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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG Page 41

by Cody Pondsmith

  already assimilated into Kaedweni cities. There are also wars with Aedirn over the Pontar

  Valley, or Loremark. This area is hotly disputed territory even as Nilfgaard advances toward Ban Glean is a city to the


  southwest of the capital. It was

  Henselt has had some very powerful advisers. One such was Sabrina Glevissig, a

  once the home of the Dun Ban-

  powerful native Kaedweni sorceress, beautiful and usual y dressed in provocative clothing.

  ner, a light cavalry unit, dash-

  She became the power behind the throne, leaving Henselt time for more pleasurable pur-

  ing in their cloaks and beaver

  suits. Unfortunately during the battle with Aedirn she chose to follow the instructions of

  fur hats. The unit was famous

  the Lodge of Sorceresses rather than Kaedwen’s best interests, causing vast Kaedweni casu-

  for their brave action at the

  alties. Henselt had her burned at the stake. This was not the end, though: Sabrina put her

  Battle of Brenna. Unfortunate-

  death curse on the battlefield so that wraiths would fight the battle out over and over again ly, while leading the Kaedweni

  until the curse was final y lifted just last year.

  army into battle once again,

  Ard Carraigh is the capital of Kaedwen, a hardy fortress city with few of the com-

  the unit was shattered by the

  forts and amenities you might find in other capitals. It sits near the center of the country, sorceress Sabrina Glevissig, for-not associated with any lake or river. The legendary founder of Henselt’s line, Viduka, was

  mer adviser to King Henselt.

  led to this unusual site by a unicorn, which now features on the flag of Kaedwen. In town,

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  locals are likely to harass visitors who appear too “foreign” or ostentatious. It is a rough town for non-humans, though dwarves are grudgingly accepted. Henselt’s palace is on a

  bluff just north of the main city and access for anyone other than nobles and military elite is limited.



  Aldersburg is known for its


  position in the First and Sec-

  Aedirn is newer than Temeria and Redania, founded as hu-

  ond Battles of Aldersberg. In

  mans worked their way up the Pontar after the Landing of

  the first battle, the Northern

  the Exiles. It is bordered to the north by Kaedwen, on the

  troops of King Demawend and

  west by the disputed Pontar Valley and the Mahakaman

  Queen Meve of Lyria broke

  Mountains, on the south by Lyria and Rivia, and on the

  from negotiations and took

  east by the Blue Mountains. It was founded at roughly the

  on the Nilfgaardians, under

  same time as Kaedwen. The Kaedweni have always been

  noted Nilfgaardian general

  jealous of the mild Aedirnian climate and its more arable

  Menno Coehoorn. The North-

  lands. These conditions made for a population skilled in

  ern armies were routed. In the

  farming and dairying. The country had many small towns,

  second battle King Henselt of

  most general y neat and clean. Unfortunately these enviable

  Kaedwen joined Demawend

  conditions resulted in Aedirn losing a lot of land to nearby

  and Meve, and the Nilfgaard-

  powers, primarily Kaedwen. Despite King Demawend III’s

  ians were overcome. The

  noted tactical skil s, which allowed him to anticipate Nilfgaard in the First Nilfgaardian

  battlegrounds outside the city

  War, Aedirn has become smaller and smaller.

  are only now recovering, and

  Now the bulk of Aedirn is awash in death and devastation. Everything fell into

  scavengers sometimes find ar-

  chaos when King Demawend was assassinated by Letho of Gulet on the king’s pleasure

  mor and weapons left after the

  barge. His current sorcerer, his bodyguard, and the well-known archer Tybalt were killed

  battles. Also well known in Al-

  as wel . Demawend was a ruthless and unpleasant king, looking for any excuse to send “pu-

  dersberg is the tale of Jacques de

  nitive expeditions” into Dol Blathanna, but Aedirn dearly misses his tactical mind. Aedirn

  Aldersberg, who left this town

  is occupied by Nilfgaard, which is probably gathering its forces for an assault on the Pontar as a hungry waif and rose to be

  Valley. The people looked to Demawend’s son, Prince Stennis, but the word spreads that he

  the Grand Master of the Order

  may already be dead, perhaps lynched for attempting to poison Saskia, Virgin of Aedirn. It

  of the Flaming Rose before he

  is unlikely Aedirn will receive aid from Kaedwen. In the last war, Kaedwen turned traitor

  descended into madnes .

  to all the North and formed an agreement with Nilfgaard to split up Aedirn as spoils of

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  war. Aedirn’s lands were only returned at the Peace of Cintra. As Demawend hated elves

  passionately, we can write off aid from Dol Blathanna. During the Second Nilfgaardian War,

  advancing Nilfgaardian troops dismantled or destroyed all industrial centers, from forging

  to weaving. All they dismantled they loaded into wagons and took to Nilfgaard, as well as

  all the crops and livestock they could find. I do not envy the Nilfgaardian troops assigned

  to cart Aedirn’s wealth and food all those miles home to the South through angry, starving

  civilians with nothing to lose.

