Love is Blind (G Street Chronicles Presents)

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Love is Blind (G Street Chronicles Presents) Page 10

by Nicole Jackson

  “Well, call her.”

  “I am,” she nodded just as her cell rung. It was her mother.


  “Hey, mom. I was just thinking about you.”

  “Really? So why hadn’t you called?”

  “I was about to.”

  “Sure you were. So how are you?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “Are you sure? Is Mr. Carmelo treating you right?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I called the school and I hear that you’ve been keeping your grades up.”

  “Yes, I have,” she said proudly.

  “That’s good, but your attendance could be better.”

  “I know,” she sighed. “Carmelo has to bring me to school and sometimes he has car trouble,” she lied.

  “Really? Well, why didn’t you call me? I could have taken you.”

  “I didn’t want to bother you, mom.”

  “Girl, please. You bother me any other time, so don’t hesitate to call when it’s important,” Janet insisted.

  “Okay, so now I know.”

  “Yes, you do. And when are you coming to get your Christmas gift?”

  “My gift?” Necole asked in shock.

  “Yes, your gift. You know I couldn’t go without getting my baby a gift.”

  “Thank you, mommy,” she broke down crying.

  “You’re welcome, baby. Why are you crying?”

  “Because, I haven’t been a good daughter.”

  “Necole, stop that. Now there is no such thing as a good daughter. You are young and you have to find your way. I have to let you make your own mistakes. It will make you a stronger person. I can’t hold your hand through life.”

  “I know,” she sniffed. “But mom, I have something to tell you and please don’t be mad at me.”

  “What is it, baby?” Janet held her breath fearing the worse.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Janet’s heart dropped to her stomach. “You’re pregnant?”


  “Wow. So…so how far along are you?”

  “I just went to my first doctor’s visit and he told me that I’m eight weeks.”

  “God, Necole…you guys couldn’t have used protection?”

  “We could have, but we didn’t. I wasn’t thinking, mom.”

  “Yeah, I hear. So what does Carmelo have to say about this?”

  “He’s happy.”

  “Happy, huh? Well, personally I think that this is more of reason that you should come home. You need to remain focused on your goals. Having a baby doesn’t have to stop anything. We can make all the preparations so that you can still move forward with school.”

  “I’m doing that from here and he doesn’t want me to leave.”

  “Okay, fine,” Janet sighed. “You just remember that you have a home right here and don’t let anybody tell you differently.”

  “I won’t, mom,” Necole smiled.

  “Okay, so when are you coming for your gift?”

  “Hopefully tomorrow. I want to see you for Christmas.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you then. Love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  * * * * *

  “Is your mama mean, baby?”

  “Melo, stop it. My mom’s the type that wouldn’t let you know if she didn’t like you,” Necole giggled as they pulled up to her mother’s house. There were cars lining the street. There was no room in the driveway and they ended up having to park down the street.

  “Uh, it’s cold,” she shuttered as she stepped out of the car. She was wearing her signature black. She had on black ripped Seven skinny jeans, a tight black off-the-shoulder blouse and some Nine West knee-high boots.

  “Why you left the house without your jacket?” Carmelo questioned. “You were trying to look cute while it’s freezing outside,” he shook his head. He was wearing grey Ralph Lauren jeans, a white and grey Polo shirt and grey and white Air Jordans. He was once rocking a grey and white jacket, but had just removed it. “Put this on, man,” he told Necole as he placed the jacket around her.

  “But it doesn’t match my clothes,” she smiled.

  “As long as it keeps you and my baby warm, it’ll be alright,” he whispered before kissing her softly on the lips.

  “Umm,” she moaned, indulging in their kiss before pulling him along. “Come on let’s get out of the cold.”

  They walked up to the door and she rang the doorbell.

