want to get married?” she asks hesitantly. Her eyes betray her, though. I can see the hope in the green pools. “We haven’t known each other very long. Maybe we should take a step back and—”

  “Do you need me to remind you who you belong to?” I growl. “I should spank your ass until you can’t sit for even thinking about that.”

  Shelby’s face turns red again, but this time it’s not from embarrassment. Her emerald eyes are suddenly churning with desire.

  She sighs and her hands fidget in her lap. “It’s just…don’t you think we should wait to talk about this until we’ve at least said ‘I love you’?”

  So that’s what her uncertainty has been about. I step in between her thighs and gently cup her face. “I’ve been in love with you since the moment you showed up on my doorstep, my little muse,” I tell her softly. “It’s what I’ve been trying to prove to you these past weeks. Actions speak louder than words.”

  Her eyes widen and the hope I see grows. “You have?” she asks breathlessly.

  “You want to know how long I’ve had that ring burning a hole in my pocket?” She nods. “Since the day after you turned my life right-side-up. My assistant brought it with all of the other packages I’d picked out for you.”

  Her mouth opens slightly as she silently stares at me. I take advantage of her position and bend to take her mouth in a passionate, wet kiss, sweeping my tongue inside to taste every inch of her. My hands slide into her hair to cradle her skull as I angle my head and deepen the kiss.

  After a few minutes, we tear our lips from each other’s in order to fill our lungs with oxygen. Shelby looks deliciously mussed and I’m barely containing my need to lay her on the exam table and fuck her. I’m determined to wait until we are home so I can take my time and worship every inch of her gorgeous body. I need something first. “Tell me,” I demand. “Tell me you love me.” I’m still holding her head so she can’t look anywhere but at my face.

  “How do you know I love you?” she sasses.

  I shake my head in mild exasperation. “You’re earning yourself a cherry-red ass, baby.”

  Shelby shifts on the table and her thighs tighten around my hips, where they’d gone while we were kissing. My plan to wait until we’re home to make love is slowly disintegrating.

  “Tell me, Shelby.” I kiss her again, a soft, slow kiss that pours every bit of my love into her. She melts into me and her head drops back so she can smile up at me. “I love you, Theo.”

  I grunt arrogantly, and my hands move down to slide under her hospital gown and palm her naked ass. I lift her slightly so our centers are lined up perfectly and I buck my hard-as-fuck cock into her bare pussy. Even through my slacks, I can feel how hot and wet she is. “And who do you belong to?”


  “Damn straight.”

  “Theo?” Shelby walks into the kitchen where I’m making dinner, and I glance over at her. I’m momentarily distracted by the sight of her in tiny little sleep shorts and a thin tank top. Her tits are definitely getting bigger, and they strain against the material. I lick my lips in anticipation of my dessert.

  “Hey.” Shelby snaps her fingers in front of my face, scattering my daydream. “My eyes are up here,” she says in an amused tone.

  “What’s up, my little muse?” I ask as I adjust myself, not bothering to hide my condition.

  “Besides the obvious?”

  I laugh at her sass and give her a quick, hard kiss before turning back to the skillet where I’m searing some chicken.

  “I just got a call from a Rebecca Porter. Apparently, she’s an agent.”

  “Really?” I keep my tone nonchalant.

  “Theo?” she growls like a little tiger kitten. I can’t help smiling at how fucking adorable she is. “Did you do something? Con an agent into representing me? Blackmail? Why would she call me out of the blue?”

  I turn off the stove and twist to face her, looping my arms loosely around her waist. “I’ll cop to sending her your demo and asking her to listen to it. But the rest is all you, Shelby. She wouldn’t offer to rep you if she didn’t think you were worth it. So, congratulations, my little muse. Seems I’m not the only one who knows how amazing you are.”

  Shelby’s face lights up and she beams at me. “I can’t believe it. Wait.” Her expression turns curious. “Why didn’t you just send it to your agent? I’ve heard you say that you trust him implicitly.”

  My arms tighten and I plaster her body up against mine. “Yes, I do trust him. But you just said the operative word, my little muse. He.”

  Shelby rolls her eyes and gives me a “you’re being ridiculous” shake of her head. “You just said you trust him.”

  “With my career, but not with you,” I grumble.

  Before she can respond, my phone rings, and it’s the perfect excuse to get out of this conversation. Glancing at the screen, I see Austin is video-calling me. I pick up my iPad that is sitting right next to it, but before I answer, I give Shelby a nudge toward the hallway. “Go put something on, little muse.” No one gets to see her like this, not even my brother.

  “So? Did my little surprise do you any good?” he greets with a big cheesy grin. With everything going on, I forgot that Austin had been shooting on location in the jungle and he wasn’t up to speed on what had happened over the last several weeks.

  I scratch the scruff on my chin and return his smile. “As a matter of fact, it changed my life.”

