There You Are

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There You Are Page 8

by E. L. Todd

  Slade took this in before he slowly nodded. “You’re right.”

  “I can rent a hotel room or something under my name if that will help,” he said. “Or I can buy something under an employee’s name. Just tell me what you want and I’ll make it happen.”

  Slade’s eyes moved back and forth as he considered my offer. “A room at The Plaza under an employee name.”

  “You got it.”

  “Thanks, Sean. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” He came around the desk and gave me a hard hug. “Thank you for helping me take care of Trinity.”

  “Of course.” I clapped his back. “I love her too.”

  He pulled away then gripped my shoulder. “You’re one of the men I respect most in this world.”

  Those words squeezed my heart. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  Chapter Ten


  I got to the apartment as fast as I could. “Pack your things. We need to leave.”

  Trinity was sitting on the couch reading a magazine. She looked up at me, confused. “What?”

  “Baby, do as I say.” I walked into the bedroom and immediately stuffed my essentials into a bag.

  Trinity walked in a second later. “What’s wrong? You’re freaking me out.”

  “I’ll explain when we get there.” I grabbed her suitcase from the closet and set it on the bed. “Just do as I say for right now. Don’t ask me again.”

  Trinity knew I meant business because she stayed quiet. She pulled all her clothes out of the closet and tossed them in the suitcase. Her make up and shoes were placed on top.

  I hoisted my bag over my shoulder along with my guitar then grabbed her stuff. “Alright, let’s go.”

  We left the apartment and took a cab to the hotel. After I checked in under the fake name we were taken to the top floor. It was a presidential suite and came with a full kitchen, laundry room, a living room, and a separate bedroom.

  Trinity took a look around and examined the place. There were large doors that led to a patio and a private pool.

  I locked the door behind me then set everything on the ground. Now that we were safe the anxiety passed.

  Trinity crossed her arms over her chest. “Explain what’s going on.”

  I grabbed the remote and turned on the news. “Maximum is being accused of rape by a different victim. His wife just left him and took his kids. And he has another legal issue coming his way.”

  She stared at the TV with a blank expression. Slowly, her eyes widened and her lips parted. She inched closer to the TV, like she couldn’t believe it. “Is this real?”


  “How did this happen? It’s just so sudden…” She turned to me, and after a few seconds of staring accusation came into her eyes.

  I held her gaze and didn’t give anything away.

  “It was you.” She stepped toward me and lowered her hands to her sides.

  “You told me not to kill him. But you didn’t say anything else.”

  Shocked, she continued to stare at me.

  “That’s why I moved you here. He’ll know I’m responsible for all of this and he may come after me.”

  “That girl…is she telling the truth?”

  I nodded. “She used to be his secretary. She was working late one evening when it happened…she’s married. Sounds like he has a fetish for that sort of thing.”

  “And she came forward willingly?”

  I nodded. “She wanted justice for what happened to her. Two birds with one stone.”

  “She’s so brave…”

  I nodded in agreement.

  “He has a wife?”

  “Had a wife,” I corrected. “When I told her what he did she packed her things and left. When he realizes I’m the reason she left he won’t be happy.”

  “Why did you do that?” she whispered.

  “To make him suffer.” I wasn’t ashamed to admit it. “He hurts my wife so I take his away.”

  “You didn’t—”

  “I treated her with nothing but respect.” The insinuation hurt but I let it go in light of everything.

  She slowly came to the couch and sat beside me. “So, you did all of this for me?”

  “Of course,” I whispered. “I wasn’t going to let that piece of shit get away with it. I’m looking into his business affairs to see if I can get him for something else. My PI says he’s found something.” I left Sean completely out of it because I knew she would be uncomfortable if I told her the truth. “If this rape accusation doesn’t destroy him, then that will.”

  “So, he’ll disappear?”

  I nodded. “He’ll disappear forever.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief, like she’d been holding her breath for a long time. “I can’t believe you did all of this…”

  “Well, killing him would have been easier but you forbade me.”

  “It’s just…” She shook her head when she didn’t know what to say. “Now he won’t be able to do that to anyone else. That’s what makes me happy.”

  I rested my hand on her thigh. “And he’ll never bother you again. You’re free, Trinity.”

  She rested her head on my shoulder and sniffed.

  I put my arm around her and held her close to me. “It’s alright, Trinity. Everything is going to be alright.”


  I got a phone call from a number I didn’t recognize. “Hello?”

  There was a long pause. Silenced echoed endlessly over the phone. Somehow, I knew who it was. He said everything by saying nothing at all. “You’re lucky you aren’t home.”

  The threat was unmistakable but I didn’t give into the fear. “We have very different definitions of luck.”

  “You know I’ll find you.”

  “I hope you do.” If he attacked me it would be self-defense. Then I could kill him without any repercussions.

  “You think you’re going to get away with this?”

  “Away with what?” I asked. “You raped that girl. Now you’ll pay the consequences.”

