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Resurgence Page 5

by Rebecca Deel

  Satisfaction filled his gaze. “Lily and Remy will be waiting at my place.”

  Once the plane landed, Maddox signaled Veronica to wait. She hated being on this side of a protection detail. It wouldn’t be for long, she reminded herself. She and Adam would figure out who was behind her kidnapping, then everything would return to normal. Except things would never be normal again without Dane.

  Five minutes later, the Fortress CEO returned to the plane. “Everything is clear, including your SUV, Adam. Report to my office tomorrow morning before you go to the hospital to see Mrs. Carver.”

  “Yes, sir.” Adam helped Veronica to her feet, grabbed his Go bag, and preceded her to the stairs. Stubborn man didn’t trust his boss’s word that it was safe for her to leave the plane, although she appreciated his diligence and protectiveness. The DEA could use a man of his caliber.

  Veronica lifted her duffel bag of clothes and followed. Once she settled in the passenger seat of a black SUV, Adam circled the hood to climb behind the steering wheel.

  She liked driving this time of morning. Not much traffic, the only time that was true in this booming metropolis. Plus, Nashville was pretty at night. Veronica was surprised to discover that Adam lived a few miles from her house. Nice. Maybe they could swing by her place tomorrow or the next day to replenish her clothes supply. She didn’t expect Fortress to supply her with a new wardrobe.

  Provided it was safe enough. If her place was under surveillance, she didn’t want the watchers to see Adam. Maybe a nighttime visit would be better. Easier to blend into the surroundings at night. Adam couldn’t blend in during the daytime. His rugged good looks and obvious physical fitness made fading into the background impossible.

  Veronica sighed. Now she sounded like a grade school kid experiencing her first crush.

  Adam drove to the back of his ranch-style house. The back door opened and a muscular man walked outside.

  She gripped the Sig, never taking her gaze from the man approaching Adam’s side of the SUV. If he made so much as one suspicious move toward Adam, he was a dead man.

  “Relax, Vonnie. That’s Remy.” Adam squeezed her hand and opened the door to greet his friend. “Sorry for interrupting your night, Remy.”

  Veronica opened her door so she could hear the conversation and be ready to defend Adam should he need backup. Didn’t look like he did, though.

  “No problem. We’re glad to help.”

  After glancing around to be sure no surprises lurked in the darkness, Veronica exited the vehicle.

  Adam held out his hand to her. “Veronica, this is Remy Doucet. Remy, Veronica Miles.”

  “Nice to finally meet you, sugar.”

  Remy’s Cajun accent was pleasant to Veronica’s ears. “Finally?”

  “You gave us Adam’s location in Belize.”

  “You were part of the rescue team?”

  He nodded. “Thank you, Veronica. Adam is a good friend. Lily and I owe you a debt.”

  “You don’t owe me anything, Remy.” Her gaze shifted to Adam. “I’m glad you got him out in time.”

  “Let’s go inside,” Adam said, voice gruff. “Remy, my Go bag and Vonnie’s duffel bag are in the cargo area.”

  “I’ll take care of it. Lily’s waiting.”

  As soon as they entered the kitchen, a small blond woman turned, smiled at them. “No new injuries, Adam?”

  “Not this time. Lily, this is Veronica Miles. Lily Doucet, Vonnie.”

  “Glad you’re safe, Veronica.” Lily motioned to the kitchen table. “I have water heating for tea or I can make you coffee if you’d prefer.”

  Her eyebrow rose. “You have tea, Adam? I pegged you as a coffee-only man.”

  “I am. The tea is for Claire.”

  Claire? Veronica’s breath froze in her lungs. Adam had a girlfriend? Pain stabbed her heart. Why wouldn’t he? The operative was an amazing man. Of course he had a woman he cared for. But if so, why did he kiss her? Maybe the kiss meant nothing but a gesture of comfort after all.

  “Speaking of Claire,” Remy said, depositing their bags to the side of the door. “She insisted you call as soon as you got in.”

  “It’s two in the morning.” Adam scowled. “She should be sleeping.”