  “Is that my niece?” her aunt Judy said from the other side of the door. “Yeah, that’s my niece,” she slurred as she opened the door; obviously already drunk. She pulled Necole into her arms. “Hey, anty baby,” she laughed as she rocked Necole from side to side. “And this must be my new nephew. Boy, give your anty a hug,” she smiled as she opened her arms wide. Carmelo gave the drunken lady a friendly hug. “Uh, niece, you got yourself a nice strong man. Where did you find his dark chocolaty, tall, sexy ass?”

  “Anty, you started early I see,” Necole laughed.

  “You damn right! Jingle bell, baby! Jin-gle bell, muthafucka!”

  “Anty!” Necole looked at her sideways. “Melo, don’t pay her any mind. She can get like this sometimes,” she told him as they walked around her aunt. The moment they stepped into the living room, all eyes were on them. Necole’s entire family was there from her grandma, to her aunts, uncles and cousins.

  “Nicky!” her cousin Jennifer said excitedly. They were the same age and used to be very close.

  “Hey, ugly!” Necole smiled, happy to see her cousin. Jennifer walked over and gave her a warm hug.

  “I thought that you weren’t coming.”

  “Girl, you know I couldn’t miss your mom getting drunk and cursing everybody out,” she laughed as she removed the jacket.

  “Right, right,” Jennifer nodded. She looked over at Carmelo. “So, is this your boyfriend?”

  “Yeah. Carmelo, this is my cousin Jennifer. Jen, this is Carmelo.”

  “What’s up?” Melo smiled.

  “Nothing,” Jen grinned as her eyes looked him up and down. She had to admit that he was fine.

  “Is that my baby?” Janet said as she spotted her daughter.

  “Yes, it’s me, mom.”

  “Hey, baby,” she said excitedly as she ran over and took her into her arms. “You came.”

  “I told you that I would.”

  “I know. I know,” her mom gushed as she released her. She looked up at Carmelo. “How are you doing, son?”

  “Fine,” he smiled.

  “Well, I have to give you a hug because you brought my baby home,” Janet said as she hugged him. Carmelo was taken by surprise, but he hugged her back.

  Necole stood with a huge smile, happy that her mom was trying to make him feel comfortable.

  “Everybody, this is Necole’s boyfriend, Carmelo,” Janet announced to the house.

  “Hey, Carmelo,” everyone spoke.

  “Hello,” he waved.

  “Did you eat yet, baby?” Janet asked Necole.

  “Yeah, I ate at Carmelo’s mom’s, but just give me a second because I feel a round two coming on,” she said.

  “I heard that,” her grandma laughed.

  “Cole, what are you doing? I know you always had a booty, but dang. Your butt is huge. Tell me what I can do to get a butt like that,” Jennifer said as she stared at her cousin’s backside.

  “I don’t think that it’s what she’s eating, Jen,” Judy said from behind them.

  “How do you know, ma?”

  “Baby, I know that ass from anywhere. That’s a Dean’s pregnant ass right there. You put a baby in her, nephew?”

  Necole’s eyes bulged out of her head. “Mom,” she gritted.

  “What?” Janet looked confused. “I didn’t tell her drunk ass anything.”

  Carmelo was cracking up. For some reason, he thought that Necole’s family was going to be boring stiffs. He was pleasantly surprised.

  The night flowed and Ne
cole enjoyed her family. He sat right beside her as she laughed with everyone. He could tell that they were proud of her and wanted to see her succeed, which made him wonder how they’d feel if they knew that she was really pregnant.

  Before they headed home for the night, Janet gave Necole her Christmas gift which was a Gucci watch she’d been begging for along with a little cash. Carmelo watched as her face lit up when she received those gifts. It made his little Coach tennis shoes seem like shit in comparison. He saw first-hand that she was very spoiled.

  * * * * *

  “So, what did you get for Christmas?” Amber questioned as she sat on Ms. Brenda’s couch with Necole while Carmelo sat on the love seat playing the game on this Xbox 360.

  “I got some money. Oh and this Gucci watch from my mom,” she smiled as she showed off her watch.

  “I am so jealous. I saw that watch at the Gucci store and it was too rich for my blood.”

  “Well, you know that I’m special like that, so nothing’s too good for me, you know,” Necole boasted.

