Working Desires: A Dirty Office Romance Boxset

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Working Desires: A Dirty Office Romance Boxset Page 29

by Hazel Keys

  I got an email from the office as I was about to get out. I’d told them to only contact me if it was life or death, so I had to check it. This made Mia, my date for the trip, smile at me through gritted teeth as I told her to go on first.

  “Business, darling,” I said, “God knows, if I didn’t take care of it, where would that leave us, eh?” I was being arrogant and knew I’d be made to suffer later. She flicked her long, shining, straight black hair, right out of a shampoo commercial, as she turned to disembark. It seemed someone hadn’t got the "life or death" memo, so I slid my smartphone back into the inside pocket of my white linen jacket, and stepped out too. I smiled an apology at Mia as she tapped her foot impatiently on the wooden dock.

  She took off her sunglasses and the full force of her stunningly sharp features hit me like a truck, along with her attitude. She was a woman who knew she was beautiful and always got exactly what she wanted, every time. She was dressed in a black jumpsuit, open at the top to reveal impressive cleavage, and gave a quick smile as she linked her arm through mine. We’d had been dating three weeks. As heiress to the Wong family fortune, she was rich in her own right, devastatingly intelligent, and incredibly good-looking, yet I just didn’t feel very much for her.

  I thought she was hot, sure, and I was hoping my physical attraction to her might blossom into something more permanent but, as time wore on, that was looking less and less likely. This trip was supposed to be the setting for our first time sleeping together. All the teasing, groping, flirting and heavy petting we’d managed on the half dozen dinner dates and parties we’d attended leading up to this point in our relationship had certainly got the old juices flowing, so that we were both getting pretty desperate for some kind of release, I just couldn’t see any real relationship developing between us and that saddened me. It made me wonder, what was the point of us fucking?

  “Are you okay?” she whispered to me, for like the twelfth time today.

  “I’m fine, darling,” I lied, also for the twelfth time, “I’m just a bit taken aback by the boat and this magnificent setting.”

  That, at least, was true. The sparkling blue water, the golden sun beating down, the rows of different-sized, gleaming white boats rising and dipping in time against the ancient wooden dock, all topped off by the sleek, modern, and decadent form of Venus towering above us, easily the biggest in the harbor, took my breath away a little.

  We stepped off the gangplank onto a low platform at sea level, leaving our shoes with Geoffrey who swore we’d find them in our cabin along with our luggage, then climbed some short steps up to the lower deck. It was covered from the sun and looked like a great place to enjoy breakfast. I could see a large room resembling a bar beyond the double doors.

  Captain Samson introduced himself to Mia and I. “Welcome aboard, Mr. Radisson,” he said with a firm handshake. “These are the crew members that will take good care of you for the next few days.”

  He moved us on down the line, introducing each crew member as we went. The others had all shaken hands with everyone by the time I got there. I met a beautiful thirty-something redhead called Michelle, who welcomed us by offering tall glasses of champagne. Next, a slender and long-legged brunette called Suzy, who flashed me an alluring and slightly suggestive smile, was introduced, followed by the third steward, Tara. For a microsecond, I could have sworn she eyed me up and down with pure contempt. Then suddenly, her eyes lit up and a dazzling smile appeared. She looked so beautiful in that instant, I swear she made my heart skip a beat.

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Radisson.” She curtsied. I couldn’t help myself and sneaked a peek down the front of her shirt as she bent forward. It must have been a shade too obvious, because Mia sharply tugged my hand, pulling me to her.

  “If you’d like to follow me, I can quickly show you around our boat,” said Michelle, before leading us off below decks. Still, I couldn’t draw my eyes away from this Tara. Her long blonde hair ran down past her shoulders, perfectly framing her gorgeous face. Her sparkling blue eyes dazzled me and her full lips looked intoxicating. I felt like a dumb teenager meeting a playboy bunny. She stood with the other staff, smiling warmly at me every time she saw me staring at her, until I was dragged out of sight.

  Chapter 4:Tara

  Got him, I thought to myself.

