Unbreakable 2

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Unbreakable 2 Page 8

by Tynessa

  “Yo man, what the fuck happened that night at your crib?”

  He looked at me for a minute. “What you talking about?”

  “That night in the kitchen when Star came in there, then a little while later Nell walked in.” I knew my nigga was fucked up but I didn’t think he was that fucked up not to know what was going on.

  “Oh you talking about that lil bitch.”

  I looked at him with a shocked expression because I’d never heard him say something negative about Star.

  “Man don’t look at me like that. That hoe ain’t shit,” he said angrily.

  “What the fuck she do?”

  He didn’t say anything at first. Then he ran the whole thing down to me from when Star texted him from Nell’s phone just so he could come over there to the other night when she was trying to come on to him while his lady was upstairs asleep and his brother, her man, was in the next room. He even told me how she was sending him naked photos of herself and damn near begging him to have a threesome with her and Drea. He said some times she would send a picture of the both of them together. She even went so far as to send a video of them performing oral sex on one another. As he was telling me the story, all I could do was sit with my fist up to my mouth. To say I was shocked would have been an underestimate.

  I sat there in silence because I couldn’t believe what he was telling me. I looked at him dead in his eyes. “Did you hit?”

  “Hell fucking no… I might’ve done a lot of shit behind Shaniqua’s back but there’s no way in hell I would ever fuck her little sister. Not only is she my girl’s little sister but the hoe is my brother’s girl. That’s just one line that wouldn’t cross, I’ll never betray them like that,” he said and to be honest I believed him.

  “Alright dog, I believe you.” I paused. The next question I just had to ask. “So what you do with the pictures and video?” Hell if he still had them a nigga wanted to see it. Might as well.

  He frowned, “I deleted that shit. Soon as she sends them, I hit delete.”

  I just nodded my head, satisfied with his answer. “But you know my girl peeped that shit out and wanted to tell Shan,” I let him know.

  He ran his hand through his dreads. “The fuck? Man don’t let her tell Shan that shit.”

  “I told her to let me ask you what’s going on first.”

  “FUCK,” he said. “Man I gots to tell Shan before this shit gets out of hand or put a stop to Star’s ass.”

  “I feel you bro and you better think fast before Shan off both y’all assess,” I said and we both laughed.

  Chapter 10


  Since running into Rhonda’s little ass at the store a couple of weeks ago I had been trying everything in me to prove to Shan that I was a changed man. Since we’d been back together, I hadn’t stepped out on her once. I went to the strip club once or twice but always left before they even closed. I loved that woman and I wasn’t going to ruin what we had this time around.

  I had just hung up the phone with my man Vic that was currently serving a 2-year sentence when Shan stormed in and threw her cell phone at me. If I hadn’t ducked, it would have hit me dead in the face. I jumped straight up.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I yelled.

  “You fucking with that bitch!” she screamed as she charged towards me. First thing came to my mind was Brooke told her about Star. I knew I hadn’t been cheating on her so that’s the first thing that popped up even though I hadn’t fucked her.

  “What the fuck are you talking about now?” I asked grabbing her swinging arms.

  “That bitch from the grocery store. You lied when you said you only fucked her that one time.”

  Now I was confused because I knew I hadn’t fucked Rhonda in 2 years, so what in the fuck was going on?

  “Shaniqua I didn’t fuck that girl but that one time,” I screamed at her while giving her a little shake.

  “Get the fuck off me. The bitch just called me and told me that y’all was still fucking.”

  “How the fuck did she get your number?” I said letting her arms go.

  SLAP! “That’s what the fuck I wanna know,” she said after slapping me.

  I grabbed my stinging face. “Look, I understand you mad and all but I told you about your hands,” I said through clenched teeth. She walked over to the closet, grabbed her overnight bag, and began packing.

  “So you just gonna run away like that instead of talking to me about it?”

  She ignored my question as she continued packing her clothes. I was getting sick of her leaving whenever she heard something about me, whether it was true or not.

  “That’s your problem right there Shaniqua, you always believing someone else instead of believing your man. You come in here ready to nut up on a nigga because something this bitch said instead of asking me was it true or not. Sometimes I think you don’t want this relationship to work.”

  She stopped packing and looked at me with fire in her eyes. “After all the bullshit I put up with from your ass, you don’t think I want this relationship to work? Really Ronny?”

  “Yes really Shaniqua. I wasn’t even doing half the bullshit you thought I was out there doing but because a bitch came to you and told you they saw me, you were so quick to believe that shit and pack up and leave. I’m sitting up here trying to be a good nigga to your ass and be the man you want me to be but you don’t want that. You need to grow the fuck up and stop running away whenever we have a problem. But you know what, I’m not gonna beg you to stay here so if you want to bounce then deuces,” I said throwing the deuces up and walked out of the room.

  I was sick of her ass thinking a nigga was going to beg her, not today. I headed downstairs to the living room. I heard her coming down the steps as I sat on the couch watching ESPN. She walked through the living room to the kitchen, then shortly after she came back with nothing in her hand. I knew she was just trying to see if a nigga was going to beg her to stay but she could dead that idea because it wasn’t gonna happen.

