67 [ JTG], “Clarence King’s Boyhood,” 1, King Papers, HEH; Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” in Hague, Memoirs, 308.
68 See the entries for Sophia Little, Florence King, and Clarence R. King in 1850 U.S. Federal Census, City of Newport, County of Newport, RI, sheet 355, http://content.ancestr ylibrar y.com /iexec /?ht x=View& r=5542 & dbid = 8054 & iid = R IM432 _ 842-0128 & fn = Sophia& ln=Little& st=r& ssrc= & pid=12395818 (accessed Nov. 18, 2006).
69 CK to JH, [Mar.?] 1888, Hay Collection, Brown.
70 Wilkins, King, 21.
71 “Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Rhode Island Anti-Slavery Society,” North Star, Dec. 8, 1848; Frederick Douglass, “Letter from the Editor,” North Star, Nov. 23, 1849; “Fourteenth Annual Anniversary of the Rhode Island Anti-Slavery Society,” North Star, Nov. 30, 1849; Frederick Douglass, “Letter from the Editor,” Frederick Douglass’ Paper, Nov. 20, 1851; “Proceedings of the Rhode Island Anti-Slavery Society,” Frederick Douglass’ Paper, Nov. 27, 1851; Jeffrey, Great Silent Army, 147.
72 Douglass, “Letter from the Editor,” Frederick Douglass’ Paper, Nov. 20, 1851.
73 Sophia L. Little, “Purify the Sanctuary,” The Liberator, Oct. 6, 1837, 162; “Poetry . . . from ‘The Birth, Last Days, and Resurrection of Jesus,’ ” The Liberator, Jan. 21, 1842, 12; “The Branded Hand,” The Liberator, Oct. 17, 1845, 168.
74 Sophia L. Little, Thrice through the Furnace: A Tale of the Times of the Iron Hoof (Pawtucket, RI: A. W. Pearce, 1852), 3.
75 Ibid.; “Literary Notices. ‘Thrice through the Furnace. A Tale of the Times of the Iron Hoof,’ ” Frederick Douglass’ Paper, July 16, 1852.
76 Little, Thrice through the Furnace, 121-22.
77 Gilman, “Clarence King’s School-days,” in Hague, Memoirs, 299.
78 A Graduate of ’69 [Lyman H. Bagg], Four Years at Yale (New Haven, CT: Charles C. Chatfield, 1871), 39.
79 Russell H. Chittendon, History of the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, 1846-1922 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1928), 1:74.
80 Gilman, “Clarence King’s School-days,” in Hague, Memoirs, 298-99; Chittendon, History of the Sheffield Scientific School, 1:81-127.
81 Chittendon, History of the Sheffield Scientific School, 1:82.
82 King comments on Marsh’s youthful fossil discoveries in CK to JTG, 18 Mar. 1862, HM 27824, HEH.
83 CK to JTG, 10 Oct. 1861, HM 27821, HEH.
84 Clarence King, “Scientific notes, private” [notebook, c. 1863], A2, King Papers, HEH.
85 Hague, “Memorabilia,” in Hague, Memoirs, 377-78.
86 CK to George F. Becker, Sunday, [Jan. 1894], box 2, George Perkins Merrill Collection, Ms. Div., LC. Thanks to Clifford M. Nelson of the USGS, for bringing this to my attention.
87 Chittendon, History of the Sheffield Scientific School, 1:76.
88 CK to JTG, 10 Oct. 1861, HEH.
89 Ibid., 18 Mar. 1862.
90 Ellsworth Eliot Jr., Yale in the Civil War (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1932), 8, 13, 20, 28; Aaron Sachs, The Humboldt Current: Nineteenth-Century Exploration and the Roots of American Environmentalism (New York: Viking, 2006), 180-86.
91 Rufus King, “Pedigree of King,” King Papers, HEH.
92 Memorial of Lt. Daniel Perkins Dewey, 28.
93 Moore, King of the 40th Parallel, 12.
94 CK to JTG, 28 July 1861, Gardiner Collection, NYSL.
95 CK to JTG, 18 Mar. 1862, HEH.
96 Wilkins, King, 38.
97 Ibid.
98 Declaration of Benjamin Baldwin, 11 Aug. 1862, Gardiner Collection, NYSL.
99 Memorial of Lt. Daniel Perkins Dewey, 32-33.
100 Thurman Wilkins made a concerted and unsuccessful effort to find King’s name on Civil War enrollment lists. See Wilkins, King, 39n.
