The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG Page 66

by Cody Pondsmith

  Give the players a bit of time to ster Knowledge roll can be made against a

  Some pieces have

  drink at the tavern, talk amongst them- DC:16. to find out that the mystery beast is

  blood on them.

  selves, or chat with folk at the tavern. They probably a rock trol .

  won’t get any new information but it will

  help break up the action and pace the game. Cliffhanger


  However, the next morning the players Following the tracks (a DC:10 Wilderness

  If players decide to at ack Aer-

  wake to insistent knocking on their door/ Survival check) takes the players past the

  on (for some reason), he can be

  doors. Outside are well-dressed men who spot where they found the nekkers, then

  treated as a bandit with nothing

  look to be servants. One of them greets the further into the hil s. In the distance the

  but a dagger.


  players see a cave with some bizarre nekker

  idols outside. A DC:15 Awareness check at

  Good morning, travelers. Your presence is the mouth reveals that there are more nek-requested by Lady Sibilia. Her ladyship is kers equal to the players plus 2 still inside aware you are investigating the child kidnap- the cave.

  pings and wishes to aid you.


  However, if the players spoke with Lady to detain them. The players can fight, but

  Sibilia they now also have two guards to every round 1d6/2 more guards arrive. If

  fight alongside them, so the fight shouldn’t they do get captured, go to Development

  be too hard.


  If the players stayed in the cave, the


  troll returns and the players can fight him

  Once they beat the nekkers, the players find or talk to him. The troll uses a tall bundle of that the cave not only housed the nekkers, branches as a weapon (see Woolabag’s Club

  but also a rock troll (or two). The cave is ob- at the back of the adventure). To talk to him, viously a troll lair but there are no bones that players must calm him down with a DC:15

  look appropriately childlike. There are a lot Charisma check. If the troll is calmed, the of bones though, arranged into shapes and players get his story in beautiful Troll-ese:

  sculptures in some places. A DC:13 First

  Aid check shows that the bones are mostly Woolabag sorry, hummies. Not see hummies

  from deer and sheep.

  in cave in long time. No sharpy sticks use.

  Woolabag is good trolsy! Punish naughties!


  Naughty hummies Woolabag hurt! Woolabag

  The players can head back or wait for the doing good job! Shiny man say!


  If they head back, they reach town From the trol , they find out that he thinks

  by nightfal . On the outskirts of town they he’s doing good, taking naughty children

  spot the troll handing over a wicker basket and giving them to Lord Nowak to punish.

  to two of the city’s guards. The troll is carry- He gets paid in sheep and deer for this and ing a large club made of bushels of branches, thinks he is doing a sort of service for the

  lashed together with leather. The club would town.

  match the wounds inflicted on all the vic-

  If the players kill the trol , they can

  tims. The guards can make an Awareness return for their money—but the children

  check to notice the players.

  are still missing, and soon after getting their

  If they spot the players, the guards money they are met by guards in twice their

  sic the troll on the players, saying “Look, number, who detain them. They can fight,

  more naughties!” and then run. The players but every round 1d6/2 more guards arrive.

  can fight the trol , run from him, or try to Go to Development (Imprisoned).

  reason with him. With a DC:18 Persuasion,

  If the players did not kill the trol ,

  Charisma, or even Leadership check the they get back to the inn to find guards wait-

  players can calm the trol .

  ing for them in twice their number to take

  If the players don’t get involved, the them in. They can fight, but every round

  guards leave and the troll heads out towards 1d6/2 more guards arrive.

  the cave. They can go after the guards or the


  Development (Imprisoned)

  If the players go after the guards, On capturing the players, guards strip their

  they must make 3 Stealth checks against the gear (excluding their torso and leg armor).

  guards to follow unseen. When they finish, Any magic users have their hands tied be-

  the guards reach the palace of Lord Nowak hind their backs and their mouths gagged,

  where they enter via a servant entrance with just in case. After a few minutes in darkness

  the squirming basket. They players must the room is il uminated by a torch and the

  make a DC:20 Stealth check to enter the players meet the lord of the city.

  building. If they fail, they must fight twice

  their number in guards. The guards will try


  Lord Nowak tel s them:

