Every Promise You Made

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Every Promise You Made Page 30

by J. E. Parker

  “Daddy,” Shelby started, her bottom lip trembling. “I promise I won’t—”

  With a roll of his eyes, Hendrix stepped forward and took Shelby’s arm from Pop’s. “Here,” he said, dragging Shelby toward Anthony. “I’m giving her away. Just remember, Moretti, no take backs and no refunds.”

  Shelby smacked her brother’s upper arm. “You’re going to pay for that later, Behemoth.”

  Hendrix smiled. “I have no doubt about that.” He looked at Maddie and winked. “Was totally worth it though.”

  Pop took a seat on the front row as various chuckles sounded from around the congregation. Head bowed, his shoulders shook as he fought for control of his emotions. Standing there, watching such a strong man cry over his daughter, broke my heart.

  Daddy would’ve cried on my wedding day too.

  “Daddy,” Shelby said, looking over her shoulder at him. “You okay?”

  Tears lined Pop’s face when he looked up. “Yeah, Bee, I’m fine.” He nodded toward Anthony. “Now turn around, beautiful. It’s time for you to get married.”

  Shelby turned, and Anthony took her hands in his.

  Wearing a smile bigger than Texas, Preacher Davis began the ceremony. “Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Anthony Marcello Moretti and Shelby Ray Mason in marriage."

  Anthony and Shelby's wedding reception was beautiful.

  Located in Grandmama's backyard, Pop had called and given an event planning company specific instructions about what he wanted to be done, no expense spared, and they'd certainly delivered. Since he'd missed so much of Shelby's life already, he wanted to give her a wedding that was unforgettable.

  He'd succeeded.

  Hundreds—and I mean hundreds—of mason jar lanterns hung above the yard, illuminating the entire area in a soft glow while blue flowers, what kind they were I had no idea, adorned every surface imaginable, including the linen covered round tables placed around the wooden dance floor.

  The only thing he hadn't personally handled was the food. That had been Grandmama's job, and with one look at the buffet table lining the fence, it was evident that she'd gone overboard too.

  Not that anybody would complain.

  Besides, between all the men in attendance it was doubtful that there would be much food left at the end of the night.

  If Ry were here, he'd clear the buffet out, no doubt about it.

  The thought made me smile; even if it did hurt.

  "Aunt Hope!" Isabella screamed from the dance floor, pulling me out of dangerous thoughts. "Come dance with me, Declan, and Miss Clara!" I looked from her to Evan who was standing off to the side, a glass of sweet tea in his hand, as he joked around with the rest of the guys.

  Beside him, Anthony was still wiping wedding cake off his face from where Shelby had smeared it all over him after they cut the cake. I'd laughed my heart out, especially when he returned the favor and smashed an entire piece all over her face.

  My gaze swung back to Isabella. "I'm coming, princess."

  Giving Evan a wave, I walked over to the dance floor and started to dance. Well, if you could call it that. Being one of the most uncoordinated people to ever exist, I wouldn't call what I was doing dancing.

  But I was having fun, so I didn't care how I looked.

  "Are you having fun with Clara?" I asked Isabella.

  Smiling so big all of her teeth showed, she nodded. "I like Miss Clara! We're gonna go shopping!"

  "Yes!" Clara yelled, pointing toward the night sky. "I've got a second little girl to spoil now." She bumped Isabella with her hip. "And I like you too, doodlebug. You're my ballerina princess."

  Isabella laughed, and Clara smiled in return.

  At that moment, I felt like I was witnessing something important; almost like the beginning of something that would be life-changing for more than just Isabella and Clara. I didn't know why but I knew without a doubt that that moment was special.

  Huh, I thought. Would you look at that?

  "Dance, Hope," Declan yelled, twirling his arms around like a water sprinkler. "Faster, faster, faster."

  Unable to deny him, I did as he said.

  Throwing my arms up in the air, I danced faster.

  How long all four of us stood there, dancing our hearts out, I didn't know. What I can tell you is that when Grandmama started hollering for the DJ to cut the music, I was covered in sweat from head to toe and felt like I was seconds away from passing out.

  And of course that's when Evan walked up and pulled me into his arms.

