Mastering His Mate

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Mastering His Mate Page 5

by Delta James

Too late, Roz saw the doctor pull the fully dispensed syringe from the IV line to which she was still hooked up. Almost immediately, she could feel something that helped with the pain, but also made everything starting to go fuzzy, begin to work on her.

  “You bastard,” she growled.

  The last thing she saw was Greg smiling at her affectionately. “I know, little wolf. But you’ll be fine. I’ll see if Liza can’t be here when you wake up. Go back to sleep. You’ll feel better after a little nap. I promise.”

  A soothing blackness began to envelop her. Part of her wanted to fight. But the larger part just wanted to drift off into peaceful oblivion. Oblivion won.

  Chapter Five

  This time when she began to rise from the inky depths of slumber, she didn’t have the pain she’d experienced the first time. She opened her eyes slowly. The blinds had been opened but night had descended. She could feel a light breeze and smell the ocean and lilacs, her favorite flower, nearby.

  “Hey, sleepyhead. Are you awake? Do you want some water? Greg wants you to try to eat something. Are you hungry?” asked Liza anxiously.

  Roz shook her head, trying to clear it. “Some guy named Greg wants me to accept a bunch of bullshit that includes being paired off with someone here and allowing that guy or your Bash to beat me whenever he wants.”

  “Shit. I was hoping that wouldn’t come up for a while. First, it isn’t a beating. If you misbehave, you will get disciplined. And yes, generally that includes getting spanked. I can tell you, that’s not fun at all. But if it’s your mate, it makes the sex afterward pretty intense and amazing.”

  “Jesus, Liza, you are really gone on this guy. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing is wrong with me,” Liza said a bit defensively. “I’ve always wanted a home and a big family. Now I have one. Bash loves me. And he loves me so much deeper and fully than anyone I’ve ever known. And you won’t be forced into a pairing. You’ll be given time to adjust…”

  “And in the interim if I get out of line, your mate will spank me? Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “Actually, it would probably be Oliver. It’s rare for a beta to discipline his mate’s sibling.”

  “Oh, well, that’s good to know and makes it all better. I am so fucking out of here. Where’s Greg? He needs to unhook this line.”

  “He doesn’t want to do that until you’re eating and drinking like normal.”

  “What? Lapping from a bowl?”

  “Roz, don’t be that way. They saved our lives. And the guys who did this will never, ever do it to anyone else again.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I do. Bash and the men with him killed all but one of them. Bash personally killed the guy who turned us. And I for one am glad I got turned. I had cancer… why didn’t you tell me that?”

  “Because you were already scared enough. It wouldn’t have helped for you to know.”

  “Oh, so you can make decisions that you deem are best for me, but no one else can? Pot? Should I introduce you to kettle?”

  “Liza,” came a soft, feminine voice from the other side of the room, “do you want to get your sister a tray? You’ll know what to ask the chef to make for her. Just make sure it’s not too spicy or rich to start with. I’ll sit here with her.”

  “Are you sure?”

  The woman nodded. “Okay with you?” she asked Roz who also nodded.

  “And you are?” Roz asked the woman after her sister had left.

  “I’m Sylvie. I’m the nurse here at the clinic. My mate and I are also pack members. Greg doesn’t want to remove that IV yet.”

  “Well, it isn’t Greg’s vein and I don’t want to give him another chance to shoot me full of tranquilizer again.”

  “You were getting agitated. He just wanted you to rest.”

  “I realize that. He also wants me to join your little pack and mate with one of your guys. That’s not happening. If my sister is happy and wants to stay, that’s her choice. But I’m not having it. Now, either you remove this thing, or I’ll do it myself.”

  “You try to remove that IV or leave that bed without Greg’s permission, you’ll find there’s more than one way to make a naughty female behave.”

  “Ah, yes, the vaunted spanking. I got news for you, sister. Some asshole tries to spank me? I’ll cut his balls off, shove ‘em down his throat, and watch him choke on them.”

