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Allegra Page 14

by C. De Melo

  Although she wasn’t unattractive, Joanna’s appearance was as harsh as her demeanor. Cosimo had commissioned the best Tuscan seamstresses to create new dresses for his daughter-in-law in current Florentine fashion, but Joanna insisted on the conservative fashions of the North, which were cut from dark-hued velvets covered with an exaggerated amount of heavy gold embroidery. Her refusal to acclimate to her surroundings only made her appear ridiculous. There was usually a sheen of perspiration on her pale wide brow thanks to the mild Tuscan climate and the burdensome nature of her cold-weather attire.

  Over time, Francesco came to resent his wife and eventually ignored her altogether, encouraging others—courtiers and servants alike—to happily follow suit. It wasn’t uncommon for him to spend long periods of time away from his wife and their marriage bed.


  Allegra was deeply saddened by the news of Pellegrina Bonaventuri’s sudden death. According to Bianca’s heartbreaking message, the little girl had contracted a malady and expired during the night. Allegra attended the funeral, and comforted her grieving friend as best she could. The only good thing to have come from Bianca’s marriage was now gone forever.

  Pietro went back to his philandering ways only weeks after his daughter’s funeral, while his grieving wife passed the time watching the world from the window, pining for her old life in Venice.

  Concerned with her friend’s state of mind and physical health, Allegra frequently visited Bianca. One day, the two women sat by the window in a pool of muted sunshine, chatting about mundane things as Bianca mended the hem of a dressing gown. Every once in a while, they’d glance at the busy piazza below. At one point, a brazen thief tore a gold earring from a woman’s ear and ran away. The victim screamed as she held a hand to her bleeding earlobe. The thief, a pathetically thin boy who appeared to be no older than a dozen years, was quickly apprehended by a pair of burly men. The woman retrieved her earring and began administering blows on the boy’s head.

  “Can you imagine? He tore it right out of her ear,” Bianca exclaimed, horrified. “The young have no respect nowadays.”

  As she cut the thread from the fabric with her teeth, two men on horseback stopped beneath the window. Bianca set aside her sewing to better study them. Curious, Allegra discreetly leaned over to see who had captured her friend’s attention.

  “That’s Francesco de’ Medici,” Allegra whispered. “The other man is his friend, Bernardo Buontalenti.”

  Bianca did not flinch. “I know who they are.”

  Some of the people in the piazza curtsied and inclined their heads to the future ruler of Florence, but Francesco only had eyes for Bianca. Allegra hid behind the window casement to remain unseen.

  Francesco urged his horse forward in order to get a better look at the lady in the window. “Forgive my impertinence, Signorina.”

  “Signora,” Bianca corrected, her keen eyes taking in his costly attire.


  “State your business, my lord.”

  Shocked by Bianca’s impertinence, Allegra gasped. Even Bernardo cracked a smile at the woman’s saucy demeanor.

  Francesco continued, unfazed. “I glimpsed your face in the window, and had to make certain that you were mortal.”

  Bianca batted her lashes coquettishly. “Are you satisfied, my lord?”

  “I see now that you are no mortal, but rather Venus herself.”

  A few of the peasant women in the piazza snickered as they watched the scene with wide eyes and gaping mouths.

  Allegra risked a peek and saw that Francesco’s expression was of a man suddenly smitten, struck unexpectedly by Cupid’s arrow.

  A slow smile spread across Bianca’s face as she leaned over the window ledge to allow him a glimpse of her generous cleavage. “Are you always so generous with your compliments, Francesco de’ Medici?”

  “Never, Signora..?”

  “Bianca Cappello.”


  Allegra paid Bianca a visit a few weeks later, and found a very different woman at the Bonaventuri household.

  “Allegra!” Bianca cried, her face aglow with rouge and newfound joy. She looked resplendent in a gown of lilac velvet with costly lace embellishments. Garnets sparkled on her earlobes.

  “Look at you! It’s good to see you back to your old self, my dear.”

  Bianca ran her hands over the ornate bodice. “Isn’t it divine?”

