Come, go with me

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Come, go with me Page 6

by Belinda McBride

  “Oh, damn.” Riley felt tears come to his eyes. “Oh…” Kai’s arms slipped away, and Riley hurried toward the catamaran, almost afraid to step onto the broad pontoon. She was clean and sleek, vintage wood gleamed and brass glistened, even in the dim light. “When she went down, the insurance company called it a total loss. They wouldn’t even authorize salvage. They found Dad’s… They found him washed ashore on a small island.”

  Though his eyes were full of tears, he nimbly hopped on board, feeling more at home on the craft than he’d ever felt on land. Glancing around, he saw that everything was where it belonged. Magic still tingled all around him. Through the glass door that led into the main cabin, he saw a small stack of paperwork. Clearly, Genie had thought of everything.

  Before he turned back to Kai, he caught a glimpse of himself in the glass. He wasn’t a post-pubescent eighteen, nor was he fifty and grizzled. He now looked like a man in his prime. He knew that for the rest of his existence, that’s exactly how he’d remain, if that’s what he chose. It was an unsettling concept.

  “Kai.” He turned and saw that Kai had also come aboard, but remained on the deck that bridged the aft pontoons. “Come in here; let me show you my home.” He held out a hand. “Our home.”

  Kai followed Riley into the air-conditioned cabin and gazed around in awe. It was a substantial room, with a tiny galley at one end, a spacious living area at the other. Stairs both fore and aft led down to the sleeping spaces in the pontoons. The Beach Boys were playing on the stereo… Come go with me…

  “Come, go with me, Kai.”

  No sooner had the words left his mouth than he was in Kai’s embrace.

  Chapter Eight

  The Melody lurched and then rocked gently. Kai felt a moment of disorientation. He wasn’t quite steady on his feet, but he didn’t let go of Riley. He didn’t think he’d ever let go of his Riley.

  “Would you look at that?” Riley’s voice held amazement. Outside it was dusk. They gazed at one another and went back out onto the deck. The catamaran was no longer in the boathouse. They were no longer in Miami. In fact, they were miles away from anything. The breeze was balmy and the water lapped gently at the boat. They were in a bay. The island was lush and green and apparently deserted. The water glowed gently as fish moved through the depths.

  “We’re back where it all started.” He looked up at Riley, who was fixated on the water. He wore a solemn expression on his face.

  “Is this a place of power?”

  Kai nodded. He’d known that even as a boy, when he’d coaxed Riley out to join him in the water. He remembered their first kiss, that first embrace as they floated in the velvety embrace of the tropical water.

  Kai knew what they needed to do next. “We should finish what we started. Here. On the boat.”

  Riley watched him for a moment, and then grinned. His smile was infectious, and Kai felt himself grinning back. “Meet me up on the bow.” He gestured to the front of the boat. “On the sundeck that spans the pontoons.” He returned to the cabin and Kai gingerly made his way along the narrow sides of the boat. In time, he’d become accustomed to living on the craft, but now, he didn’t have his sea legs.

  That thought made him laugh.

  He lay back on the mesh deck, looking up at the stars in the sky. He used to watch Riley lying here just like this. He’d spent hours watching the golden young man as he’d gazed at these same stars. A whisper of sound alerted him to Riley’s approach. He was naked.

  Kai soaked it all in: the feel of the air, the sounds of the ocean, Riley’s beautiful, lithe form. His bright hair lifted a bit on the breeze; his cock was partly erect, hanging heavily with its own weight. He moved with the grace of a dancer as he joined Kai on the deck. Riley gave Kai a wicked smile. “I thought we might need this.” He had a tube of lube in his hand. “I left the condoms.”

  “They aren’t necessary.”

  “I didn’t think so.” Riley’s smile faded slightly. “I’ve never bottomed.”

  “Neither have I.” He leaned back on his elbows, gazing up at his soul mate. It seemed if he listened hard enough, he’d be able to read the thoughts racing through Riley’s mind.

  Riley cleared his throat. “I’ve… ah… never topped before. With a man.”

  “Neither have I.” He watched as Riley stared at him in amazement. He then dissolved into laughter. Riley grinned sheepishly and joined him on the deck. It took a moment before Kai collected himself enough for the conversation to continue. “So, in that sense, we’re both virgins?”

  “I guess so.” Riley rolled to his side and faced Kai. Suddenly, things weren’t quite as hilarious. He glanced down and as he watched, Riley’s cock slowly hardened, resting on his thigh. And Kai responded. His need became urgent, and it didn’t matter who the hell was on top. He just needed Riley.

