True Love

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True Love Page 2

by Davenport, Fiona



  Right on time, Allison and Charlotte strolled out into the bright sunshine looking fresh and relaxed. My hands wrapped a little tighter around my glass of iced tea as I waited impatiently while they stood near the entrance and chatted.

  From what I’d picked up, Allison and Charlie—as Allison called her—had grown up together and were as close as sisters. My guess was cousins since they had the same last name. Their families had sent them to Cap Cana as a graduation gift. They seemed inseparable, and while nothing would ever stand in the way of making Allison mine, it would go smoother if I caught her alone. I’d been biding my time in order to find the right moment, and it was finally here.

  I left some cash on the bar next to my untouched drink and wandered closer. “See you back in the room around three?” Charlie asked as she fiddled with her phone. She had signed up for a cooking class and Allison had chosen not to attend. I’d discovered the kitchen was a place my goddess had no interest in. Unless it was to hunt for chocolate.

  Not that it mattered to me. Particularly since I had a chef whenever I was home—which hadn’t been much, but now that I’d found her, it would be more often than not. Once I put a ring on her finger, I’d spend all of my time between her wide-open legs, making sure she was bred as quickly as possible. Then I’d be there to take care of my nena while she carried our baby. After that, I’d be home with my family. I was incredibly pleased when I overheard Allison mention wanting a large family since I intended to keep her knocked up for the foreseeable future. I hadn’t realized how much I wanted that until I’d laid eyes on the woman I wanted to be the mother of my children.

  The girls hugged, and Charlie took off in the opposite direction of where I was lingering. Allison tucked her phone into a little purse with a thin strap that she was wearing across her chest. After completing her task, she lifted her head, and her eyes scanned the area before they landed on me.

  Having her gaze directed at me was like a shot of pure lust, followed by a feeling of possession that had me curling my fingers into my palms to avoid reaching for her. As I watched her light brown eyes widen and her pupils dilate, a devilish smile slowly spread across my face. She was clearly as affected by me as I was by her.

  As my smile grew, her mouth went a little slack, and her pink tongue darted out, leaving a shiny trail on her bottom lip before she swallowed hard. Slowly, I shifted my steps so I was prowling toward her. I couldn’t seem to contain my hunger for her. It was in my smile, my gaze, and the predatory way I approached her. But she didn’t back away. In fact, she seemed drawn to me. The connection clearly went both ways, and it had my heart dancing, even as it pumped all of the blood in my body straight to my cock. Fuck, I wanted her more than my next breath, but I had to force myself to calm down so I wouldn’t come on too strong and send her running. Not that she would get far.

  I came to a stop just inches away, forcing her to drop her head back to look up at my face. My eyes zeroed in on her mouth, and I licked my lips before forcing my gaze back up. “Hola, beautiful.”

  Allison’s skin flushed pink, and she smiled shyly. Her innocence was so sweet. It made me want to wrap her up in my arms to protect her from anything that might taint it. At the same time, it was hot as fuck. I couldn’t wait to introduce her to the seductive woman I suspected was also a part of her.

  It was almost impossible to keep my cool when I thought about the fact that I would be the one—the only one—who would ever see her flushed with desire, begging for my cock, screaming as she climaxed, her young pussy drenching my dick in her honey. Swallowing hard, I closed my eyes and commanded my body to back the hell off.

  After a couple of beats, I felt in control enough to open my eyes and take a step away. Her smile faltered, and her whiskey-colored eyes flashed with disappointment, making me smile. I extended my arm and held my hand out, palm up. “Come with me,” I requested in a husky tone.

  Allison glanced at my hand, then back to my face, studying my features as she worked through something in her mind. The air crackled with electricity from the sparks between us. I knew she could feel it too when her breathing kicked up a notch, and her eyes darkened.

  She nibbled her bottom lip—making me jealous of her teeth because I was absolutely obsessed with every part of her—and lowered her gaze to my hand again.

