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Cherished (Intergalactic Loyalties)

Page 2

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  “I claim this woman as my own,” her warrior declared.

  Wait, her warrior? And had he really just said he wanted her to belong to him? As what, a slave?

  Bynt growled at him. “She’s ours! Your crew has either been killed or detained. Hand her over if you want to keep your life.”

  She tried to move by the warrior, not wanting his blood to be shed on her account, but his arm tightened around her. Obviously whatever had affected her during the kiss, he’d felt as well. She couldn’t think of another reason he’d be so intent on hanging onto her.

  “The woman is ill. Don’t hurt her,” another voice said. This one she recognized as Ghel. Was that really how he saw her? As ill, because of her blindness? She was some feeble creature to him?

  She felt her warrior pause. “Ill?”

  “I’m not ill,” she said indignantly. “I’m blind.”

  He glanced at her over his shoulder before returning his gaze to the Tarnans.

  “You heard the woman,” he told them. “She isn’t ill.”

  “Let her go,” Bynt said. “Give her to us and we’ll let you go free. You can find another woman, one who is whole.”

  Lucie felt herself deflate inside. Of course that’s how people would see her. Wasn’t that how she saw herself most days? Feeble. Less than a woman. Useless to anyone and everyone. Why did the Tarnans try so hard to save her if their opinion of her was so low? They should be grateful to be rid of such a burden, she thought bitterly. “I can see a little. And my other senses work perfectly well, thank you,” she mumbled.

  The arm around her tightened a moment, as if he were reassuring her.

  “If you harm me, my father will destroy you and your people,” her warrior said. “You know what I say is true.”

  “Who you are is of little consequence to us. You’ve boarded our vessel without permission, intent on plundering like a common pirate. The law is on our side and you know it.” She heard the ice in Bynt’s voice and shivered.

  “This is your last warning,” Ghel said.

  “A blast from your weapon could go through me and harm the woman,” her warrior said. “If you value her at all, you won’t shoot me.”

  “There’s no escape,” another Tarnan said. She thought it might be Xan. “Turn yourself over to us and no one will be harmed.”

  Her warrior gave a bitter laugh. “Except for the men of mine you’ve already killed, you mean?”

  “Why did you board this ship?” Xan asked.

  Her warrior shrugged. “We were passing close to Keshpa and heard the news. Four Keshpans escaped with their slaves. Only three vessels were in orbit at the time. One was yours.”

  “And the other two?” Xan asked.

  “We checked them first. They were clean.”

  “Is there a bounty on them?” Bynt asked. “Is that what you’re after?”

  Her warrior gave a mirthless laugh. “Your planet isn’t the only one lacking in females. There are less than a dozen females left on my world. The plague that spread through Tourmalane twenty years ago wiped out almost the entire female population. Most who survived are past childbearing years. If we wish to survive, we must claim women from other species. Everyone knows that Keshpa is known for abducting human women. They’re the most beautiful to us, the most coveted on my planet. I merely thought to lighten your load a bit.”

  Lucie felt her heart sink. If he truly wanted someone to raise a family with, it couldn’t be her. As much as she wanted to grab onto him and never let go, she knew she needed to step away. If they would let him go, he could find someone worthy of him. Her heart ached at the thought of him kissing another woman the way he’d kissed her. It was foolish, thinking he’d never been with a woman before, but it had been a nice thought that maybe she could have been the last woman in his life.

  She pushed at his back, trying to distance herself.

  He glanced her way. “Why are you struggling now?”

  “You need someone who can give you children. I’m a blind woman who can’t even take care of herself, much less a baby. I’m not what you need.”

  “Lucie!” Ghel sounded scandalized. “You were actually thinking of leaving with this barbarian?”

  “If I remain,” she said softly. “Will you let him go? Return him to his ship safely?”

  “No,” her warrior growled at her. “I don’t care about lack of sight. You’re mine.”

