The Death Filament: Some Places Should Be Avoided

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The Death Filament: Some Places Should Be Avoided Page 9

by Saxon Andrew

  “How do you want to handle this, Jek?” Randy asked.

  “According to the recordings that you collected, the beings on the planet possess an optical system that is incredible. Jel and I have decided that the best way to open communications with them is for her to take me down to the planet on the dark side and drop me off out in the open. We believe that as soon as I move into daylight, I’ll be seen and approached by one of them.”

  Randy and Emily were silent for a moment and then Randy said, “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, he’s serious!” Jel replied.

  “Why don’t you just contact them telepathically. Going down to the surface is suicide.”

  “Because how would they know I’m not a Tronan? Plus, you don’t get real detail on another being’s thoughts without being close to them. The only way to determine what this species is about is to meet them face-to-face.”

  “But why would they communicate with you?” Randy asked. “They’ll probably just kill you outright.”

  “I don’t think they’ll do that.”

  Randy shook his head, “Why not?”

  “Because they won’t know how I arrived on their planet. They’ll want that information before they kill me.”

  Emily shook her head, “You’re risking a lot on that assumption.”

  “Then tell me another way to do it.”

  Jek waited and Randy said, “Couldn’t you contact them telepathically and request a meeting?”

  “Would you do it if you were in their shoes?” Jek asked. Randy was silent and Jek said, “Jel is going to keep our scout directly above me in high atmosphere using the air thrusters to hold her position. The winds on this planet are high and should mask her thrusters. I want you to hold position in orbit directly above her and record the conversations she relays to you from the surface. If things go sour, she will attempt to come in and take me out. However, she will not do it until I’ve exhausted every means of opening a dialogue.”

  Randy looked at Emily and shrugged, “I’m unable to come up with another plan on such short notice and I believe the two of you have thought this through carefully. We’ll do it your way.”

  “Good. Jel is going to drop me off just inside the night side line in the center of the northern continent and then get out. I’ll sit on the surface until I’m discovered.”

  “Good-luck. What happens if they just ignore your request to communicate and kill you?”

  “Then we’ll have our answer.”

  Randy nodded, “We’ll remain in orbit above you. Good luck, I hope this turns out well.”

  “So do I.”

  Randy watched the scout enter the planet’s atmosphere and move south. He flew the ship with the fins pointed toward orbit and stayed directly above Jek’s ship. Emily kept the passive scanner on them and said an hour later, “They’ve arrived on the surface and now the scout is lifting into the atmosphere.”

  “How long before Jek is in daylight?” Randy asked.

  “About two hours. This is crazy, Randy.”

  “I know. But we don’t know what abilities Jek brings to this party and I must believe he has good reasons to do it this way. Better start your recording.” Emily nodded and activated the recorder.

  • • •

  Jek sat on the surface of the planet and lifted some of the light brown soil. It looked white from orbit and it felt different from any he had ever touched. It seemed to just fall apart in his hand and flow out between his fingers. It was solid under him but it didn’t seem to hold together when removed from the surface. He sat and looked out into the darkness. He could see the distant stars overhead and there was no light to diffuse them. They were beautiful. He leaned back on his elbows and closed his eyes. He could hear distant thoughts but there were too many to distinguish just one. He had chosen a good place to land. There appeared to be none of the locals close by. He took a deep breath and looked to the east. It was slightly brighter than it was when he first stepped off the scout. Things should start happening shortly. He pulled his sword out of its scabbard and examined the blade. He smiled and in an instant, it was back in the scabbard. Let’s hope these beings would open a dialogue. His life depended on it.

  • • •

  Jel initiated the contact with Emily’s recorder and Emily notified her it was operational. “Jel.”

  “Yes, Emily.”

  “I’ve been wondering why you haven’t protested about Jek going down to the planet. It seems like a suicide mission to me.”

  Jel mentally sighed, “We have to find out if this species represents a danger to us if we take out the Tronan. They’re obviously more highly advanced than the Tronan and if they’re released on the universe, they could ultimately be more dangerous. The only way to determine if they are a danger is to open a conversation with their leadership and hear their thoughts. Trying to stop Jek from doing it would be like trying to stop an asteroid with your bare hands. He is at heart a warrior and preventing him from following his heart would ultimately destroy him. I knew what I was getting into when I chose to be his mate.”

  “You’re going to go down to save him even if you die in the effort, aren’t you?” Emily asked.

  “I am. That’s what love is all about. If I’m too late, I will self-destruct the scout and attempt to take out the bulk of the planet’s defenses, so the Tronan will have an opening to attack and destroy the planet.”

  “Does Jek know you’re going to do that?”

  “Emily, you can’t hide things from a telepath very long. He knows but has chosen not to discuss it. He knows that I know he would do the same thing if our roles were reversed.”

  “I’m going to pray it doesn’t come to that, Jel.”

  “Thanks, Emily. You need to make sure you record everything to take back to Bellingham. That will make this mission worth it.”

  “I will.”