  Austin tilts his head to the side, his face filled with confusion. “What?”

  “Is this acceptable, oh mighty Apollo?” Shelby’s tone is dripping with sarcasm and I can’t help laughing when I turn and motion for her to join me. She’s wearing one of my T-shirts and some fitted leggings. Since my brother can’t see below her waist, I don’t bother asking her to change. She slips under the arm I lifted for her. “You look great, baby,” I tell her with a kiss to the top of her head. Then I lift my chin to indicate my iPad. “Austin, this is my fiancée, Shelby. Shelby, my little brother, Austin.”

  Shelby waves shyly while Austin stares with his jaw hanging down, completely dumbstruck.

  “Oh, and congratulations on becoming an uncle.” I figure I might as well tell him everything now and let him deal with the shocking news all at once.

  “Fiancée? Uncle? Married—what the fuck?” he shouts after sputtering for a moment or two. “She’s pregnant?” He looks at Shelby suspiciously, and I see red.

  “Austin,” I warn, my voice low and steely.

  His gaze swings back to me, a frown marring his perfect, Hollywood-approved face. “Explain.”

  My eyes narrow. “I will, but yo
u better keep yourself in check, little brother.” I know he’s looking out for me, but that shit goes out the window when it comes to Shelby.

  I give him the run-down of the last several weeks, omitting anything to do with our intimate relationship, and the distrust in his eyes slowly dissipates. “You should understand more than anyone, Austin. She’s the one.” His expression turns sheepish. He’s been telling me for years that I would fall in love when I met “the one.”

  “Wow.” He shakes his head. His eyes land on Shelby. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes sincerely. “It’s just hard to know when women are after your money and fame rather than wanting you for you.” His brown eyes, that look so much like mine, are filled with sadness. My understanding of his reaction strengthens as I think about all the women that throw themselves at him. He barely dates anymore because so many people have shown themselves to be shallow social climbers from the first date.

  Austin is one of the best actors I’ve ever met, but I know him too well and I see the envy just below the surface. Still, when he smiles, it reaches his eyes, making them twinkle with excitement. “Congratulations, you two. I’m psyched to be an uncle.”

  He talks with Shelby for a few more minutes, getting to know her, and when we finally hang up, he’s already treating her like his sister and teasing her like the annoying brother he is.

  “I forgot that Austin Hayes is your brother,” Shelby says, and I don’t like the star-struck look in her eyes. “I wondered if he was as down-to-earth as he seems in his interviews.”

  My eyes narrow and my arm around her tightens. She looks up at me and her lips slowly spread into a wicked smile. “He’s pretty hot.”

  I growl and immediately grasp her waist and carefully put her over my shoulder, carrying her in a fireman’s hold to our bedroom. An hour later, I collapse on the bed next to her. “Who do you belong to, Shelby?” I ask one more time, even though I made her scream it with every orgasm. She doesn’t answer fast enough, so I reach out and pinch her luscious ass.

  “Ouch!” she hisses, and I smooth my hand over the very red butt cheek, soothing the sting. “You.”

  “Damn fucking straight you’re mine.” I pull her into my arms and kiss the top of her head. “All mine. My little muse. The love of my life”—my hand settles on her stomach—“and the mother of my children.”

  Shelby sighs and cuddles closer. “I love you,” she whispers.

  “Love you too, my little muse.”



  Two years later…

  I stand in front of the vanity mirror all done up and ready for the show. The makeup and hair people only slipped out moments ago so Theo and I could have a moment to ourselves. Since we touched down in Dallas we’ve been on the move. Everyone’s trying to keep us as hidden as possible.

  I still can’t believe this is my life. It has only been a little over two years since I landed on Theo’s doorstep. If you had told me this was going to be my life before I knocked on his door, I would have died of laughter. But it was. A mom of a precious baby girl, a wife to the most amazing husband and now world-famous singer about to perform at the Super Bowl. I couldn’t have dreamed of a life better than this.

  Theo comes up behind me, kissing my bare shoulder. “My little muse went and turned into an angel.” He gives my shoulder a small nibble before turning me in his arms. He’s careful not to mess up the wings that took two people thirty minutes to get on me.

  “Do you like it?” I smile up at my husband, already knowing he likes it. What he doesn't like is that everyone else is going to be seeing me in this getup. It’s pretty much a white swimsuit with wings. At least it’s a one-piece. It’s paired with four-inch heels that could kill me. I run my hands up Theo’s chest, wrapping them around his neck. He lifts me by my hips, sitting me on the table in the center of the room.

  “You look stunning.” He brushes his mouth against mine. The nervousness I had moments ago fades away with him close to me. I always know everything will be okay when he’s near. He wouldn’t let it go any other way. Not when it came to me.

