Mirror Image

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Mirror Image Page 9

by Curry, Edna

  As he started the engine, Laurie reached forward and put her hand on his arm, causing him to turn back to look at her. She said quietly, “Jass, humor us, okay?”

  He met her gaze, finding it hard to ignore the pleading look in her eyes. He felt a smile curve his lips. The warm sizzle which sailed through him at her touch didn’t help him keep his resolve, either.

  “I’m getting warm now, Daddy,” Susie offered, adding her most winning smile to Laurie’s words.

  Laurie said, “It’s only a few miles to Aunt Martha’s house.”

  Her face held such a sincere, beseeching look that he relented. “Okay, LaRae. You win.”

  A crease formed between her blond brows. “It’s not about winning, Jass. It’s about keeping Susie well.”

  He concentrated on the darkening road, thinking. What was it with LaRae lately? She was being as protective as a mother hen. Had losing her sister suddenly made her realize how precious her daughter was? Talk about silver linings!

  Glancing at her in his rear view mirror, he saw that she sat with her eyes closed, her head laying back against the seat.

  A lump formed in his throat. LaRae was suddenly acting like the loving mother he’d always hoped she would become. She’d accused him of being extra-cautious since her accident, but she was the one whose attitude had changed. Would it last?

  A few minutes later he pulled up in front of Martha’s beautiful two-story frame house.

  Laurie gazed at her aunt’s house lovingly. She hadn’t been here for a couple of years, but it looked just the same. The clapboard house was painted blue-gray, trimmed neatly in white. Two white pillars framed the doorway, giving the Georgian style house a slightly southern air. The mixture suited it and Aunt Martha, too.

  She remembered playing here as a child. There had been a swing set out in back, where she’d played with LaRae and a couple of tow-headed cousins. Her memories here went back a long way.

  “We’re here,” Laurie said, rousing Susie who’d almost fallen asleep. Now that they were here, she was suddenly nervous, and felt her heart pound in her chest. Martha knew them so well. She and her aunt had little opportunity to talk at the funeral, but now they had hours to talk. Would Martha know she wasn’t LaRae? If so, what would she say? How would Jass take the revelation? Oh, God, why had she done this?

  Martha appeared at the door as they walked up the flagstone walk to meet her. Laurie’s eyes searched the white-haired lady for signs of poor health, but could find none. There was a happy, welcoming smile on Martha’s thin, wrinkled face.

  Susie ran ahead and was swept into Martha’s arms in a big hug.

  Laurie and Jass followed, smiling at the sight.

  She kissed Martha and they hugged. Martha felt thinner, and seemed to be shrinking in height, too. She’s getting so old and feeble. Soon I’ll lose her, too.

  She shook herself, pushing that thought away as she remembered that she was supposed to be cheering up Aunt Martha, not making her sad.

  “Your daffodils are up already, Martha,” Laurie exclaimed, pointing to the wide green blades poking up through the black dirt in the flowerbeds next to the house.

  “Yes, and the purple crocuses have already bloomed,” Martha replied with pride in her voice. “That means spring has officially arrived in Minnesota.”

  Laurie laughed. “You say that every spring, Aunt Martha.”

  “Come in, come in, the wind is cold tonight,” Martha said, leading the way into her cheery home.

  She seems as spry and energetic as usual. Relief slid down Laurie’s insides.

  “Let me take your coats.”

  “I’ll do it, Martha,” Jass put in. He stopped in the front hall to suit action to his words. He helped Susie take off her coat and she followed Martha into the kitchen.

  Jass turned to help Laurie. He smiled at her as he took her coat, and heat sizzled along her veins near his hand on her arm. She returned his smile, and swallowed as her heartbeat sped up. Was he warming toward her?

  Laurie watched him open the hall closet and hang the coats on hangars. The thoughtful gesture pleased her. He obviously liked Martha, and she could see by Martha’s pleased smile the feeling was mutual. She followed him into the kitchen and they joined Martha and Susie.

  “Does that arm still hurt?” Martha asked, eyeing her cast.