  “I’m at a loss for words.”

  “Sit with me. I’ll have my maid bring us wine.”

  A neatly dressed girl handed them two pewter chalices.

  “Does this change of fortune mean that your father has finally forgiven you?” Allegra inquired before indulging in a sip of the fine wine. “Mmm, this is delicious.

  “Unfortunately, no. I’m still dead to him.”

  “Did you inherit a fortune since we last met?”

  Bianca laughed and waved the maid out of the room. When they were alone, she said, “You must swear not repeat my secret to anyone.”

  “My lips are sealed.”

  “These fine gifts are from my lover, Francesco.”

  Allegra’s eyes became as wide as saucers. “Francesco de’ Medici?”

  “Oh, Allegra, he’s wonderful.” Bianca’s face went from ecstatic to serious. “At first, I resisted, of course.”

  Allegra dutifully nodded. “Of course.”

  Bianca continued, “The day after your last visit, I received a lacquered box filled with marzipan and a note requesting to meet in private. I sent it back immediately.”

  “Rightly so. He’s a married man.”

  “That’s what I thought, too. A woman must not give in easily. The following day, however, a bouquet of roses arrived. Pink roses. How did he know they were my favorite? At that point, I thought Fate had intervened, so I agreed to meet with him.”

  “Oh, dear…”

  “How could I refuse that sweet man?”

  Seducing a desperately unhappy married woman with expensive gifts wasn’t exactly a sweet gesture in Allegra’s opinion, but she wisely kept that observation to herself. “Does his wife suspect?”

  “I doubt she cares. Joanna treats him terribly. She doesn’t love him, you know. He’s as unhappy in his marriage as I am in mine.”

  “Then you both share a similar plight.”

  “Exactly, which is why I believe we’re destined for each other. We are two halves of the same whole. I’ve never felt like this before about any man.” She drew little hearts on her thigh with her fingertip as she spoke. “I simply cannot stop thinking of him.”

  Allegra placed her hand over the little hearts outlined on the velvety nap of the fabric. “As your friend, it’s my duty to be honest with you, so I must ask you a serious question. Are you prepared to face the consequences if news of your relationship becomes public?”

  “Francesco and I have resigned ourselves to the harsh reality of our predicament. So, yes, I’m prepared to pay the price for our love.”

  “If you’re happy, Bianca, then so am I.”

  “I knew you would understand, Allegra. That’s why you’re my best and dearest friend.”

  “When do you and Francesco see each other?”

  Bianca grinned, eager to share confidences. “He sends a messenger whenever he wishes to see me. Oftentimes, he lets a room at the city’s finest inn, then orders the best food and wine. We spend the entire afternoon eating, drinking, and making love.”

  Allegra’s face grew hot. “Bianca!”

  Bianca chuckled, her eyes wicked. “Don’t be prudish, my dear. What do you think he and I do together? Play chess?”

  “No, but…I’ve never been married and therefore know nothing of such things.”

  “Someday you will.”

  Although the very thought repulsed her, Allegra said nothing.

  Bianca’s face lit up. “Oh! Let me show you what he gave me last week.”

  She left the room in a rush of excitement and returned with a wh
ite brocade gown accented with pink embroidery.

  Allegra touched the costly fabric. “It’s lovely.”

  “I know. Francesco spoils me.” She sat down and gripped Allegra’s hand tightly. “This reversal of fortune is surely God’s will. He’s forgiven my sins and answered my prayers.”

  Chapter 15

  Two of Vittorio’s best clients were in Florence at the same time, prompting him to honor the rich noblemen with a fine banquet. It was a way of saying “thank you” for their years of loyal service. Allegra was entrusted with planning the event and deciding upon the menu. She sent invitations to many of her father’s friends and allies, including the Medici.

  The Castagno household buzzed with activity on the morning of the event. Floors were swept and scrubbed, vases overflowed with early blooms, and the best table linens were aired for the occasion. The scents of sweet and savory tarts, roasted meats, and delicate soups permeated the air.

