Seduction's Call

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Seduction's Call Page 7

by Dakota Trace

  Crawling behind her, he made a place in between her thighs. “It’s time, Braelyn.” He eased the plug out of her ass, before plunging the fingers of his free hand into her wet folds. The force of her scream behind the gag, sent shivers down his spine as her sheath tightened around his slowly thrusting digits. “So good, so wet. It makes me want to taste you.”

  Her moaned increased. “But not now— right now I have to bury my cock in your ass before I explode.” Withdrawing his fingers, he rolled on a condom he’d retrieved from his pant’s pocket, and positioned the head of his cock against her loosened hole. Slowly forging his way inside, he gritted his teeth against the urge to spill. It took his remaining control to give her time to adjust. “We’re going to do this slow. Very slow, little one.”

  Drawing almost out, he leisurely returned as he cupped one hip with his hand. Using his free hand, he toyed with the globes in front of him, loving the sound of her increasing pleasure as he nudged them, moving them mere centimeters. He knew it caused just the right amount of erotic sting to keep his little one flying— until he got down to the business of claiming her.

  He wasn’t sure when it had happened. Whether it was when she asked to be gagged to keep from doing what came so naturally to her as a banshee, or if it was when the drug and his anger had finally worn off enough for him to realize what she was to him. She was his TrueMate and he wasn’t letting her go.

  Slowly riding her ass, he savored the sounds of her pleasure, of her need until his balls drew up tight. It was time. Pulling away, he slid off the condom and sank inside her creaming sex. Even as tight as her ass had been, he needed this more. Holding still, he let her buck against him, fuck him until he felt the now familiar flutter against the head of his dick. “Do not come.” His order was met with a whine as she froze. He could tell what it was costing her to stop. “Good girl. Now let’s get this off you.”

  Releasing the catch on ball gag, he pulled it from her mouth, loving the slurping sound it made. He would have to do this again. Removing the top six cups from her back he examined the red circular marks on her back. They would become light bruises that he would later trace with his tongue.

  “Sir, are we done?” Her voice was hoarse from her screams and she sounded confused. Taking the heavy chain from his neck, he held it out for her to see. “Will you wear this for me? Be mine? Like a regular collar, this necklace will have the same meaning between us. I will be your Dom and you’ll be my submissive. Will you accept it and what it means?”

  “Yes, Sir, for as long as you want me.” Hearing the sincerity in her voice he unhooked the latch to place it around her neck. He ignored the trembling of his hands as it settled between her breasts.

  Then a dark smile crossed his face when she looked over her shoulder at him. “Now sing for me – bind us together.” He didn’t even take a moment to cherish the astonished look on her face. He let go of all his control and began to drive in and out in hard short thrusts.

  “I…I….can’t…Sir!” Her wail sent satisfaction through him. She wasn’t stifling her cries any longer.

  “Yes, you will. You’ve accepted my necklace and I will have all of you.” His breath was ragged as he reached for the final two globes gracing her back. Taking them in hand, he began to move them back and forth, loving the increasing cries it brought. He was about ready to lose his mind when she shattered around him, her pussy squeezing and sucking at his cock.

  “Please, little one, give me what I need.” Her cries rose in pitch and he almost thought she was going to deny him, when the hoarse sounds became words, ones that he didn’t recognize but felt to the depths of his soul.

  Continuing to rock against her he used a thumbnail to separate the cups from her back. Then lowering his chest to her back, he wrapped his arms around her, one arm around her waist and the other supporting her breasts. The song spilling out of his little one rose and continued until they were both trembling violently as the bond snapped in place.

  Immediately he clamped his teeth into her shoulder muscle and held on for the ride, as everything went white around them, while they both came long and hard. Through it all he was oblivious to the sounds of shattering glass as her Banshee cries and his bellows continued. When it was over silence reigned supreme as he slipped into the deep sleep following the binding of just not their bodies but also their souls.