  • • •

  Jek sat on the brown soil and closed his eyes. The sky was getting brighter in the East and it would be daylight soon. He thought back to his former life on Heaven when he and Sam’s father had fought in the wilderness against the invaders. It was during that time that he gained the reputation of being a master assassin. He couldn’t remember how many Huddes invaders he had killed over the thirty-years of fighting but he missed it more than the current life he was living. Heaven was gone along with the beautiful society that once flourished on it.

  Jek looked up and knew Jel was holding position directly above him and he really loved her. He had chosen to marry her after Heaven’s loss because…it seemed like the thing to do. There were so few of his species that survived the loss of Heaven that it was important that the survivors get busy rebuilding their numbers. He cared about her. But since their marriage, he had grown to love her to a depth that amazed him. She hadn’t allowed her love for him to stop him from going on this mission. She knew his heart and stood by him, even when Sam tried to stop him.

  He blew out a slow breath. If he died here, he knew Jel would die with him. They would be together in whatever came next. But Sam was going to suffer from it. Sam was like a brother that shared a life with him. He hated that he would suffer but this had to be done. Perhaps he would survive…however, he doubted it. The Scout Captain was right…this was pretty much a suicide mission.

  The sky was getting brighter and he stood up and fastened his chest armor. It was made with strands of Bellingham Steel and was incredibly light. Gregor had developed it while his ship was being built. He insisted that Jek wear it, if for no other reason than to trial it in combat. Jek chuckled, Gregor figured out rather quickly that this mission was probably going to turn out poorly. But he stated that the recordings of his death would help perfect the armor for the warriors he was gathering. Sam did not like hearing that.

  And Leonidas. Now there was a real warrior. He was ready to take the fight to the Tronan but agreed to wait until after the next attack. And the warriors that fought wi
th him were a different breed as well. Jek smiled and thought about it. The warriors on Bellingham, along with the Venzel Dragons weren’t afraid of the coming conflict. Hell, they anxiously awaited it looking forward to the conflict. Warriors needed war to appreciate peace. The Dragons and Human Warriors hadn’t fought a good fight in a few years. They were ready to confront the Tronan and didn’t fear the odds.

  But they should fear the numbers that would be coming against them. The Tronan had millions of warships and the current Combined Fleets were no match for them. Planets were going to be invaded and the Combined Warriors would have to fight them with Tronan Warships still in orbit above the planet. Jek sighed. His current situation wasn’t much different from what they would have to face.

  Suddenly, the sun appeared over the horizon and he found himself casting a long shadow behind him. He took a deep breath and focused his thoughts. He didn’t hear anything but a loud jumble of thousands of thoughts…and then he heard a thought break thru the massive jumble. They were coming. He had been detected and he heard the thoughts of the warriors being sent to investigate and remove him. And the thoughts were getting stronger by the second.

  Chapter Nine

  Jek thought to Jel, “They’re coming. Keep your eyes out.”

  “I can hear them clearly, Jek. The leader of the unit is going to kill you personally.”

  “I haven’t picked up on that.”

  “I’m higher above the surface than you. You should be able to hear him clearly in a few more minutes. The speed they’re moving underground is amazing.”

  “I’m going to focus on them. I love you, Jel.”

  “I love you, too. Make them pay.”

  “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” Jek stood up and turned to the West. Jel was right, they were coming toward him at an incredible speed underground. He listened as the group of eleven beings arrived directly under him and he stepped back six paces. He drew his sword and focused on the ground in front of him. In an instant, an armored being shot up out of the soil and raised a hand-weapon at him. Jek thought to him, “I’m not here to do you any harm.” The being flinched but fired the weapon at Jek launching three projectiles at him.

  Jek deflected two of them with his sword’s blade and stepped out from in front of the third as he thought, “I really don’t want to kill you. I only want to have a discussion.”

  The being standing in front of Jek was obviously distraught at not hitting Jek with his weapon. The being stood about five-feet tall and wore armor the same color as the soil it had come out of. It looked at the hand-weapon and deliberately took aim at Jek and fired three shots again. Jek deflected all three with his sword and sensed two other beings coming out of the soil behind him. Jek slashed at the first Sand Warrior’s gun cutting it into pieces and then spun around and cut the two guns out of the two new warrior’s hands. All three of the beings confronting him were shocked with the speed that Jek moved.

  “I’m not going to warn you again. If any of the other eight members of your unit come out of the ground, I will kill them instantly. It is not my desire to harm you but I will not stand idly by and allow you to kill me.”

  The Leader of the Sand Warriors pressed a button on his chest and Jek heard in his mind as he ordered, “All warriors remain where you are!”

  The three cream-colored warriors surrounding Jek stared at him and Jek thought so all three could hear, “I know you have other weapons to use and I really don’t want to remove the hands you use to pull them out. I repeat, I only want to communicate with you. I do not wish to do you harm.”

  Suddenly, a fourth warrior came out of the ground to Jek’s left with a shoulder mounted weapon raised. The three never saw Jek move but they saw the shoulder weapon fall to the ground. They stared at the warrior and, a moment later, his head fell off his shoulders and hit the ground. His body fell backwards and disappeared into the sandy soil.