  Talk about craptastic timing.

  "You're a sweaty mess, little bit," he said, pushing a lock of hair out of my face. "But I love it. Seeing you dance with Isabella—do you have any idea what that does to me?"

  I waved my hand at him in a dismissive gesture. "She's as much mine as she is yours." My gaze swung to Isabella who was too busy staring up at Clara with enthralled eyes to acknowledge her uncle or me. "Even if she is trading me in for Clara."

  Yep, still ignoring me.

  A second later, Grandmama once again hollered, pulling everyone's attention to her. "Everybody take a seat and be quiet. Shelby's got something she'd like to say."

  Anthony's brows furrowed; he looked just as confused as the rest of us.

  "Do you know what's going on?" Clara asked, her eyes locking on me.

  I shook my head. "No idea."

  "Come on," Evan said, wrapping his fingers around my wrist. "Let's go sit down. We don't want to upset the Old Biddy. If we do, she'll pull out her flyswatter again."

  Clara and I both laughed as we made our way over to the tables and sat. Liam, who’d been hanging out with Hendrix and Maddie all night, along with Declan took their seats beside Clara while Isabella climbed into her lap. Brantley, who'd just walked up, looked stunned at the sight yet he didn't speak. Instead, he shook his head and sat down across from Evan and me.

  When everyone was settled, Shelby stood at the sweetheart's table and extended her arm, taking what looked to be two more manila envelopes from Grandmama's outstretched hand.

  Two more envelopes? What in the world?

  Sucking in a shaky breath, she looked out over the crowd. "Let me start by saying thank you for coming today. I never thought I'd get married, much less in front of so many family and friends."

  Hendrix made a choking sound. "If she starts crying, I'm leaving."

  Smiling, Shelby flipped him off.

  These two!

  "Anyway," Shelby continued, "I know I don't say it enough but thank you guys for everything. Thank you for being here, thank you for accepting me, but most importantly thank you for loving me."

  And I'm going to cry again.

  "Which brings me to this." Shelby paused as she opened the first envelope and pulled out another stack of papers. Turning her attention to Felix, who was sitting between Grandmama and Pop at the table next to hers, she said, "Felix you know how much I love you." Felix nodded. "You've been by my side since the moment I showed up in Toluca, six months pregnant and scared to death."

  "Oh God," Clara whispered from beside me. "If she keeps this up, I'm going to be all cried out by the time I leave here."

  I couldn't agree more.

  Eyes still locked on Felix, Shelby continued. "You kept me company, you protected me, you loved me"—she paused, trying to catch her breath—"and you became my friend when I needed it the most."

  Felix's gaze dropped to his lap.

  "And since today is about unions, I thought it was only fair that we include you too." Walking over, Shelby handed a him a single sheet of paper. "You're told old for me to adopt"—Shelby chuckled—"so I'm hoping this certificate that officially dubs you as Uncle Felix to Anthony, me, Ashley, Lucca, and whatever other kids we may have, will do." Anthony walked over and wrapped an arm around Shelby's belly, giving her the physical support she so desperately needed. "So what do you say, Fee Fee? Is it okay if we keep you forever too?"

Holding the paper in his hands, Felix stood. "Yeah, Mrs. Shelby," he said. "It's okay for you to keep me forever."

  And cue the waterworks!

  Hugging him tightly, Shelby leaned her head against Felix's chest and cried. "Thank you, Felix. For everything."

  Felix pressed a kiss to her head, careful not to mess up her tiara. "No, thank you, Mrs. Shelby. You've given me something I never thought I'd have."

  Shelby pulled back and looked up at him. "Yeah? And what's that?"

  Felix's eyes filled with unshed tears. "You've given me a family."

  "Yep," Clara said on a sob. "Gonna be all cried out here soon."

  I'm right there with you, I silently replied.

  Cheeks marred with tears, Shelby turned to face Anthony. "Now it's your turn."

  Hendrix dropped his head back and groaned. "You're killing me, Shelby. Killing. Me."

  Maddie smacked his arm. "You hush."