  Roz had been so focused on the woman, she’d failed to notice that Greg and Bash had entered the room.

  “I think it’s safe to say, Doc, that your patient is feeling better.”

  Roz swung her head to look at Bash. “His patient is pissed. I want this IV removed. And I want it done now. If your doctor won’t do it, I’ll do it myself. Then I want to talk to my sister. Then, with or without her, I’m leaving.”

  “You’re too weak to be on your own, Roz. Why don’t you just calm down. I’ll take the IV out but you have to agree to stay in bed for at least another day or two. Let’s start getting some solid food into your system as well as lots of liquids.”

  Greg started toward his patient, but stopped short when the scalpel appeared in her hand once more. She looked at him defiantly as she cut the IV line from the drip to her arm.

  “Now you can take it out. You know what they say, Doc, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I don’t care to be played for a fool.”

  Bash started toward her with a growl. Greg placed his arm in front of him to prevent his advance.

  “Okay, Roz. You’ve made your point. Now can I come remove the IV? Will you promise to stay in bed for a day or two until I think you’re well enough to get up?”

  “You take the IV out. I’ll stay long enough to talk to Liza, then I’m gone. And you’d better tell the big bad wolf there, if he thinks he’s going to spank me, he’d better think again.”

  Bash growled low. “That’s not the way it works. Naughty girls who misbehave or are disrespectful get their bottoms spanked until they decide they can behave in a socially acceptable manner. They do not, let me repeat that, do not threaten other pack members and especially their beta or alpha. Put the scalpel down.”

  Roz found herself growling back. “Once he pulls this IV, I’ll quit protecting myself with the only weapon I have available.”

  The growing tension between the two was palpable. Liza could feel it the instant she walked in the room. “Okay, you two, let’s just dial it back. Please, Bash, you need to give Roz a little bit of time to adjust to being pack.”

  “She doesn’t get to threaten people with a weapon,” grumbled Bash.

  Even with her hands full of the dinner tray, Liza rubbed up against her mate. Roz was fascinated by the effect it had on him. He almost immediately began to calm down.

  “Look what I brought you, Roz. Lots of yummy things to eat.” Liza pushed past Greg and sat down on the bed. The smells coming from the tray were very enticing.

  Roz looked at Greg and proffered her arm. “You pull the IV; I’ll eat. Then we can discuss whether or not I’m willing to stay here.”

  Liza looked alarmed. “Do you mean here as in the medical facility or here as in with us?”

  “I guess the fact that you’re referring to yourself as part of them answers my question about whether or not you want to stay.”

  Greg ventured forward, removed the IV, and stepped back.

  Liza took her sister’s hand. “I would never leave my mate. But you should stay too. You can be happy here. I am. This is the best place and these are an amazing group of people. Everyone wants you to stay.”

  Roz laughed. “Everyone? I doubt your big, bad mate there would include himself in that group.”

  Before Liza could answer, Bash spoke up. “You’d be wrong. First, you being here would make Liza happy. I’m willing to put up with just about anything, including your bad attitude, to see her happy. Two, you’re pack now whether you like it or not. Pack always takes care of pack.”

  Roz searched his
face. She didn’t doubt that he had spoken the truth. “I believe you, Bash. But I’m not your pack. And I don’t want to be. Liza is in love with you. That’s obvious. And you people made her well. For that, I owe you. But I’m leaving. I’d be grateful if I could stay the night and leave in the morning.”

  Greg answered. “You’re welcome to stay. I hope you take the night and reconsider. It really isn’t safe for a lone wolf out there… especially a female one.”

  “I appreciate the advice, Doc, but my mind is made up.”

  “And God knows she doesn’t want to consider the facts or that her leaving will upset her sister,” said Bash.

  Roz glared at him. “You know, I really don’t like you at all. You must be great in the sack for Liza to overlook your obvious character flaws.”