  He’d noticed me, that much was obvious. Honestly, I was a little surprised. Seeing that Asian goddess on his arm, I never expected him to seem so interested in me. I wondered if this Mia just might be the most completely attractive woman I’d ever seen in my life. Exactly what I’d expected to see with him. In person, though, he was far more handsome than I’d anticipated. It didn’t worry me. I still hated him. I just never expected to find myself even a little attracted to him.

  Venus had been underway for an hour, the guests were settling into their quarters, and Michelle and I were helping Tristan prep for lunch when Suzy stumbled into the galley, giggling.

  “Oh, my God! I just passed by Jay Money’s room. All three of them are fucking like mad!” she squealed. “You can hear that black girl moaning and that skinny blonde screaming right up on the sundeck.”

  “Well, they’re paying guests. No harm in them enjoying themselves,” Michelle said absently, concentrating on pairing a cucumber for the salads.

  “Speak for yourself, Michelle,” cried Suzy. “If I have to listen to any more of that, I’m either joining them or I’m gonna need that cucumber and a twenty-minute break in my bunk!”

  “Oh! How crass! You are a filthy slut, Suzy,” teased Tristan.

  “Look who’s talking!” she teased him back. Here we go again, I thought, having seen this scene play out once or twice before.

  “Can’t you just stop being gay for a second and do me a favor?” Suzy cornered the chef against the walk-in freezer, where he mimed frantic shock and panic. “Please, Tristan, ‘me so horny’!” she flipped around, lifted her skirt, and exposed her G-string clad behind, “Puhlehehease… stick it in… just for a second… it won’t hurt a bit, I promise!”

  “Do you see this, Michelle? This is sexual misconduct of the highest order!” wailed Tristan, as Suzy ground her nearly naked butt against his crotch, “Vile temptress! Get thee to a nunnery!”

  “That’s enough, Suzy,” Michelle scolded her, still smiling.

  Suzy pouted and made herself decent. “It’s still not fair, though, is it?” she whined. “We slave away for them, no booze, no sex, while the whole weekend they get to have the time of their lives.”

  “Just think about that fat tip waiting at the end, darling,” reassured Tristan, before rushing over and diving into one of his ovens. “Dozy cow, you nearly made me burn my meat!” He pulled out a lightly smoldering tray of pork cutlets.

  “I thought that was what she was trying to do,” I murmured, and the other three burst out laughing again.

  “Well, someone’s got an admirer,” said Sofia from the galley doorway. We all jumped a little.

  “Christ!” breathed Tristan, indicating desperate heart palpitations. “How long have you been there? I hate it when she does that.”

  “Who?” I asked, ignoring Tristan’s theatrics. “Has Suzy found another heart to break?”

  “No, silly!” said Tristan. “We all saw the way the primary was looking at you.”

  “Yeah, he didn’t even see me,” Suzy whined. “Which is a pity. He’s hot, I’d jump him in a second...”

  “Of course you would, darling,” Tristan teased again. “Right, this is too much! I see I’m going to have to take one for the team. C’mon, Suzy, you’re disturbing everyone. We are going into that freezer to sort you out. Back in five, Michelle darling, just make sure there’s a hot towel and a fresh Appletini ready for when I emerge.” He grabbed Suzy’s wrist and made to drag her off, as she fanned herself and made "oh my!" faces.

  I normally loved watching my shipmates messing around and laughing. This time, though, I was distracted. I was thinking hard. Seth really did seem to like me
as soon as he saw me. No one in his position has done that since my family went broke. And he was very good-looking... Come on, Tara! Stop it! I shouted inside my head, Him, his family, and all his greedy, arrogant friends. They’re the reason you lost your father, the reason you lost everything.

  But what I’d never completely figured out was: How did I exact this revenge? I’d never quite planned that far. I’d dismissed threatening or injuring him in any physical way. When I thought about it, I got angry enough. I just wasn’t that kind of person. Maybe I could ruin him like he ruined my life? Should I get close with him, tear my clothes and cry assault? Sleep with him and cry rape? Technically, neither of these scenarios seemed too difficult to set up, but I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to go through with having actual sex with him. It didn’t matter how hot he was, I just wasn’t that loose. Besides, he probably had an army of high-priced lawyers that could make issues like that, and maybe even me, disappear. The untouchable rich.