  Just as the first player is led to the stockade

  the door opens and a young man enters with

  Molten Metal

  You know, everything was going quite smooth- a sack. He’s wearing the uniform of a page,

  “Crucible” Kowal’s crucible of

  ly. Keep people afraid so they can’t revolt— but the players recognize him from the molten iron can be used as a

  That was the plan. And it was working, damn group of people that begged them to find weapon. It uses Athletics, has

  you! The children are safe, and the popula- the monster. He sets the sack down and tel s a range of 3m, and does 5d6

  tion cowed. Do you know what would hap- Commander Kowal that Lord Nowak wants

  damage with a 75% chance of

  pen to this town if there were a major revolt? to speak with him. As the young man and setting the target on fire. Even if

  I would much rather see Ashberg gripped by Kowal leave, the young man gives the play-it doesn’t set the person on fire,

  fear than a smoldering husk. But I will have ers a pointed look and nudges the sack with it does 3d6 damage to the loca-to form a new plan now. Thanks to the lot of his foot discretely. One guard takes his eyes tion it splashed on for 5 rounds

  you. Enjoy your last night. I’ll be giving you to off the players to check the sack. The players before hardening.

  Commander Kowal in the morning.

  can see it holds weapons and gear (any item

  larger than a sword is absent; there is a note

  The players are locked away in a 4m by 4m that says they are in the larder). This should

  cell together. The lock is on the outside of be your players’ time to spring. Neither of

  the heavy steel-bound door and cannot be the guards have their weapons drawn yet,

  reached from the inside. There is one guard and non-magic players have their hands tied

  outside the door.

  in front of them, giving only a -3 to actions

  which the first-round Ambush bonus would


  negate. If your players hit fast and hard, they

  The next morning they are shaken from should quickly overcome the two guards in

  their sleep by guards (equal to the number the cell with them.

  of players) who hustle them up into a room

  On the way out, they must make it

  with a heavy iron door. Only two guards re- up three floors to safety. Along the way, they

  main in
the room with them. You want to have choices:

  get your players’ hearts real y beating, so

  Commander Kowal has been led

  read this next section aloud:

  up to the ground floor (2 floors away) and

  will be detained there for 2 rounds after the

  You’re shoved into a small, stone room fil ed, players escape the cel . He descends 1 floor almost claustrophobicly, with ominous fur- every 2 turns.

  nishings. On one wall there’s a table covered

  On the floor above theirs’ they

  with papers, but the centerpiece is a sort of can free about 15 children locked behind a stockade with three holes for prisoners’ heads heavy wooden door with a strong lock.

  and shackles for their hands and feet. The

  They can remain in the torture

  floor there is spattered with iron and greasy chamber and set and an ambush for Com-patches of ash. ‘Crucible’ Kowal is waiting in mander Kowal, in which case they may get the room, slowly stirring a red hot crucible the drop on him. He will make an Awareness of...bubbling iron, from the looks of it.

  check before entering the room if anything

  seems out of place however. If he hears the

  Without looking up he says, “We’ll do one at players inside, he will leave and return in 3

  a time. No need to rush.”

  rounds with a number of guards equal to

  half the players.

  As the guards line you up, he looks to the last

  If the players talked to the trol ,

  person on the right and says “Maybe I’ll be rather than killing him, they find him on the able to get some interesting information out ground floor looking to help them. If they of you before your turn.”

  are in the middle of a fight, Woolabag will

  help them fight. If the players aren’t in com-

  bat when they get to the ground floor, they


  find that the troll has broken into the man- Ending

  or and is looking for them. He will go with Hopeful y, the children are rescued and the

  the players and agree to help.

  players make it out alive. They are given

  By going through the door at the their money and the instructions on how to

  back of the living area they can they can get get into the Mahakaman Mountains.

  to the throne room, where they find Lord

  Nowak. Lord Nowak has 2 guards with him

  who will fight to the death. If the troll ac-

  companies the players, Lord Nowak will try

  to escape.