  She realized I wasn’t gonna say shit to her and walked out the door.


  I stood there shocked because of the shit Ronny had just said to me before walking out of the room. I put up with so much shit from him and he wants to treat me as if I was in the wrong, like he was the fucking victim. Yeah I probably should have handled the whole situation another way. But for him to sit and say I didn’t want this relationship to work was some straight up bullshit.

  I finished packing my bag, grabbed the kids some things, and walked down the steps. I knew he wasn’t gone because I didn’t hear the front door open or close. When I got down there he was sitting on the couch watching TV. I walked into the kitchen, mainly to see if he would say anything to me. I wanted to apologize to him so bad but my pride wouldn’t let me. I knew he was mad when I walked back into the living room and he didn’t even look my way. I was crushed as I walked out the front door.

  When I pulled up to my parents’ house I sat in the driveway replaying the words Ronny had just said to me. I felt tears threatening to fall but I refused to cry this time, I was sick of crying.

  I finally got out of the car to go inside the house. When I walked in my mom was sitting holding Niyah while Ray’Shun was watching cartoons. I spoke to them as I sat down.

  “What’s wrong with you child?” my mom asked.

  “Nothing,” I replied.

  “Mmmhmm… I know when something is wrong Shaniqua.”

  “Nothing mom, me and Ronny had a fight but it’s nothing major. We’ll be alright.” I ran my hand across my sleepy face, after he told me how he felt I wasn’t so sure if we was gonna be alright this time. “I think I’m gonna crash here for a while, you know to get away from the drama.”

  “I knew something was wrong but you know you can stay here as long as you like. Where is Brooke?” she asked. I was glad my mom welcomed Brooke into the family with open arms even Debbie liked her and she didn’t like anyone.

  “I don’t know; I haven’t talked to her today.”

  “Well when you talk to her tell her she has to bring my babies over here. I haven’t seen them in a week.”

  “Okay I will,” I said getting off the couch. I took sleeping Niyah out of her arms. “I’m going to take a nap… Ray’Shun behave for grandma,” I said before heading to Star’s old room since my old room was now Ray’Shun’s room when he stayed all night there.


  I was out to dinner with Brooke and the kids when Amber and some tall Suge Knight looking nigga approached me.

  “Well hello my babydaddy,” she said as she ran her hand over my shoulder. Luckily, Brooke was in the restroom with the girls. I knocked her hand off my shoulder.

  “What’s up?” I said as Brooke and the girls walked back over to the table. Kelly saw her mom and jumped with excitement.

  “Mommy!” she screamed excitedly but Kelly didn’t seem as happy to see her. She didn’t even acknowledge my daughter presences, and that pissed me off.

  “Kelly, get up here and sit down,” I said to her and she did as she was told.

  “So who is this babydaddy?” she said pointing over at Brooke.

  “I’m Brooke.” Brooke responded while extending her hand for a handshake and Amber just looked at it before turning her attention back to me.

  “I will be by to pick my daughter up next weekend.”

  I twitched my face because this bitch had lost her mind. “Say what?”

  “You heard what I said Bino… I’m coming to get my daughter next weekend.”

  I stood up and said through clenched teeth just above a whisper, “I wish you would come over trying to get my fucking daughter. Now I suggest you roll up out my face before I cause a scene in this mothafucka and I promise you it won’t be pretty.”

  She walked away just as quickly as she walked over with Suge Knight’s twin right on her heels. I sat back down and apologized to Brooke.

  “It’s okay baby. I knew she was gonna pop up sooner or later,” she said with a smile. I looked over at Kelly as she and Angel were having a conversation of their own as if nothing happened. I smiled because I loved their sisterly bond.

  “Are y’all ready to go?” I asked. I had a little surprise for Brooke and I couldn’t keep it in any longer.

  “Yes,” They all said at the same time. I paid the bill and we rounded all the kids up and headed for the car. Thirty minutes later, we pulled up to a nice brick two-story house.

  “Damn this is nice. Who house is this baby?”

  I shut off the engine, turned to face her, and took her hand. “This is your house, our home. I want us to have something we could call our own instead of me leaving you almost every night to go to my apartment.”

  She blinked her eyes a few times then I saw a teardrop fall.

  “Please say you’ll live with me?”

  “Of course I will baby,” she said and gave me a peck on the lips.

  I handed her the keys to the house and we all got out of the car. When she walked in, she was in complete awe. The house was gorgeous. She walked around downstairs before heading upstairs. She checked every bedroom before heading into the huge master bedroom.

  “I love it baby,” she said kissing my lips so passionately.

  “I can’t wait to bless the house.” I whispered in her ear and smacked her on the ass.

  She giggled, “We will baby, just not tonight.”

  I was okay with that, I was just happy we were going to finally move in together. Now all that was left was for her to get a divorce.

  Chapter 11


  It had been a month since Shan and I had been broken up, and since Brooke and Bino moved into their own house, she moved back into her condo. She never came back at the rest of her things from the house we used to share together and to be honest I was glad she didn’t. When she did that, it always gave me hope that she would come back to me. I still hadn’t figured out what that shit was about with Rhonda. I went by her house but no one came to the door. I even hit my man Eric up but that nigga claimed he hadn’t heard from her either. I was going to get to the bottom of this shit though.