  “Help me undress.” He sat up and as he worked on his shorts, Riley tugged and pulled at his tee shirt. A button popped and a seam ripped, then the clothing went overboard. They were both panting by the time he was naked. They kissed, pressing close, and to Kai, it felt achingly familiar, yet strange. There was no water cradling their bodies. They were under the starry sky. The kiss broke, and they lay, a mere inch separating their faces. He could feel their auras meeting and blending as though they truly were one person.

  “I want to be on the bottom.” He had an urge to be filled, to look up and see Riley gazing down into his face. “Next time I want to take you.”

  Riley’s breathing hitched. “I can do that.” He nodded.

  “I know you can.” Kai reached up, touching the other man’s lip. Riley nipped his finger, and then closed in on him again, trailing kisses down his arms, across his chest, and over his nipples. When his tongue teased Kai’s pebbled bud, he shivered, feeling his shaft growing and throbbing. He stroked Riley’s hair as warm lips stroked and gentle teeth nibbled. By the time Riley reached his belly, Kai’s cock was there to greet him eagerly. A quick swipe of the tongue had him gasping.

  “I think I’m glad you decided to bottom.” Riley looked up at him, his hair hanging over his sparkling eyes. “I get the feeling this is going to take some adjusting to. You’re, ah… big.” He grinned and placed a gentle kiss on the smooth head.

  Kai let his eyes drop closed. “I can shapeshift, Riley.”

  “Say what?” Riley stopped, his hand loosely wrapped around the base. “You can change this?” He looked so stunned that Kai chuckled.

  “For a short time. Long enough to help you adjust to my size.”

  “Dude. Awesome.” Riley ducked his head again, giving attention to Kai’s balls. They were hot and heavy, throbbing with need. Riley tugged gently, and Kai arched up from the deck. He needed the other man’s mouth on his dick. He ached to be filled. He needed it all, but Riley continued to tease and play, licking him, but never giving him the friction he wanted. Riley’s mouth engulfed his cockhead, his tongue lapping up the pre-come at the tip. Kai rocked and thrust, unable to hold still. When Riley let him go again, he wanted to weep.

  “Kai, do you want to come now?”

  “Yes! No, I mean…”

  “I see.” That hot mouth covered him again, and finally, Riley gave it all to him. One hand pumped his root; the other tugged and stroked his balls. His fingers were slick with lube, and Kai had no idea how it got there. He rolled his head and groaned, his hips bucking and fucking and completely out of control.

  When one of those slick fingers penetrated his ass, he shuddered. There was pressure on a spot he’d never felt before and every inch of Kai’s body froze with the most electric, magical sensation he’d ever felt in his life. A spasm started deep in his gut, snaking out to his spine, down his legs and into his balls. A second clenching contraction gripped him, and a third. His seed scalded as it burst from his body. It was slick as Riley pumped him, drawing it forth again and again. His eyes were open, but blind. Distantly, he heard thunder.

  He went rigid, and then every muscle went lax. Sweat cov
ered his skin and he smelled the musky, earthy scent of his own release. Riley knelt between his knees, staring at him in wonder.

  “Do you cause an electrical storm every time you climax?”

  Kai tried to grin; it felt lopsided on his face. He glanced down at his belly and the sheen of his own release. “I have no idea. I’m usually underwater when I come.” He wasn’t used to all the bodily fluids either. He reached down, sliding his fingers through his semen. Curiously, he tasted it. Riley did the same, wiping it from the corner of his face. Obviously, Kai had shot everywhere but into Riley’s mouth.

  “Tastes like the ocean.” Riley leaned down and kissed him, his tongue sliding into Kai’s mouth. He felt Riley’s cock resting on his belly, heavy and hot. His stomach lurched as a bit of fear cut through him. Then he remembered the feel of Riley’s finger on his prostate. Fear fused with arousal, and his cock began to fill again. Riley ended the kiss and looked down at their bodies. Slowly, he rose back to his knees.

  He lubed his fingers and gently returned to Kai’s ass, spreading and massaging, till Kai couldn’t help but relax into his touch. His human might not have done this with a man, but he’d undoubtedly done this before. He felt a bit more confident. He drew up his knees and then watched as Riley lubed his own penis. It was hard and flushed. Riley hissed between his teeth as he spread the gel over himself. He closed his eyes. It was finally happening.

  In all his life, Riley had never felt anything like this… anything so breathtaking. Kai was beneath him, offering up his body, trusting Riley implicitly. As he lubed himself, it took every ounce of willpower to hold back, to keep from spilling at the touch of his own hand. He gently pressed his cockhead to Kai’s body, pressing firmly. “Relax into it. That’ll make it easier.”

  Kai flinched, winced and then his eyes went wide as Riley’s cockhead slipped past the tight rings of muscle. It was tight and hot and as he watched, Kai pulled his knees up further, instinctively moving into a position that allowed Riley better penetration. He paused, gathering his control before sliding out and slicking himself with more lube. When he entered Kai’s ass once again, he moved easier, deeper.

