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Love is Blind (G Street Chronicles Presents)

Page 25

by Nicole Jackson

  “Drop you off? Mark, it’s two in the morning,” Necole frowned, knowing that he was about to hit the streets again.

  He checked his watch. “No, shit. Just drop us off.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  He cut his eyes at her. “I told you those eyes are gonna get stuck like that.”

  She sucked her teeth. She checked her rearview mirror and spotted a police cruiser tailing them. “Damn. The police are following me.”

  Mark glanced in the mirror. “Fuck. Ya’ll niggas left the pistols in my car, right?”

  “Yeah,” his boys all said simultaneously.

  He shook his head. “I guess I’m the only nigga that didn’t leave my shit behind.”

  Necole glanced at him. “You have a gun on you?”

  He nodded.

  “Shit. Put it in my purse. There’s a slit in the bottom of the bag. Your gun should fit in it. If somebody just glances in it, it won’t be seen,” she told him as she kept her eyes on the road.

  Mark shook his head as he pulled the gun from his waist. “No, mama. If they search a nigga it is what it is. I can’t let you get caught up,” he told her as he tried to think of a place to hide his piece.

  “Baby, if anything they won’t check me at all. Please just do as I say.”


  “Just do it!” she snapped with tight lips.

  “Hell no!” he said adamantly.

  With one hand Necole hurriedly snatched the gun and put it in the hand opposite of Mark. She knew that he wouldn’t reach over to take it back with the police following them.

  “What the fuck?” he seethed as she managed to grab her purse without kneeling over.

  He watched as she felt around in the purse with one hand until she found the spot. She then placed his gun in the panel. Just then, the police turned on their lights signaling for her to pull over.

  “I knew it,” Coop shook his head as Necole pulled over.

  “Why did they pull me over anyway?” Necole fumed.

  “Shit, it’s a car full of niggas riding in a Lexus. We asked for it,” Nookie said. He was the youngest of them all. At just nineteen, he was the deadliest nigga Mark fucked with.

  “Ya’ll chill,” Coop said as he watched the white cop approach them.

  The officer used his flashlight to check out everyone in the car, while damn near blinding them. “Roll down your window, ma’am,” the white officer stood at Necole’s door.

  She let her window down. “What is it, sir?”

  “Uh, you changed lanes without using a signal. I need to see your license and insurance.”

  “No problem,” Necole said as she grabbed her purse and pulled out her wallet. She showed him her license as Mark handed her the insurance card. She handed it to the officer.

  “Okay, I’ll be right back,” The officer said before walking away.

  “Bitch ass nigga knew that he was going to pull you over regardless. Talking ‘bout you didn’t use your signal light,” Coop shook his head.

  Mark sat staring at Necole. He was pissed. He didn’t ask her to put herself on the line like that.

  A few minutes later, the officer came back to the truck. “Here you go, ma’am,” he said as he handed her license and insurance back. “I need you to sign for this ticket.”

  She grabbed the ticket and signed it before handing it back. “Okay, you guys drive safely in this nice luxury vehicle here,” the officer quipped sarcastically.

  Necole rolled her eyes. “You too,” she didn’t even wait until the officer was back in his patrol car before pulling off.

  As soon as the cruiser was out of sight Mark went off. “Don’t you ever in your fucking life pull some shit like that again!”

  “What? Baby, I was just trying to look out for you.”

  Mark shook his head. “No, don’t give me that shit. You got two kids at home, man. You can’t take a case for nobody…including me. That shit ain’t even an option, real talk.”

  Coop interrupted. “Nigga, calm down. She was just trying to look out for you. That should tell you that she love your crazy ass.”

  “Naw, dog,” Mark shook his head. “Ya’ll don’t know what’s up. Yeah, she was trying to look out for me, but what the fuck can she do with a pistol case? What kind of job can she get with that on her record? Then what the fuck I look like letting her go down for me while she carrying my seed? I can’t do some shit like that.”

  “Your seed? You pregnant, Necole?” Coop questioned in shock.

