H.U.M.A.N.S (The Veiled World Book 1)

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H.U.M.A.N.S (The Veiled World Book 1) Page 8

by Susan Reid

  I didn’t want Gage to see me like this. I thought of turning back and just going home but I wanted to see him again even if it weren’t for getting any answers.

  A sudden inhuman howl, grunt, and then an abrupt shriek echoed from somewhere beyond the rise.

  What the hell was that? An animal?

  Nocturna? Very strong possibility.

  With gun in hand, I searched the ridge again for movement but saw none.

  All went silent once again save for the rushing, frothing, and roiling waves steadily lapping against the bottom of my Quadski.

  Though the shoreline was expansive and clear, there were a few dark nooks and crevices in and beneath rock ledges and the sparse vegetation. I waited a bit longer with a cocked ear, listening to every sound and watching every movement in and around the clusters of tall palm trees.

  The scent eventually faded away and soon after, so did my hunger. I could feel my teeth slowly begin to retract, still causing a dull ache in my jaws but not as bad as it had been this morning.

  I wiped a cool line of drool from my chin, shocked to even feel it there.

  That smell. It was definitely blood, so maybe I won’t be able to get past that part after all. I was changing just like Gage said but into what? I still felt like me. It depressed me when I thought about what it could all mean.

  A lone figure suddenly appeared at the top of the rise. It was a figure of a man sweeping a beam of powerful UV grade light along the shore and waters’ edge while holding binoculars up to his eyes.

  A UV grade flashlight? Was he looking for or was he expecting more Nocturna?

  That was interesting.

  I would have wondered what he was searching for out on a pitch black ocean with no other boats around this area but it was obvious.


  The light was strong enough to cast a beam out onto my location and it briefly flickered over me.

  Finally spotting me, I watched as he began to carefully make his way down the sandy ridge.

  No, it wasn’t Gage. That man’s scent was human and slightly musky.


  Cautiously, I restarted the Quadski, letting the dome enclose me once again, and slowly rolled the rest of the way towards shore.

  I didn’t need any light to see this human being. He was a young male and he was dressed in an all-black suit with a matching shiny brimmed cap. He stopped short when he saw my silhouette approaching him.

  I stopped too. Even though he was human, I wanted to keep some distance.

  He shined the flashlight in my direction, highlighting my face.

  It didn’t bother me but I didn’t like being spotlighted, so I held my hand up in front of my face to shield the beam of light.

  “Señora, Kai?” He called out in a thick Spanish accent.

  That got my attention.

  “Who’s asking?” I called back.

  He shut off the light.

  “I am Fernando. I come for my boss, Señor Gage.” He introduced with a slight bow of his head as a greeting.

  His boss, Gage?

  He employs humans? Is he rich? Well, he did drop 300 easy at the bar but that didn’t necessarily mean that he earns or attains money by normal or legal means either.

  I was becoming wary all over again.

  “Your boss? Why would he send you? Is he here?” I asked, wondering if he knew that I wasn’t necessarily all human. Well, he had to know that Gage wasn’t either.

  More mysteries and now I was really hell bent on getting to the bottom of it all.

  He nodded and pointed towards the rise.

  That was where I heard those inhuman noises coming from.

  Had he caught another Nocturna? Because that was definitely what I had been smelling not long ago, I was sure of it now.

  “He is waiting. The car is just this way. Please, come.” He waved me on with a friendly and beckoning smile.

  So why didn’t he come down to meet me himself?

  Perfect gentleman, I thought sarcastically.

  Well, at least he was punctual. When I glanced at my watch, it was just now 7:02 p.m.

  Hesitating a moment longer, I took my time to evaluate my surroundings and this human chauffeur (from the looks of his clothes).

  “I’ll follow you.” I finally replied.

  With a nod, he turned to retreat from where he climbed down and I followed, keeping a distance of several feet between us. Once his back was turned, I quickly let my hair down and ran my fingers through my tresses to allow my waves and curls to tumble gently down my back.

  Chapter 13

  A sleek, black Cadillac limousine was parked on a narrow two-lane road that wound towards a small village that was filled with a few twinkling lights, about several miles north.

  The windows were tinted nearly completely black but the interior light was on in the back. Fernando quickly moved to open the door for me, standing at perfect attention with a pleasant smile as he gestured for me to enter.

  I took my time walking up to the open door. The light scent of expensive cologne wafted out before I leaned down to peer inside. I caught sight of Gage lounging casually in a pair of relax- fit, dark gray slacks, a silver silk-textured shirt that molded around his muscular physique very well, and genuine, dark gray Italian leather dark loafers.

  I swear he was even more gorgeous right now than he was on our previous encounter last night.

  A complacent smile was already affixed to his gorgeous face but it was soon replaced by a subtle look of surprise. He grinned while admiring me, more so probably wondering why I decided to wear my hair down again.

  It was his eyes that immediately caught my attention this time though. They were a different color, sparkling like crystals in a stunning shade of light periwinkle blue.

