Two Cowboys for Cady

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Two Cowboys for Cady Page 2

by Kit Tunstall

  She whimpered when Jace broke the kiss, arching forward to recapture his elusive mouth and lodging her breast more firmly in Brody’s mouth. Cady opened her eyes, blinking for a second at the dim lighting from the two lamps that seemed brighter than it should after having been in her self-imposed darkness for the past few minutes. Holding her breath, she watched Jace lower his head as he slid off the couch to kneel on his knees. It sent a thrill through her when he took her other breast in his mouth, and the sight of both men worshiping her made her tremble.

  Cady arched her back to offer more of her small breasts to their eager mouths, squeezing her thighs together to keep from squirming. Heat burnt between her legs, and she ached for relief. How had they made her so hot so quickly?

  “Damn, girl,” said Jace, as though he’d read her mind. “You’re burning for us.” He emphasized the words by returning to her nipple to flick it with the tip of his tongue.

  Deprived of their thighs, she settled for clutching handfuls of the couch cushion to keep herself on the furniture as they kissed her breasts. She could have remained at their passionate mercy for the rest of the night, but knew they would have to stop eventually. Cady stifled a sigh when the men lifted their heads, moving as one with unspoken communication.

  Brody took her mouth in a rougher kiss than Jace had, one that branded her as his and left her gasping for air each time he allowed her a small intake of oxygen. When he finally lifted his head, she gazed into his green eyes, finding his desire blatantly obvious. A glance at Jace revealed he had been observing, and his chest rose and fell rapidly, as though the sight of her kissing his friend had increased his arousal. Then she realized he was now shirtless and couldn’t tear her gaze from his bronzed chest, lightly dusted with black hair that called to her fingers.

  Giving in to the impulse, she lifted her hand and placed her palm against his warm skin, scraping her fingers through the hair and eliciting a groan from the man. Brody moved beside her, and a second later, she felt his bare chest pressing against her side. Cady turned her head to examine his flesh, finding his muscled torso as pleasing as Jace’s, though the blond hair was a marked contrast to his friend’s. The blond strands were also coarser, but his skin was as firm and smooth.

  “Are you comfortable here, Cady-did?” Brody groaned when she raked her fingernail gently over his nipple. “Or would you rather go to the bedroom?”

  “We can lay you out on the bed and have access to all of you,” said Jace.

  Cady shuddered, torn between the desire to feel their hands everywhere and the reluctance to reveal her plump curves to these two rock-hard men. She murmured something, letting them make the decision. Tonight, she wanted to let them seize control and please her. She had to shut off her brain for that to happen, though she knew that would be difficult to do. Having spent most of her life analyzing everything that was wrong with her body made it hard to just shut off that little voice and not worry about what they were going to think of her thick frame.

  Without a peep of protest, she rose to her feet, taking the hand Brody extended, and followed him from the room, with Jace right behind her. Her lovers took her down the hallway, to the third door on the left. When she stepped inside, it was immediately obvious they were in a guestroom. The homey quilt and Americana décor didn’t seem compatible with either man’s tastes, and there wasn’t a personal touch anywhere. It was a relief to have this shared space that neither man had a stake on, as though it put them all on equal footing. The last thing she wanted to do was show a preference for one man over the other, even inadvertently. She truly couldn’t have chosen between them if she’d had to.

  She experienced a moment of panic-induced claustrophobia when both men pressed close to her, Jace at her back and Brody at her front. Her brain urged her to escape before things went too far, though she knew things had already gone way past too far. There was no escape, and as she calmed down, she acknowledged she didn’t want to get away. The thought of being the plaything of these two virile cowboys made her heart race, this time with anticipation, not anxiety.

  Jace began kissing the back of her neck, and Brody bent his head to capture her mouth in a long, drugging kiss. His tongue swept inside, branding her as his, and she lifted a hand to tangle in his hair, anchoring him closer. Conscious of not wanting to slight Jace, she reached awkwardly behind her to caress his hip.