  “Whatever,” Amber rolled her eyes.

  Necole cut her eyes at Carmelo and he didn’t seem too happy. “Oh and my baby got me some new Coach tennis, too.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yep, but he gives me gifts every day. Every time I wake up to him it’s a gift from God,” she said as she got up and sat in Carmelo’s lap. “Ain’t that right, baby?”

  He tried not to blush. “Move, man. You see I’m playing the game.”

  “Give me a kiss first,” she said as she puckered up.

  He gave her a quick peck. “Now move.”

  “That’s all I get?” she asked as she grabbed his head and slid her tongue into his mouth. He threw down the controller and wrapped his arms around her as they took the kiss deeper.

  “I love you,” he got out. “You love me?”

  “Umm hmm,” she nodded.

  “Ah, ah um,” Amber cleared her throat. “Did ya’ll forget that I was sitting here?”

  Necole finally broke their kiss. “Oh, shit. I did forget for a minute.”

  “Damn, Carmelo. What are you doing to my girl? You got her over here talking different, she walks different, shit…she’s even starting to look different,” Amber teased.

  “I ain’t doing nothing,” he shook his head while rubbing Necole’s thigh.

  “Yes, you are,” she whispered as she stuck her hand into his shorts and stroked him.

  “What you doing?” he asked huskily.

  “Shut up,” she moaned as she covered his lips with hers. “Come fuck me,” she whispered.

  “Just like that, huh?” he said as he stood with her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her to the room.

  “Amber, hold tight, girl,” she said before he stepped into the room and closed the door.

  He tossed her on the bed and then crawled between her legs. She hungrily kissed him while they both wiggled out of their pants. She grabbed his dick and put him inside of her. “Um,” she shuttered as he filled her up.

  “Ride me,” he whispered as he flipped them over. He didn’t feel comfortable lying on top of her while she was pregnant with his baby. She sat up and rode him. He lifted her shirt and pulled her breasts out of her bra. He loved watching her ride as her little stomach began to poke out.

  “Yeah, ride that dick,” he gritted as he palmed her breasts. He pounded into her and she bounced on his piece. He stroked her nipples while she worked her ass.

  “Oh, shit. Oh, shit. I coming, baby! I’m coming!” she yelled.

  He wrapped his arms around her as he came too. “Girl, you must’ve forgot that your friend is in the living room,” he laughed as he held her in place.

  “Uh, that was good,” Necole sighed. “Shit, Amber knows how it is when a bitch gets dicked down.”

  Chapter 9

  “Where the fuck is this nigga?” Necole mumbled to herself as she caught Carmelo’s voicemail for the fifth time. She was supposed to be at school and he wasn’t answering his phone. This was happening more and more. He would stay out all night and come home too late for her to go to school.

  Necole paced the room trying to figure out her next move. She had one semester left of high school and she’d be done. She knew that if she missed too many days that she wouldn’t receive all her credits. She had to do something, so she called her mom.


  “Hey, mom. I was calling because I need a ride to school.”

  “Really? Where’s Carmelo.”

  Necole sighed heavily. “Mom, I don’t know.”

  “Okay, well, give me directions and I’m on my way.”

  Just as promised, Ms. Dean came through and took her to school. Necole couldn’t even look at her mom as they drove to the school. She was embarrassed at how Melo had dropped the ball and the last thing she wanted to hear was, I told you so.

  When Ms. Dean pulled up to the school she said, “Necole, call him and let him know that he won’t have to pick you up. I’ll be out here. We have some things to discuss.”

  “Discuss what, mom?”

  “We’ll talk about it after school.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you then,” Necole said as she climbed out of the car. She wobbled her way into the building while one hand remained planted on her protruding belly.

  As the day passed, Carmelo continuously called her and she never bothered to answer. Since he couldn’t answer for her when she really needed him to, she felt no need to answer his calls.

  At three thirty, her mom was sitting outside waiting on her in the Camry.

  “Mom, you drive this now?” she asked as she slid in the car.