  This was it. The pivotal moment that would decide her future, and I knew somehow Allison understood that. Maybe not the complete scope of it, but enough to know she was making a life-altering decision. If she took my hand, she was mine, and I would never give her up.

  In truth, she would never be without me, but I was giving her the opportunity to choose me before I simply snatched her and took off.

  She brought a hand up to tuck some wayward strands of hair behind her ear, then paused instead of dropping it to her side. It took monumental effort to stay still and wait while the attraction between us buzzed over my skin and pumped blood to my cock.

  Finally, Allison breathed in deep, and as she exhaled, she placed her palm in mine.

  My fingers automatically laced with hers, and the tension I’d been carrying around since the day I saw her melted away. I gently squeezed her hand before raising it to my lips.

  “My name is Diego,” I said as I lowered our arms and led her toward one of the paths to the beach.

  “Allison,” she responded in a musical voice that had me instantly hard. Well, more so than I already was because just the thought of my girl gave me a hard-on.

  “Beautiful.” I was complimenting more than her name, and she blushed prettily again when my eyes swept from her head to her pink-tipped toes.

  Her bashfulness was adorable, but I also loved the lack of pretense in her expressions. Allison wore her emotions without reserve, and at the moment, her eyes were bright with pleasure and excitement. “Let’s go for a walk, nena.”

  Allison’s eyes sparkled when she smiled. Damn, she was gorgeous.

  “Okay,” she answered kindly.

  The morning air was warm, an indication it would be another scorching day, so I guided her down to the water, where we could enjoy the breeze off the ocean.

  “Where are you from?” I asked to start a light conversation.

  “New York City. Manhattan,” she replied. Of course, I already knew that, but it was best if I coaxed the information from her. I wasn’t sure how she’d react if she knew just how deep my obsession with her was.

  “And you just graduated from high school?”

  “Yes. Charlie and I both. Our fathers gave us this vacation as a gift before we start our summer internships.” She smiled with false brightness, surprising me. “Then college in the fall.”

  “You don’t sound terribly excited about either,” I replied, gently urging her to open up to me.

  Allison shrugged and didn’t elaborate. I decided to let it go for the moment and dig for other information.

  “Is your family in New York?”

  Her face lit up, and she grinned. “Oh, yes. And there are lots of them,” she said with a laugh. As she told me more, she used her free hand to gesticulate excitedly. The love she had for her family couldn’t have been more obvious, and I’d never been happier that I’d moved to New York City than at that moment. Although, if I hadn’t already, I would have done so immediately, just to make her happy.

  “I have three brothers and one sister, all younger. But I also grew up with a gaggle of cousins. And then there are our sort of adopted cousins.” She chuckled before going on to explain. “My parents’ closest friends all have kids around our same ages, and they are as much my cousins as the blood-related ones.”

  “Do you want a big family?” From the way she talked about it, I figured it was a solid assumption. It fit right in with my plans for us.

  Allison bobbed her head before glancing shyly up at me. “Definitely. It was always loud, and crowded, and chaotic, and I absolutely loved it. Honestly, it’s all I’ve ever wanted. To be a mo
m.” Pink dusted her cheeks, and she dropped her head but looked up through her long lashes. “I hope I can find a guy who wants the same things.”

  Suddenly, her lack of enthusiasm over work and college clicked in my mind. She was doing those things because it was expected of her, but what she really wanted was to have a family. She was so fucking perfect.

  It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her she’d found the right man, the only man, for her. To tell her she would be a mommy as soon as I got my cock inside her tight pussy. Again though, I held back to keep from freaking her out by the intensity of my desire for her. I wanted to ease her into the idea of us before I lowered my walls and let her see just how deep my fixation with her really went.

  Considering how short the time had been since I first saw her, people would probably call me crazy. I didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought except my nena. And if anyone tried to take her from me, I’d be dumping their body in the East River when I was done with them. Putting my ring on Allison’s finger and my baby in her belly were the only things I was focused on.