  I paused to remove the personal arsenal strapped to my back so I could sit comfortably.

  “Good evening.” He sat forward and greeted me first.

  “You’re right on time. I guess you expected me to show up.” I commented.

  “I had a pretty good hunch.” He replied coolly, although I took it as somewhat patronizing.

  Both he and Fernando waited patiently while I methodically unclasped my belts, harnesses, and then brought my sword around in hand.

  “Expecting a fight?” He commented as I set my things in first and then climbed in. Fernando closed the door behind me.

  “Always. We’ll see.” I raised a brow.

  He laughed.

  I took in the clean, black leather interior, the loaded mini bar, and the fancy communication gadgets inside.

  The limo gently revved to life and then we were moving along smoothly just like gliding on a cushion of air.

  “I heard a fight up here not long ago and I picked up the scent of a Nocturna. Did you see anything?”

  Though he didn’t appear to be disheveled, dirty, scarred, or even breathless from any kind of fight, I had to ask anyway. I was suspicious.

  “I dealt with it.”

  I was incredulous. What had he done with him? The same thing as with the other one? So, where was the body this time?

  His alluring demeanor and the danger of not knowing exactly who or what he was and what he was fully capable of was making me warily uncomfortable. I was extremely interested and determined to find out all of it tonight.

  “What’s up with your eyes?”

  “What about them?”

  “They were hazel yesterday.”

  He was looking at me as if he were imagining what I looked like naked or something before he finally answered. “Genetics.”

  I nodded, wondering what that meant specifically.

  “Something to drink?” he offered, sitting forward and pulling out two glasses from the mini-bar cabinet.

  Guess he wasn’t going to elaborate.

  “Got any Hennessy Cognac?”

  “Is Richard Hennessy alright?” He replied as he pulled out the bottle and held it up for me to see. That brand runs at a minimu
m of three thousand dollars a bottle!

  My jaw dropped slightly. I was impressed. So, he’s gorgeous but an arrogant smart-ass. Great.

  I shrugged a shoulder. “I guess. I would ask what it is that you do for a living but I think my main curiosity is why you have a human working for you.”

  He didn’t answer right away, taking his time uncorking the bottle, dropping two ice cubes in each glass, and then pouring the rich amber liquid into each of them. Then he handed me one.


  “Something wrong with humans?” He finally addressed my question.

  “No. I meant that is he aware of…”

  “No, he’s under my control so there is nothing to worry about if that’s what concerns you.” He finished for me with assurance.

  I eyed him. “I see.”

  So his eyes did hold some sort of a hypnotic and controlling power. I’ll make sure to stay on my guard around him then…as hard as that may be to do.

  The brandy smelled wonderful; well-aged, peppery, and slightly fruity. I waited for him to take a sip of his before I would.

  “Wealth runs in the family.” He finally answered my earlier question. He lounged back into the casual sitting position he had been in before.

  Must be nice.

  In the brief silence, he was staring at me again and I’d like to think that I could guess what was going through his mind but I couldn’t. However, what was going through mine was a residual of the sudden onslaught of horniness that exploded inside of me not long ago.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Dinner will be at my place. I prefer privacy for this sort of conversation or anything else that might take place.”

  A naughty grin slowly spread across his face and I felt a slight quiver in the pit of my stomach. Deviance was an extremely sexy look on him.

  “How convenient. I’m sure you say that to all of the females who have been in this very seat.” I stated flatly, completely avoiding what was really going on inside my body and mind right now.

  He laughed.

  I finally took a sip of the fragrant cognac. The flavor of spices and a bit of nutmeg warmed my tongue and throat as it went down smoothly. Damn, this is really good stuff but I would never pay that much for any bottle of alcohol.

  “How have you been feeling since last night?” he then asked.

  “You tell me. You obviously already know what’s been happening and what will happen. You said you can help me, which is the only reason I showed up. I want to know everything.”

  Then it suddenly dawned on me. Why would he have risked coming out all the way to the island for a drink when Cole clearly warned him not to come around again? It was obvious that he had been watching and waiting until I was alone, settling for a simple glass of regular house brandy even though he had this in his possession.

  Should I believe that he was actually concerned and checking on me? The thought made me smile slightly to myself.

  He inhaled and exhaled slowly before speaking.

  “From what I can see and sense, it may be too late.”

  My eyes locked onto his and I grimaced with both despair and irritation.

  “Too late? Are you telling me that you can’t help me after all? Seriously?” I was irritated.

  He leaned forward, his eyes focused on my face, searching for something.

  “Would you mind allowing me a look at it? The bite mark?”

  Actually, the thought of him looking at my bare midriff completely excited me but I played it off.

  I set my glass down, leaned forward, and slipped out of my cover. Then, I rolled up my form-fitting, sleeveless black shirt to give him full view of my side.

  He examined it thoroughly in silence and when he was done the expression on his face completely made me lose all hope.