  Her heart thrilled at those words. The idea of belonging to someone who wanted her, who didn’t see her as a burden… It was wonderful, but she knew it couldn’t be. “They aren’t going to let you leave with me,” she tried to reason.

  “Then I’ll die protecting you,” he vowed.

  Her breath hitched in her throat. “They won’t harm me. Please, save yourself.”

  He turned slightly to face her and it was all the distraction the Tarnans needed. They rushed him, tackling him to the hard metal floor. Lucie was knocked out of the way, her breath leaving her as her body slammed into the unforgiving wall. The back of her head cracked against the metal and she saw stars, felt her body list to the side, and then she was on her hands and knees.

  She heard her warrior cry out for her a moment before the blackness overtook her.

  Chapter Two

  Dryxel felt his heart contract when saw Lucie hit the wall. There was a startled look on her face, right before she fell to the ground. He felt a roar building in his throat as he reached for her. When she slumped onto her side, her eyes closed, he completely lost it, bucking against the Tarnans, trying to free himself to go to her aid. He’d claimed her in front of witnesses. She was his! His to protect, and the Tarnans were keeping him from her side.

  He twisted in their grasp, kicking out and catching one of them in the thigh. The Tarnan wrestled him to the ground, flat on his stomach, and shoved his face into the floor. Rage poured through him, followed closely by fear for his woman. What would become of her? Would the Tarnans take care of her? What if she was seriously injured? He struggled, but they clapped wrist irons on him.

  The one who seemed to be the leader of the small group hauled him up and began propelling him down the hall. He fought them the whole way, knowing that if they succeeded in taking him to the holding cells he might never see Lucie again. The moment he’d seen her, he’d been spellbound. He’d never seen a more gorgeous creature in his life, and while she’d trembled she hadn’t run from him. He knew now she hadn’t run because of her blindness, but she’d let him hold her, kiss her.

  They entered the darkness of the holding area. A quick scan showed he was their only prisoner at the moment. His heart was heavy with the loss of his brethren, but they had died trying to protect their planet from extinction. He knew they would gladly give their lives again, even if it meant he only managed to escape with Lucie.

  He’d sent out a signal to the other Tourmalane ships nearby, letting them know where he was and what he was doing. He knew if he didn’t check in that it would only be a matter of time before someone came to rescue him. If the Tarnans expected his men were coming, there would be a bloodbath, and he wasn’t sure who would win. The Tarnans seemed intent on keeping their women, and he couldn’t blame them.

  They shoved him into a cell and the door clanged shut, the lock grating as it turned. It wasn’t a new cell, for which he should be thankful. If he had the use of his hands, it would be easy enough to pick the lock and escape. No one used key locks anymore, but it seemed this was an older ship and hadn’t been updated. His hands flexed, the metal of the cuffs biting into his skin. They weren’t made for a male his size.

  “If you’re on your best behavior, we’ll release you at the next space station,” he was told by the one with long hair. “I’m sure someone there will return you to your father.”

  Dryxel was thirty-seven and hardly needed his father, but he knew his sire would be furious when he heard about Dryxel’s capture. If the Tarnans thought they could capture the Tourmalane prince without any repercussions, the
y were sadly mistaken. They’d as good as declared war, even if he had been the one to enter their ship uninvited.

  He paced his six by six cell, wondering if Lucie was all right. His gut clenched as he thought of her lying there, unconscious. His father had told him he’d know his destined mate when he met her, but he hadn’t believed him. Then he’d seen Lucie. If her beauty hadn’t been enough to draw him in, the taste of her certainly would. She’d tasted like the nectar from the passion flowers on his planet, a delicacy few could afford.

  His hands clenched again as he studied his cell. There was a cot along one wall that looked most uncomfortable. A waste receptacle was in the corner and he cringed at the thought of being exposed while he relieved himself. It was degrading to say the least. While he knew his men would come to his rescue, it might be a while. He could sit in this cell for at least a day, maybe more. He wondered if they would free his hands at some point, preferably before he pissed his pants.