  I pulled her to a stop and kept my gaze trained on her face when I said, “I grew up with a large family as well, and I plan on having a houseful of children.”

  Allison beamed at me, then bit her bottom lip and began walking again. I halted her once more and tugged until she was standing only a couple of inches away from me with her head bent back to see my face. “Para de morder ese labio,” I growled. Gently, I used my thumb to pull her lip out of the grip of her teeth. “This lip doesn’t belong between your teeth, nena,” I informed her.

  Pictures of myself nibbling on that lip while I slowly moved in and out of her flashed in my mind, and the heat radiating off my body had nothing to do with the sun. We stared at one another for at least a minute before I breathed deeply and urged her to start our stroll again.

  I asked Allison questions, some of which I already knew the answers to. Others were things I was simply curious about. There were a few things I wanted to know that I had to go about asking in a roundabout way so that she didn’t even realize what she was sharing.

  “I take it your dad didn’t want you taking the trip with your boyfriend.”

  Allison shook her head, and her nose scrunched, clearly not liking that thought. “I’m sure he would have nixed the idea, but I don’t have a boyfriend. All the boys I know are spoiled and immature. They’re just boys, not men.” Her face flushed slightly, and she avoided my gaze when she continued, “I’m a woman, and a woman should be kissed by a man.”

  Her answer was exactly what I’d hoped to hear. She’d confirmed how innocent she was. No boyfriends, and it appeared she’d never been kissed. Never had a man between her thighs. Fuck. No one but me would ever know the feel of her plump lips, the softness of her skin, or what she tasted like. It sent my lust into overdrive, and I was glad she was looking away so I could discreetly adjust myself. Not that it gave me any relief, but at least it hid my hard-on a little better.

  “I’m sure it relieved your father that he didn’t have to worry about boys and their intentions,” I quipped in a light tone, as though I was teasing, when I was actually digging for another answer. “Although, I’m sure your mother had that all taken care of. My mamá had my five sisters at the doctor as soon as she spied a boy talking to one of them,” I said, followed by a chuckle.

  Allison smiled when I laughed, then shrugged. “My mom knew I’d ask if it ever became an issue.”

  Perfect. Nothing would stop me from filling her unprotected womb with my come. I couldn’t fucking wait to stuff her full of my seed until she was growing our baby.

  When we reached the edge of the property, we turned around and headed back. Our bungalows were just ahead, and I slowed my pace, wanting to draw out my time with her. Charlie was most likely waiting for her, and I wasn’t ready to let her go.

  “Have dinner with me.” It was not a question.



  After another torturous day of watching her but keeping my distance, six o’clock finally arrived. I jogged across the sand to her door and rapped my knuckles on the wood. The door swung open, and I was greeted by Charlie wearing a wide smile as she blocked the doorway. But beneath her cheeriness, I saw the appraising look in her eyes. I was pleased that she was watching out for her cousin.

  “Tall, dark, and handsome was certainly an accurate description,” she murmured. I was amused by her matter-of-fact tone. There was no interest in me beyond deciding if I was good enough for Allison. “The question still remains…”

  I raised an eyebrow and waited for her to finish her thought.

  “Are you a serial killer?”

  I stifled a laugh and shook my head. “No.”

  “Good, because you wouldn’t want to experience my kind of retribution for hurting my cousin. I guarantee I’m more creative and a whole lot meaner. You’d be crying like a little girl and begging for death by the time I was done with you.”

  She looked so serious that I almost believed her. But when I pictured this short, perky redhead torturing someone, all the while wearing the cheery smile she currently had on her face, I had to swallow hard a couple of times to tamp down the desire to burst into laughter. However, I admired her gumption. She was a pit bull, and the guy she fell for someday would have his hands full.

  “Got it,” I replied, deadpan. I was actually proud I didn’t have a hint of mirth in my tone.