  Bash started to move forward, but stopped as Liza spoke. “That’s enough, Roz. Bash is trying really hard not to put me in the middle and make me choose. Not because he doesn’t know the choice I’ll make… he does. But because he doesn’t want to see me upset or you hurt for that matter. You have my cell phone and Greg can give you the address. I love you and always will, but my home is here with my mate.”

  She rose gracefully and stood at Bash’s side, wrapping her arm around his waist. He leaned down and kissed her gently.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I wish she’d listen to reason.” He turned back to Roz. “You’ll stay until Greg says you’re fit to leave. Regardless of your ultimate decision, you’ll always have a place here.”

  He turned with his arm around Liza and left the room.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, Roz. You just rest easy. If you need anything, hit the button. Sylvie or I will be available.”

  Greg held the door open for Sylvie, who preceded him through it. He closed the door. Roz tucked the scalpel behind her pillow and then proceeded to eat everything in front of her. She hadn’t realized she was so hungry. She couldn’t remember when anything had ever tasted so good.

  * * *

  “You think she’ll wait until morning?” asked Sylvie.

  “No, but if I know Bash, he’s got men stationed outside to prevent her from doing something stupid. If for no other reason than he doesn’t want Liza upset.”

  Sylvie laughed. “Did you ever think you’d see the day when our Bash was head over heels for some female?”

  “I didn’t. But Oliver has always said that if his fated mate ever came along, Bash would commit himself completely to her.”

  “Think he was really talking about Bash or himself?”

  Greg chuckled. “Both.”

  * * *

  Roz laid back and slept peacefully. When she woke, dawn was just beginning to break. She thought about waiting to tell Liza goodbye in person, but figured it would be easier on both of them if she just slipped out quietly and contacted her after the fact.

  Roz got dressed, put her other things in the duffle, and headed out the door. She could see Greg sleeping on the couch in his office. She crept quietly past him and out into the morning. She inhaled deeply. Everything seemed heightened—all of her senses. Maybe this shifter thing might not be so bad. She might have to find out if she could really become a wolf and how that might be done. She wondered idly if it was something one could Google. She sniffed the air and could smell the ocean. She figured if she got to the beach she could follow it back to civilization.

  She smiled and headed out. She rounded the corner and almost collided with a large man.

  “Going somewhere, little wolf?”

  “Why do all of you keep calling me little? I’m five feet, ten inches tall. I haven’t been little since I was twelve.”

  “You’re smaller than I am. And usually we refer to new female pack members as a little wolf as a form of endearment.”

  “That’s fairly condescending, but seeing as I’m not staying, it won’t be an issue between us. So have a nice day.” She went to move past him but he blocked her way.

  “You can leave, little wolf, when Bash tells me you have the doc’s okay. So be a good little wolf and go back to your bed.”

  “How about you quit being an asshole, get out of my way and no one will get hurt.”

  Roz could sense a presence behind her.

  “Nasty attitude, this one,” said another male voice.

  “No,” said the first guard, talking over her head. “She’s still confused. It’s pretty disorienting to wake up and find everything about you is different.” He looked down at Roz. “How about I take your duffle back to your room and we won’t mention to Bash that you went for a little walk this morning without the doc’s okay?”

  “How about you just forget you saw me and I’ll be out of your hair. That way you won’t have to put up with my bad attitude.”

  The second wolf laughed. “I don’t think that attitude will last long once you find yourself across someone’s knee getting your bottom spanked.”

  Greg wandered out with a mug in his hand. “Okay, fellas, let’s just everyone chill. Roz, you need to come back to your room. You don’t want them reporting this transgression to Bash.”

  “I thought Liza said he wouldn’t spank me. That some clown named Oliver would. And as I understand it, he’s not here so I guess that means I’m good to go.”

  “It is rare for a beta to discipline his mate’s sister, but not unheard of. And trust me, there are plenty of mated guys who could provide you with the discipline you need.” Greg took hold of her arm. “Come on. I can have Robert, the chef, make you the most amazing banana nut pancakes you ever had. Liza said you love those. Do me a favor, fellas, and give her a pass this time?”