  “Now you’ve forced me to kill one of you to prove I can do it! Do your warriors refuse to follow your orders. Are you that undisciplined?”

  The Leader of the group touched his chest again and said, “If any of you disobey me again, I will kill you myself!”

  Jek heard his thought and said, “Thank you for that. I have no desire to harm any more of you. Will you speak with me without aggression?”

  The three warriors confronting Jek were shocked at the speed he had killed the fourth one. The Leader realized that this black being could probably kill every warrior in his unit. He realized that he and the other two were dead if this being chose to attack. The Leader slowly raised his hand and pressed a button on his chest, “Sand Master.”

  “Have you removed the being?”

  “The being is requesting to speak to one of my leaders. I do not have the authority to speak to an alien and I ask that someone be sent here to decide what must be done.”

  “Just kill it and be done with it!”

  “Sand Master, it is my belief that this being will kill my entire unit if I try to attack it. One of my warriors attacked against my orders and was killed instantly.”

  “How was it killed?”

  “The being used a blade he held in his hand. He also disarmed three of us before we could fire on him.”

  “It used a blade?”

  “Yes, Sand Master. It does appear to be carrying a blaster but has refrained from using it.”

  “And that blade cut through the warrior’s armor?”

  “It offered no resistance.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  “Thank you.”

  Jek stared at the Leader and said, “Perhaps we can sit down and wait for your leader to arrive.” The leader stared at him and continued standing. Jek looked at the two warriors behind him and said, “Why don’t the two of you move around and stand beside your leader?” The two looked at their leader and saw him lower his head. They walked around and stood beside their commander. Jek sat down on the ground and crossed his legs. One of the two warriors suddenly reached for his other hand-weapon and felt it fall to the ground from the severed holster. It stared at the holster and looked up quickly at Jek, who was still sitting on the ground. The leader had been watching Jek closely and saw a blur for a moment and knew that this being was faster than any creature he had ever encountered. He looked at the other two and sat down. They sat down beside him and Jek thought to them, “I realize now that you are not allowed to communicate with me. I really am sorry about killing one of your unit but it is critically important for me to speak with your civilization.”

  One of the warriors looked up into the sky and Jek said, “I am not one of those who have ships surrounding your planet. I come from another civilization a very long distance from here. We do not wish you any harm.”

  The three beings stared at Jek and he wished he could see their faces inside their armored helmets. But the only thing he could determine was that they appeared to have two arms, two legs, one head, and that was about it. He couldn’t really confirm there was only one head…there was one armored helmet but it was possible two small heads could fit inside it.

  Jek suddenly stood up. There was a huge number of beings moving toward him from all directions and they were moving through the soil even faster than the unit had that initially confronted him. Jek knew this was the critical moment. A few moments later, hundreds of warriors came out of the soil surrounding Jek at twenty yards. They didn’t fire on him but Jek knew that was because they didn’t want to kill the three warriors standing in front of him.

  Jek saw the first warrior to come out of the sand press his chest, “Sand Master, this being says that he is not one of those that have surrounded our planet with their warships.”

  “You aren’t allowed to speak to it!!”

  “I didn’t. It spoke to me.”

  “What are you suggesting?”

  “Perhaps you might want to know why it came here.”

  “Why should that concern me?”
br />   “Because we don’t know how it arrived without being detected, Sand Master. If it can do that, what kind of danger does it represent to us? It could place nuclear weapons on the surface of our world without our detecting it.”

  Jek listened to their thoughts and then heard the being called the Sand Master contact another leader, “Most High, have you been listening to what is going on?”

  “I have.”

  “I need your wisdom on how to handle this situation. My son has made a recommendation that has merit.”

  “How is that being able to communicate with us?”

  Jek thought to the Sand Master, “I’m telepathic.”

  The Sand Master paused and then said, “It appears this being is telepathic.”

  “I will be coming to speak with this being. Do not attack without my direct order.”

  “Yes, Most High.”

  Jek sat down on the sand colored soil and leaned back on his elbows. This shouldn’t take long. Jek thought, “So far, so good.”

  Jel thought back, “Yeah, you’ve got them right where they want you.”

  Why do you say that?”

  “Because I detect a massive movement through the soil headed your way. Whoever is coming is bringing a gigantic force with them. And in case you haven’t noticed, three of those giant cannons have come out of the surface three miles away and are trained on you.”

  Jek shook his head and smiled, “Is Randy and Emily recording this?”

  “They are.”

  “Well, you have to admit, what a great tale to share with the Combined Planets. If I must go out, what a way to go!” Jel could only shake her head and Randy and Emily could only stare at each other. So far, this civilization represented a huge danger.

  • • •

  Jek remained laying down as thousands of Sand Warriors began arriving and surrounding him. Jek looked at the three warriors standing in front of him and thought to the Leader, “I really don’t want the three of you to be harmed if your forces choose to fire on me. You are free to leave and join them.” The son of the Sand Master stared at him and shook his helmet. He then waked over and sat down beside Jek. He looked at the other two and nodded for them to leave. They shook their helmets and joined their leader beside Jek.


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