Kissed by Christmas

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Kissed by Christmas Page 13

by Jamie Pope

  “Asa’s my twin brother, Derek,” Virginia spoke up. “Isn’t it a small world?”

  “Very small. I wish I had known about you, Asa. You seem to make my cousin very happy.”

  “You remember that paramedic neighbor I told you about? This is him.” Hallie looked back up at Asa and fiddled with his collar. “I’ve grown very fond of him.”

  Asa gave her a soft smile and then kissed her again. Her eyes drifted shut again, even though this kiss was much shorter than the last one. She really had missed him. Being this close to him again made that hollow feeling she had been dragging around with her for the past week vanish without a trace. She hadn’t wanted to fall in love with him, but she had lost that battle and the defeat had been brutal. “You’ve got to stop kissing me.”

  “Stop looking so embarrassed.”

  “I am embarrassed.”

  “It’s just family here.”

  “That’s exactly why I’m mortified. I never expected to meet your sister this way.”

  “But you did expect to meet my sister eventually.” He had a smug look on his face and she wanted to smack him. Every night when she texted him, he told her to let him call. To FaceTime him.

  There’s no slowing this down.

  “We can talk about that later.” She tried to get up, but Asa wouldn’t let her. His hand was just beneath the hem of her dress, clamped around her thigh. Not tight enough to hurt, but firmly enough to show possession. She grew slightly aroused. She tried to push the feeling away, because their families were watching them closely, but Asa had a look in his eye that promised hours of hot, mind-numbing bliss when he got her alone.


  “Have you eaten yet?” Virginia asked. “We haven’t ordered. Please stay. I would like to get to know you.”

  “I would feel awful. I know Asa hasn’t seen you in months I don’t want to intrude on your time together.”

  “If you go, we’re just going to talk about you.”

  “If we go,” Derek started, “I’m going to grill you about your boyfriend, so it might be better if we just have lunch with the Bradleys and get this over with.”

  “Stay, Hallie,” Asa urged. “I missed you.”

  “Okay.” She nodded. “But you have to let me sit in a chair and not in your lap.”

  “I reluctantly agree.” That hot look was still in his eye and she wondered how long it would be before she could be alone with him.

  Where could they be alone? He was probably staying with his family. She was staying with hers and she was pretty sure her mother wouldn’t appreciate her sharing her childhood bedroom with a man she wasn’t married to.

  She stood up and looked at Derek, who didn’t seem upset with her for keeping Asa a secret, just kind of bemused by it all. She had promised to spend the day with him. They had been planning this day for weeks and he was so busy. She couldn’t desert him now. “We’ll go Christmas shopping after this. I promise.”

  He nodded. “It’s okay. I’m going to tell our waitress that we’re moving over here, so she isn’t confused.”

  “Good idea.” Virginia stood. “Let’s all move to that bigger table over there.”

  Asa grabbed her hand as he got up, stroking his thumb across her palm. “I hate that you look so unsure of yourself right now.” He leaned in to speak quietly in her ear. “You’ve met my mother. My sister is a piece of cake.”

  “I wasn’t your girlfriend then.”

  “Right now is the first time you’re admitting that you are my girlfriend.”

  “I guess we’ll talk about that later, too.”

  “When is later?”

  “I don’t know. You just got here. You’ll probably be busy with your family.”

  He nodded. “I have to say my hellos. I have a house to myself, though. Come stay with me.”

  “I might have to sneak out at night.”

  “Do what you can.”

  “I was heading to the ladies’ room when you yanked me into your lap. I still need to go there.”

  “Go. I’ll save you a seat next to me.”

  * * *

  Asa watched Hallie walk away. He was having a hard time pulling his eyes off her. He wasn’t sure how it was possible that she’d grown even sexier since he had last seen her. Maybe it was that her skin was sun-kissed, making it a richer, deeper brown.

  There was no denying that she had been excited to see him, that she missed him as much as he missed her. He couldn’t wait to get her alone, to peel off every inch of her clothing and just kiss his way down her beautiful body.

  He felt a hard slap on his arm and he looked down to see Virginia fuming. “You told me you were seeing somebody. You never told me you were in love.”

  “You didn’t tell me you were pregnant.”

  “That’s different!”

  “Yes, yours is a way bigger secret.”

  “Wait until I tell Mom.”

  “You tell her and I’ll put spiders in your bed.”

  “Hey!” Carlos stepped between them. “I sleep in that bed. No spiders. And Gin, baby, you have to admit that you two are kind of even. I don’t recall you rushing out to tell Asa the moment you fell in love with me.”

  “See? That’s two things you’ve left me in the dark about.”

  “This is a bigger deal, Asa. You’ve never been in love before. I’ve met your girlfriends. You’ve never looked at any of them the way you look at her.”

  He didn’t think it was that noticeable. “I’m crazy about her. Literally crazy about her.”

  “And Mom likes her, too.” She reached into her bag and pulled out her planner.

  “What are you doing?” he asked her.

  “Checking my calendar. I’ve got to clear my schedule for your wedding.”