  Her smile suddenly became genuine, and she took a step back, clearing the doorway. Allison walked out of her bedroom and grabbed a small, colorful purse before walking over to us.

  I nearly stumbled when my knees went weak at the vision she made. She looked young and fresh dressed in a white, strapless top and matching skirt. The bodice fit like a glove, emphasizing her small waist and pushing her big tits up so she had a decent amount of cleavage. The outfit was sexy as fuck, but I wasn’t happy about other people seeing what was for my eyes only. When she reached to grab something from the wall, I was relieved to see her drape a thin, white wrap with scattered sequins around her shoulders, hiding most of her cleavage.

  From her tiny waist, the skirt fell over her curvy hips and flared out, falling to just above her knees. My eyes dropped to her feet and the strappy, wedged sandals she wore that displayed her cute, teal-tipped toes.

  If anyone had ever tried to tell me that feet were a total turn-on, I would have laughed them out of the room. And owed them an apology. I wanted to suck on her adorable little digits and see her feet on the bed as she used them to shove her pussy farther into my mouth. I wanted to feel them digging into my back as she screamed in ecstasy while I rutted between her thighs like an animal intent on breeding its mate.

  Allison was young, a teenager, but she had the sinful body of a woman. One that inspired dark and dirty thoughts. All of which I intended to do to her eventually.

  “Maravillosa,” I rasped because my mouth had gone dry. “You look unbelievably gorgeous, nena.”

  Twin spots of crimson bloomed on Allison’s cheeks, and her smile reached her eyes, making them twinkle.

  “Thank you—I mean, gracias.” Her dimples popped out as she smiled shyly. “I could say the same of you.”

  I frowned and glanced down at my simple leather flip-flops, my cream-colored linen pants, and the matching button-up shirt with long sleeves that I had rolled up to my forearms. “Gorgeous?” I pretended to pout, making her giggle. “Perhaps we could go with devastatingly handsome or smoking hot instead.”

  Allison laughed as she stepped across the threshold. “How about all three?”

  “If you insist,” I sighed. “But let’s keep any gorgeous talk directed at you, where it belongs.”

  “Deal,” she accepted with a smirk. She turned and kissed Charlie’s cheek before saying, “I forgive you, but payback’s a bitch.” Then she winked and skipped down the steps to the sound of her friend’s laughter.

  I joined Allison on the path made of packed red sand with b
ushes of tropical flowers on either side. When I offered her my hand, she folded her smaller one inside it. We strolled along the path in no hurry. Allison had asked about a reservation, and I told her the table would be ready when we were. I didn’t mention that it was because I had bought the resort. The paperwork had gone through yesterday morning.

  “Do you speak Spanish?” I asked her as we casually walked along, enjoying the ocean breeze.

  She shook her head and laughed. “Gracias, de nada, and yo no hablo español are the extent of my vocabulary. Oh! And my dad had me memorize, ‘No te metas con mi hija o te mato!’ Did I say that right?”

  I threw back my head with boisterous laughter. Allison giggled along with me, her dimpled cheeks turning bright pink. “Close enough,” I told her when I’d calmed enough to speak. Lifting our joined hands, I brushed a kiss over her knuckles, enjoying the sweet, shy smile she directed at me in return. “Adorable.”

  Her father’s message was clear enough. Don’t fuck with my daughter, or I’ll kill you. I couldn’t blame him as I was sure my baby girls would be instructed with similar warnings. I had no intention of fucking over Allison or breaking her heart. I was going to claim it and keep her forever. However, I was going to fuck her. Without end.

  Our conversation was light as we resumed our walk to the restaurant. While we’d talked about my childhood in the Dominican Republic, likes and dislikes, and other personal things, I hadn’t shared much information about my work. It hadn’t been a planned omission. I wasn’t hiding who and what I was. The conversation had simply never taken off in that direction. No doubt we’d get there eventually, and I’d tell her everything then. It seemed an awkward topic to just dive into with no preamble.


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