  “Crucible” Kowal



  STUN 8


  Awareness +10

  Dodge/Escape +7 Swordsmanship +7

  Courage +9

  REF 10

  RUN 21

  Intimidation +8

  Resist Magic +7

  Crossbow +6

  Small Blades +6

  DEX 9

  LEAP 4

  Resist Coercion +8

  Athletics +6

  Wild. Survival +9

  Deduction +9

  BODY 7

  STA 40

  SPD 7

  ENC 70

  EMP 4

  REC 8




  CRA 9



  1d6 Mundane Items


  Hanged Man’s Venom

  WILL 9


  54 Crowns

  20 Bolts

  LUCK 5









  WA +1



  +1 to his Charisma, Seduction, and Persuasion



  WA +1


  checks against other humans.


  Blindly Stubborn

  Hand Crossbow


  WA +1

  Reroll a failed Resist Coercion or Courage roll 3

  RNG: 50m

  times per game session.

  Slow Reload

  Lord Nowak



  STUN 6


  Awareness +5

  Resist Magic +8

  Dodge/Escape +6




  RUN 15

  Swordsmanship +6

  Persuasion +7

  Resist Coercion +7

  Deduction +3

  DEX 7

  LEAP 3

  BODY 6

  STA 30

  SPD 5

  ENC 60




  EMP 8

  REC 6

  1d6 Mundane Items


  Hanged Man’s Venom

  CRA 3



  343 Crowns

  WILL 6



  LUCK 7



  +1 to his Charisma, Seduction, and Persuasion checks





  against other humans.

  Elven Messer


  WA +2


  Blindly Stubborn

  Reroll a failed Resist Coercion or Courage roll 3




  times per game session.


  Woolabag’s Club


  Type WA Avail. DMG ROF Rel. RNG Effect

  Conc. EN Weight

  Branch Club








  Reaches out 2m




  +1 Stun










  Zerrikania, 200



  un, 47



  Actions, 151

  Bomb & Trap Resolution, 165

  Stamina, 48

  Actively Dodge, 151

  Stun, 47-48

  Aim, 151


  Vigor, 37, 47, 100,166

  Alliances, 201

  Crafting Components,128-129

  Difficult Skil s, 49, 59

  Crescent Moon, 206

  Crafting Diagrams, 130-139

  Difficulties, 58

  Havekar, 205

  Armor, 134-135

  Dimeritium, 129, 167

  Mage Hunters, 206

  Armor Enhancements, 139

  Mages, 204

  Elderfolk Items, 136-138


  Scoia’tael, 205

  Ingredients, 130

  Effect Tables, 161

  Witchers, 201-203

  Weapons, 131-133

  Elderfolk Items, 83-84, 90



  Crafting System, 126-127

  Ammunition, 84



  Creating Art, 53

  Armor Enhancements, 90



  Critical Wounds, 158-160

  Armor Sets, 84



  Complex, 159

  Axes, 83



  Deadly, 160

  Bludgeons, 83

  Alchemical Items, 87-88

  Difficult, 159-160

  Bows, 83

  Alchemical Items Descriptions, 89

  Simple, 158

  Crossbows, 83

  Alchemy System, 141-142

  Cost, 72

  Polearms, 83

  Ammunition, 74, 84, 255

  Concealment, 72

  Shields, 84

  Ambush, 153

  Cover, 80, 155

  Small Blades, 83

  Armor, 78-80

  Full Cover, 80

  Staves, 83

  Head Armor, 79

  Human Shields, 155

  Swords, 83

  Leg Armor, 80

  Currency, 71

  Elderfolk Item Descriptions, 85-86

  Shields, 80

  Conversion Rates, 71

  Elderlands, 189-191

  Torso Armor, 79

  Getting Coin, 71

  Dol Blathanna, 191

  Armor Descriptions, 81-82

  Mahakam, 190

  Armor Enhancements, 90

  Encumbrance Value, 78

  Attacks, 151, 153, 163-165, 166-168, 171,


  Enhancements, 72


  Damage, 72, 153

  Environmentals Effects, 165

  Charge, 163

  Death Saves, 162

  Example Combat, 172

  Choke, 163

  Defenses, 164

  Experimental Technology, 254-255

  Disarm, 163

  Block, 164

  Ammunition, 255

  Fast Strike, 153

  Dodge, 164

  Bombs, 254

  Feint, 163

  Parry, 164

  Crafting Experimental Tech, 255

  Grapple, 163

  Reposition, 164-165

  Traps, 254


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