  “But to involve my wife in this…”

  This guy had a lot of nerve. And I mean, a lot. “You asked for a death sentence the second you touched my wife. I told you I would bring everything I had to battle. I will not stop until you’re buried six feet under, motherfucker.” I stood in the kitchen, away from Trinity’s hearing range. “And you know what? It’s only going to get worse.”


  I hung up because there was nothing more to say.


  “So, we stay here until the coast is clear?” Trinity asked.

  “Pretty much.”

  “You think he’d try to hurt me…?”

  “No. I’m the one he wants.”

  Now she looked more scared. “Then neither one of us should leave.”

  “That’s the plan.” I held her hand while we watched TV on the couch.

  There was a knock on the door and I knew who it was. “Must be the food.”

  “Good. I’m hungry.”

  If she was hungry she must feel a little better. And that was a great sign. I opened the door to Cayson on the other side. He had a few bags of groceries.

  “Special delivery.” He walked inside and carried everything inside.

  “You’re a life savor.”

  “I know.” He set everything on the counter. “I got everything you asked for.” He pulled out the change and set it on the counter. “They had a good deal on chicken so I saved you some cash.”

  “Thanks.” I took everything out and shoved it into the refrigerator and the cabinets.

  “So…” He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “How’s everything going?”

  “It’s okay,” I said. “We’re just waiting for everything to pass.”

  “How long will that be?”

  “I’m not sure. It depends on what Sean digs up.”

  “Well, if there is something Sean will find it.”

>   “I know.” He was the most dependable guy on the planet.

  “Is she doing okay?” he whispered. “She must be scared.”

  “Actually, she’s doing better,” I said. “I think the fact he’s being grilled for raping that girl is helping. She’s finally getting some justice over what happened to her.”

  “Yeah. It’s only a matter of time before Maximum is taken out.”

  “I know. I just hope it happens soon.”

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Actually, yes. Sit with Trinity in the living room and distract her while I give Sean a call.”

  “You got it.” He left the kitchen.

  I walked onto the back patio where the private pool was and made the call.

  Sean answered almost immediately. “I was just about to call you.”

  “To tell me some really awesome news, I hope.”

  “Actually…yes.” A smile was in his voice.

  I started to pace because I couldn’t stand still. “What do you have?”

  “Apparently, he hasn’t been completely truthful about his tax returns. My PI was able to pull some pretty solid evidence. I’m just putting everything together before I hand it over to my friend with the FBI.”

  “Seriously?” This sounded too good to be true.


  “How long will it be before he’s in custody?”

  “I’m not a cop so I don’t know. But based on the evidence I would say twenty-four hours. I’m sure my friend will review the material and talk to his superiors fairly quickly.”

  “Yes.” I threw my fist into the air. “This is awesome. We really got that piece of shit cornered.”

  “He’s definitely going down,” Sean said. “That’s what you get for messing with a Preston.”

  It was Sisco but that didn’t matter right now. “Thank you so much for helping me. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  “Actually, I think you could have. I know you, Slade. You would have found a way.”

  “Well…I’m grateful anyway.”

  “You’re more than welcome. I’m glad Trinity is getting the justice she deserves. I think Mike would be happy with the outcome if he knew about it.”

  “Me too.”

  “So, I would wait another day. When he’s in custody I’ll let you know. Then you can go home.”

  “Thanks.” Home sounded so nice right now. I missed my bed and my shower. I missed all my instruments. “I’ll talk to you later.”


  I walked into the living room and saw Cayson sitting beside Skye. He was showing her pictures of Cedric on his phone.

  “He got applesauce all over his face,” Cayson said with a smile. “But we left it there because we thought it was cute.”

  “Awe,” Trinity said. “It is cute.”

  He showed her a few more pictures before he put his phone away. “Alright. I should head home. I’ve got a wife and a baby.”

  “Thanks for the groceries,” she said.

  “Any time.” He clapped me on the shoulder as he walked out.

  I got to the door first and opened it.

  “So…anything good?”

  I nodded. “Something very good.”

  Chapter Eleven


  My office door opened and a woman walked inside. “I have a letter for Conrad Preston.”

  “That’s me.” I set my phone down and took the envelope. When I glanced at her face I realized she was familiar. I knew her from somewhere but I couldn’t recall where. I kept staring at her and realized I should stop. “Uh, thanks.”

  “No problem.” She gave me a friendly smile before she headed to the door.

  My dad walked in but stopped when he saw her. Judging the look in his eyes, he recognized her too.

  But from where?

  Dad watched her until she left the office and she was gone from sight.

  “Where do we know her from?” I asked. “I’ve seen her somewhere but I can’t figure out where.”

  His nostrils flared. “She’s the stripper.”

  “Stripper? What stripper?”

  “The one who framed your uncle.” He turned on his heel and immediately headed for Sean’s office.

  I jumped out of my chair and followed. Why was the woman who set up Sean in the building at all? Let alone carrying my mail? I walked in behind Dad just as he spoke.

  “Why the fuck is that whore working here?” His loud voice bellowed and echoed off the walls.

