Green Mountain Collection 1

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Green Mountain Collection 1 Page 52

by Marie Force

  “I had no idea you guys ever fought.”

  “Oh my God! Are you kidding? We fought like tomcats.”

  “You sure made it look good to the rest of us.”

  “Most of the time, it was good. But it was far from perfect.”

  “I’m truly stunned to hear that. It appeared blissful.”

  “A lot of times it was, but no one knows what really goes on inside a marriage except the two people who are in it.”

  “That’s true.”

  “I loved him with everything I had, but I wasn’t blind to his faults, and he wasn’t blind to mine.”

  “What faults do you possibly have?”

  “You’ll just have to stick around to find out, won’t you?”

  As much as it pained him to lose her touch down below, he raised their joined hands to his lips. “I’ll look forward to discovering every awful, terrible, sinister thing about you.”

  Her laughter pleased and relaxed him. It felt good to be able to air out the bad stuff along with the good. He’d never been with anyone who was as easy to talk to as she was. He let their hands fall back to his lap, but rested them on his thigh because he couldn’t take any more of the sweet torture of her hand on his cock.

  “Any other worries?” she asked, looking at him with genuine interest and concern reflected in her gaze.

  “One more. It’s kind of a big one.”

  “Okay. I can take it. Bring it on.”

  “I can’t remember where I heard this, only that it stayed with me because of how it might apply to me—and you—if I ever got the chance to be with you. It might’ve been on TV or something, but the person said that most of the time after someone is divorced or widowed that the first relationship doesn’t work out. And I really want this to work out.”

  “So do I, Nolan. I’m not with you or going away with you this weekend to check a post-widow box on my way to something better. You are something better. In the back of my mind, I always knew when I was ready, you were waiting and that was comforting. It’s not like no one asked me out in all this time. People did.”

  “People. People like Myles Johansen?”

  “How do you know about that?”

  “I have my sources.”

  “Did my dad tell you that? I’ll kill him. He’s such a gossip!”

  “He only pointed out that a wise man is aware of any potential competition when he’s trying to win the heart of a certain woman. Since I was unaware of any potential competition, I believe he took some pleasure in illuminating me as to Myles’s interest.”

  “I am going to kill him.”

  “No, you’re not. He was looking out for you, and shockingly, I think he might’ve even been looking out for me, too. Which leads me to a confession . . .”

  “What confession?”

  “Apparently, he and your grandfather might’ve had something to do with the dead battery that brought me to your door that day.”

  Her eyes went wide with surprise and fury. “Are you kidding me? They’re totally out of control!”

  “It worked, didn’t it?”

  “They actually messed with the battery in my car to get me to call you?”

  “I believe it was much more calculated than that. They messed with your battery on a day when they knew you had somewhere to be and on a day when most of your family was elsewhere, thus I was the only choice.”

  “That’s nothing short of diabolical.”

  “I’ll repeat—it worked, didn’t it? Here you are. Here I am. Thanks to a little nudge from a couple of well-meaning old dudes.”

  “Well-meaning,” she said with a snort. “If that’s what you want to call it.”

  “I hate to side with the enemy, and I’d never disclose this to them under the threat of torture, but I do appreciate their . . . assistance, I guess we’ll call it. They gave us the nudge we needed, and they put me out of the misery I’d been in since the dance at the Grange.”

  “Why were you in misery?”

  “Because I’d kissed you and called you and you didn’t call me back, so I figured I’d already blown any chance I’d ever had with you. If that’s not misery, I don’t know what is.”

  “I’m sorry I put you through that. I wanted to call you. I wanted to so badly.”

  “Then they did us a favor giving you a reason to call me, and for that you should probably cut them a break.”

  “I’ll take that under consideration.”

  “Personally, I’d like to send them a thank-you note. Wish I’d thought of messing with your car sooner.”

  “You never would’ve done that!”

  “Desperate times call for desperate measures, and after one taste of you, I was feeling pretty damned desperate.”

  “Just so you know, I spent an inordinate amount of time reliving that kiss and trying to figure out why I’d pulled away from you when that was the last thing I wanted to do.”

  “Why do you think you did that?”

  “Because it was the first time since . . . everything. I’m sort of hoping that doesn’t happen again.” He heard her swallow hard. “This weekend.”

  “If it does, it does. You’re under no pressure here, Hannah. None at all. Let’s just relax and enjoy being together. Anything else is a bonus, all right?”

  “Thank you for understanding that I’m a little nervous.”

  “Please don’t be.”

  They arrived at the rustic country inn a short time later and pulled into the parking lot. Situated on twenty acres of rolling farmland in the foothills of the Green Mountains, the Candlewick Inn had come highly recommended by various websites as a premium romantic spot in Northern Vermont. Hearing that she was nervous, Nolan was glad he’d thought of the first item on their agenda.

  Upon check-in, the innkeeper herself showed them to a spacious room with a country theme. Blond wood floors and navy blue accents took some of the focus off the king-sized bed that occupied the far corner of the room. It included a fireplace and a Jacuzzi tub. He’d requested both.