  “No, I don’t. It’s been parked since you left.”

  “Oh, so, why are you driving it today?”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I’ve thought about it and I see that you still have your priorities together. So, I’m giving you your car back. I bought this car so that you could get back and forth to school. You need a car to handle your business. I don’t want you waiting around for anybody to do anything for you. So, as long as you’re on the road to graduating, then you can have your car.”

  “Oh, thank you, mom,” Necole smiled as she gave her a hug.

  “You’re welcome,” Ms. Dean smiled. “Now drop me off at home.”

  Four hours later, Necole pulled up at the house. Carmelo’s car was parked in the driveway so she knew that he was at home. She got out of her car and made her way inside.

  “Man, I don’t know where the fuck she at,” he told his mama as she walked into the door. He looked up at her. “Where the fuck you been?”

  “At school,” she shrugged.

  “At school? How the fuck you go to school, Necole?”

  “My mom.”

  “Your mama? You expect me to believe that shit?”

  “Well, it’s the truth. Where were you? You knew that I had to go to school.”

  “I had some business to handle.”

  “So why didn’t you call and let me know that you couldn’t take me to school?”

  “‘Cause missing a day ain’t gon hurt you.”

  “Says, who? Have you ever heard of asterisks? If I get an asterisk by my grade then I don’t get credit for the class. That can happen if you miss too many days of school. I’m not going to sit around and wait on you and flunk in the process.”

  Carmelo sat staring at her. “Don’t try to act like you take school so fucking serious. You have come over here to skip school and now all of a sudden you break your neck to get there. That all sounds like bullshit to me.”

  “Whatever. It doesn’t matter anyway. I have my car back so I won’t need a ride,” she said as she folded her arms.

  “T-ha! she busted yo bubble, huh?” Ms. Brenda instigated liking Necole’s strong will.

  “She ain’t did shit!” Carmelo snapped.

  “Whatever,” Necole rolled her eyes as she left the living room.

�Shit, Necole say she ain’t sitting around waiting on your ass. That’s what I’m talking ‘bout!” Ms. Brenda boasted, rubbing it in.

  Carmelo stood and walked to the room without saying a word to his mama. “You didn’t see me calling you?” he asked Necole.

  “No,” she lied as she sat on the edge of the bed.

  He squinted. “Why the fuck you lying?”

  “What reason do I have to lie to you?”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “Exactly what I just said,” she sassed.

  Carmelo nodded his head as he stepped to her. He reached back and slapped her. “Fuck you think you talking to?!”

  Necole held her face in shock. “I can’t believe that you just hit me.”

  “Well, believe it,” he snarled.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” she sobbed. “Why would you hit me?”

  “Shut up!”

  “What’s going on in here?” Ms. Brenda asked as she stepped into the room.

  “He just hit me,” Necole cried.

  “Melo, you better keep your fucking hands to yourself! Necole, call the police on his ass. He ain’t got no business hitting you while you pregnant. Put him in jail.”

  “Man, mama…can you give us some privacy?” Carmelo asked.

  “Privacy? Nigga, this my fucking house and you ain’t hitting no woman under this roof!”

  “Okay, I hear you. Now can you let me talk to her in private?”

  “Hell, no,” Ms. Brenda said as she leaned on the door frame.

  “I’m going home,” Necole said as she stood.

  “You ain’t going nowhere,” Carmelo snapped as he grabbed her.

  “Carmelo, get off of her!” Brenda shouted as she tried to pry herself between them.

  “Move, mama!” he shouted as he held onto Necole. “I ain’t gon hit her.”

  “I know you ain’t. Now let her go.”

  “Let me go, Carmelo!” Necole shouted.

  He pushed her onto the bed. “You ain’t going nowhere.”

  “Melo, I told your ass not to come to my house after you been smoking that shit! Now, you been doing good by staying your ass in the streets when you get full of that shit. You losing your damn mind! Keep your hands off that girl,” Ms. Brenda spat while Necole was utterly confused. What was Carmelo on?


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