  Ignoring Hendrix, Shelby motioned for Pop to hand her Lucca. "Now," she said, holding him in her arms. "For this, I need help." Kissing her little boy on top of the head, they both looked at Anthony. "Here," she said, handing Anthony the envelope. "Open it, Stud Muffin."

  Wearing a confused look on his face, Anthony opened the envelope and pulled out the papers inside. He glanced at the first page before jerking his head up and looking from Lucca to Shelby. "These are adoption papers," he stated. "Lucca's adoption papers."

  Shelby nodded. "I know it's just a piece of paper, but since we're already adopting Ashley, I thought we should go ahead and have you adopt Lucca too."

  Evan blew out a breath beside me. "Ah, hell."

  "I mean, you're already his father where it counts, but I want it on paper too. I want him to be legally yours, and I want him to legally be Ashley's brother," Shelby added.

  Stunned, Anthony just stood there.

  Using her free hand, Shelby tugged on the front of Lucca's shirt. "Okay, little man, it's time to bring out the big guns." What she meant by that, I had no idea. Pointing at Anthony, she asked, "Who is that?"

  Smiling, Lucca looked up at his mama. He may have only been two, but he knew what a big moment this was. I had no doubt Shelby had been rehearsing it with him.

  "Come on, Lucca," Shelby prodded, "who is that?"

  Lucca's smiling face turned to meet Anthony's. Then, he lifted his finger into the air, pointed at Tony, and said, "That's Daddy!"

  Clara slammed her hand down on the table. "That's it, stick a fork in me, I'm done."

  Without saying another word, Anthony pulled Shelby and Lucca into his arms. Then, he looked at the table next to him. "Ashley, Felix, get up here."

  Both did so without arguing.

  At their approach, Shelby pulled back and took Ashley into her arms before pressing her back into Anthony's chest. Felix, who didn't know any better, wrapped his arms around Ashley from behind.

  Surprisingly, she didn't freak out.

  No, instead, she only looked at him with a smile on her face and cried.

  I don't think there was a single dry eye in sight as everyone at the reception watched two damaged women—one older, one younger—along with one hardened homicide detective, one homeless veteran, and one innocent child become a family before our very eyes.

  For most of us, it was the moment we realized that despite how troubled your past may be or how many monsters and demons lurked beneath the surface of your flesh, light would prevail and in the end, love would win.

  And that was the bottom line.



  It was almost ten when we left the reception.

  Even though I still wore my bridesmaid’s dress, I’d traded in my cowgirl boots for flip-flops and pulled my long hair into a messy bun on top of my head.

  “Ev,” I said, leaning forward on his truck’s front seat, “pull into the gas station. We need to pick some stuff up before we go home.”

  “Yeah,” he replied, chuckling. “And what are we picking up?”

  I bit my lower lip and scrunched my nose before swinging my gaze to meet his. “For me, I’m thinking donuts and chocolate milk. Maybe even a Hershey’s bar or two. For you, I was going to grab a bag of beef jerky and a Powerade. Sound good to you?”

  “Depends,” he replied, as he pulled into the gas station’s parking lot and parked next to the first gas pump we came to. “Are you planning on sharing a Hershey’s bar with me?”

  He shifted the truck into park, and I unbuckled my seat belt.

  “Maybe,” I teased. “But only if you promise to go on the roof with me before going to bed.”

  Lifting a hand, he grazed his thumb over the side of my jaw. “Whatever you want, beautiful girl. You know that.”

  I did know that.

  Smiling, I opened my door. “Good because the sky is beautiful tonight and I want to draw a picture for Shelby since it’s her wedding night and all.”

  I hoped she’d like it. If not, it would break my heart.

  But knowing Shelby, I knew she’d love it.

  “Baby,” Evan whispered, closing his eyes. Clenching his hand into a fist on the steering wheel, he inhaled before looking at me again. “You have no idea how happy it makes me that you’re drawing again. It was such a big piece of you for so long. To think I could’ve taken that away from you, that what I did could’ve caused you—”

  I’d heard enough.

  We are not doing this again.

  “Hey,” I said, wrapping my fingers around his strong jaw. “I’ve told you this before, but it’s obvious that I’m going to have to repeat myself until the truth sinks into your thick skull.” I paused for emphasis. “You are not responsible for what happened to my brother, and you are not responsible for the fallout that came from his death. So stop it.”