  “I hope this meets with your satisfaction, Mr. Roberts,” the friendly innkeeper said.

  “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

  She handed him a slip of paper. “Confirmation of your spa appointment in thirty minutes.”

  “Great, thanks.”

  “Enjoy your stay, and please feel free to let us know if we can do anything to make you more comfortable.”

  When they were alone, Hannah turned to him. “We have a spa appointment?”

  “Yes, we do.”

  “You are going to a spa?”

  “Apparently so.”

  “And what are you having done? I’m picturing you strapped to the waxing table, screaming your head off.”

  “As appealing as that sounds—and as intrigued as I am by how you might know what it’s like to be strapped to a waxing table—that’s not what we’re doing.”

  “What are we doing?”

  “A couple’s massage.”

  Her eyes lit up with unmistakable pleasure. “Really? We are?”

  He loved seeing her so happy, especially when she hadn’t yet told him why she’d been crying before he picked her up. “Yes, we are.”

  “Have you ever had a massage before?”

  “I can’t say that I have.”

  Her delicate laughter made him smile. “This ought to be interesting.”

  “I remembered how much you enjoy your spa days with the girls, so I figured I couldn’t miss with some spa time.”

  She shed her coat, tossed it over a chair and came to him, sliding her hands up his chest to rest on his shoulders. “Thank you for arranging this, Nolan. It’s such a relief to be away from everything and everyone. Except for you, of course.”

  “You’ve had a tough week,” he said, noticing when her smile dimmed and desperately wanting to know why. “Some R and R is just what you need.” He hugged her and breathed in the fragrant scent of her hair. “We should get to the spa.”

  “You sou
nd almost enthusiastic.”

  “I do? That wasn’t intentional.”

  She smiled and let her hand slide down his arm to take his hand. “Don’t knock it until you try it.”

  He wouldn’t knock it, and he would try anything that made her smile so brightly.


  Home in Vermont for the funeral of Caleb’s grandmother. We were shocked to learn that she left her big, beautiful house to Caleb because he was the only one who ever loved it as much as she did. We’re so sad to lose her but thrilled with her gift. The house has always been special to both of us, and we’re looking forward to “someday” when we’ll live there after Caleb retires. Since he’s determined to be a general, someday is a long time from now! But it’s nice to know we have a place to call home amid all the moving around.

  —From the diary of Hannah Abbott Guthrie, age twenty-five

  Hannah couldn’t believe Nolan was actually going to have a massage because he thought she would enjoy it. She had to suppress the urge to giggle madly when he came out of the men’s locker room wearing a thick white robe that only emphasized his broad shoulders and muscular build.

  “They told me I had to get totally naked under here,” he whispered urgently. “No one told me it was a naked massage.”

  The laughter burst through Hannah’s tightly clasped lips.

  “Oh great. Go ahead and laugh.”

  “I heard you’re getting a guy.”

  His face went totally flat. “No way.”

  Doubled up with laughter, Hannah was dabbing her eyes with the sleeve of her robe when a knock on the door preceded two very attractive women into the room, where two beds had been prepared next to each other.

  “You’ll pay for that,” Nolan muttered as the technicians greeted them and then left the room while they got settled under the warm blankets.

  Hannah hesitated for a second, feeling self-conscious as she removed her robe and scurried under her blankets while Nolan did the same.

  “I just want to say again that I object to total nudity.”

  Turned toward him, Hannah rested her head on her folded arms. “Do you want me to tell them that?”

  “So you all can have a good laugh at my expense? I don’t think so.”

  “You’re cute when you’re indignant.”

  He glowered at her, which made her laugh again.

  “He’s a virgin,” Hannah said when the technicians rejoined them. “So go easy on him.”

  His huff of annoyance made her shake with laughter as soft music and aromatherapy scents filled the air.

  “Just relax and enjoy,” Nolan’s technician said. If possible, the muscles in his back got tighter when she first touched him.

  Hannah wasn’t sure which part she enjoyed more, watching him endure the massage or the incredibly soothing combination of scented oil and strong hands kneading the stress from her back.

  She laid her hand over his. “Close your eyes and relax,” she whispered.

  “Hush, you’re bothering me.”

  When the technicians told them to turn over, Nolan froze, and Hannah lost it all over again. “Stop being such a baby and do what you’re told.”

  He did it, but she could tell by his rigid pose that he didn’t want to.

  Hannah kept hold of his hand, hoping he would relax before their hour ended. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the incredibly indulgent massage. As she hadn’t had a massage in a while, it was a lovely treat.

  She realized she’d dozed off when the brush of Nolan’s lips over hers woke her. Her eyes opened slowly to find him posed above her, his chest and shoulders glowing from the oil and the soft lights. He had never looked sexier, she thought, as she took a good long look.

  “Can we please get the hell out of here?”

  “It wasn’t that bad, was it?”