  “Not much. It’s really much better.”

  “I can hardly see any scar on your face, either,” Martha said, leaning closer for a better look at her. “Just a little pink line. That’s good.”

  “Yes. It hardly shows at all,” Laurie agreed with a smile. “I was lucky a good plastic surgeon was there to repair it. I cover the scar with some make-up to hide it. The doctor says it will fade more with time.”

  “I always hated to get scars where they showed. ’Course, I never had many, or ever broke any bones, myself, you understand. I was lucky that way.”

  “Yes, you certainly were.” Laurie sighed in relief that Aunt Martha was accepting her as LaRae.

  “Sit down, sit down,” she said, waving at the cane-backed wooden chairs. “I’ll get you some milk, Susie. I made some chocolate chip cookies for you, too.”

  “Oh, goody!” Susie exclaimed, clapping her hands exuberantly at the mention of her favorite treat.

  Martha’s kitchen was painted a soft yellow, including the wall of cupboards. It was accented by red and yellow roses printed on the cotton curtains and tablecloth.

  Martha turned on the burner under the teakettle, then opened the glass doors of her cupboard and took down cups and saucers, bringing them to the table and setting them down.

  “Can I help?” Laurie asked, taking one saucer and cup at a time in her left hand and arranging them on the table. She watched the old lady bustle about, putting cookies on a plate. Her heart ached for the amount of change in her aunt. It was obvious that LaRae’s death had been a blow to her. Laurie vowed to do everything possible to make her remaining time as happy as possible.

  “There’s nothing to do,” Martha said, ducking her head in the refrigerator for the milk. “It’ll just take a minute for the water to heat, and we’ll have our tea.”

  Laurie walked over to the counter and found some napkins, then arranged them next to the place settings on the table. A tiny vase of purple crocuses decorated the center of the table.

  Laurie leaned down to sniff them, then sat down at the table.

  Martha looked at her a bit strangely, then poured the hot water into the teapot and brought it to the table. As she poured, Susie kept up a running account of happenings, telling Martha about kindergarten, the neighbor’s fire, going to the cemetery and how many times Mommy had read Green Eggs and Ham to her.

  Laurie noticed Jass listened to his daughter with an indulgent smile on his lips, and a look of pride on his face. It was obvious to her he loved Susie very much.

  Somehow the fact made Laurie’s heart warm toward him even more, if that were possible. Jass was everything she’d ever wanted in a man and she knew she was falling in love with him. She felt as if she’d never been so lucky in her life. If only she could make it all last, life would be perfect.

  Martha asked about her hospitalization in California, and, even though they’d already discussed it on the phone, Laurie told her about it again. Laurie wondered if she was getting a bit forgetful, or just wanted to hear about it in person. It was hard to know.

  “You’re going back soon to settle all Laurie’s business in California, then?” Martha asked. “You won’t have to stay there long?”

  “No, I’m sure we can do it in a few days,” Laurie assured her. “I’ll call you as soon as we return.” She wondered why Martha was so worried about her returning to California to settle Laurie’s affairs. Surely that was a routine thing for people to do after a death.

  Martha looked at Jass for confirmation. He nodded, and added, “If not, I’m sure we can do the rest by mail.”

  “Good. More tea?”

  Laurie had half expe
cted Jass to object to drinking the tea, since she’d never known a man who drank it. But he accepted it without a word, and ate three chocolate chip cookies, complimenting Martha on their excellence.

  “Oh, I can still do a few things right, even if I am going to be eighty next month,” Martha said with a sigh. “But it’s getting harder and harder to keep up this place. If it wasn’t for George, I’d have had to move into an apartment by now.”

  Laurie started, staring at Martha. George? Who was George? Wasn’t that the name of the man working at her own house today who had almost scared the life out of her?

  Jass smiled at Martha. “I’m glad George is a help to you, Martha. He’s indispensable to us, too. If there’s anything you need, just yell. We’re only a phone call away, you know.”

  So it was the same man. They shared the handyman. What else didn’t she know?