  Dryxel didn’t know how long he paced, but his stomach began cramping from hunger. He knew at least one meal cycle had to have passed, perhaps even two. His thoughts were chaotic in his worry for his mate. He may not have sealed the claim yet, but that didn’t make Lucie any less his princess.

  He remembered her words in the hall. She’d been fearful that she was inadequate for him because of her vision. What she didn’t realize was that as his mate, she would have all the help she needed. Probably more than she wanted. Had his mother still been alive, she would have loved Lucie, of that he was certain. His father was bound to adore her. If he could just get off this damn ship!

  The door across the room opened and a Tarnan stepped through. Dryxel faced him, wondering if they’d come to execute him. Surely they would have sent more than one? How insulting!

  “Lucie has asked that you be freed,” the Tarnan said.

  “She’s all right?”

  The Tarnan nodded. “She was unconscious for half a cycle. Other than a knot on her head, she’s fine.”

  “I won’t leave without her. I claimed her in front of your brethren. She’s mine.”

  The Tarnan frowned. “Lucie doesn’t understand. As far as she’s concerned, you merely wanted to capture her as a slave. Your claim means nothing on our world. As soon as we reach home, she’ll able to choose a protector. Several on this ship would be happy to take her as their own.”

  Dryxel growled. “No one is taking my mate from me!”

  “The bond isn’t complete.”

  It didn’t matter to Dryxel. She was his and he would take her with him, or die trying. No way was he leaving this ship without her by his side. If he allowed the Tarnans to escape with her, he might never see her again.

  “We’re approaching space station Alpha 9. You’ll be released there after we’ve gathered supplies. The cuffs are to stay in place until our vessel has lifted from the station’s docking area. Someone on Alpha 9 will release you then and return you to your people.”

  “I want to see Lucie.”

  The Tarnan shook his head. “That won’t be possible. She’s being detained in her room until you’ve been freed from the ship.”

  Dryxel’s lips tilted at the corner. “She wants to be with me. She prefers my company to yours. Is that what you’re trying to say? You’ve had to confine my mate to keep her from my side?”

  The Tarnan looked uncomfortable. “She’ll forget you soon enough. Ghel believes she was close to choosing him as her protector before you arrived.”

  “Why do you want her?”

  “What do you mean?” The Tarnan’s brow furrowed in confusion.

  “You’ve called her ill, as if you think she’s defective. If you have such a low opinion of my mate, why do you want her? Are you so desperate for women that any female will do? Even an unwilling one you feel is less than she is?”

  “Women are coveted on our planet, you know this. Any woman will be treated with the utmost respect. Whatever warrior selects her will cherish her. She will be well taken care of, that I can promise you.”

  “I want to see Lucie,” he growled.

  “No. We’ll be docking shortly. Be prepared to leave soon after.”

  The Tarnan turned and left, the door closing behind him. Dryxel ground his teeth together, wishing he had the strength to break the cuffs and escape this prison. If they thought he was going to head home, tail tucked between his legs, and just forget about the woman he’d claimed as his own, they were sadly mistaken. Even if he wanted to, he could never forget Lucie. Her fragile beauty called to him, but her remarks showed she had some spirit. If he searched all of the galaxies for the rest of his days, he would never find her equal.

  A tremor shook the floor and he knew they’d docked at Alpha 9. If he was going to come up with a plan to see Lucie again, now was the time. Unfortunately, with his hands confined the way they were, there was little he could do. He knew the Tarnans were heading home. Once one of the Tourmalane ships arrived to retrieve him, he could go after them. He knew they wouldn’t give up Lucie without a fight, but he was willing to go into battle for her. If ever there was a good reason to die, going after his mate would be it. Once his brethren discovered he’d mated, they would gladly aid him in his quest.

  Time ticked by and he grew impatient. The door opened once more and he growled, wishing he could wrap his fingers around the dirty Tarnan’s neck. Except… it wasn’t a Tarnan.


  “I don’t have much time,” she said. “They’ll be coming for you.”