  Everyone on the floor heard it.

  Sean was sitting at his desk and he looked calm despite the way his brother just yelled at him. “Conrad, could you shut the door?”

  That was a good idea. I closed it then stood beside my dad, just as interested to know what was going on.

  “Why the fuck is that slut working here?” Dad demanded. “I’m not paying her a dime.”

  Sean stayed collected, like he’d been anticipating this conversation for a while. “She needed a job so I gave her one.”

  “Why didn’t you just give her directions to 9th street?” Dad snapped.

  Sean raised both hands. “You need to calm down and let me explain.”

  “You need to replace your head with a bowling ball. That would be an upgrade for you.”

  I’d seen Dad and Uncle Sean fight before, but this was different. I’d never seen them disrespect each other in such a verbal way. Most of the time they were just joking around when they called each other assholes, but this was a whole new level.

  “Look,” Sean said. “She’s a good kid in a bad situation. I got her out of that strip club, got her admitted to the college she was previously attending, and she needed a new job to get back on her feet. It’s really not a big deal.”

  “Not a big deal?” Dad asked incredulously. “Do you not remember what that slut did?”

  “Okay…stop calling her that.” Sean’s calmness started to dissipate. “It’s starting to piss me off.” The tone in his voice was protective, like he was defending one of his own kids.

  Dad didn’t say it again. “Why are you helping someone who would have backstabbed you the second she had the opportunity? If you hadn’t said no, she would have taken your money without any remorse.”

  “Maybe she would have,” Sean said. “But she was desperate. Her mom is about to be moved to hospice. This kid has hit rock bottom. Cut her some damn slack.”

  Dad’s nostrils flared again. “No one gets any slack after trying to screw with my family. When someone crosses that line they’re done. There’s no point of retreat.”

  “She’s a kid,” Sean reminded him.

  “She’s over eighteen,” Dad snapped. “She’s not stupid.”

  Sean lowered his hands. “She’s just staying with me until she gets back on her feet. When she’s—”

  “Whoa.” Dad held up his hand to silence Sean. “What the hell did you just say? She’s staying with you?”

  “She was living out of her car,” Sean said quietly. “What else was I supposed to do?”

  “I don’t know,” Dad said sarcastically. “Rent her a hotel room for a while. Buy her an apartment. Any number of things before letting her live with you and your wife.”

  “I know I could have done that, but she’s alone. Her mom is dying and she has no one. Scarlet and I don’t mind having her around. She’s usually working until late at night anyway. It’s not like it’s affecting our lives too much.”

  Dad gripped his skull. “What’s with you and pity cases?”

  “It’s not just me,” Sean said. “Scarlet wanted to help her too. You saw what Ryan did with Arsen. We both admire him for that.”

  “Arsen is different,” Dad said. “He never tried to pull one over Ryan. The situations are completely different.”

  “Arsen went to jail for selling weed,” Sean said with finality. “And Angie used to strip. In my eyes, they’re about the same.”

  “Whatever,” Dad said. “She’s not your
problem, Sean. I don’t want her anywhere near us.”

  “Too bad,” Sean said. “She stays.”

  “Are you forgetting that I’m the CEO too?” Mike said. “The vote has to be unanimous or that’s it.”

  “Just let it go, Mike,” Sean said. “She keeps her head down and does her job. You wouldn’t have even known she was here unless she had a delivery today.”

  “That’s not the point,” Dad argued. “I want her out—now.”

  Sean turned to me. “Conrad, you’re officially a CEO of this company. What’s your vote?”

  “Uh…” Shit, I was backed into a corner.

  Dad turned to me and waited for my answer.

  “Wait, you can’t just give me the title like that.” I tried to change the subject because any answer I picked was the wrong one.

  “Yes, I can.” Sean held up a piece of paper. “Mike and I just finished the paperwork this morning. You’ve been promoted.”

  “Uh…” Damn, they dropped that on me hard. “You think I’m ready?”

  “You’ve been telling me you’re ready for a year now,” Dad said.

  “Well, yeah. But…this was pretty sudden.” I had a feeling stalling wasn’t going to work.

  “We were going to do it last week but we got busy,” Sean said. “But now is as good of time as any.”

  “So, that means you guys are leaving?” I asked hopefully.

  “Not today,” Dad said. “But yeah, we’re leaving soon.”

  “Oh…” I didn’t know what else to say. I’d been looking forward to this moment but now that it was here I was terrified. I already had to make an executive decision that would piss off one of the members of my family. “What’s the salary?”

  Sean chuckled. “Of course, that’s his first question.” He passed the paper toward me.

  I grabbed it off the desk and skimmed through it. Then my eyes almost exploded.

  Dad laughed. “Pretty exciting, huh?”

  “Wow.” I returned the paper. “Thanks…”

  “I’m sure you’re worth every dime,” Sean said. “So, what’s your decision?”

  “Do I have to give an answer right now?” I asked. Maybe if we moved on they would forget about it altogether.


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