  “I know, Jass, and I appreciate it.” Martha sighed and looked at Laurie. “I don’t suppose you’re making Denise's birthday cake now, are you?”

  So, Martha knew Jeff and Denise, too. Laurie wondered if there were any pictures of this important couple in LaRae’s photo album. She must take time to go through it again, tomorrow.

  She shook her head. “No. I’ll just buy one for her this time.”

  “Too bad. When does Dr. Henry say that cast can come off?”

  Dr. Henry? Who is he? “I haven’t seen anyone here, yet,” she hedged. “The doctor in California said in about two weeks. I’ll still have to wear a support then, but it’ll be more comfortable than the cast.”

  “Good. That should be in plenty of time. My birthday’s not until June thirtieth.”

  “Time?” Time for what?

  “For your arm to be healed, so you can bake me my birthday cake like you always do, of course.”

  “You bet she will,” Jass agreed, grinning confidently at Laurie. “You know she promised you a special party for your eightieth birthday. I’m sure her arm will be healed in time.”

  “Good. I can taste that lemon filling and fluffy white boiled frosting already,” Martha said, smacking her lips.

  “I like the frosting, but not the lemon filling,” Susie put in, her mouth dipping in a pout.

  “Now Susie, you know the rules,” Martha put in firmly. “It’s my birthday so I get to choose the kind of cake. White cake with lemon filling is my favorite.”

  Yikes. Laurie swallowed and couldn’t say a word. She wanted to kick Jass to wipe the confident look off his face, but of course, she couldn’t. They thought she was LaRae, and LaRae was the baker in the family. Laurie couldn’t bake a lemon-filled cake to save her soul. Now what was she going to do?

  Chapter 7

  Somehow Laurie got through the rest of the evening.

  Jass insisted on warming up the car before they left, so Susie would be warm enough in the back seat. Laurie was pleased by his care for his daughter, and the compromise put them all in a happy mood for the return trip home.

  For now, Laurie pushed away the problem of Aunt Martha’s birthday cake.

  At home, Jass watched LaRae and Susie go upstairs hand in hand. Susie was already choosing the bedtime story she wanted, and they were chatting amiably. He wondered again at the delightful change in LaRae. Before, she’d seemed to resent the chore of settling Susie into bed, and usually left it entirely to the nanny.

  He had just stepped out of the shower when she came back downstairs. Looping a towel around his waist, he opened the door to admit her to their bathroom.

  “Your turn,” he told her, grinning and gesturing her inside with a wave of his arm.

  She stopped at her door and turned to stare at him. She hesitated, then swallowed and returned his smile. “I’ll get my nightgown.”

  He reached for her hand and drew her toward him, shaking his head. “What for? You know I’ll just take it off again. Come on, get in the shower. I left the water running.”

  “All right.” She came into the bathroom and closed the door.

  Pulling her into his arms, he nuzzled her neck with wet lips, then kissed her lips, pleased when she responded eagerly.

  “You’re all wet.” She giggled.

  “Is that so?” He unbuttoned her blouse and eased it off over her cast, then unsnapped her bra and slipped it off, sliding a hand down to cup her. He leaned down to kiss first one of her full breasts, then the other. She shuddered and gripped his hair, but didn’t push him away. Continuing to tease her nipples with his tongue, he unzipped her slacks and slid them and her white silk panties down.

  She sighed and stepped out of them, then pushed aside his towel so that they could enjoy the delicious sensation of rubbing naked skin together. He moved his hardened body in erotic circles against her, his hair tickling her bare skin.

  “Oh, that feels so nice,” she said with a soft groan.

  “I’ll help you shower, so you don’t get your cast wet.” Tossing aside the towel, he opened the glass door and took down the hand-held flexible nozzle. They moved into the large shower stall, and he began to soap and wash her gently, sliding soapy hands over her silky skin. She kept her cast out of the way of the water. Smoothing bubbles over her free hand, she began to help him. He kissed her lips, ignoring the warm stream of water, and trailed kisses along her neck. He groaned in pleasure when her hand slid lower and closed over his erection, sliding back the foreskin to reveal and touch the sensitive tip.