  Both of the guards nodded. Roz went to jerk her arm away, but Greg’s strong hold was more than enough to defeat her. Gently, but firmly he led her back to her room. He called up to the house and asked someone to bring a couple of breakfasts that included banana nut pancakes.

  “Not smart, Roz. Next time, they will tell Bash, and you’ll pay the consequences for misbehaving.”

  “Whatever,” she said in her best Jersey girl accent. “So, when you say I’m a shifter, does that mean I can actually change into a wolf?”

  He grinned. Liza could see that he didn’t mind her curiosity or questions. “Yep. Only we’re bigger, stronger, and faster than a regular wolf. Most of us are smarter too, but not all.”

  She giggled. “How do you do that?”

  “It’s hard the first couple of times and not without a bit of pain, but with practice it becomes easy and fluid and about as natural as breathing.”

  “So how?”

  “Let your mind go blank and feel the wolf that’s always hovering just outside your conscious mind. When you’re at peace, you’ll feel it take over. Our bodies always follow our minds. Once your mind has become wolf, your body will naturally follow.”

  “Sounds kind of cool. I might have to try it some time.”

  Greg shook his head. “Keep in mind if someone is bigger and stronger than you in human form, they will be bigger and stronger than you in wolf form. You won’t have a weapon and you can be claimed in wolf form with or without your consent. It’s the reason most women when forced to run choose to shift back to their human form before their mate can finalize his claim.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. I can’t stay cooped up here in bed. If I take Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum out there, can I go for a walk without pissing off the big bad wolf?”

  Greg laughed. “You mean can you go take a walk to plan your escape?” He shook his head. “Why not just try staying here for a while. You could learn to shift with people around to help and we’d be here to answer any questions you have.”

  “I’m a do it yourself kind of girl, Doc. But I appreciate the advice.” She took his hand in hers. “Really, I appreciate everything you did for Liza and me.”

  “I believe you do, but you’re going to leave anyway, aren’t you?”

  She smiled. “Ask me no questions, Doc, and I’ll tell you no lies.”

There was a discreet knock on the door and Sylvie entered with a loaded tray holding two enormous breakfasts.

  “Best thing about being a female shifter?” she said, smiling at Roz.

  “Aside from all the eye candy?”

  Sylvie laughed. “Yeah, in addition to that. You can pretty much eat whatever you want and not have to worry about your weight. Your new metabolism will burn off the excess.”

  Roz grinned. “Well, damn. Why didn’t somebody lead with that?”

  Chapter Six

  Roz had finished her breakfast and Greg had taken her vital signs, noting them on her medical chart.

  “You know you can toss that, right? I’m not staying.”

  “I know that’s what you say, but I’d really like you to reconsider. In any case, I’m keeping you in the medical facility until I’m sure you’re metabolism has stabilized.”

  Greg could see Roz bristle.

  “In other words you plan to keep me here until you decide to let me go.”

  “You’re not being held prisoner.”

  “Aren’t I? You are holding me against my wishes that I have expressed numerous times. There are goons posted to prevent me from leaving. Sounds like prisoner to me.”

  Bash came through the partially opened door.

  “I see your patient’s attitude hasn’t improved. And if she knows there are guards to prevent her from getting hurt then she’s been outside. Tried to leave, did you, little wolf?”

  “Bash, she just needs…” started Greg.

  “For people to quit telling her what to do and to stop talking about her like she’s not in the room,” interrupted Roz.

  Bash shook his head. “If it weren’t for your sister, little wolf, I’d blister your backside for being such a pain in the ass and drive you back to Jersey myself. But that would upset Liza and that I won’t do. But you keep behaving like this and sister or not, you and I are going to have a serious discussion that you won’t enjoy.”

  “You don’t scare me…” The look Bash shot her combined with the energy roll that hit her caused Roz to stop speaking.


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