  Vengerberg is the capital of Aedirn. It was once one of the largest, most prosperous,

  and most beautiful of the Northern cities. It sits on important trade crossroads and its marketplaces, factories, schools, and churches were the envy of many. Historical y, Vengerberg

  is known for producing beer, spirits, dyes, and textiles. Elves would not be comfortable in

  Vengerberg. Aedirn’s displeasure does not typical y extend to dwarves, especial y the Vival-

  di family of the Vivaldi and Sons bank, but there has been at least one non-human pogrom.

  Nilfgaard did great damage to the city during the Second Nilfgaardian War due to the hor-

  rific agreement between Kaedwen and Nilfgaard, but after the Peace of Cintra the citizens

  of Vengerberg started to rebuild their city. Now Vengerberg is again in Nilfgaardian hands.

  Who knows what will happen?


  Temeria Adda the Strygga

  After seven years, Foltest’s

  daughter—Adda—rose again

  Temeria is more populated and more central to the North-

  as a monster: a strygga, just

  ern Kingdoms than its neighbor Redania. Historical y it

  over a meter tall but extremely

  has been very strong, a rival to Redanian power. Over the

  fast and extremely strong with

  course of time, the Temerian king has held the titles King

  long claws and sharp teeth. She

  of Sodden, Sovereign of Pontar and Mahakam, and Senior

  came out at night and kiled so

  Protector of El ander and Brugge. This area is falling into

  many people that a new castle

  chaos and will be difficult to wrest from the advancing Nilf-

  was built elsewhere. Foltest was

  gaardian army. Many vil ages have been looted and burned.

  desperate to find a solution

  Others still exist, but t
heir people have suffered unbelieva-

  that would save the child, who

  ble horrors. Both armies have stripped the land for provi-

  was all he had left of his belov-

  sions and executed “col aborators,” frequently non-humans.

  ed Adda. The famous witcher

  Do not travel through this area but in the greatest necessity.

  Geralt of Rivia broke the curse

  Temeria is bordered on the north by the great Pon-

  on Foltest’s daughter and she

  tar River, which creates the boundary with Redania. Tributaries of the Pontar, the Ribbon,

  emerged as a mentaly dull girl

  as well as the Yaruga in the south, penetrate the land creating highways for valuable trade.

  who was not at that time gen-

  The eastern border is the Mahakaman Mountains, with large dwarf strongholds that pro-

  eraly considered as part of the

  duce the best iron and steel in the world. On the western side, Temeria is largely isolated by succession.

  the Brokilon Forest and its distinctly anti-social dryads. In the south, Temeria borders the

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  Temerian protectorates of Brugge and Sodden, now lost to Nilfgaard.

  It wasn’t always like this. Temeria was founded in the eighth century by King Dez-

  mod just after the Landing of the Exiles. Four hundred years later, King Medel ruled une-

  ventful y with his queen and two children. The son, Foltest, and the daughter, Adda, were

  very close. No one appreciated how close until Foltest announced that he intended to marry

  Gors Velen

  his sister and make her his queen. The royal advisers were horrified. Unfortunately, Adda

  was already pregnant. She died giving birth to a stil born daughter so deformed that one

  Gors Velen is the second larg-

  midwife went insane. There were whispers that it was retribution for their unnatural liai-

  est Northern trade port after

  son, but Foltest was inconsolable.

  Novigrad. At the booths of

  The Nilfgaardian Emperor’s cleverest strategy was arranging the assassination of

  the marketplace one can find

  King Foltest and King Demawend of Aedirn by the former witcher, Letho of Gulet, and

  almost anything from almost

  tying those deaths to the Lodge of Sorceresses. The loss of the kings’ tactical and diplomatic anywhere. Northwest of Gors

  skil s has been keenly felt in the war. Since Foltest’s death, Temeria has been plagued inter-Velen is the island of Thanedd.

  nal y by battling nobles. Constable John Natalis is a sufficient supreme commander of the

  Thanedd was the home of Are-

  Temerian forces, but he is not a diplomat and cannot handle the fractious dukes. No true

  tuza, the magic training acade-

  leader has emerged, and the Nilfgaardians currently lay siege to the capital city of Vizima.

  my for young girls and also the

  Vizima is a large walled city encompassing an island at the edge of Lake Vizima,

  scene of the Thanned Coup,

  which empties into the Pontar River. Temerian soldiers and conscripts constantly harass the

  which changed forever the rela-

  Nilfgaardian siege forces. In the future, if the city is rescued by Northern forces, it is well tionship between sorcerers and

  worth visiting. However one should avoid the Old Vizima quarter, a run-down ghetto for



  –Brandon of Oxenfurt


  Rumors of Skellige

  Because these islands are so re-


  mote, many people believe the

  The Skellige Isles are an archipelago off the coast of Verden.

  rumors about Skelige. That it

  There are six clans, each with its own territory. Each clan

  is primitive and the people are

  has a jarl but there is only one king, chosen by vote. Other

  ruthles , uncultured barbari-

  than that, all Skelligers are considered equal. Their islands

  ans. But this is not entirely true.

