I told of her of the things I might demand and some of the things she could expect. Some of the rituals I might demand. During the course of the conversation she blushed, flushed and at one point got very pale.
When I finished she looked very thoughtful. She finally found her voice after another sip of wine. ”After I talked to Diane last night I found myself fascinated. This is all, very scary, crazy and exciting at the same time.” She paused and took another sip of her wine. “I can't believe I'm actually here in a bar talking about this. I'm also having a hard time believing that people actually pursued this lifestyle.”
“Did Diane tell you of the Safe Word system that I use?” I asked. “She shook her head yes and then said, “She touched on it but did not explain it all.”
“I prefer and use a three tiered system and for a novice, like a Stop Light. It's something most everyone can relate to. I use green, yellow and red. The sub can use her safe word at any time. If I say "Safe word" I expect a response at one of these levels. Green meaning go on or continue I'm just fine. Yellow meaning caution or slow down. I'm close to my limit. Red meaning STOP HALT QUIT, I'm past my limit. Does that help understand how it works?”
“Yes that helps but I still don't believe I'm actually thinking about this.” In my further talking to her I found out that after talking to Diane last night she had asked questions and more importantly listened to Diane and learned quite a lot.
I did find out some about her by turning the conversation to her life and through some careful questioning. She was divorced, a son in college and was living alone. She worked for a travel agency, was in mid level management and was used to making hard decisions all day. Having someone else make decisions for her was appealing to her. She had a townhouse 5 minutes from the bar where we were sitting.
About 9:00 and another glass of wine later she looked up as if she had made up her mind about something. “What do we do now?” She finally asked.
“I don't believe that you are ready for all that all that I might ask. You are just too new to this. You will follow me to my home I'll loan you some things to read and watch and give you some time to think about this.” I paid the bill and left without as much as a goodbye, leaving her to make a quick decision. She did follow me home in her car.
About an hour later she was at my house and I was collecting items to loan her. I had parked her on the sofa and had her sipping on a soft drink while I gathered the items. One of videos was the "submission ceremony" of Diane. Also included was the Video tape "Story of O" The Anne Rice "Beauty" Series, a John Norman "Gor" novel, An Ironwood novel and a print out of URL's I frequent and a newsgroup list.
What else can I show you tonight? I asked her. “Diane said something about a toy bag. What's that?” I went to my bedroom got it out of the closet. The gray nondescript tote bag held my gear. I divide my treasures into two piles “Punish” or “Pleasure”. I put the whips and crops and floggers together. Then the cuffs and collars and straps and some of the more esoteric item together. She had never seen nipple clamps or for that matter figured that clothespins might have other uses.
When she picked those clamps up she looked at me with a question on her face and I said, “Nipple clamps” She dropped them like they had gotten hot but I saw they had aroused her. I watched as she picked the items up one by one and examined them. As she picked a flogger up and ran the leather tails through her fingers I saw her eyes close and her body had an involuntary shudder. The look on her face was vulnerable and trapped like she did not what to do next. I just gave her a hug.
I then gently dismissed her with the following instructions; “You will read and watch what you can by next Thursday. Think very hard about what you are getting into. Whatever you decide by next Friday at noon send me email with you answer, all I want is a yes or no in the subject line. If the answer was yes, you will be given further instructions. If the answer was no, drop of what I have loaned you by Saturday noon.” I then saw her to her car and gently seated belted her in, then turned and left.
She went home, I went to bed. Knowing that next week was going to be a bear I wanted some rest. At this point I expected that I had scared her and her answer would be a NO. She would return the books and videos and run like a scared doe. I had no patience for the "casual curious" or the "me too" mentality that I seemed to attract. Sunday saw me getting my remaining yard work done. Edging, trimming, weeding and working myself into a mild but pleasant exhaustion.
As expected, the next week at work was busy. A number of our vendors had come up with fixes and patches so a repeat of last week could be minimized. I was directing much of this work with only the random thought on what Anne's answer might be. Much of the work had to be done during "off peak" hours so I ended up putting in lots of hours again. Thursday saw most of the work completed and a return to almost normal hours. Frankly, I was looking forwarded to some sleep. I did receive mail from Diane and learned that the two of them had talked several times on the phone.
Friday came and I did find myself wondering what would happen. By the time I finished remotely loading patch software in one network node, the morning was gone. I checked the mail at about 11am. Nothing. At 12 noon I checked again and did find a message from her. I also noted that this message was from her work account.
Subject: Yes
I quickly replied to this
Subject: Application SOFTWare
Check mail at 7:00 tonight, instructions to follow.