  Necole nodded as she wiped a few tears from her eyes. The pregnancy had her extra sensitive.

  Mark sucked his teeth as he looked her way. “Man, what you crying for?”

  She shrugged not wanting to talk in front of his boys.

  A few minutes later, she pulled up to Coop’s house; that was where Mark had left his ride. His boys quickly hopped out of the truck. “We still going to the spot?” Coop asked as he stood in the door.

  Mark stared at Necole before shaking his head. He turned to his boy. “Naw, man. Ya’ll niggas go ahead. I need to talk to her,” he got out of the truck. “Follow me home,” he told Necole.

  Necole followed Mark while her mind ventured off. She thought that he’d appreciate what she’d just done. That was her way of showing him that she was down for him no matter what. Now she just felt stupid. As they both pulled into the garage, she almost felt like backing out and going in another direction. He had made her feel dumb and lame. She took her time stepping out of the car and he patiently stood in the doorway leading to the house, waiting.

  “Why you taking your time?” he asked as she walked to the door. She rolled her eyes before looking down at the ground. “Hey, hey. Don’t do that,” he told her as he titled her chin up.

  Their eyes locked. No one said anything for what seemed like forever. Finally, she broke the silence. “You hurt my feelings.”

  “Aye, I ain’t mean to; but you gotta feel me, mama. I leave this house every day putting my life and freedom on the line. That’s a choice I made. You, on the other hand, didn’t ask for this life. You shouldn’t have to deal with that bullshit. If anybody goes down it will be me and only me. I’m a man, baby. I would never let you take the fall. I can’t claim to love you and then turn around and sacrifice you. You mean too much to me.”

  Necole stood and listened to the intensity in his words. She had never heard another man speak so passionately about her. She could feel his love for her oozing out of his pores. Her eyes began to water.

  Mark titled his head. “Ah, come on with the water works, girl. What did I say now?”

  She shook her head trying desperately not to cry. She failed. “You make me feel so good,” she pulled him into her embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck. She sighed. “God, where did you come from?”

  He smiled. “I love you too,” he kissed her cheek. “Now, let’s go play house.”


  Mark’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket for the fifth time. He and Necole were headed to the airport to go on their vacation. Necole was all smiles, but she knew that her smile wasn’t going to last much longer if he ignored another call.

  “You ready to hop on this plane?” he asked as he glanced at her as he drove down the freeway.

  “Yeah,” she answered. “Who’s calling you?” she cut straight to the chase.

  Mark slightly chuckled knowing that she wasn’t going to let him slide. “That was ole girl.”

  “Ole girl? Are you talking about Dream?”

  Mark leaned his head back. “Yeah.”

  “So, why is she still calling you?” Necole wanted to know. Dream was his ex and the broad that had walked in on her bathing her kids. The chick refused to let go. She’d shown up unannounced more than a couple of times and became enraged when she found that Mark had changed the locks. Necole had been through this shit with Carmelo. Usually, when the girl doesn’t want to move on, it’s because the guy gives her some sense of false hope. May
be Mark was still fucking her on the side.

  He sucked his teeth. “Man…I don’t know why she keeps calling. I told her that it wasn’t like that no more.”

  She turned her body toward him and stared at his face. “It’s not like that? What does that mean?”

  “Shit, I told her that I didn’t want to fuck with her no more.”

  “And that was it?” she snapped.

  He glanced at her. “What else was there to say?”

  “How about I have a girlfriend now?”

  He smiled. “Don’t you mean fiancé? Or what about my future? No, no, you’re my confidant. Yeah, you’re my boo, my baby, my heart.”

  Necole rolled her eyes.

  “Baby, the truth is that I told her that it was over. I told her to move on. I didn’t go into full details because it would have been pointless. She was already hurt and I didn’t see a need to see her in anymore pain.”

  She shook her head. “Niggas. You are so simple minded. If you don’t give her a real explanation, then she’ll feel like the chapter isn’t closed. Women need closure. If you really cared about her, you should have sat her down and explained to her that you wanted to be with someone else. Yeah, it may have hurt her, but trust me…she’d live and then eventually she’d move on; but you not keeping it real just strings her along. She’s left in limbo thinking that she can somehow fix things between you two.”