  “Yeah, she said you’d fuss, but for you to call anyway.” Remy clapped his shoulder. “She won’t sleep until she hears from you. Might as well give in so she’ll rest.”

  “I’ll call her after I get Veronica settled.”

  Lily handed Adam a mug of coffee, then stood with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. “Call her now. I’ll take care of Veronica. Put your sister out of her misery.”

  Sister. Claire was his sister. Veronica dropped into the nearest chair, relief rolling through her in a tidal wave. What was wrong with her? Must be weaker than she thought from the interrogation sessions because her emotional equilibrium was way off.

  Adam took a sip of coffee, tapped Lily on the nose, then left the room, cell phone in his hand.

  “Do you want tea, coffee, or something else, Veronica?”

  Mindful of her need to keep hydrated, she opted for water. Within five minutes, Adam returned and held out his hand to her. “Come on. I’ll show you where you will be sleeping.” He looked at Remy.

  “We’re on duty until you wake. Get some rest.”

  Grabbing her duffel bag, Adam led her from the kitchen to a guest room. “This okay?”

  Compared to where she’d been living the last few weeks, this was like being in a luxury hotel. “It’s great. Thank you, Adam. For everything.”

  “Bathroom is through the door to your left. There are towels and washcloths under the sink along with soap, my sister’s favorite body washes, and new toothbrushes and toothpaste. Use whatever you want.”

  He set her bag on the bed. “I’ll be across the hall. If you need anything during the night, come get me.” Adam kissed her cheek.

  A smart woman would have let him go on to bed. She didn’t do the smart thing. Veronica cupped his face between her palms, searched his startled gaze a moment, then slowly moved closer and kissed him.

  The kiss started out light, a first date kind of kiss. For a few seconds, Adam let her explore. Then his arms came around Veronica and drew her against him. She heard a door close and the earth moved. She found herself caged between the door and Adam.

  His tongue brushed her bottom lip, asking silent permission to deepen the kiss. With a soft moan, Veronica opened her mouth and was swept away on a tide of heat. Man, Adam Walker’s kissing talent was off the charts. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life as fireworks exploded in her head.

  For long minutes, she indulged in exploring the taste and texture of Adam’s mouth. When he broke the kiss and shifted his attention to her neck, Veronica realized he was slowing them down, allowing them both to catch their breath and cool the ardor burning them up.

  “Vonnie,” he whispered against her skin. “That kiss got out of hand. Should I apologize?”

  “Please don’t.” Her hand clenched on his nape.

  Adam held her close for a few more minutes, then sighed. “I have to leave now. While I still have enough control to walk out of here.” He stepped back so she could move away from the door. “See you in a few hours.” Without turning around, he left the room.

  Veronica sank onto the bed, more buzzed than if she had consumed a whole pot of coffee, and realized the truth. She was in so much trouble.


  Adam woke from a restless sleep, needing to burn off the charged emotion still revving his system. After changing into jogging clothes, he walked to the darkened kitchen, saw Remy staring out the back door with a mug of coffee in his hand. “Problem?”

  “Not unless you count the coyote prowling the neighborhood.”

  He shrugged into a light jacket and checked that his Sig was accessible. “He doesn’t bother me so I leave him alone. Everything quiet?”

  “Nothing unusual. Going for a r

  “Can’t sleep.”

  Remy turned. “You okay?”

  “Things on my mind.” More like someone. Veronica Miles captured his interest without trying, and that was before the sizzling kiss. Every time he woke during the night, he ached to hold her close and exchange more dynamite kisses.

  Remy’s intent gaze said his friend wasn’t buying the explanation. “I’ll make a new pot of coffee while you try to outrun your problems. Not going to work, though. Women are complicated.”

  “Who said anything about a woman?”

  “Please. You’re talking to a man who adores his wife, mother, sisters-in-law, and nieces. I know that look because I’ve seen it in the mirror more times than I want to admit. Veronica?”

  No point hiding the truth from one of his best friends. “Yeah.”

  “Things will work out, Adam. Take your time. You’ve been hurt and I think she has, too.”