  His comment had her smiling all over again as she released his hand and tugged on her robe while resisting the urge to take a peek at him as he covered up. Soon enough, she thought, as a flurry of nerves overtook her. She only hoped the nerves didn’t derail their plans for the evening.

  “Don’t get changed,” he said gruffly when they met at the door.

  “Excuse me?”

  “They said we can wear the robes back to our room. Grab your stuff and meet me in the hallway.”

  “Okay.” Hannah swallowed the fear and tried to clear her mind of all worries so she could focus on enjoying whatever he had planned next.

  Carrying their clothes and shoes, they made their way upstairs to their room where the fire had been lit and an ice bucket containing a bottle of champagne had been arranged in the sitting area. Candles had been strategically placed around the room, giving it a cozy romantic glow.

  Hannah put down her things and took a slow look around.

  “Too much?” he asked, sounding uncertain.

  “Not at all. It’s lovely.”

  “Come sit by the fire.” He ushered her to the love seat and sat next to her to uncork the champagne. “Do you like champagne?”

  She accepted the glass from him. “I love it.”

  “I don’t have to ask if you love this,” he said, taking the cover off a dish that contained a wide variety of gourmet chocolates.

  “Oh my goodness!” She leaned over the table to take a closer look at the selection. “I don’t know which one I want.”

  “Have one of each.”

  “You’re the devil. Champagne, chocolate and massages in the afternoon? You’re spoiling me.”

  “That’s the whole idea.”

  “I can’t believe you arranged all this so quickly.”

  “A man with an Internet connection can be dangerous.”

  “This is really nice,” she said, biting into a cream-centered chocolate that melted on her tongue. “God, that’s good. Have one.” She picked up another of the same one she’d tried and held it out to him.

  He leaned in to take the bite from her. “That is good.” Rather than sit back again, he tugged on her ponytail and brought her in for a chocolate kiss. “That’s even better. Chocolate-flavored Hannah.”

  “I should grab a shower.”

  “Not yet.”

  She eyed him, trying to gauge his intentions. “Why not?”

  “Because I’m not done getting you dirty yet.” Smiling, he nudged her ponytail aside and kissed her neck and jaw, working his way to her ear. “Is that okay?”

  “Yes,” she said, feeling breathless and undone, and he’d barely touched her.

  “Tell me what you want, Hannah.” His voice was a raspy whisper that gave her goose bumps and made her nipples tingle. “I’ll give you anything you want.”

  “You. I want you.”

  He drew back to gaze into her eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “No,” she said, laughing nervously. “I have no idea what’ll happen if we try this, but I’m willing to try.”

  “Whatever happens is fine. Even if nothing happens. Okay?”

  She nodded.

  He caressed her face, his fingers moving lightly over her sensitive skin. “I thought about how best to approach this situation,” he said with a spark of humor in his serious gaze. Replacing his fingers with his lips, he placed soft kisses on her face while studiously avoiding her mouth. “I figured if we waited until later, you’d have too much time to think about it, and too much thinking in this case is a bad thing.”

  Hannah focused on drawing air into her lungs, riveted by his kisses and his words and the fact that he’d obviously given this some significant consideration, which she appreciated. Not that she could tell him that, because that would require words that she didn’t have.

  “Will you come to bed with me, Hannah?”

  Before she could answer, he finally took her mouth in a deep searching kiss that had her clinging to him, trying to get closer. He kissed her for what felt like forever before he drew back, keeping his lips on hers and watching her with those intense eye

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He lifted her into his arms and continued the kiss as he walked to the bed and put her down next to it. “What the hell do we need with two hundred pillows?” he asked, chucking them aside with barely contained impatience.

  Hannah laid two fingers over her lips.

  “Are you laughing at me again?”

  She shook her head. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  He peeled back the covers, revealing smooth white sheets with eyelet trim. A hint of lavender filled the air when he unveiled the bed. Turning to her, he fixed his gaze on the deep V of her robe, and reached for the knot at her waist. “Still okay?”

  Hannah nodded, holding her breath as the knot gave way and the robe fell open.

  Nolan’s gaze heated as he ran a finger from the base of her throat straight down the front of her, sliding between her breasts to her belly, the massage oil smoothing the way.

  She appreciated when he pulled on the tie to his own robe, letting it fall open to her gaze. Hannah drank in the sight of his chest and abs as his hands came to her shoulders, easing the robe down over her arms. Closing her eyes, she focused on breathing as he unveiled her.

  “Still okay?”


  “Look at me, honey.”

  She forced her eyes open and looked up at him to find concern and affection and love in his gaze. “Are you sure?”

  Nodding, she said, “We’re going to mess up those lovely white sheets with the massage oil.”

  “I’m sure we’re not the first ones to mess up their lovely white sheets.”

  The comment made her laugh and eased her tension.

  With his hands on her hips, Nolan turned her to sit on the bed. “Do we need birth control?”

  “I’ve been on the pill since I was fifteen.” At his raised brow, she added, “Crazy periods.”

  “I haven’t done this in a long time, but I’ll understand if you want me to use a condom.”


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