The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG Page 35

by Cody Pondsmith

stigate a combat to ambush a target. First, rounded by a large group of enemies.

  down the initiative list. If you

  make a successful Stealth check against the

  When making a strong strike, you

  hold your action until the

  target’s Awareness check. If you succeed, make one huge attack at a -3 to your roll

  very end of the round, you

  you go unnoticed and can sneak up on your which does double damage against the op-

  must either use your turn or

  opponent. Next, make your attack. You gain ponent. Strong strikes are best when you

  sacrifice it. You cannot hold

  a +5 against all targets who were unaware need to do a lot of damage to a slower target

  your action and choose to

  of you. This bonus lasts for the first round with a lot of armor.

  act at the beginning of the

  of the combat. If one of your targets notices • Bows: When using a strong strike with a next round.

  you but doesn’t have time to alert the rest,

  bow you pull the bow to full draw and fire,

  you still get the bonus against those who

  doubling the damage. Since it takes quite a

  aren’t aware. After you make your ambush

  bit of time to draw and nock arrows, bows

  attack, everyone in the area makes an initia-

  can only fire once, even if making a fast

  tive roll and initiative continues from there.


  Fast Draw

  Your first attack (the ambush) isn’t counted • Crossbows: You cannot make strong or fast By declaring a Fast Draw at

  in the initiative.

  strikes with a crossbow since they have one

  the start of the round, you

  raise your initiative by +3


  draw length and draw weight.

  for that round by taking a

  Damage is split into two categories: lethal Hit Location

  -3 to your at ack. However,

  and non-lethal. Any wound that brings After you attack, determine what body part

  you must make an at ack

  you closer to death deals lethal damage. you hit. Unless you aimed for a specific spot,

  and you cannot benefit from

  When your amount of lethal damage is roll on the Humanoid or Monster Damage

  aiming or any other aim-re-

  equal to your Health Points, you enter Location tables.

  lated ability.

  Death State and begin dying (see Death

  Aiming for specific parts is harder,

  & Dying). Temporary damage that im- but can be worth it. Each part has a penalty

  pairs you (concussion, shock) is non-lethal to hit it and a damage modifier. After you’ve

  damage. When you have taken non-lethal reduced your damage based on armor (see

  damage equal to your Health Points, you Damage Reduction), you multiply the re-

  are knocked unconscious and treated as maining damage based on the modifier for

  stunned until you recover at least 20 points the location.

  of health with recovery actions and make a

  Stun save.

  Damage of both types is usual y de-

  termined by rolling different combinations

  of 6- or 10-sided dice. Different weapons

  also do one of four different damage types:

  piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, and ele-



  Humanoid Damage

  When an attack strikes you, subtract the SP

  Party Initiative


  of your armor from the incoming damage.

  To speed things up, you can

  It’s important to remember that armor is

  choose to designate one play-

  based on location: A steel plate under your

  Location Roll Penalty DMG

  er as the Leader of the party.

  silk shirt doesn’t protect your head.





  The Leader rol s initiative for

  the entire party and their rol





  Damage Resistance

  is added to each other play-

  Damage resistance (DR) is structural or

  R. Arm




  er’s REF score to determine

  magical protection from specific damage

  L. Arm




  their initative. This method

  types: fireproof clothes, for instance, or

  is good for getting initiative

  R. Leg




  scaly skin that turns blades. Like armor, DR

  for large groups of enemies

  L. Leg




  saps the sting from attacks. If you take dam-

  as wel.

  age of a type (piercing, slashing, bludgeon-

  ing, elemental) you’re resistant to, halve the

  Monsters which have different anatomy damage before applying your armor.

  from humans have a different table for dam-

  age location. When fighting a non-human- Layering Armor

  Layering Table

  oid monster, roll on the Monster Damage Layering armor may seem like a good idea.

  Each extra layer of light or

  Location table.

  Stack up a gambeson, a brigandine, and

  medium armor adds +1 to

  some plate armor and you can laugh off a

  Monster Damage Location

  the EV of your total armor.

  damn ballista bolt! Unfortunately it doesn’t

  Every layer of heavy armor

  work like that for two reasons.

  adds +2 to the EV.