  Evan nodded once. “I’m trying, little bit. I really am.”

  “And that’s all I’m asking for,” I replied, stating the truth. “I don’t expect either of us to get past our issues overnight but we’ve got to keep trying, and we’ve got to keep fighting because the day we give up is the day we lose each other.” Just the thought made my heart twist in agony. “And losing you isn’t in my plans, big guy. I’m sort of planning on keeping you forever.”

  Grabbing my upper arm, he pulled me toward him. My side met his, and I looked up at him with wide eyes. “Just manhandle me, why don’t you?”

  Sheesh! He really does act like an overgrown gorilla sometimes.

  Anchoring his hand in my bun, he growled, “Say it again.”

  I sucked in a much-needed breath before saying the words that I knew he needed to hear. “I love you with every ounce of my tattered heart, Evan Morgan, and I plan on keeping you forever.”

  He didn’t utter another single word before he crashed his lips against mine in a kiss that caused my spine to tingle and my toes to curl.

  Oh, sweet baby Jesus!

  Needing to be closer, I slid my hands slid into his hair.

  I was a heartbeat away from climbing into his lap when someone banged on the driver’s side window.

  Evan jerked back with a growl and turned to face whoever had interrupted our moment, however fleeting it may have been.

  “What the fuck?” he barked, sounding confused. “Are you following us now?”

  Uh… what?

  I leaned past Evan to see who he was talking to.

  At the sight of Grandmama’s nose and hands pressed against the glass, I couldn’t help but laugh. Where she came from, I didn’t know, but I had no doubt whatever she was about to say would be gold.

  Like always.

  “Don’t you know public fornication is a crime, ya big dummy?” She said with a roll of her eyes. “If you’re going to do the hanky panky in public go park at Lover’s Lookout like the rest of the deviants in this town. Don’t nobody wanna see that!”

  Seriously? Good grief!

  “Have you lost your godforsaken mind?” Evan fired back. “Your face is pressed up against my truck window.
A window that I might add is tinted. If anybody is the deviant in this situation, I think it’s you, you crazy old peeping tom.”

  Grandmama arched a brow before sticking her tongue out. Then, she looked past Evan to me. “Itty bitty, you going inside? I have to pee and need someone to go with me. You know, just in case someone tries to kidnap me or something.”

  An erupt bark of shocked laughter escaped from Evan’s chest. “No one is going to kidnap you. And if by chance some idiot does, they’ll bring you back within ten minutes.”

  Ignoring Evan, Grandmama waved a dismissive hand in the air. “So what’s it going to be, Hope? You coming or not?”

  I opened my mouth to respond but snapped it shut when Kyle’s truck pulled up to the pump in front of Evan’s. I arched a brow as a second later, Clara, followed by Carissa and Heidi spilled out of the passenger’s side door.

  Kyle then leisurely climbed out of the driver’s seat and slammed the door shut. Leaning his hip against the front end of the truck, he crossed his arms over his chest and stared at Carissa through half hooded eyes.

  The man is completely obsessed.

  “You need money, princess?” He asked her.

  Cheeks redder than a fire hydrant, Carissa shook her head. “No, I’ve got enough. Thank you, though.”

  Kyle looked like he wanted to argue, but surprisingly, he didn’t.

  I give it three months, six max until she has a ring on her finger.

  “Oh look,” Grandmama said, leaning away from the window and pointing toward the girls. “Now it’s a party.”

  Evan ran his hand down the side of his face as Grandmama rounded the front of the truck, grabbed Clara’s arm and dragged her into the store. “What is this? Grand Central Station?” Evan asked, his tone sarcastic. “It’s like wherever we go, everyone else suddenly appears.”

  I giggled. “Stop being such a grumpy butt. We’re lucky to have friends and family.” My mind flitted back to Felix as I pressed a soft kiss to Evan’s jaw. “Some people spend their entire lives without either of those. Now, having said that, I’ll be right back. Don’t leave without me.”

  “Leave without you?” He looked at me like I was crazy. “That will never happen.”


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