  He flinched at the direct hit. Yeah, he had been hurt, but he moved on with his life. Adam clapped Remy on the shoulder and went out into the early morning. He ran the first half mile at a slower pace, giving his body time to warm up and loosen stiff muscles and joints. He still felt remnants of the drug lord’s handiwork first thing in the mornings.

  He completed the next four and a half miles at a faster pace. As he pounded the pavement, he considered Remy’s words. Despite his friend’s worry, Adam didn’t pine for Jessica. He’d been engaged to the kindergarten teacher before the deep cover mission that landed him in the enemy’s hands. Adam had warned Jess he might be gone for months and unable to call. She assured him she would be fine, and she’d see him in a week or two.

  That was his first clue she didn’t understand the danger he faced every time he deployed. Should have known then their relationship wouldn’t work out. Instead, he took Jess at her word, assuming she would understand if he was absent longer than a couple weeks.

  He managed to call once a week until he was captured. Adam’s stomach lurched, remembering agony at the hands of a sadistic killer bent on expanding into weaponized viruses, afraid at the time he wouldn’t make it home to her or his sister. He had escaped, thanks to Claire, her husband Zane, Remy, Lily, two SEALs, and the Durango unit. If the team had arrived one day later, he wouldn’t have survived. Adam understood what Vonnie survived. He’d been there himself. At least her interrogator hadn’t used chains, knives, and fire on her.

  Once Adam was stateside, Jess came to see him. His lip curled. The woman he planned to spend the rest of his life with had taken one look at his injuries, handed him the engagement ring, and walked away without a backward glance. He hadn’t heard from her in more than a year.

  Comparing how he felt about Jessica to the firestorm Vonnie stirred in him, Adam was grateful the teacher walked away rather than try to stay the course with him, then ultimately leave when she realized she wasn’t strong enough to be an operative’s wife. She would have been miserable, their home a war zone instead of a place of safety, comfort, and love for them both.

  Adam didn’t know where this thing with Vonnie might go, but he wanted to find out. For the first time since Jessica walked out on him, he looked forward to spending time with a woman away from work. The question was, did she feel the same interest in him?

  He huffed out a laugh as he turned the corner and ran toward his house. Why would Vonnie be interested in him? He had his share of dates before Jessica and Belize. After the drug lord finished with him, no woman showed any interest. His time in the torture chamber scarred him inside and out.

  But Vonnie kissed him. That had to mean she was attracted. Right? Adam frowned. He’d drive himself crazy with this line of thinking. He didn’t have the answers to any of the questions. Only Vonnie had them.

  He slowed to a walk in his driveway. When he opened the back door, Remy turned and tossed him a bottle of water. “Your girl is awake. I don’t think she slept any better than you.”

  Adam guzzled half the water before asking, “How do you know?”

  “She stumbled in here after you left and begged for coffee. Once she drank a cup and poured a refill, she admitted she slept an hour or two.”

  Adam glanced toward the hall, concerned. Did she feel worse? “Maybe I should ask Jake Davenport or one of the other medics to check Vonnie when we go to Fortress headquarters.”

  The other operative rolled his eyes. “Won’t make her happy. Veronica told Lily she’s tired of being in bed and dealing with doctors. Sending her to Jake will spread the aggravation to you.”

  He grunted. Couldn’t blame her. He felt the same after escaping the basement in Belize. Adam cared about Vonnie, enough to make her angry with him by calling in Jake.

  After showering, he dressed, strapped on his weapons, and grabbed another light jacket. No point in making medical personnel uncomfortable when he entered the hospital fully armed.

  In the hall, he noticed her bedroom door was cracked. Adam tapped on the door and eased it open. Veronica straightened from tying her running shoes, a smile curving her mouth when she saw him.

  “How far did you run?”

  “Five miles.”

  “Give me another few days and I’ll run with you.”

  “Deal.” He moved closer. “How do you feel, Vonnie?”

  “Like I’ve gone ten rounds in the ring with an MMA champion.” She placed her palm against his chest. “Adam, I’m fine. Please, don’t worry so much. Dr. Sorensen might be a grouch, but he’s good at what he does.”