  First, armor is cumulative: under-

  Location Roll Penalty DMG

  neath your brigandine is a gambeson and a





  chain mail shirt and underneath your plate





  armor is another gambeson and another

  chain mail shirt. So your stacked gambe-

  R. Limb




  son, brigandine and plate armor is real y

  L. Limb




  three gambesons, a brigandine, two shirts





  of chain mail, and plate armor over top of it

  al . Throw in four layers of armored trousers

  Certain types of attacks (bombs, traps, and and a great helm with two padded caps, two

  some spel s, for example) strike multiple chain mail coifs, and leather hood? Not only

  body locations at once. Bombs and explo- do you look like the Michelin Man’s merce-

  sive traps hit everywhere, dealing their nary brother, you’re also wearing about 39

  damage to every location separately. In this kilograms of armor alone, each layer adding

  case, calculate full dice damage for each lo- more encumbrance. For this reason you can

  cation separately.

  only stack three pieces of armor and you

  can only wear one layer of heavy armor and


  one layer of medium armor.

  Armor is anything that makes it harder for

  Second, each layer of armor doesn’t

  an attack to kill you. For players, this most- add its full SP. Any armor lighter than your

  ly means reinforced clothing and plates of heaviest armor acts as a buffer between you

  steel. For monsters, this can be hardened and the blow. To determine how much ex-

  skin or natural shel s. All armor has a stop- tra armor you get subtract the lighter armor ping power (SP). The stopping power of ar- from the heavier armor and find the differ-mor determines how much incoming dam- ence on the table on the next page.

  age it absorbs when an attack strikes you.


  This bonus is the amount of armor you add Using Cover

  to your heaviest armor. If you have 3 lay- When you are under fire from archers, ar-

  Layering Example

  ers, calculate the layers in pairs: Compare balists, mages, and the like, you can choose

  Say for instance you want to

  your first and second layers to find their to take cover. Anything solid that comes be-

  wear a gambeson, a brigan-

  combined strength, then compare that aug- tween you and a projectile counts as cover.

  dine, and a full plate armor

  mented strength to the third set of armor to An attack must penetrate the cover before

  on your torso. Wel, first look

  get the full strength of the armor.

  it can get to you. If an attack does enough

  at all of the individual stop-

  damage to exceed the cover’s SP, the rest

  Bonus Armor Table

  ping powers: gambeson (3),

  of the damage strikes you and must get

  brigandine (12), and plate

  through your armor before doing damage

  armor (20). Now subtract

  Difference in SP

  Bonus Armor

  to you.

  the gambeson from the brig-



  Common Cover Table

  andine and we get 9. If we

  compare that to the table it



  shows us that with the gam-





  beson and brigandine our



  Stone wal


  SP becomes 15 (12+3). We

  then subtract that 15 from

  Large tree


  the SP 20 plate armor and

  Armor Piercing

  Brick wal


  get 5. Consulting our table

  Wooden wal


  again the total SP we have is

  There are two armor piercing levels in the

  24. We also have a total EV

  Witcher TRPG: armor piercing and im-

  Heavy wooden door


  proved armor piercing

  of 3.

  . Armor piercing

  Steel door


  weapons negate the damage resistance of



  any armor that they hit. Improved armor

  piercing weapons not only ignore damage



  Human Shields

  resistance but also halve the SP value of the

  Thatch roof


  As Cover

  armor they hit.

  Wooden barrel


  If you are using a human

  Staged Penetration



  shield and someone tries

  Attacks that hurt you also damage your ar-

  to attack you through

  mor, making it less resilient to further at- Human Shields

  the “shield” they must

  tacks. Each attack that penetrates a piece of We all knew it would come to this. Yes,

  do enough damage to

  armor and does damage to the wearer re- people, animals, and monsters can count

  get past the “shield’s”

  duces the SP of the armor by 1 point. When as cover when in a pinch or feeling vindic-

  BODY stat, plus any

  the SP reaches 0, the armor is ful y broken tive! To use a person or creature as a hu-

  torso armor they have.

  and no longer soaks any damage. In the case man shield you have to put them between

  The “shield” takes dam-

  of shields and weapons, blocking an attack you and the attack by rolling a Brawling or

  age as if they had been

  negates the attack but reduces the item’s re- Physique check against their Physique or

  hit and any damage that

  liability or SP by 1. When the shield’s SP or Dodge/Escape. If you succeed, they are hit

  penetrates the “shield’s”

  weapon’s reliability reaches 0 it’s useless for by the attack instead of you. If you are al-SP (BODY+Armor) hits

  blocking or attacking. Weapons and armor ready grappling or pinning the person, you

  you in the torso.

  can be fixed with appropriate crafting rol s are not required to make this roll and the

  (see the Crafting section).

  creature you are holding is considered cov-

  er for your torso. Any attack that hits your

  torso hits the “shield” instead of you. For

  information on attacking through a human

  shield, see the sidebar.