  When he finally came back around he wasn’t sure how much time had passed but his father was in the room with them, concern on his handsome face. “Flannery? Braelyn? We heard loud sounds of breaking glass all the way up at the main house and when you didn’t answer the phone after an hour, I told your aunt I’d come down and check on you.” Camulos stepped back, his eyes adverted. “Are you both okay?”

  Lifting his head, Flannery moved off of his new mate slowly. He was still trying to reconcile what had occurred. He was no longer just a Dom. He was also the young man who’d watched his father find new love with his aunt, a more mature man when his brother had found it with Jasmyn, and more importantly a man who’d envied them, wanting nothing more to find his own woman to love— and he finally had in the most unlikely of places. He was the mate to Braelyn.

  And it’s my job to care for her. Running his hands over her to make sure she was alright, Flannery frowned at the torn tethers. Had he done that?

  His dad chuckled. “Don’t worry. You didn’t do that. It always happens when the female banshee mates. She receives a gift from her mate— and I’d have to say, I think she got your strength, son.”

  Smoothing a piece of her hair back from her face, he worried when that she was still out of it. “Why is she—?“

  “Again normal. It will take time for her body to adapt to the gift yours gave her.” His dad held out his hand, his face a picture of understanding. “Come take a walk with me. I’ll answer your questions and you can reason it all out.” Camulos looked back at Braelyn. “There are going to have to be some changes in your life for the near future. Your TrueMate is carrying your child and we need to make arrangements to accommodate her banshee pregnancy.”

  Rolling off the bed, Flannery zipped his leathers. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t removed them before claiming her. What kind of man was he?

  “Only the best kind.” His father had always been able to read him – especially when he doubted himself. “Now come, we have time to kill before she awakens and the fresh air will do you good. We won’t go far.”

  After removing the two remaining cups from her breasts, he soothed the blankets around her with a promise to himself when he returned that he’d draw a hot bath and pamper his TrueMate.

  Chapter Ten

  Her heart hurting, Braelyn made her way into the deserted main hall. The trip back to the Underworld was traumatic. She’d fought herself every step of the way. The heavy silver chain her Master had given her weighed heavily at her throat. It felt as if her heart was being ripped out. If she could’ve gotten a hold of Flannery Baghadur at this particular moment, she’d have thrown his necklace back in his face. She hadn’t asked for forever but she hadn’t expected to wake up alone— abandoned.

  Coming to stop in front of the ornate throne where Bilé sat, she dropped to her knees. It was hard to believe less than twenty-four hours ago she’d caught her first glimpse of her future mate through the crowded room. Now the spot behind Bilé was vacant. No golden godling stood like an avenging angel waiting to protect his lord and liege.

  “Braelyn?” His confusion was evident.

  “I’ve come to let you know I have mated the godling.” She fought to keep the tears at bay. She’d forever remember the look of ecstasy on her mate’s face. It was just too bad for her he’d decided that he didn’t want to keep her. He was probably angry that his body had driven him to claim her. Mother Nature could be a royal bitch. But there is nothing saying we have to be together. As long as we reside on the same plane, he won’t go insane and die from separation anxiety.

  “Where is your mate, god-daughter?” B
ilé’s anger didn’t surprise her. She knew the ultimate matchmaker of the underworld wouldn’t be happy about Flannery’s absence.

  “I…he left after mating me.”

  “What do you mean he left?” She flinched at his roar keeping her head bowed.

  “I can only assume he was unhappy about our mating.” Meeting his angry gaze, she cleared her throat. “I’m surprised you didn’t factor that into your scheme, Sire. No man likes to be tricked into a mating or having his child stolen.” She slowly rose, ignoring his hiss of displeasure – tired of being in the Underworld where everywhere she looked reminded her of her mate. “I’ve reported in as requested; now I’d like to return home.”

  “Before you go, I need to know are you expecting his child, Braelyn?”

  The question raked like claws down her spine. “Whether I am carrying his child or not, it won’t be for a lack of trying. I will have my mother send word if I am because I will not return to the Underworld while carrying his child. The danger is too great.” He nodded before rising. It was dangerous for a pregnant banshee to be around demons. The scent they gave off drove demons wild. More than one attack had been recorded in the last several hundred years.