  take the brunt of ocean storms, and are not particularly rich

  They are a hardy people. The

  or fertile. Their coastlines are rugged with tal , jagged cliffs

  men dominate and do the fish-

  and few natural harbors to land in, but many fjords to hide

  ing and raiding, but the wom-

  in. Before the First Nilfgaardian War they had strong alli-

  en are given much respect in

  ances with the Kingdom of Cintra. The strong, wise, and

  their domain. The sea is rough

  beautiful Queen Calanthe of Cintra, after being widowed,

  around the islands and their

  couldn’t rule due to her gender. She married Eist Tuirseach

  ships, the result of hundreds of

  of the Skellige Clan Tuirseach as her second husband. Eist,

  years on the sea, are simple and

  who was at that time King of Cintra and Skellige, fell in the

  light. Skeligers are used to the

  Battle of Marndal, leading Cintran and Skellige warriors against Nilfgaard. Since then the

  facts of a dangerous life.

  Skelligers have hated Nilfgaard. They are not so much part of the North as they are an al y

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  with similar goals. No nation’s ships are safe while sailing through Skellige waters.

  All six clans trace their lineage back to their legendary champion, Hemdal . The

  most powerful is Clan An Craite with their current jarl, Crach an Craite. Their territory

  Jarl Houndsnout

  is the northern half of the largest island, Ard Skellige. This clan has had many strong jarls The Jarl of Clan Tordarroch at

  and kings. Their colors, which identify them on the battlefield, are red, brown, and black.

  the time of the ice giant attack,

  Clan Tuirseach lives on the island of An Skellig. Their colors are blue with bearskin and

  Harald Houndsnout, returned

  their current jarl is Svanrige. The previous jarl, Eist Tuirseach, became King of both Cin-

  to Undvik to reclaim it, but

  tra and Skellige. Torgeir Tuirseach the Red was a legendary pirate of the clan who sacked

  there has been no word from

  Nilfgaard’s capital, the City of Golden Towers, several times with his companion Gerd, of

  him in some time.

  the Bear Witchers. Clan Brokvar, and their jarl Udalryk, live on Spikeroog. Clan Brokvar is

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  known to produce archers without equal, but many clans still consider them cowards after

  they once left the field of battle because their opponents were too numerous. Their colors

  are black and gray. Clan Hemaey, and their jarl Donar an Hindar, live on Hindarsfjal . This

  The Death of Bran

  is also the site of the largest temple and sacred grove of the goddess Freya. Donar an Hindar is a much-revered and patient elder jarl and the Hemaey are a pious group. Their colors

  Recently, King Bran of Skelige

  are yellow, black, and white. Clan Dimun lives on Faroe, the smallest island. They are the

  passed on. In his old age he

  most merciless of raiders. Their jarl is Holger Black Hand who said “After you’ve taken their decided, as many elderly Skel-wenches and their gold, burn their home to the ground. That’s how Clan Dimun lives.”

  ligers do, that he would rather

  Their colors are brown, black, and olive. Clan Drummond, with their jarl Madman Lugos,

  die in battle than in his bed.r />
  live on the southern half of Ard Skellig. The Drummonds still rage over the seizure of the

  King Bran died fighting a great

  northern half of their island by the more powerful Clan an Craite. One’s position in Clan

  Skelige bear with only a knife.

  Drummond is based on personal combat. The Drummond colors are purple and black

  His death has left a vacuum of

  with minor blue points. Clan Tordarroch is in limbo now, as their people, once known as

  power on the Skelige Isles.

  excellent smiths and fisherman, have recently been chased off Undvik by an ice giant and

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  an army of sirens. Most of them are living in An Craite territory on Ard Skellige.


  Kovir & Poviss

  The Hengefor’s League

  There are several small feuding principalities or duch-

  The Hengefor’s League was once the East March of Kovir.

  ies north of Redania. The two most powerful, Kovir and

  Since breaking away, that area has broken up into several

  Poviss, are joined under King Tankred at this time. They

  small principalities: mainly Cairngorn, Creyden, Malle-

  are not involved with the Nilfgaardian War other than to

  ore, and Woefield. Sandwiched between Redania and

  send significant monetary support to the North. Origi-

  Kovir and Poviss, the League would have to cooperate

  nal y given to a castoff member of Redanian royalty, the

  or be annexed. After 200 years of war, King Niedamir of

  backwater of Kovir and Poviss became very successful

  Cairngorn final y united this group by military interven-

  after finding large veins of rare minerals, including di-

  tion, executing anyone who opposed him. The League

  meritium and 80% of the world’s current gold deposits,

  are followers of the Cult of Kreve, the thunder god of the

  in their territory. King Tankred has also made a point of

  North. Kreve’s followers take action to fight evil in the

  saving and employing sorceresses cast off, and in some

  world, but also within themselves. Original y, the Order

  cases tortured or imprisoned, by Redania.

  of the White Rose was the military arm of Kreve, but

  There are some who say that the University of


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