  Chapter 13

  “I like Asa,” Derek said to her as they walked through historic downtown Hideaway Island.

  Hallie took a deep breath in as she nodded. There was something about this place that was magical. The salty ocean air, combined with the beautiful candy-colored shops that were nestled between the old Spanish-inspired buildings. And it had been transformed for Christmas. Not in the same classic way New York had been, but in a more whimsical way. The palm trees were decorated with garland and tinsel and a holiday display of Santa in a boat being pulled by dolphins was in the center of town. There were sandmen instead of snowmen. Christmas in New York was iconic, but Christmas by the beach felt like home to her. She wondered what Asa thought of it all. Or if he would miss not being in his beloved city for the holiday.

  “When were you going to tell me about him? You’ve been home for a week.”

  Hallie looked over to her cousin after realizing that he was still speaking to her. She was distracted—by being back home, by Asa, by the long meal they had just shared with Virginia and Carlos.

  “I wasn’t sure what to tell you. It’s still new. I feel like I’ve known him forever, but it’s still so new.”

  “If he weren’t Virginia’s brother, I would have some major reservations.”

  “I know you made some pieces for their house a few years ago and Carlos Bradley secretly supports all your little charity projects around the island, but how well do you know them?”

  “Pretty well. They are down-to-earth people. I’ve had a few dinners with them. They are the wealthiest citizens in our town. It’s a mayor’s job to kiss a little behind now and then. Plus I had a thing for Virginia for a long time.”

  “Excuse me?” Hallie stopped in her tracks. She and Derek were close, but they never talked much about their love lives, especially him. She just knew he had incredibly discreet relationships with women who were slightly older than him and who weren’t looking for a commitment.

  “Oh, yeah, before she
and Carlos were a couple. She was his interior designer first and I went over to the house to introduce myself to him and there she was. I nearly forgot my name.”

  “What happened?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? Bradley took one look at me and knew what I was thinking. He made it incredibly clear that he was going after her and that I had better back down.”

  “It’s not like you to back down. I saw you nearly take the head off that real estate investor guy who wanted to build that huge resort.”

  “That was different. He was trying to deface my town. I love this place more than anything on the planet. And I knew Virginia was already falling for Carlos when we met. I could see it in her eyes. Just like I see it in yours.”

  “Virginia and Asa are very close.” She had never thought fraternal twins were as linked as identical twins, but Asa and Virginia were. They tilted their heads the same way when they thought about something. They finished each other’s sentences and even ordered the exact same thing for lunch, right down to the dessert.

  “I know. It was almost freaky watching them together. He’s just the male version of her. Did you like her?”

  “Of course I did. She’s great. I’m just wondering what they thought of me. I felt so stupid today.”

  “Because you kissed your boyfriend in the middle of the restaurant like you hadn’t seen him in a long time? Nobody is judging you for that. I think she likes you more because it’s obvious how much you care for her brother. For what it’s worth, you have my blessing.”

  “Blessing for what? It’s way too soon for blessings. I’m crazy about Asa and I like my job in New York okay, but I miss this place, Derek. I might be happy with Asa, but I don’t think I can be happy in New York for the rest of my life.”

  “Have you talked to Asa about this yet?”

  “No. I’m not sure if there is anything to talk about. He’s a rescue paramedic with the FDNY in the most exciting city in the world. He scales buildings and saves people from train crashes. He’s a hero who loves his job and New York City. I couldn’t ask him to move to a place where the most exciting thing that happens is Founder’s Day.”

  “Hey, Founder’s Day is amazing. There’s fireworks and a parade. We roast a pig. It’s one of the best things on the planet”

  “Derek, you know what I mean. It’s only been a little while, but what if he did it, what if he threw caution to the wind and moved back down here with me? Where would he work? Our fire department is volunteer. He would be bored here, and I would miss here too much if I stayed gone.” She sighed. “I blame you. Your love for this island is infectious.”

  “It’s hard not to be here and love it. But if it’s meant to be, it will be.”

  “Would you move for a woman?”

  “Are you crazy? I was born here and I’ll die here.” He took hold of her arm and pulled her into a little shop that sold soaps and fragrances. “We’ll get Nanny’s gift from here. You’re going to go half on the gift basket with me. That gardenia soap alone is sixty bucks.”

  “I get my bodywash at the supermarket for less than five bucks and it lasts me five or six weeks. Our grandmother literally uses three dollars’ worth of soap every morning.”

  “She told me that ladies must smell expensive and clean when I asked her why she used the same soap for sixty years.”

  “That is something she would say.”

  Derek walked away from her to talk to the shop owner about something that was troubling her. That’s what he did as mayor. There were no days off for him. Whenever anyone had a problem, he listened. Hallie was used to it as his cousin, but she wasn’t sure how many women could go through it as his wife.

  She looked around the store for a few minutes, picking up little things here and there. There was a small soap set containing gently scented, beautifully wrapped bars. She immediately thought of Asa’s mother. The small gift would be just right for the fierce but elegant woman.

  And just as she was putting the package up to her nose for another sniff, a ghost from her past walked up to her.