  When he tipped her chin up, she stared into eyes so similar to her own. The concern nearly broke her.

  A regretful sigh escaped him. “I can dissolve your mating, little one.”

  Her face reddened. As her god-father, he’d called her that many times. “Please don’t call me that, Sire. I can’t bear it.” Fresh agony poured through her. “If he wants our mating dissolved, I won’t fight you on it.”

  She shrugged off his hand before heading towards the entrance. Even if he doesn’t choose to have it dissolved, it will be too painful for me to see him. And heaven forbid if I see him taking another. Even the deepest pits of Hell will have nothing on my anger. Perhaps having it dissolved will keep me from wanting to kill his future lovers.

  Passing through the doorway, she stepped into the portal room. It was time to go home. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn’t realize she wasn’t alone until she was grabbed from behind. She squeaked as she was dragged deeper into the shadows.

  Her scream was muffled by a cloth smelling of ether. Fighting off the descending darkness was futile.

  “That’s it, nighty-night, bitch. We’ll see how well that bastard comes to heel when I have his mate.”

  He won’t care. I’m his unwanted mate. The joke is on you asshole, were her only thoughts as she gave into the powerful drug.

  * * * * *

  “Where the hell is she?” Pissed beyond believe, Flannery stormed into the Banquet Hall of the Underworld. If anyone knew where his missing mate was it was Bilé. “What did you do with her!” He stopped at the foot of the dais. He was beyond pissed at the meddling.

  Bilé sighed, his fingers drumming on the arm of his throne. His gaze met Flannery’s and held steady. “I haven’t done anything with her. She left here barely an hour ago. I would assume she’s back home.”

  Flannery’s nostrils flared as he jumped up to lean over Bilé, trapping him in place. Behind the chair, he scented Jansen but was too pissed to acknowledge his little fire demon. “Like hell she is. I already stopped and spoke with her mother. She never returned after her meeting with you.”

  “Well I assure you, Baghadur, that is where she said she was going when she left.”

  Bilé pushed him back before snapping his fingers to motion the lurking fire demon forward. “Jansen here can even vouch for it. You’re little snitch hasn’t left your post since you left last night.”

  “Come, Jensen.” Flannery held his arm. With a flick of his tongue the fire demon raced up his arm.

  “He sss-peak-sss the truth, Ma-ssster. Your pretty little mate came here and left a sss-hort time later.” Jansen sniffed his jawline before his tongue lashed over the bruise Flannery’d gotten courtesy of his TrueMate’s mother. “Sss-he feel-sss much pain, Ma-ssster. Will Ma-ssster Jan-sssen to fix-xxx?”

  Flannery took a deep breath, his heart pounding at the idea of his mate hurting. “Was she physically hurt?” He kept his voice low while rubbing his hand down Jansen’s slender body as the demon healed him.

  “No, Ma-ssster. A ssspritual hurt.”

  Relief that he hadn’t physically hurt her warred with the knowledge that despite his care, he’d somehow bruised Jasmyn’s feelings.

  “Thank you Jansen.” He looked up at Bilé. Curiosity filled the other man’s eyes.

  “Did my niece do that?”

  Flannery shook his head. “Nope. Did you know that bitch of a mother of hers has one helluva temper and a vicious right hook?”

  Bile outright laughed. “Of course. She was mated to my brother for a brief time before I dissolved the bond between them. Only a woman like Aislin would take on my brother and nearly win.”

  Flannery’s jaw dropped as he realized he’d just mated another god’s daughter. “She’s Jupiter’s wife? Ah hell, why didn’t you tell me that Braelyn was his step-daughter?”

  “Not step-daughter but daughter. Why the shocked look? You knew she was my niece. Who did you honestly think was her father?”

  Flannery flushed. “I honestly didn’t even think about it...”

  “No, you were too concerned about claiming your mate to worry about her familial ties.” Shaking his head, Flannery couldn’t refute Bilé’s accusation. After he’d decided he was going to have her, he had thought nothing more than burying himself deep inside her little body. “True, but I did TrueMate her. Hopefully that will suffice to keep your brother off my ass the first time he sees my collar around his daughter’s throat.”