  He sat back and sighed, pressing his sexy lips together as if disappointed. “I know you don’t want to hear what I have to say.” He began.

  No, I didn’t. I wanted to be furious and demand that Fernando stop the car so I could get out but the other part of me wanted to simply scream and cry like a helpless child.

  “How do you know what’s happening to me?” I asked softly.

  “I’ve seen it happen before.”

  “Before? When? To who?” I pressed him.

  “Nocturnas love to hunt and feed. Victims are never left alive and they typically prefer humans. With other supernatural beings, they know they’re risking a violent fight. If they attack at all, they will always attack in packs for security and fight to the death.”

  “Apparently not.”

  “He was beyond hunger and reason, which made him completely underestimate you. I know because I came upon your hidden island by accident myself, too. That gateway caught my attention and curiosity, especially when he made a break for it to get away from me. Leaving you alive was an accident.”

  I tensed. By accident my ass.

  “The gateway we found on the island you mean?”

  “Yes, and there’s another one on the mainland.”

  “We know,” I eyed him, “You said he made a break for it. What were you after him for?”

  “The same reasons that you all were.” He answered a little too quickly and I didn’t quite buy that completely.

  “Well, we closed the gateway on the island but this one on the mainland is huge and in the middle of a lot of human activity.”

  “If you all are worried about more trash from the Ascendants filtering through, closing that one won’t make a bit of difference. Gateways all over the world have been cropping up and they’ve been continuing to trickle through slowly, which means that the food supply has been running scarce in their latest conquests. The human world is nothing more than one giant buffet in waiting and the worst of them have yet to cross through.”

  “I know all about the history and the threat, which is why we need to start closing them all anyway, starting with the one here. We have enough animators to do it, it’s just a matter of how and when.”

  “How can you continue to close them when you have no idea who’s opening them?”

  He had a point. They would continue to reopen them or simply open new ones elsewhere.

  “Clearly the Ascendants have a bunch of Animators and Mages working for them. I’m sure it may be pointless at first but it still doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to do something before it gets out of control.”

  “Trust me when I say that for now, I’ve been monitoring this one and I’ve got it under control.”

  My brows furrowed. How did he alone have that huge one under his singular control?

  “What’s that supposed to mean? The lives of humans and other beings are at stake. Do you know how to seal it?”

  He fixed me with a heart-stopping twinkle in his wickedly brilliant, periwinkle eyes.

  “Sealing it isn’t necessary right now but if I need assistance, I’ll let you all know.”

  I sighed and fixated my eyes at him. As a Nocturna, could he be working for them or something?

  “Well, that may be a long shot considering what you are and apparently you haven’t been watching the news here lately. There was a human body discovered and two Nocturna were spotted near that gateway.”

  “Did they die of unnatural causes?” He questioned.


  He nodded, taking a long drink and finishing it.

  “Well, I can’t be everywhere at once.”

  “No shit.”

  “Rest assured that I will find and eliminate them before they manage to kill anyone else.”

  “And what makes you so confident that will happen? Are you a bounty hunter?”

  He flashed a dazzling smile and winked. “I’ve been aware of more than you all even realize for quite some time now. No, I’m not a bounty hunter…and the night is still young, for us anyway.”

  There was a long bout of silence. I spent most of it watching him and wondering how long it would be until we arrived at h
is home. I gripped my katana in my hand for reassurance.

  “Your sub-domina is the Guardian Tiger, was I correct before?” He suddenly asked.

  I looked at him as if he started speaking another language.

  Sub-domina was a term I hadn’t heard since we were kids. It was the mystic animal ancestry in our lineage.


  “Guardian Tigers.” He repeated slowly as if I were hard of hearing. He raised a single brow and leaned forward again, resting his elbows on his knees.

  I didn’t know if I wanted to answer that but I couldn’t think of a reason not to except to be a bitch, which is totally what I felt like regarding the conversation so far. I did wonder how he managed to come to that conclusion though.

  “That’s right. How did you know that?”

  He nodded with a grin. “Your persona and the color and shape of your mesmerizing eyes gives it away.”

  “And I’m a Nocturna now too, aren’t I?” I felt tears burning my eyes.

  “No.” He leaned back in his seat again and a serious glint flashed in his eyes, which were slowly settling back into the natural hazel color that they had been before.

  “Mine is the Phantom Jaguar.”

  I gaped at him in disbelief, completely speechless.

  He was a hunter too? No way.

  So, that was what he had been trying to tell us when we all ran into each other that first night.

  Chapter 14

  I don’t know how long I simply sat there staring at Gage, long after the limo came to a complete stop and the engine cut off.

  The door opened and Fernando stood at attention, waiting for us to exit.

  I’ll be damned, he’s a hunter too.

  If I didn’t find him appealing and incredibly attractive before, that bit of information just added more points to his overall score.

  That Nocturna vibe that we all got from him was the same thing that I was turning into myself now.

  My mind was in a million places at once, formulating so many questions and thinking of all sorts of future situations that I’d have to deal with sooner or later.


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