  In the end, I decided to settle for honesty. I get him to really like me, open up to me, then make him see exactly what misery he and his kind had inflicted on me. I would make him feel responsible for the death of my father, for my mother abandoning me, for screwing up my life and having me dropped from the place in society that was rightfully mine.

  If I really had managed to get him to fall for me already, I could leave him with a broken heart. If he was so cold inside that he could care less, that I was merely a hot piece of ass to him, at least I’d confronted him. I would be another thing he would have to add to his pile of dirty deeds, collecting and festering until he was ready to be judged by his maker.

  Chapter 5:Seth

  I undid the buttons of my shirt and lay down on the enormous bed, without taking it off, looking up at the finely carved wooden ceiling. It amazed me how much craftsmanship they put into building these incredibly expensive toys. This particular boat was a special order that Clancy & Son had built less than a decade ago, and then refitted, over ten months, just last year.

  It was actually bigger than the yacht I owned but, as I hadn’t seen The Troubadour since we took a family vacation on it when I was thirteen, I could barely even picture it. That vacation wasn’t exactly on my list of top ten memories, either. I was already on my way into that fucked up, hormone induced state of hating the world that every kid goes through, even before my father began shouting and my mom started crying. For five whole days.

  George informed me that my boat was still in regular use, hence it's being in drydock for maintenance, and it’s at least paying for its upkeep by being rented out to a wealthy clientele, much like Venus. I idly wondered how much I was charging other rich kids to party their money away at sea.

  Mia was in the bathroom. The ocean was gently rocking me, and I’d almost managed to name the tune that was being hammered out by Jay and his two girlfriend’s rhythmic bangs, grunts, and moans in the cabin to the stern of me. But I couldn’t get her face out of my head. The way the sun danced through her golden hair; the way her big blue eyes seemed to smile at me; the way she softly chewed her bottom lip as she listened to other people talk. For some reason, I found her intoxicating.

  “What are you thinking about?” I heard Mia ask from the doorway of the en-suite. I sat up on my elbows and looked over at her. She wore a long, sheer beach wrap, open at the front to reveal a tiny black bikini. Her body was amazing and, for a second, all thoughts of Tara were banished from my mind. I felt that distinct tingling sensation in my dick as my eyes travelled up her shapely legs, over the pathetic scrap of cloth that only just hid her sex from the world, across her flat yet supple stomach, lingered on her full, rounded breasts, also just hidden by a narrow strip of material that barely covered her nipples, up to her fierce, striking, and beautiful, face.

  “Just you, babe,” I lied again. She smiled and dropped the wrap to the floor. She stood for a second, allowing me to run my eyes over her nearly naked body, then slowly paced toward me. Each movement was smooth and drawn out as she climbed up and crawled along the bed and into my lap, never breaking eye contact with me. She straddled me and pulled my mouth up to meet hers. I could feel the heat of her soft, barely-covered pussy as it pushed firmly against my hardening cock. I squeezed my hands under her butt and found that the back of her bikini briefs covered even less than the front. Mia broke off her kiss with a deep gasp as she sexily forced her intimate parts against mine.

  “I’ve been waiting for this for too long,” she whispered breathlessly in my ear, holding my head in her small hands. From the other room, we heard the ecstatic cries of Jay’s girlfriend, Jessica, reach some sort of a crescendo before everything went quiet. I looked up at Mia smiling down at me, when sudden, urgent, and loud groans from Coco, Jay’s other playmate, rang out across the yacht with a renewed vigor. “Mm-mm,” Mia moaned as she tickled her soft lips lightly along my neck, sending shivers down my arm, “don’t you wish you could be in there? Aren’t they turning you on?” She spoke softly, kissing and biting her way along my ear, toward my jawline. For a second then, despite the tiny electric flicks of pleasure Mia’s touches were sending off along my skin, all I could picture was Jay’s big black ass bouncing up and down in front of me. It was not an erotic vision.