  He didn’t look the same. He was a little thinner than before, no longer decked out from head to toe in exorbitantly priced designer duds. He almost looked like he had when they’d first starting dating five years ago. Only the boyishness was gone and left was a handsome but weary-looking man. “Hallie... How are you? You look incredible.”

  “No.” She shook her head, no other word coming out. She was surprised that she was still so angry at him. There was no sadness there. No broken heart. It was anger. Anger she never got to express when she was with him last. She had been too hurt and stunned to say much to him when he broke up with her. “I have nothing to say to you.”

  His mouth dropped open slightly and for a moment, he looked like he didn’t recognize her. Maybe he didn’t. She had changed in the last eight months. Her identity was no longer wrapped up in being with him “I...”

  “I don’t think we need to talk,” she said, keeping her voice quiet and calm. She wouldn’t play the hysterical-woman role. She hadn’t cried when he was breaking up with her, telling her that she wasn’t good enough for him, and she certainly wasn’t going to do it now. “I don’t think we need to hash things out. You said everything you needed to say the last time we spoke. When you said it was over, it really was.”

  “Hallie, are you okay?” Derek was back. He stood closer, placing his hand on her shoulder in a protective brotherly move, as he looked at Brent.

  “I’m fine. I think we’re done here. Let’s check out.” She attempted to brush past him, but he grabbed her hand.

  “Hallie. I was a complete and total jackass.”

  “Tell us something we don’t know,” Derek said.

  Brent glared at him. The two men had never been big fans of each other. Derek thought he was too materialistic and Brent thought Derek was too much of a do-gooder. “I was talking to your cousin.” He looked back to her. “I was wrong. I’ve missed you.”

  “I really don’t care.” She tugged her hand away from him and walked away.

  “I’m not going to stop trying,” he called after her.

  She sighed. That was exactly what she was afraid of.

  * * *

  Asa’s body felt heavy as he relaxed on the lounge chair on Virginia’s back patio. It was getting late, a little before ten. He was exhausted after getting less than three hours of sleep this morning. But he was comfortable where he was for the moment. His mother and father were snuggled together on the love seat. Virginia and Carlos were half lying on the couch, their bodies stuck to each other like they were one person. They were as in love as two people could be.

  Asa kept noticing Carlos’s hand going to his wife’s belly. They weren’t going to be able to keep the secret for long. Asa couldn’t have been the only one to have seen it. But maybe, even though there were twenty people scattered around the house and grounds, they hadn’t.

  Carlos’s mother and sisters had gone for a moonlight walk along the beach. His brother-in-law was at the fire pit with his children roasting marshmallows. And the rest of them were just enjoying the quiet. Carlos and Virginia lived in an oceanfront mansion on the far side of Hideaway Island that had barely been developed. The only thing there was this house, surrounded by wild nature, which made it beautiful in a raw way. It seemed like one of the only places that the outside world couldn’t infiltrate. He wasn’t worried about the next big catastrophe, or trying to revive broken and mangled bodies. None of that could touch him here. He had never understood why his sister and her husband liked to hole up in this house that was so far away from the world, but sitting here tonight he did.

  Being here with someone you were in love with must feel like paradise.

  His phone rang then and he pulled it out of his pocket to see that it was Hallie. He shook his head and smiled down at his pho
ne. “Excuse me for a moment.”

  He walked back in the house, answering the phone as he did. “I almost thought you were going to stick to this no-talking thing while we were here.”

  “I should just to spite you,” she said softly. “I wasn’t sure you would still be up. I noticed how tired you were.”

  Of course she had noticed how tired he was. He had seen the slight bit of concern in her eyes at lunch when she looked at him. “I’m still at my sister’s house. We had a late dinner.”

  “I got in not too long ago myself. I just finished shopping with Derek. Go back to your house and get some sleep. I just wanted to hear your voice before I went to bed.”

  “You think I’ll be able to sleep knowing you’re near? I’ve had a hard time sleeping without you this past week. My bed is not the same without you in it.”

  “Don’t you try to charm me, mister. What will my mother think?” She let out a long sigh and he thought he heard some tiredness in her voice, but it was more than that. She sounded weary.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” Her cousin knew about them now. He wondered if she had said anything to her mother about today, about him, period. And what would she have told her if she did?

  He’d felt her discomfort at lunch when Virginia was asking how long they had been dating. They had just made a month. And a week of that they had spent apart. How could they have been together and not have known where each other was going, Derek wanted to know. Hallie had flinched when he asked it and Asa knew what she had been thinking. They hadn’t been together long enough. There was still a lot about each other that they didn’t know yet. Or at least it seemed like that to the outside world and maybe they were right, but Asa didn’t care what they thought. He just knew he was in love with the woman.

  “Where are you staying?” Hallie asked him. “I think I need to see you tonight.”

  “Seacoast Avenue. House 117.”

  “I know that street well. How soon can you get there?”

  “I left five minutes ago.”

  He disconnected, hearing her laughter as he did. He turned to head back outside, but saw his mother standing just inside the door.


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