  Waving his hand, Bilé dismissed the idea. “No. Jupiter has had nothing to do with Braelyn since I dissolved his mating with Aislin. She couldn’t handle my brother’s constant infidelities. The last time he strayed, she nearly emasculated him, so afterwards I took pity on him before she killed him.”

  “Pity? You actually dissolved his mating as an act of pity?”

  Bilé gave him a stoic look. “It is better to dissolve a union which is detrimental to both parties than allow it to go on, Flannery. My brother and Aislinn did nothing but hurt one another. It was a blessing that I removed the bond. It is no different than your situation with Braelyn.” A shrewd gleam entered Bilé’s eyes. “In fact I gave Braelyn the same choice earlier. She said she wouldn’t fight you on it.” He scratched his chin thoughtfully. “In fact, it’s probably better if I do. That way you don’t throw a fit when the babe does its required service to me.”

  Rage poured through Flannery at the idea but the resulting thunder and crack of lightening which reverberated through the hall wasn’t from him. Whether it’s Dad or Kennet, he’s obviously pissed. Someone in his immediate family had just arrived. He twisted to look. Fuck not just one but both and with Jasmyn in tow. His ingrained need to protect Bilé from danger clashed with his own desire to cause harm.

  “Yes, I think that’s what I shall do— dissolve your union.”

  Red flashed before Flannery’s eyes as the need to harm won out. He lunged at the god. He had his hand wrapped around Bilé’s throat. He gave a warning squeeze as the hall filled with his own hand-picked men but he ignored their presence. They wouldn’t attack him while his hand was around Bilé’s throat.

  “I will snap your neck and tear the Underworld apart piece by piece until nothing is left, if you even dare.”

  Kennet’s hand landed on his arm.

  “Ease up Flan. Let him go. We have bigger issues.” Kennet’s bitter tone had Flannery glancing over at him.

  “And what’s bigger than killing this ass to protect my TrueMate?”

  Kennet stared deep into his eyes, dark emotions swirling. Whatever his brother was going to say couldn’t be good.

  He was right. “I think killing the idiotic ass who just sent us your TrueMate’s finger as proof he’s taken her, is more important than threatening your boss, brother.”

sp; “What!” Flannery released Bile as his beserker rattled the chains of his control. A bolt of lightning lit up the hall as he gave his more vicious side freedom. The echoing thunder which followed was nothing compared to the energy blast that blew out all the torches.

  “Who dared take my niece?” Flannery had thought he’d seen Bilé angry before, but the sight in front of him was way beyond angry. The god was consumed with fury. The flames of hell glowed in his normally dark eyes, his skin reddened as fire consumed his form, and blasts of lava shot out from his finger tips and onto the brimstone walls, adding another layer.

  “Fire demon, attend me!” At Flannery’s feet Jensen, the little fool, raced towards the burning lava. Instinctively he wanted to snatch the demon back, but Jansen dove into the molten mass and disappeared. Swallowing roughly, he clenched his fists. He knew the lava wouldn’t hurt Jansen but was still difficult to watch.

  “Dear Goddess.” Kennet moved in front of his mate. “What the hell is your fire demon doing?”

  “He opened a communication portal. Only fire demons can manipulate it, but when they do, they have complete access to every living being in the Underworld.”

  After what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was only a few minutes, Jansen returned. Scampering up to the Lord of the Underworld, he climbed the man like a tree until he was perched on the god’s shoulder. From where he was standing, Flannery couldn’t hear the little demon and it was driving him nuts. “So? Where is my TrueMate?”

  “She was taken from the portal room. The fool has taken her to Asgard, the one realm which I cannot go. She’s in Valhalla.”

  Flannery bristled. “Who dared take what’s mine?”

  “Ramses.” The name came out as a hiss. “He dared to take my niece, to butcher her hand like a common thief.” He turned his reddened gaze to Flannery. “Kill him, bring me his head and insure her safe return, only then shall I wave your first child’s service to me.”


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