  “Okay,” he nodded. “So what if I had told her the truth and she still kept calling? Then what?”

  “Then I’d have to kick her ass.”

  Mark laughed hysterically. “Aye, you something else, main. My niggas told me that you be out there scrapping. That nigga turned you out.”

  She had to giggle. “Yeah, he had damn near transformed me into a hood rat. I was kicking ass and taking names.”

  He shook his head as he continued to chuckle. “What the fuck were you thinking about?”

  She thought about it and then shrugged. “I loved him.”

  He became serious. “Oh,” he thought for a few seconds. He asked a question that he knew he should’ve asked a while ago. Deep down, he stayed away from it because he was afraid of the answer. “Do you still love him?”

  She sighed as she titled her head. “To be honest…yes, I love him. But I’m no longer in love with him. Nothing can erase what we had. It wasn’t all bad and I got two kids out of the deal. If for no other reason, I’ll always love him because of that. Still, I found out something that I didn’t know was possible.”


  “I realized that what I felt for him was more like puppy love. I mean, I cared about him and with him I explored so much for the very first time. He was pretty much all I knew until you came along. The love I got for you ain’t got shit on whatever it was I felt for Carmelo. Like, I don’t care if you’re wrong or right; I’m down. Every day I thank God that you’re in my life and to be honest…we should thank Carmelo. See, if he hadn’t done me wrong, I wouldn’t know how to recognize when I’m being loved right. There’s no part of me that even remotely misses him and I don’t want you to ever wonder. So, if ever you have doubts, just ask. I’ll let you know, but I promise that you’re the only one for me.”

  “I hear you, mama. You always know the right shit to say to a nigga.”

  She leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek. “It’s because it comes from the heart.”

  * * * * *

  Necole gazed down at her feet as the white sand slid between her toes. She was taking her time walking over to Mark. He was sitting on their beach towel talking on his cell. She knew that he was handling business, so she decided to give him some privacy.

  The black Gucci two-piece swim suit she wore left little to the imagination. Mark was adamant about her keeping her sarong wrapped around her waist, but she just had to take it off. Her long hair blew across her face as a nice breeze came in. When she pushed the hair out of her face, someone was standing directly in front of her. Her hazel eyes flickered as she recognized the face.

  “Hi, Carl.”

  “Hey, Nicky. Long time no see. I can’t believe that you’re here,” Carl smiled.

  “Yeah, it’s funny that we’d run into each other clear across the country.”

  “Yeah,” his eyes studied her before he zeroed in on the ring on her finger. “So, who are you here with? You aren’t still with that rapping nigga, are you?”

  She blew out hot air causing her hair to fly out of her face. “No, I’m not.”

  He rubbed his hands together. “Good. So who are you here with?”

  She placed her hands behind her neck as she crossed her feet. She tilted her head looking sexy as ever. “I’m here with my fiancé.”

  “Your fiancé?” he repeated with a raised brow.

  She bit her bottom lip. She couldn’t deny it. Carl was looking great. His golden brown skin was smooth and his wash board abs were doing something to her. He sported long basketball shorts that sagged slightly, revealing his Ralph Lauren boxers. His wavy hair was freshly cut. At that very moment, he was looking more like a swim wear model verses a professional athlete. She guessed that’s why he was the new face for Ralph Lauren. Her ex was definitely doing big things and she couldn’t help but wonder what life would be like if they were still together.

  “Yeah, my fiancé.”

  “Damn, baby. I heard that you have two kids with the rapping cat. What happened to him?”

  She shook her head. “It just didn’t work out.”

  “Really? Well…keeping it real, I heard a few of his mix tapes. He got something. I heard that a few record companies were thinking about signing him.”

  “When did you hear this?”

  “Just last week. He did a show for a partner of mine birthday party.”

  She shrugged. “That’s cool.”