  Cady trembled when Brody worked at the zipper of her jeans so Jace could start pulling them down. She moaned, suppressing the urge to hide her chunky thighs, as Brody knelt in front of her. He craned his head to suck one of her nipples while Jace pushed her pants to the floor before pressing his back to her again. One of his calloused hands cupped the breast his friend wasn’t kissing, and she threw back her head, arching her back to offer more for their tasting and touching.

  Brody seemed to be taking his sweet time as he inched lower, running the tip of his tongue over her nipple and down the underside of her breast before moving on to her stomach. She forced herself to stand still as he breathed a hot trail down her soft flesh, reminding herself he didn’t seem to mind her tummy, so why should she?

  Their actions proved a welcome distraction from her thoughts, and she gasped as Brody paused at her stomach to suck right above the belly button with such force she was sure to have a hickey in the morning. Another gasp escaped when Jace knelt behind her and began licking and nibbling on her lower back. As though they had timed their performance, Jace started sucking in time with Brody, turning her into a wriggling pile of need between them. She didn’t know where to turn or how to find relief. “Oh, please…”

  “I hope we do please you,” said Brody, propping his chin on her stomach as he looked up at her.

  Cady managed a shaky nod and grasped handfuls of each of their hair, though it required an awkward movement. “So much already.” She didn’t know if she meant they had already pleased her so much, or if what they had done was overwhelming her. It was a bit like being lost, even down to the hint of fear still lingering. Not that she was afraid of her lovers. Just frightened of how tonight might change things between the three of them, and even with her best friend. Could she keep this night a secret from Ella? Yet, how could she tell her she had slept with her brother and his best friend?

  “I’ll tell you what there’s too much of,” said Jace. “Clothes.” He knelt down again. “Step out of these pants, Cady.”

  Cady did as he’d instructed, left standing before them in just her red lacy thong. Thank goodness she hadn’t opted for the granny panties this morning.

  Brody whistled through his teeth. “Hot damn, Cady-did. Those panties are sin personified.”

  She blushed like a schoolgirl. Clearing her throat, she managed to say, “Um, thanks.” He didn’t need to know she’d bought them in the plus-size section of a ridiculously expensive retailer during her last trip into Butte. If she did tell Ella about tonight, she’d have to remember to thank her friend for pushing her into getting a few pairs of sexy underwear.

  Jace’s hands were suddenly at the waistband, and she trembled. Brody held up a hand. “Hold on there, buddy. I want to spend some time with Cady’s panties.”

  Jace chuckled, and she felt his hands move away.

  Brody had leaned back on his knees to allow her to shed the jeans, but he now leaned forward again, this time seeking out the heat between her legs. She yelped in surprise when he buried his face against her pussy, inhaling deeply. “Oh, god,” she whispered when he stroked a finger down her slit, pressing the silk-lined lace against her opening and chafing gently. Arching her hips, she barely managed to keep standing.

  Apparently Jace noticed, because he put his arm around her waist to steer her around Brody and lead her to the bed. “Just lie down there and get comfortable, honey.”

  Submission was dangerously intoxicating, and she wondered if she would have the ability to deny any request they might make of her. Since she couldn’t think of one thing she didn’t want them to do to her, it seeme
d outside the realm of possibility.

  Her breath caught in her throat as the men moved almost as one, shucking off their pants and underwear with the same sparse economy of motion. As one, they moved toward the bed, diverging at the foot so each could lay one either side of her. She stared up at the ceiling, struggling to remember how to breathe, as Jace cuddled against her left side and Brody took up position on the right.

  “You’re just as sexy as I always thought you’d be,” said Jace.

  “Sexier,” growled Brody as he stroked his fingers over her pussy, pausing to circle her clit with the delicious friction from the panties. “Jerk-off fantasies can’t compare to the reality, Cady-did.”