  “I can’t believe we’re performing together,” I sigh. God, this is almost surreal. He’s going to play the piano for my part of the performance. It’s crazy actually. We’re going to come out of the bottom of the stage with me sitting on his piano. No one knows I’m going to be here. It’s a surprise appearance. It’s how all my appearances are. We learned from my first song hitting number one on the charts I was not made for this life full time. I won't be going on tour and popping out songs left and right. It doesn't work for me like that. I sing and create music when I want to. I never wanted this to feel like a job. I want to enjoy it when I do it.

  The handful of songs I’ve released have sold like crazy. Everything for the past two years has been a whirlwind. I’m so thankful our home is away from the rest of the world. Our hideout from everything. There we’re a normal family who does normal things. I’m also lucky that Theo’s my husband and I have a killer agent who makes it so I don't have to sign with a label. I can release songs when and how I want.

  “No one else I’d do this with,” he tells me before he kisses me deeply. He never performs. He only said yes because it was going to be with me. I should probably be scared, but I’m not. I only have about two minutes of show time before it switches to the next performer. I don't have some crazy dance routine. I’ll stay planted on the piano singing my heart out. It’s the song Theo and I crafted together for our daughter Athena. We started working on it the day we found out we were having a little girl. Both Theo and I already knew somehow. We’d been calling her Athena weeks before we found out for sure she was a girl.

  “It won’t only be us.” Theo’s body stills at my confession. He knows what I’m talking about. We’ve never used protection and I was wondering when I was going to get pregnant again. Our doctor told us not to worry about it because I was breastfeeding. Some women have trouble conceiving while still doing that. Athena turned one a few weeks ago and I stopped breastfeeding altogether. That hadn't taken long at all. I guess the doctor was right.

  Theo’s hand drifts to my stomach. “What will you give me this time, little muse?”

  “A son,” I laugh. As if I can pick what we have. Still, it feels like a son this time.

  “I love you.” He drops his forehead to mine. He closes his eyes for a moment, savoring the news.

  “I love you too,” I respond instantly. Theo’s hand on my stomach slips lower. His hand brushes my clit through my outfit. My breathing picks up. I know where this is going. This is the first time we’ve been alone all day. I wiggle, wanting more. I don’t know if we have the time. We might have to wait.

  “We head down in five,” a woman's voice calls from the other side of our door. Crap.

  “I can get you off in two,” Theo growls, making my heart flutter with excitement. I nod yes. Yes because I want him to and because I know he can.

  Theo knows my body better than I do. Not only does he make me come in under two minutes, but he does it again minutes after our performance. He’s always worked up after I sing. This time, though, I also get to make him come.

  He says I’m his muse, but he’s mine, too.



  Five years later…

  I lie in bed with my hands behind my head as I listen to my wife hum from the bathroom as she gets ready for bed. God, I love calling her that. I didn't let her keep the fiancée title long. She barely got used to the word before I had my last name tagged to her first. I know I can be over the top at times with my jealousy and possessiveness, but it got me my wife and it kept her, so I don't give a shit. It’s a good thing she doesn't seem to be bothered by those traits in me because they still rear their head more often than not.

  Tonight has been an example of that. My daughter’s new soccer coach let his eyes linger far too often on my wife—a woman he knows is not only married but pregnant. Very pregnant. There’s no missi
ng her round belly that carries our second daughter. I can’t blame the man. My little muse is beautiful, but she glows when she’s pregnant. I thought people were exaggerating when they said pregnant women glow but she’s utterly luminous.

  She comes strolling out of the bathroom a moment later in her silky white robe. Her hair is loose around her shoulders. She pauses when she sees me sitting on the bed. I got the kids to bed quick. I might have promised the twins ice cream for breakfast, but I’ll deal with that aftermath in the morning. Right now I need my wife. It’s the only thing that will cool this jealousy I shouldn't be feeling in the first place. It’s not her fault she’s so goddamn beautiful, but she is. Men look at her and want her. Hell, I pulled her into my home, locking her in the moment I laid eyes on her to make sure she was mine. Maybe that’s the problem. I’m always worried some fuck is trying to snatch my wife from me. Nothing would have stopped me from having her. I reason other men will do about anything to get her from me.

  She raises an eyebrow at me. “You got them down already?” She places a hand on her hip, knowing I must have given the twins something to get me out of reading four books to them. Normally, I love reading to them, but tonight I needed her.

  “You have your ways and I have mine.” Her way is singing. It gets our little ones down fast. I motion for her to come to me. She does without question, moving between my legs.

  “I’ll take ice cream for breakfast, too.” She smirks at me. What the hell?

  “Baby monitor.” She shows me the small device in her hand. I forgot about the damn thing. Why she still has it, I don’t know. The boys are almost four. I don’t remind her they aren’t babies anymore. I know that will end with her in tears. I don’t blame her. They grow so damn fast. We said this was going to be our last, but I’m not sure how true that will hold.


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