  “Yeah, but, man…I can’t believe how fine you are. You have two kids now. Shit, you weren’t this sexy before you had kids.”

  “Yeah, my babies put twenty pounds on me.”

  “Twenty pounds of ass, I see,” he laughed as he glanced behind her and checked out her backside.

  “Stop it,” she playfully shoved him away.

  “I’m serious,” he smiled. “Have you ever thought about modeling?”

  “Yeah, but I’m not tall enough.”

  “I wasn’t really talking about that Top Model, frail broad’s shit. You can still do urban clothing and shit like that. Besides, there are a few super models your height. You could make it work.”

  She shrugged. “If you say so.”

  “I’m serious. I can give you my agent’s number. See if he can find you a couple of gigs. I know he can.”

  “We’ll see. Give me the number.”

  “You have something to write it down with?”

  “No. Let me go get my phone. Hold up,” she told him before walking over to Mark. He was still talking on the phone as she grabbed her cell.

  “Where you going?” he asked as she tried to walk away.

  “I’m about to get this number.”

  “Ha ha. Don’t play with me, man. Where you going, for real?”

  “I told you. I’m about to get this number. It’s business, baby.”

  Mark’s face became serious. “Business? What kind of business?”

  “Carl’s about to give me an agent’s number.”

  “Carl? Who the fuck is Carl?” he asked as he stood up. “Aye, let me hit you back, my nigga,” he spoke into his phone.

  “Carl is an old friend, baby.”

  He snarled. “Don’t baby me. Ain’t that yo fuckin ex-boyfriend?”

  “Yeah, but that was a long time ago, baby…”

  He held his hand up. “Hold the fuck up. You must think that I’m stupid. You think that you gon stand a few feet away from me and exchange numbers with your ex?” he pulled up his sagging shorts. “You got me fucked up!”

  She placed her hands on her hips as she looked down and kicked the sand while twisting her lips. �
�I was just going to get his agent’s number.”

  He looked at her sideways. “For what, Necole?”

  She continued to look at her feet. “He said that I could get some modeling jobs.”

  “Before or after your belly is sticking out to here?” he questioned, putting his hands out in front of him for emphases.

  She shrugged. “Just forget about it,” she pouted like a child.

  “Man, that pouting shit ain’t gon work,” Mark snapped as he looked up and caught Carl watching them. “The fuck yo bitch ass looking at?”

  “Mark, don’t…” Necole tried to stand in front of him, but he stepped around her.

  “Aye, my nigga, what the fuck you looking at?” he questioned as he walked over to Carl.

  Carl stood back, not at all intimidated. “Nicky, is this the kind of shit you like?”

  “What, muthafucka?!” Mark fumed before taking a swing.

  “Baby!” Necole shouted as she ran over to them.

  Mark was able to get one punch in before she pulled him away.

  “No, let him go!” Carl shouted as he wiped the blood off his lips.

  “Move, man,” Mark told Necole as he pried her hands off of him. She clung to his shirt before he snatched it out of her grasp. “Get the fuck off of me!”

  “Carl, what the hell’s going on?” Carl’s boy ran over and asked.

  “This bitch ass nigga sucker punched me, man,” Carl seethed as he watched Necole push Mark further back.

  “Baby, let’s just go back to the hotel,” she pleaded.

  Mark stared down at her. He was pissed, but he knew that he hadn’t been thinking. The last thing he needed was to get locked up away from home. They were supposed to be on vacation and leaving the ghetto shit back at home.

  “Come on, man,” he snapped as he snatched her hand and pulled her toward the hotel.

  Carl stood and watched as Mark pulled Necole away. A part of him wanted so badly to go and snatch her out of that nigga’s grasp. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the thoughts of her. He’d been with plenty of beautiful girls, but there were few that had the same heart as Nicole. With her, he never had to wonder. She was with him because that’s what she wanted. She never cared about his social status and now he couldn’t seem to find a woman that didn’t care. In his life, having someone that genuinely cared was like finding a goldmine. He was beating himself up because he once had what he now craved.


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