  ”Jeez, LaRae, I’m going to lose control if you keep doing that!”

  “So?” She giggled and kissed him again, refusing to release him. “You’ll just have to repeat yourself.”

  “What’s gotten into you?” He swallowed and pulled away. “I’d better rinse off this soap.”

  “You don’t like it?” She pursed her lips in a pout.

  He leaned down to kiss them. “I love it. But I’d rather finish in bed. We’re also out of hot water, or hadn’t you noticed?”

  “All right.” She allowed him to rub her dry with a soft towel and did the same for him.

  “Your bed or mine?” he breathed as she excited him again, toweling his leg. “For a one handed gal, you sure can manage to please a guy.”

  “Wait ‘til you see what I can do with two hands, then.”

  “I think I’ll take you out for the evening more often, if you come back this lively,” he said with a grin. Without waiting for her answer to his question about her choice of beds, he opened the door and guided her to her bed, pulling aside the covers and easing her down.

  She scooted over willingly, making room for him, then tipped her head up to meet his lips in a searing kiss. “I love you so much, Jass.”

  “I love you, too, Honey.” He joined her under the covers, reaching for her, letting his hands and lips roam as they would. “Mm, but you’re ready.”


  He groaned as her hands stroked him and, in turn, she welcomed his exploration of her soft mound. He rose above her and carefully entered her, trying not to put his weight on her arm between them as he began the age old rhythm of pleasure.

  She moved with him, making little noises urging him on.

  He tipped his head to nuzzle her breast, and she arched and gasped.

  “Am I hurting you? Pressing on this hard cast, I mean?” he asked, hoping she’d deny it.

  “No. Don’t stop now!” she protested.

  He sighed with pleasure and covered her lips in a searing kiss as he resumed his movements. He felt her grip him as she cried out his name and a moment later he exploded in ecstasy.

  “Oh, Jass!”

  Cuddling down beside her, happily satisfied, he kissed her again and repeated, “I love you.” He closed his eyes. It had been a long time since he’d enjoyed sex so much. She’d responded like she had when they’d first been married. How long would her enthusiasm last this time? No matter, he’d enjoy it while he could. With one arm across her, he fell asleep.

  LaRae watched his eyes close, a soft breath escaping her lips. Their lovemaking had b
een so great. Better than she’d imagined in her dreams of him.

  He’d been so loving, so considerate of her needs. Her lips curved and her eyelids lowered as she relived each sensuous moment.

  Yikes! Her eyes flashed open again. They hadn’t used any protection! Had Jass assumed she was on the pill? Was she supposed to be? Or maybe she was supposed to be routinely using a diaphragm? She hadn’t been doing either! Why hadn’t he reminded her?

  She eased out of bed and padded to the bathroom, where she searched every nook and cranny for anything LaRae might have been using in the way of birth control pills or any contraceptive device. Finding nothing, she climbed back into bed.

  The most likely explanation was simple. They didn’t use protection because they wanted more children. The thought sent a thrill of pleasure through her. Jass was a wonderful father to Susie and obviously enjoyed children. So getting pregnant must be okay with him. She snuggled happily back under the covers and closed her eyes.


  Hours later Jass awoke to her screams.

  He sat up and snapped on the bedside lamp, dodging a thrashing arm. Her eyes were closed, but her mouth was open and she was crying, “Susie! Susie!” and still thrashing about.

  “What’s the matter? LaRae! Wake up!”

  “Wha—what?” Her hazel eyes flew open, wide and smoky-looking with sleep. She swallowed and stared at him, then her gaze swung around the room as though she were not sure where she was. “Oh. Jass.”

  He put his arm around her, smoothing her tangled blond hair with shaking fingers. “Were you having a nightmare?”

  She nodded, and leaned back against the pillow with a sigh. Wetting her lips, she nodded. “That’s all it was. Just a nightmare.”


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