  Criticals and Fumbles

  Lost Teeth &

  The reliability of a weapon determines how Fortune plays a big role on the battlefield.

  easy it is to break. Not only will this apply You may get lucky and strike a vital loca-

  Dented Helmets

  if you attempt to block with the weapon tion, but you could just as easily trip on a

  Didya know my back five

  (see Staged Penetration) but it also applies rock. Criticals and fumbles have more im-teeth on my left side are

  to fumbles. If you fumble an attack, block, portance during combat than in everyday

  wooden? Yeah. Second War

  or parry with your weapon it can take extra encounters.

  took a bit more outta me

  reliability damage.

  When you roll a natural 10 on

  than I figured goin’ in. Also

  10-sided die you’ve rolled a critical. Roll

  taught me not to rely on hel-


  again and add both rol s. If you roll another

  mets too much. For a while

  Assuming your armor didn’t stop an attack, 10, roll a third time and add that value too.

  I wore a helmet like a lotta

  you take damage. Enough lethal damage This can continue many times and doesn’t

  the other lads. One battle,

  will begin to hamper your actions. This is end until you fail to roll a 10. For example,

  the black ones broke our pike

  called your wound threshold, and it var- rolling a 7 after rolling a 10, gives you a total line and hit the arbalists hard.

  ies based on your maximum Health Points. of 17. However, if you roll a 10 after rolling

  I grabbed my axe but some

  When your current HP goes below your a 10 you roll again. This new value is added

  bloody bastard got me with

  wound threshold, you halve your REF, DEX, to the 20 you rolled before.

  a blow to the head so hard

  INT, and WILL: you’re holding yourself to-

  Not only do criticals allow you to

  my jaw snapped shut and

  gether with sheer wil power and adrenaline. hit opponents with ease, they also give you

  I crushed five of my teeth.

  a chance to inflict punishing and lethal crit-

  Lucky I puled my tongue in

  Wound Threshold Table

  ical wounds on your opponent.

  or I’d have a hard time bein’

  Fumbles, on the other hand, are a

  the chatty son a bitch I am

  warrior’s worst enemy. When you roll a nat-

  Max Health


  now, heh.

  ural 1 on a 10-sided die, roll again and sub-

  –Rodolf Kazmer



  tract the next value from your base. Just like



  criticals, if you roll a natural 10 after rolling

  a natural 1, you must roll again and subtract



  that value as wel . You cannot drop your



  base below a value of 0. As an example, rol -



  ing a 7 after rolling 1 means that you sub-



  tract 7 from your base. So if you had a 7 REF

  and a +6 Swordsmanship, your roll would



  bring you to 6. However, if you roll a 10 after



  rolling a 1, you roll again. Say you get a 4.



  This means you subtract 14 from your base



  and bottom out at 0. Just as criticals can dis-

  able enemies, fumbles punish you based on



  how high your negative was, as shown in the



  Fumble Outcome table.


  Fumble Table

  Roll Type


  1-5: No major fumble.

  6: Your weapon glances off and

  you are staggered.

  7: Your weapon lodges in a near-

  by object and it takes 1 round

  to free.


  8: You damage your weapon se-


  verely. Your weapon takes 1d10

  points of reliability damage.

  9: You manage to wound your-

  self. Roll for location.

  >9: You wound a nearby al y.

  Roll location on a random al y

  within range.

  1-5: No major fumble.

  6: Your weapon takes 1d6 extra

  points of reliability damage.

  7: Your weapon is knocked from

  your hand and flies 1d6 meters

  away in a random direction (see


  Scatter table).

  Defending 8: You are knocked to the

  ground. You are now prone and

  must make a Stun save.

  9: Your weapon takes 2d6 extra

  points of reliability damage.

  >9: Your weapon ricochets back


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