  The late afternoon sun cast long shadows on the golden streets of Florence as noble guests made their way to the Palazzo Castagno. Domenico and Matteo were the first people to arrive.

  Surprised, Allegra whispered to her father, “Why is he here?”

  “Domenico extended an invitation to Matteo as a peace offering. I think he feels badly for rejecting the young man’s business proposal.”

  Allegra groaned as the two men approached.

  Matteo kissed her hand. “Such a pity that you’re not wearing the earrings I gave you.”

  Allegra smiled apologetically. “I always wear my pearls with this particular gown. Excuse me, I must check on the servants.”

  Matteo watched in disappointment as she walked away.

  The Medici siblings entered the main hall a while later with several armed men in tow. They were accompanied by Bernardo, Troilo, and Cesare. Cosimo was not among them.

  “I’m sad that your father is not with you,” Allegra commented after greeting Francesco and Isabella.

  “He isn’t feeling very well,” Isabella explained.

  “I hope it’s nothing serious.”

  Francesco said, “You need not worry. He caught a slight chill.”

  “I’m relieved to hear it, my lord.” Turning to Bernardo, she smiled. “It’s always a pleasure to see you.”

  Bernardo bowed with flourish. “Likewise, Signorina.”

  Cesare bent over Allegra’s hand. “You’ve ignored the last two notes I sent you.” Catching sight of Matteo, he added, “Has another admirer captured your attention and made you forgetful?”

  Troilo chuckled and pushed aside his jealous cousin. “Admirers. Plural.”

  “Some wine, my lords?” Allegra motioned to a servant carrying a tray of gleaming silver chalices.

  Vittorio came over to greet the Medici entourage and made a point of introducing them to his clients, making them feel honored.

  Allegra flitted around like a butterfly throughout the evening, sharing snippets of conversation with everyone. She noticed that Francesco’s gaze frequently wandered toward the entrance, his expression impatient.

  Bianca was the last person to arrive, demanding everyone’s attention as she sauntered into the room in a gold and white satin gown. Jewels sparkled at her throat and the arrogant tilt of her head bespoke her noble lineage.

  Vittorio appeared at Allegra’s side. “I didn’t know she was coming. There are rumors of her and Francesco—”

  “The rumors are true, Papa, which is why I sent her an invitation.”

  Allegra smiled as Bianca walked toward them. “Dearest Bianca, you look magnificent. Thank you for coming.”

  “I was thrilled to receive your invitation. Signore Vittorio, how good to see you again. It’s been a long time since we’ve crossed paths.”

  “Indeed it has,” he agreed. “You have remained untouched by Time.”

  “You flatter me.”

  Vittorio nodded to them before joining a group of men.

  Allegra whispered, “Francesco has been eagerly waiting for you.”

  “It’s good to keep a man waiting,” she said, deliberately not meeting his insistent stare.

  The conversation flowed effortlessly as the guests dined on stewed hare, roasted suckling pig, and various fowls. Custards and cakes followed, along with fruits to cleanse the palate. The musicians played softly throughout the meal, but they picked up the pace as couples drifted to the main hall that had been cleared of furniture for the purpose of dancing.

  At one point during the night Allegra spotted Bianca and Francesco sneaking off together.

  “Will you dance with me?” Cesare asked, a half-full chalice dangling from his fingertips.

  Allegra discreetly took the vessel from him and handed it to a nearby servant. “You should sit down for a bit.”

  “I think not,” he said, gripping her elbow.

  Cesare led her toward the other dancers and managed to keep up with them despite his advanced state of inebriation. When the music stopped, he insisted on cooling off in the courtyard.

  “I’m drunk with love,” he declared.

  “You’re drunk from wine.”

  “I’ll fall down the stairs if you don’t help me.”

  “It would serve as a fine lesson against overindulgence.”


  She sighed. “Very well, but only for a moment.”

  Before ducking into the hallway, Allegra caught Matteo watching them with a sad expression on his face. She followed Cesare down the long stairwell until the faint sounds of moaning and sighing made her stop in her tracks. Squinting into the darkness, she spotted Bianca and Francesco in a dark corner behind a potted lemon tree.