  Heat bloomed in her face. “You, um, masturbated while thinking about me?” Her voice came out as a timid little squeak that did nothing to show how enthralling she found the idea. Considering she’d done the same many times, she certainly had no reason to feel outraged. Instead, she was even more aroused and idly wondered if they had ever all masturbated to a fantasy of their threesome at the same time?

  “At least twice a week.” Brody pushed down her underwear to touch her neatly trimmed hair, gliding a finger through it to the soft lips underneath. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  Jace pushed lightly on her shoulder, urging her to turn on her side. She bit her lip to stifle a cry of surprise and a touch of protest when he stroked the crease of her buttocks. “I’m dying to be in you too, Cady. Have you ever had a threesome before?”

  She shook her head, unable to resist the urge to squirm backward against his thumb as he slowly pressed it against the rosette between her cheeks.

  “Ever had a man here before?” he asked, probing gently.

  Cady managed a nod.

  “Tell me.”

  It took a second to marshal her thoughts, because Brody had chosen that moment to slip his hand inside her slippery opening, dipping his fingers into the hole as though to test her readiness before moving upward to circle her clitoris. The panties against her heated flesh had been stimulating, but couldn’t compare to flesh-on-flesh.

  Jace circled her puckered bud in almost the same motion, with the same sense of timing. “Don’t be shy, honey. I’d like to know what lucky bastard had the pleasure of taking you this way because I want to know how experienced you are.”

  Cady clutched a handful of the quilt and groped blindly with her other hand for hard male flesh, eventually connecting with the top of Brody’s head as he slid down the bed, bringing his mouth close to her pussy. “It’s been a while, but I’ve had anal sex several times. I used to be paranoid about getting pregnant, so my college boyfriend and I did it that way a lot.”

  “Hmm.” Jace sounded slightly concerned. “Anything more recent? I’ll bet your body’s forgotten the college experience by now.”

  “Toys.” She was so glad she didn’t have to meet either of their eyes when she confessed, “I have a plug. I love having it inside me while I use my vibrator in my pussy.” And pretend both are your cocks. She left that thought unspoken, still too unaccustomed to having them as lovers to be that honest.

  Jace chuckled. “I’d pay to see that, honey.” His sigh sounded full of relief. “Well, hot damn. It’s like you’ve been prepping for us all this time, huh?”

  “Yeah.” She nibbled on her lip, indecisive about her next confession as Brody’s mouth engulfed her slit. His tongue pressed inside her, blazing a trail from her clit to her taint that made her tremble and cry out under the onslaught. “Oh, that’s amazing, Brody.”

  He said something, but his mouth against her intimate flesh muffled it.

  “Several girls have told me he’s really good at that.” Jace moved behind her, and she could visualize how a moment later when he once again started kissing her back, slowly working lower. Her buttocks clenched as she dared speculate about his final destination. It had been years since a lover had put his mouth there. Despite what she’d thought had been a very serious relationship with Garrett, she had never dared ask him to kiss her there, because he always complained so vigorously when she asked him to go down on her pussy. The few times he’d bothered to do so had been quick and unsatisfying.

  “You aren’t the only ones,” she whispered, almost hoping they wouldn’t hear her.

  “Only ones what?” asked Jace as his mouth reached the indent of her buttocks, and he blew warm air against it, making her shiver.

  “I’ve fantasized about fucking both of you before, lots of times.” Practically every time she masturbated, she was imagining being at the tender mercy of two men. Over the years, those fantasy men had morphed into the two men she had always thought were forbidden to her. “When I have my vibrator and plug deep inside me, I’m always wishing it were the two of you.”

  “You say the sweetest things,” said Jace as his mouth entered taboo territory. She couldn’t help moaning and shaking when he licked her crease, his tongue homing in on the rosette waiting to be discovered. Brody’s tongue darted into her pussy as Jace’s breached her back passage, and the two men tongue-fucked her in a parody of what their bodies would do to her later.

  Cady released her hold on Brody’s hair to cup her own breast, pulling and rubbing the nipple forcefully as her lower body quivered under their sensual ministrations. “Oh, god, I didn’t know it could be like this.”