  “You didn’t sleep well.”

  She frowned. “Remy is a tattletale? Good to know. I’ll be sure to keep deep, dark secrets to myself.”

  “He’s concerned about you, Vonnie.” So was Adam.

  “I can look after myself. It’s nobody’s fault I had nightmares starring the creep who interrogated me for three days.” Her cheeks flushed. “I also had a hard time going to sleep in the first place.”

  He analyzed her tone of voice, noted the way she wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Why?”

  “Your serious kissing skills, Walker.”

  Grinning, Adam wrapped his arms around Veronica. “I didn’t sleep well myself. I was distracted by a beautiful woman sleeping across the hall from me.”

  She leaned her cheek against his chest. “What are we doing, Adam?”

  “Exploring an attraction.”

  Veronica was silent a moment. “I don’t know how to play relationship games.”

  “I don’t play games.” Not anymore. Life was too short to waste time with high school antics, especially given his high-stakes career. “I want to see where this goes.”

  “What if it doesn’t go anywhere?”

  Based on their kiss, he didn’t think there was a chance of that happening. “We’ll part ways as friends. I’ll always be here if you need me, no matter what happens between us.”

  She seemed to melt against him. “Same goes for me. I will always have your back.”

  Adam captured her mouth in a gentle kiss, and released her. “Come on. We need to eat before meeting Maddox.”

  “What could he find out in five hours?”

  “You’d be surprised. Fortress has people working 24/7. One of them is my brother-in-law, Zane Murphy. Zane is our resident tech guru. He’s magic with computers and electronics.”

  “Handy. You like him?”

  He clasped her hand. “Yeah, but don’t tell him I said that. He thinks I put up with him because of Claire. Keeps him in line.”

  Remy and Lily went home to sleep when Adam left with Veronica. At Fortress headquarters, he escorted her to Maddox’s office. Helen, the boss’s assistant, hadn’t arrived yet so Adam knocked on the door. A moment later, he and Veronica were seated in chairs in front of Maddox’s desk.

  “How are Rowan and Alexa?” Adam asked.

  Maddox’s face lit up. “Good. Lex started taking karate.”

  “Good for her. What sparked her interest?”

  “Jon Smith and Eli Wolfe have been working wi
th her and Rowan on self-defense tactics. They convinced my girls that training in martial arts is a great equalizer.”

  Adam wasn’t surprised. The two Navy SEALs spent a lot of time with Maddox and his family and they loved Alexa as much as the rest of the Fortress operatives. Situational awareness and martial arts training would help the boss’s wife and daughter protect themselves until help arrived should they be attacked by enemies of Fortress again. He couldn’t think of anyone better to give the women pointers on self defense than the two fierce SEALs.

  “Veronica, I made some calls and cleared you to see Cissy Carver.” Maddox looked troubled. “I’m afraid your reception might not be what you’re expecting.”

  “Why not?”

  “She’s not seeing visitors. Her blood pressure is too high and she’s refusing to speak to anyone except her physician.”

  “We’re good friends. I don’t think she’ll mind.”

  Maddox didn’t look convinced.

  A knock on the door brought Adam to his feet. He placed himself between Veronica and the visitor, although he wasn’t too worried about a gunman storming into Fortress without being stopped in his tracks long before he reached the boss’s office.

  Zane rolled into the room, file on his lap. His eyes narrowed when he saw Adam. “You look like you haven’t slept in a month. Take a nap or something before Claire sees you.”

  He scowled at his brother-in-law. “Yes, Mother. Z, this is Veronica Miles. Vonnie, Zane Murphy, my pain-in-the-neck brother-in-law.”

  Zane shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, Veronica. R.J. Walsh is a friend of mine.”

  Veronica smiled. “So you’re the famous Z spoken of so highly by R.J. He says you create amazing video games.”

  “In my spare time.” He sent a pointed glance at Maddox. “Not that I have much of that these days.”

  Maddox smiled. “What do you have for me?”

  Zane tossed the file on the desk. “I’m still digging. No one reported Veronica missing.”


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