The rest of that day went by in a blur. I went home about thirty minutes early knowing I had things to do. First I made a few phone calls and made some arrangements with friends. Next I prepared an E-mail message and sent it to Anne.
Subject: Application SOFTWare
Hello Anne,
In spite of my efforts you have insisted and I have now accepted you. I hope you will not regret this decision. You have some errands and other things to do this evening.
1. Tonight you will go shopping. You are to find and buy a sturdy silver necklace 14 carat or better that will just fit around your neck. You will be wearing this for a long time so choose well.
2. After this is purchased, go home and take a shower or bath, Shave under arms and legs closely and carefully. Do not damage my property.
3. Pack an overnight bag. Include:
Personal hygiene kit, to include tampons or pads, make-up and any personal medications. A dress and underwear suitable for a casual dinner date and a pair of heels. Short dressing robe. If you must, bring your pager and cell phone.
4. Purse, the smallest you have that will hold wallet and keys
5. In the morning dress as follows
Hair brushed and pulled back into a ponytail.
Make up - none
Jewelry -The largest loop earrings you have. Nothing else
Button up the front sleeveless blouse
Wrap around skirt, the shortest you own.
Underwear None
Sandals or flat shoes
6. You will report to my house tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM.
7. Bring the materials I loaned you and the overnight bag. Leave in the car.
8. Pull into my driveway and park in the back by the garage. The garage will be open.
9. Stand in circle marked on garage floor at attention.
10. Wait.
After sending this mail, I went into the garage. The circle spot on the garage floor was touched up and the pulley arrangement above that circle was carefully checked. Then it was time for the jewelry work. One of my hobbies is jewelry making and repair. I have very small, pencil eraser sized, blank silver pendants that can be engraved or stamped. One was removed from its wrapping placed on the stamping pad and stamped with my special stamp. Police departments developed the technique for marking property. The text was so small that it could only be read with an 8-power loupe. The stamp left a distinctive scratch or smear that pawnshops now looked for. I stamped the other side with an
ornamental "S".
I placed a bathroom scale near the circle along with a cloth measuring tape. Other items in my toy bag were checked and in one case modified. My video camera was checked, placed on the tripod and put on charge. Then it was time to wait. I did check e-mail and another message from Diane was waiting. Evidently Anne had called her in a bit of a panic last night while making up her mind. Many more questions had been asked that night and experiences described. Her parting comment was that she thought Anne was a true submissive but had kept these feelings wound tightly for too long. I had brought them to the surface and into focus.
I kept reading this message and tried to divine any other meaning. I finally called Diane and had a long talk. The gist of it was, Anne was a novice, don't push her too fast or too hard. Anne had read the message I had sent to her out loud, on the phone. She had pretty much figured out what I had planned. Dianne had described her first experience with me told Anne to expect much the same.
The next morning I was up early. The kitchen was cleaned up and the garage door was opened at 9:00 to cool it off. Test equipment was turned on, checked out and calibrated. One nice thing about computers, they are good for killing time. At 9:50 I heard a car coming up in my driveway. A quick check showed Anne's car pulling around back.
At 10:00 I opened the door to the garage and was treated to a fine sight. She was there, at attention in the circle, dressed as instructed. She was not wearing a bra judging by the erectness of her nipples showing through the fabric. I decided I needed to keep things very simple. I did not know her strength or her resolve yet. Testing them would come over the next few hours.
I kissed her before starting "Still time to run, once the door closes your options are closed.” She just looked at me a frozen moment the shook her head no.
"Go to your car and bring in your bag, purse and my stuff, then return to the circle at attention". This took only a minute. I took her purse and bag and emptied them onto a table.
Packed as requested and sure enough a cell phone and pager. I took these and went over to the test equipment and checked them. Both really turned off when the power was off. No bugs, no obvious spikes on the spectrum analyzer. I sometimes do counter electronic surveillance for a P.I. and, I must admit, my paranoia was running rampant. Contrary to what you might hear, bugging is alive and well. I passed the search loop over the rest of her stuff then I told her to be absolutely rigid while I passed the loop over her body. Nothing showed up. There were no blips or strange readings on my test equipment.
I then closed the garage door and watched her face. When it closed she closed her eye lids drifted shut while her fist clenched. The video recorder was started and I conducted my "Entrance Interview".
“You are being recorded I will be asking questions from the mundane to crude and rude. Answer honestly and as simply and clearly as you can.”
Simple things first. I rattled of my typical beginning questions, Name and Address, phone number, age, and employer, what capacity. All answers checked against the contents of her purse.