  He knew to the second when penetration shifted from frightening and a bit painful to sheer bliss. Kai grunted, and then groaned as Riley’s cock slid over his prostate. That sensation had taken Kai right over the edge earlier and Riley stopped for a moment, squeezing his eyes closed as his ass clenched in sympathetic need. He leaned forward, coming down face-to-face with the beautiful demi-god. Kai’s hair was loose and spread out over the deck in an explosion of curls. Even in the darkness, it gleamed. His body was hard and taut with arousal; his cock quickly grew erect in the vice of their bodies. His eyes were heavy-lidded and dreamy.

  “I will always remember you making love to me under the stars,” he murmured into Riley’s ear.

  Lightly, he kissed each of Kai’s eyebrows, then his eyelids. He dropped a lingering kiss on his lips as he began to pump in long, smooth strokes. They breathed as one, slowly and deeply, never looking away from one another. Riley was afraid if he closed his eyes, Kai would vanish like a dream, and he’d be alone once again. Perhaps Kai read the fear in his eyes because he wrapped his arms tightly around Riley, cradling him close, crooning in his ear.

  Gradually, their pace increased, they began to pant more rapidly. Riley felt the burn of orgasm building right from the soles of his feet, but he fought it, not wanting this perfect, amazing moment to end. Beneath him, Kai’s powerful body strained and rocked, their sweat mingled on their slippery skin.

  “Riley…” Kai groaned. He reached up, clasping Riley by the back of the head. “Come… come go with me…”

  Together they surrendered, and as Riley shouted his ecstasy, a bolt of lightning broke from the cloudless sky, a clap of thunder drowned out their voices.

  After that, there was only the sound of two hearts beating, two men panting for breath. And when they were able to move, two men slipped into the magical waters and vanished into the night.


  “We’re closing in five…” Kimber glanced up from the brochure and paused for a moment, barely recognizing the woman before her. Coco, in a suit. Would wonders never cease? She looked her over from head to toe and whistled. “Court date?”

  “Deposition. A Fae. I think she managed pretty well without my assistance. She glamoured the prosecutor and her entire team as well. I’ll probably be able to convince her to drop charges.” She grinned and leaned on the counter. “What’s this?”

  Kimber pushed the brochure to her and watched as Coco read it over. “Come go with us to discover the magic of the sea…” She looked at the cover. “Melody Charter Cruises. I like. How’re they doing?”

  “Eternal honeymoon. They’ve got this plan to sail to Tahiti next year. Kai wants Riley to see our world our way.” Coco gazed at her in question. “From under the sea. And Riley wanted to sail. So they’re doing both. But they’ve got to fund their little expeditions, so they started a business together.”

  “And you? Are you staying on here?”

  Kimber propped her chin on her fist and studied the little Siberian shifter. Everyone was so in love. Ugh. “Got nothing better to do. Riley gave me a huge raise and free run of the place, so yeah, I’ll stick around.”

  She hopped off her stool and came around the counter, standing to face Coco. “How did you do it? How did you manage to wring a wish out of a genie? I understand she’s family, but still, that’s pretty impressive.”

  Coco wandered to a rack, looking through the sundresses. “Well, like she said, Siberian shifters are a small community. We’re scattered but tight. I could have asked our boss Jedidiah for the favor --”

  “But he’s a demon.”

  “Yeah. And while I adore the man, he is a demon. So I opted to try the family first. Genie said she needed to meet Riley to decide if he was worth it. She took it from there. He earned her gift.”

  “But she wouldn’t have granted the wish if you hadn’t brought her. So on behalf of my family, I thank you. I haven’t seen Kai this happy in years.”

  Coco turned to her and smiled. “He kept me alive. No one forced him to feed and shelter me. And Kai never wavered in his faith and love for Riley. I think both men earned their happiness.” She gave Kimber a quick hug. “I’ve got to go; Antonio’s waiting in the car.” She headed for the door and paused. She returned to the counter, picking up the brochure. With a wink, she was gone.

  Kimber locked the door then stood staring out at the beach. Clear skies for miles. When a bolt of lightning cut through the cloudless sky, she threw back her head and laughed.

  Belinda McBride

  Belinda lives in the wilderness of the Siskiyou Mountains and at night, she runs naked with a pack of wolves…


  Belinda lives near the Siskiyou Mountains and shares her home with a pack of Siberian Huskies who like to pretend they’re wolves. And she usually keeps her clothing on when she goes outside.

  Belinda loves to travel, collect rare gemstones, make soap and spend precious time with her daughters. Her degree is in History with a Cultural Anthropology minor. On weekends, you will often find Belinda ringside at a dog show, comb and spray bottle in hand.

  She invites you to visit her website at, or email her directly at [email protected].


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