  Allegra grabbed Cesare’s arm before he could notice the amorous couple. “I have something to show you,” she said, quickly retracing her steps and urging him to follow.

  His eyes twinkled with mischief as he raced to catch up to her. When they were almost at the top of the stairs, he pressed Allegra against the wall. “I think I’ll steal that kiss now.”

  Cesare’s mouth came down on hers before she had a chance to reply. He tasted of wine and smelled faintly of citrus. When his insistent tongue broke through the barrier of her lips, the kiss became sloppy and wet.

  Turning her head to the side, she freed herself of his mouth. “Stop!”

  “Allegra, I adore you.”

  He was about to kiss her again when she pushed him away. “Cesare, no!”

  She hastily ascended the remainder of stairs to get away from him. The instant she was in the hallway, Matteo stepped into her path, causing her to collide with him. His arms tightened around her.

  “Steady, now,” he said. “What’s wrong? Did he do something to you?”

  “Were you spying on me?”

  “I only wanted to make certain that you were all right.”

  Allegra squirmed out of Matteo’s embrace. “I’m fine.”

  Cesare came upon them a few seconds later. “Vanusi.”

  “Orsini,” Matteo said, returning his rival’s glare.

  Allegra looked from one man to the other and rolled her eyes before abandoning them to their own ridiculousness. She entered the main hall and Isabella motioned for her to join their group.

  Pulling Allegra aside, she whispered, “I had a pleasant conversation earlier with Signora Bianca. It’s a shame she compromised her reputation.”

  “Pietro’s treatment of her has been most unfair.”

  “Is any wife treated fairly?” Isabella countered. “I was distressed to hear of her child’s death. I suppose it’s expected that Francesco coddle his new mistress.” She took a deep sip from the goblet in her hand and murmured, “God knows his haughty wife doesn’t appreciate anything he does.”

  They stopped talking when Bianca entered the room with bright eyes and flushed cheeks. She was followed a moment later by Francesco, who joined the men in conversation.

  “Well, well,” Isabella commented under her breath.

  Troilo appeared and swe
pt Isabella into a circle of spinning dancers.

  Bianca took the opportunity to pull Allegra aside. “Francesco told me that he wants no other woman in his life but me,” she said, her voice verging on shrill. “My heart is racing!”

  “When? Just now?”

  “Yes, in the courtyard. He kissed me under the stars and confessed his undying love.”

  He did much more than that in the courtyard. “How wonderful.”

  “This may be the happiest night of my life.”

  Cesare approached them. “Signorina Allegra, a word, please.”

  “Please excuse me, Bianca,” Allegra said before leading her troublesome guest to a quiet corner.

  “Forgive me,” he offered. “My lack of chivalry is inexcusable.”

  “I should apprise my father of your knavery,” she scolded. “I’ll overlook your offense only if you promise never to do that again.”

  “I promise,” he vowed. “My intentions toward you are honorable.”

  “Cesare, please.”

  His expression turned serious. “Why do you reject me? Are you spoken for? Is Matteo courting you?” She ignored his questions and he pleaded, “Let me call on you tomorrow.”

  “I can’t see you tomorrow.”

  “Why will you not allow me to properly court you and win your heart?”

  “I’m not the woman for you.” Ignoring his shocked expression, she continued, “Why not make the effort where you would achieve the best result? Look at Signorina Adelaide standing by the mantle there, or the young Countess of Pescara who is now speaking with Isabella. They’re both unmarried girls with parents seeking alliances with noble families.”

  Cesare’s eyes never left her face. “I’m not interested in them. I’m interested in you.”

  “You know nothing about me. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

  Allegra tried to leave but he took hold of her arm. “Wait.”

  She waited expectantly, but all he did was shake his head in defeat.


  The demand for La Castagna jewelry compelled Domenico to broach the possibility of a business partnership with Vittorio. Allegra was invited to sit in on the meeting, which took place in the Palazzo Castagno.


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