  “What are you doing here, sweet? You shouldn’t have left your quarters. I was going to come for you.”

  She arched a delicate brow. “From what I hear, you’re trussed up like a turkey.”

  He frowned. “I don’t understand that analogy.”

  “It means you’re bound with no way to escape.”

  He grunted.

  She put her hands in front of her as she inched her way across the room. When she reached the bars, there was a slight clanging noise and it drew his attention to her slender fingers. There, in her grasp, was the key to his cell.

  “How did you get that key?”

  She shrugged. “One of the women on board doesn’t like me much. She thought if I helped you escape, you’d take me with you.”

  “And she procured the key, how?”

  “I didn’t ask. Didn’t care. All that mattered was freeing you. There’s just one problem. I’m not sure how to remove the cuffs.”

  “There’s a sequence that must be entered on them for the catch to release. Only the Tarnan who put them on me will know how to free me. I’m assuming he plans to tell Alpha 9 how to remove the cuffs once this ship takes off again.”

  “Alpha 9? Is that where we are?”

  “It’s a space station not far from Keshpa. You’ve only been traveling three of your Earth days, maybe four. I sort of lost track of time down here. You still have several days before you’ll reach Tarnan.”

  The key twisted in the lock and the door creaked open. He moved toward her, slowly so as not to frighten her. When he stood before her, he ached to take her in his arms. She was so brave, coming after him like this. He also knew it was only a matter of time before they were discovered. How could he get her off the ship with his hands cuffed though?

  His mate wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him tight. His heart softened even more toward the female. It had been a long time since he’d felt a woman embrace him. Not since his mother. Lucie was the first female he’d touched in twenty years. That wasn’t to say he was inexperienced when it came to pleasing a woman, at least he hoped he wasn’t. Whenever he’d felt the urge to fuck, he’d gone to one of the floating brothels. Even still, he’d never allowed a female to touch him, instead preferring to use the sex bots. It had seemed wrong to touch a woman who wasn’t his mate. Now that he had Lucie, he was glad he’d used the bots instead.

  “Let’s get you out of here,” she said. “I’ll have to let you lead since I can’t see where I’
m going.”

  He bent forward and claimed her lips in a sweet kiss before sweeping past her. She opened the door and he edged into the corridor. All was clear so he moved forward, walking as softly as he could, but his boots were still noisy against the metal floor. He froze when he heard Tarnans ahead, pressing as close to the wall as he could. He felt Lucie’s small hand on his arm and looked down to see her shadowing him. That she trusted him to get them off the ship safely, even confined as he was, made his chest expand with pride. He only hoped her trust wasn’t misplaced.

  He eased forward again, remembering the way to the ship’s doors. Even better, he’d seen a transport chamber on his way to the holding cells. The Tarnans hadn’t checked him thoroughly and his transport chip was still embedded in his ear, giving him access to any Tourmalane ship within reach. He only hoped his brethren were close enough for it to work. He wasn’t sure they could slide past the Tarnans and onto Alpha 9 without incident.

  They approached the transport chamber, and he slipped inside. When Lucie stepped in behind him, he commanded the door to close and lock. She looked confused and he wanted to ease her uncertainty.

  “This is a transport chamber. I have a device in my ear that will allow me to move us from this ship to one of my brethren’s ships. At least, in theory. They have to be close enough for it to work. I’m counting on them having followed the Tarnans in order to free me.”

  “What do I need to do?” she asked.

  “Wrap your arms around me, Lucie.” Really, a touch would do, but he wanted to feel her embrace again.

  She did as he asked.

  “Reach up and press my left ear. It will activate the chip. Then I’ll give the command. It might feel a little strange, but just hold tight to me. It will only last a short while and then we’ll be safe.”

  She reached up and pressed his ear. In a clear voice, he gave the command that would transport them to safety. Their image wavered and he felt prickles rush over his skin right before the Tarnan ship blinked out of existence. When his vision cleared, he was safely on board the Syntron.


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