  Neither man replied, but they did increase the rapidity of their tongue thrusts. Cady closed her eyes and struggled to keep from squeezing her thighs shut to lock them against her as Brody’s mouth moved north. He sucked her clit between his lips, applying enough suction to make her thrust mindlessly. A second later, two of his fingers massaged the opening of her pussy before slipping inside. She took them easily, longing for the hard length of their cocks.

  As an orgasm burst over her, she called out their names in a mangled sound of syllables, thrusting forward and backward as fast as she could, unable to escape their mouths and desperate for more. Mercilessly, her lovers continued to taste and tease her, coaxing out two more orgasms before they finally let her go so she could roll onto her back and draw in deep, rasping breaths.

  Brody lay down beside her, but Jace was still perched on his side, watching them with a glint of possessiveness in his gaze that made her hot for an entirely different reason than their generous lovemaking.

  She turned her head to kiss Brody, finding her taste still lingered on his tongue. As she shifted slightly, her hand brushed his engorged cock, and she stroked the uncut length. Mouth watering, she sat up to examine it, finding him solidly built, angled slightly to the left, and sporting a dusting of blond curls under his cock that shielded his sac. Experimentally, she put her hand under his balls, rolling gently. “Can I taste you now?” she asked.

  Brody groaned. “Cady-did, tonight is about you.”

  She smiled a secretive grin. “If it’s about me, let me suck your cock. Yours too, Jace,” she said over her shoulder.

  With a shrug, Brody laid back, propping his hands behind his head. “If you wanna, I’m not going to fight you off.”

  “Oh, I wanna.” Her legs threatened to collapse for a moment as she changed position, moving to her hands and knees to straddle Brody. Cady slid down his body in the same slow, deliberate way he’d teased hers a little while before, bringing her mouth to the tip of his shaft. “I love to suck cock.” The things she was telling them should have shocked her, because she had never discussed such things with previous lovers, but it suddenly felt easy and natural with them. All traces of awkwardness had gone. “I’m almost embarrassed to admit this, but I sucked my first cock when I was just fourteen.” She licked his cock before hovering with her mouth over the head. “I dated an older neighbor boy, and I used to sneak out to meet him in my old tree house. I’d suck him several times per week, though it never lasted long.”

  Brody groaned, but she didn’t know if it was because the way her lips brushed his cock with each word she uttered or if her story was making him hot. “He didn’t have much
stamina. Do you, Brody?” She licked the shaft from tip to base. “Can you last for a while, cowboy?”

  He cleared his throat. “I’m sure gonna try.”

  With a throaty chuckle, she took his cock into her mouth, finding an easy rhythm. As she sucked and played with his erection, the bed moved as Jace got up. A couple of moments later, it dipped again as he returned. Cady didn’t break suction as Jace grasped her hips to lift her higher, so her ass was angled in the air. She tensed a bit when he inserted a plastic applicator inside her anus, but relaxed as warm lube filled her.

  “Do you mind if I make love to you here, Cady?” asked Jace. “I want to make sure you can take me before we’re both pounding away at you.”

  She briefly stopped sucking to nod before returning to her task. As the head of Jace’s cock probed her back passage, she tongued the corona of Brody’s cock, sucking at just the right moment to send him over the edge. Hot spurts of cum hit the back of her throat as Jace surged inside her gently, stretching her welcoming rosette with his tender thrusts.

  There was a brief moment of discomfort, as always, but it quickly faded as Jace slightly adjusted his angle while slipping his hand between her thighs to stroke her clit. Cady pushed back against him to meet each thrust, groaning as he took her a little more forcefully. She cried out his name as he eased her backward on her knees so she was kneeling. With an amazing feat of agility, he never broke rhythm as Brody knelt in front of her, taking her nipple into his mouth to bite gently. She pushed his head more firmly against her, and he responded to the invitation by sucking almost too hard. It was amazing, and she cried out when he did it again.

  Brody stopped. “Too much?”


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