  “Honestly, no,” I smiled, taking in a sharp breath as she ran her tongue along the sinews that led to my shoulder. “But I think I know what you’re getting at.” She smiled and kissed me again, her tongue urgently exploring the inside of my mouth. She pushed the shirt off my shoulders, then, in what seemed to be a fluid and practiced move, she reached down and opened my zipper. She started to slide her hand inside my pants. I closed my eyes and felt her delicate fingers expertly find their way past my underwear, over the tip, to finally encircle my firm and slowly throbbing shaft. I couldn’t help the low moan that escaped my mouth as she touched me, gliding her gentle hand up and down my cock as she softly kissed her way down my neck again. She moved her lips suddenly back to my ear.

  “I’m dying to feel your cock in my mouth,” I saw Tara whisper to me, her sun-kissed hair and shining smile as beautiful as ever.

  What the fuck…? I shook my head hard and opened my eyes to see Mia gazing down at me. Before I could think, I grabbed her wrist and held her hand still. A concerned look appeared on her face, like I was depriving her of an inalienable right.

  “Are you okay, Seth?” she asked. I’d made her feel like I didn’t want her hand on my dick. It was probably the first time she felt insecure in her life.

  The fuck is wrong with me, I thought, she wants me right now, she’s practically begging to blow me, and all I can think of is that fucking stewardess?

  I needed to think. Aroused as I was, I was uncomfortable with her sitting on me. I gave her a quick kiss and slowly pulled her hand out of my pants. “I’m fine, babe, I promise. I’m just... it’s just... I wanted our first time to be perfect. You know, champagne,” Mia’s shocked and slightly angry expression began to soften into a smile again, “rose petals, massage oils, that sort of thing, not screwing quickly to the soundtrack of Jay constantly banging his hoes.”

  “That’s sweet,” Mia replied, before putting her mouth by my ear again and whispering gently, “it just makes me want to do even more naughty things with you than ever before.”

  “Awesome,” I stammered, scrambling out from under her. “I’ll get changed. We can spend the afternoon drinking and lying in the sun, kissing, and building the tension until tonight.”

  “Will you rub oil on me?” she asked, doing that vulnerable little girl act.

  “Of course.”

  She grabbed hold of my still hard cock again, through my slacks. I gasped as she roughly pulled me a little closer. “I think it feels like we’ve built up enough tension, personally. But I like your thinking.” She let me go, rolled off the bed, picked up her shades, and swept out of the room in another practiced and fluid movement.

  I collapsed back on the bed, horny, scared, frustrated, and relieved, all at on
ce. She was so hot, and was clearly going to be an animal in the sack, and I was physically capable, but I couldn’t go through with it. A vision of Tara filled my head once more. The fuck am I doing...?


  The captain had dropped anchor far out to sea. I came up on deck to see no land, no nothing in sight. We were definitely in international waters. The sun beat down on the yacht as we had lunch on the top deck. It was wide, floored with immaculate wooden slats, and featured a dozen or so sun loungers, four tables with huge parasols shading them, a long banquet table that we ate around, and a huge hot tub at the back, next to the outside stairs.

  Tara was working, serving salmon mousse and lobster tails with a quinoa, mango, and truffle oil salad, while Michelle, the red-headed chief stewardess, kept us topped up with white wine and champagne for the ladies, plus beer, bourbon, and scotch for the gentlemen. I gathered that Suzy, the other steward about Tara’s age, was taking her lunch break in the galley right then, so she would be able to look after us later when the other stewards were off duty.

  Tara was polite, courteous, and very professional. She laughed and joked as she worked, flattering the other guests with a practiced ease while still remaining detached. I just wanted her to engage with me a little. I wanted to find something I didn’t like about her so, maybe, I might be able to stop obsessing and screw my girlfriend. She gave me nothing, though. Her manner toward me was perfect, her smile was perfect. She was perfect. I’d never believed in love at first sight. Still didn’t. But I wanted this girl, and I couldn’t explain why.


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