Then the questions got harder and rapid fire. “Are you on the pill?”
“No sir.” she said.
“Are you fertile?” I asked, checking off items on my list.
“Yes Sir.”
“What method of birth control do you use?”
“Rhythm, a contraceptive gel and having my partner use condoms.” was her thoughtful reply.
”Have you ever been pregnant?”
“Yes Sir.” she replied.
“Have you ever given birth?”
“Yes sir.” She replied.
“When did you last menstruate?”
“About a week ago sir, maybe nine days.”
“Is your cycle regular and how long is it between periods?”
“It's regular and every 29 days or 30 days sir.”
“When did you last have sex with another?”
“It's been months, sir.”
“Have you been checked for AIDS or other Sexually transmitted diseases?” “
“No sir, Never!”
After I made a note on my checklist to send her to her doctor to have this done then I continued.
“Any medical conditions I should know about?”
“No sir, none at the moment.”
“When did you last masturbate?”
“Last night, sir.”
This answer gave me pause so I followed it up with another.
“When did you last have an orgasm?”
The response was slow this time but she finally answered. ”Last night sir, after finishing my phone call to Diane and listening to what might be in store for me.” That answer made me smile.
I continued down my checklist. “Have you ever had or preformed oral sex?”
“No sir.”
“Have you ever had or preformed anal sex?”
“NO SIR!” she almost shouted.
Again I continued, “Have you had sex with a male?”
“Yes sir,” she replied.
“Have you had sex with a female?”
“No sir.”
I had satisfied myself that she was what she seemed, I gave her a harder task. "Go to the scale and stand on it then read off you weight aloud.” When this was done I had her pick up the tape measure to measure her wrists, ankles, neck, waist, biceps, bust, waist, hips, and head. These measurements were stated aloud as well. I recorded each amount on paper. I had started a black leather collar with matching ankle and wrist cuffs. I was waiting for the measurements to finish them. I prefer a custom snug fit.
"Face the camera at attention; state your name and today's date". When she had given that,.. “For the record state why you are here and are you being coerced or under duress in any way form or fashion."
She looked at me then the camera and stated "I have come here today of my own free will to explore a lifestyle as your submissive and slave. This decision is my own. I am under no duress of any kind.”
"Limits?" I asked.
"Pregnancy, Disease and Injury,” she replied. “I know I will endure some pain if I displease you but I do not want any broken bones, for example.”
"Anything else," I asked.
She looked down at the floor a moment and said in a rush, "I do not want my clit or nipples pierced!"
"Agreed." I said.
"You do understand that I may modify your body, for example I might want you lose or gain weight, change your hair color or style, a tattoo or additional ear piercing is not out of the question," I told her.
She replied "I know, I have been talking with Diane and she explained a lot of things."
I chuckled at that, "I talked with her last night and she believes that you are a true submissive. Did she explain how I separate public and personal personas, how you will slip in and out of sub mode?" She nodded her head yes. "And yet you still came this morning?"
She looked down but again she nodded her head yes.
"First, I want to thank you again for your trust. This is a gift that I will honor. Your limits as stated will be will be honored. In many ways you are going to find this much more intimate than marriage. A man might know his wife but a Master really knows his slave. I will have much more from you than just your body and I will know your deepest fantasies and thoughts. Behind closed door I will do with you as I want. Your will means nothing. I give you another chance to leave or it begins."
With that, I turned my back to her and I opened the garage door for one minute by my watch then closed it again. When I turned around she was still standing in the circle.
I sat down at my bench and found the tools I needed then ordered her, "Fetch the necklace and bring it to me."
She got a small white paper bag from her things on the table and brought it to me. The bag had the name of a reputable jeweler on the outside. I took the necklace and added the pendant to it. When this was finished I pointed to floor near my bench. “Kneel.”
She quickly assumed this position on the floo
r. I noticed that her knees were far apart as I insist on. I held up the necklace so she could see it. I then showed her the backside of the tiny pendant and told her to read it aloud and handed her the jeweler's loupe.
It took her several seconds to find then focus and make out what it said but finally she said, "Property of Master G".
I then put the necklace around her neck but did not close it.
I asked her, "Do you know what I am going to do now?"
Anne responded, "I think so, when you close the necklace I should considered myself your slave. Diane said that you would solder the catch closed so I can't remove it, only cut off."
"Correct, my lovely lady." I said, "After I do this my attitude toward you will change completely. If you ever want a divorce, simply cut this necklace off your neck and return it to me. Now I give you one last chance to leave, or look at the camera and state what you want me to do.”
The Accidental Sub Page 2