  I picked up my phone to call Shan; she answered the third ring. “Hello,” she answered in a groggily voice and I could tell she was sleep. That’s all her ass did lately.

  “You sleep?”

  “Yeah I was taking a little nap. What’s up?” she sounded as if she was stretching.

  “That’s all you do is sleep. You pregnant or something?” Even before she moved out, she was sleeping a lot and every time I asked if she was pregnant, she got all defensive and shit.

  “What do you want Ronny?” she asked

  “I’m about to come over,” I replied hanging up not waiting for a respond.

  Since I wasn’t too far from her condo it wasn’t going to take me long to get there. Ten minutes later, I was pulling up. She was going to answer my question about this pregnancy. I hopped out of my truck, walked up to the door, and did as I always did, knocked before turning the knob. It was unlocked and I shook my head as I walked in to find her laying on the couch wrapped in a blanket while watching TV. I sat in the chair by the couch and looked at her.

  “So you gonna answer my question?” I said as my phone rang. It was my pops.

  “What’s up OG?” I answered.

  “Shit, what’s good son? I haven’t heard from you in a while.”

  “Yeah I know, a nigga been kind of busy. What you been up too?”

  “Just trying to stay out of trouble. How’s the family?” I swear my pops thought he was still young, always talking about he was trying to stay out of trouble.

  “Everybody’s good. How is grandma?”

  “She doing good. I was actually calling you for her, she still talking about these damn fishes she been dreaming about…hold on,” he said and I heard him fumbling with the phone and seconds later my grandma was on the other end.

  “Hey baby,” she said.

  “What’s up grandma? How you doing?” I said watching Shan as she got up off the couch. My eyes went straight to her stomach but I couldn’t see much of anything because of the big t-shirt she had on.

  “You know I been dreaming of fishes?”

  I chuckled, “Yeah I know Grandma, and you told us a couple of months ago.”

  “She still hasn’t told you she’s pregnant?”

  “She says she’s not,” I said as Shan walked back into the room making herself comfortable on the couch. “We’re not together anymore,” I let my grandmother know.

  “Well when you talk to her tell her to give me a call,” she said and I passed Shan the phone. She took it, already knowing who it was. They made small talk for a minute then I heard Shan say, “Yes ma’am.” I didn’t know what my grandmother said to her but she then said, “Okay I’m going to tell him.” They said their goodbyes and hung up.

  From their brief conversation and her body language, I already knew what I needed to know, so she didn’t have to say anything. “So how far along are you?” I asked.

  She dropped her head, “4 months.”

  I looked at her and if she wasn’t pregnant, I probably would have snatched her ass right up. “Four months Shaniqua and you didn’t tell me!” I shouted.

  “I was gonna tell you,” she had the nerve to say with an attitude.

  “When, after you had it?” I matched her attitude.

  She didn’t say anything.

  “When did you find out?” I asked calmly.

  She finger combed her hair nervously. “That day you and the kids went with me to the doctor.”

  Now I was heated. “You know what? I’m about to go because the more you talk the madder I becomes.” I stood up. “First you abort my baby without telling me you was fucking pregnant, then you moved up there with that bitch ass nigga and hide your pregnancy from a nigga knowing all alone it was possibility she could’ve been mines. Now here your selfish ass is four months preg
nant and still keeping it a secret. Where the fuck they do that at?” I said walking out the door slamming it behind me. I didn’t know why she felt the need to keep hiding her pregnancies from me, unless it wasn’t mine which I seriously doubted that.


  Things between me and Star was going well up until the other night when we was having mind blowing sex and she screamed out her best friend Drea’s name. I didn’t know what that shit was about but she swears I was just hearing things but I knew I wasn’t because that wasn’t the first time it had happen. I didn’t know what was going on between the two but I was gonna find out and being that my brother was a street nigga I knew he had answers to my questions.

  “Yo, what’s up bro?” Ronny answered on the second ring.

  “Shit… where you at? I need to holla at you about something.”

  “I’m on the way to the strip club to meet Eric and Bino. I’m about to pull up at yo crib and scoop you up so be ready,” he said hanging up the phone before I could protest. Minutes later, he was outside of my house blowing his horn like a lunatic. Luckily, I was already dressed. I ran out and hopped in his truck and we pulled off.

  My brother, Eric, Bino, and I were in VIP getting fucked up with women everywhere. Eric and my brother were the single ones so I wasn’t surprised to see them with strippers everywhere but it did surprise me to look over and see Bino with two naked hoes on him. I just shook my head and continued to bob my head to the beat of T.I. and Nelly’s song “Get Loose,” while I sipped my patron. I was in a committed relationship so I wasn’t up for any of that shit they had going on. I walked over to my brother.

  “Yo Ronny, let me holla at you for a second,” I screamed over the loud music. He dismissed the strippers then got up and nodded his head towards the door. Once we stepped foot outside “What’s up?” he asked me.


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