101 Rufus King, “Pedigree of King,” King Papers, HEH. Although Rufus King claimed that William served with the famous Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Regiment, other sources suggest he served with Company C, Fourth Infantry Regiment, United States Colored Infantry. See William V. King, military record, http://search.ancestrylibrary.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv=1&rank=0&gsfn=william+v.&gsln=king&sx=&f9=&f14=&f6=&f10Day=&f10Month=&f10 Year= & gsk w = & prox=1& f10 = ++& db = hdssoldiers & ti =5542 & ti.si = 0 & gss = angs-d & f h = 0 & recid=713305&recoff=1+2+3 (accessed Jan. 6, 2007), and http://search.ancestrylibrary.com/cg i-bin /sse.dll? ind iv =1& ra nk= 0 & t ips = 0 & gsfn = & gsln = k ing & sx= & f 22 = U. S.+ Colored + Troops&f5=Union&f20=4th+infantry&gskw=&prox=1&db=nps_civilwarsoldiers&ti= 5542 & t i.si = 0 & g ss = a ng s-d & f h =1 & recid = 3080700&recof f = 3 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17+ 43 + 56 + 61 & hovR=1 (accessed Aug. 10, 2007). See also Edward G. Longacre, A Regiment of Slaves: The 4th United States Colored Infantry (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2003), 86-87. Rufus King, when publishing his family genealogy in 1891, may simply have conflated other black regiments with the better-known Fifty-fourth Massachusetts. On William Vernon King’s mother, Charlotte King, see Henry James, A Small Boy and Others (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1913), 274-76, 388-95.
102 James, A Small Boy, 392.
103 On the mechanics of the 1863 draft, see “Final Report Made to the Secretary of War, by the Provost Marshal General, March 17, 1863 to March 17, 1866,” in Executive Documents Printed by the House of Representatives, During the First Session of the Thirty-Ninth Congress, 1865-66 (Washington, DC: GPO, 1866), 19-20. Reference courtesy of Robert Bonner.
104 Francis P. Farquhar, ed., “The Whitney Survey on Mount Shasta, 1862: A Letter from William H. Brewer to Professor Brush,” California Historical Society Quarterly 7 (1928): 121-31.
105 Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” in Hague, Memoirs, 315.
106 “His decision is fully as hard to unravel as mine,” Gardiner wrote to his mother, with regard to King’s career choice, October 26, 1862, cited in Wilkins, King, 41.
107 CK to George J. Brush, 30 Jan. 1863, cited in ibid.
108 Ibid., 42-43.
109 David H. Dickason, The Daring Young Men: The Story of the American Pre-Raphaelites (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1953), 75.
110 Moore, King of the 40th Parallel, 26.
111 Cited in Wilkins, King, 43; [ JTG], “Clarence King’s Boyhood,” 2, King Papers, HEH.
112 King evidently mentioned John Brent to his friend Frank Emmons. The novel appeared after its author’s death in the Civil War. Emmons, “Clarence King—Memoranda,” S. F. Emmons Papers, LC.
113 Memorial of Lt. Daniel Perkins Dewey, 86-109.
114 Lieutenant Leander Waterman to Mrs. Dewey, ibid., 88.
115 Ibid., 23.
116 Clarence King, entry for Oct. 18, [1863], “Journal of Trip in Northern Sierra, Grass Valley, Northern Survey,” D23, King Papers, HEH.
117 Clarence King, “Catastrophism and Evolution,” American Naturalist 11 (Aug. 1877): 450.
118 William H. Brewer, quoted in Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” 316.
119 J. T. Redman, “Reminiscences and Experiences on My Trip Across the Plains to California Sixty-One Years Ago When I Drove Four Mules to a Covered Wagon,” typescript, 2, HM 20426, HEH.
120 David Dary, The Oregon Trail: An American Saga (2004; repr., New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 289.
121 Cited in Moore, King of the 40th Parallel, 31, 39.
122 [ JTG], “Clarence King’s Boyhood,” 2, King Papers, HEH.
123 Hague, “Memorabilia,” in Hague, Memoirs, 378-81 (quote is on 380); Redman, “Reminiscences,” 5.
124 Theodore Roosevelt, “Big Game Disappearing in the West,” Forum (Aug. 1893): 768-69.
125 Redman, “Reminiscences,” 5.
126 Ibid.
127 Moore, King of the 40th Parallel, 38-43.
128 Wilkins, King, 50 ; Moore, King of the 40th Parallel, 42-43.
129 JTG to his mother, Anne Terry Gardner, quoted in William H. Brewer, Up and Down California in 1860-1864, ed. Francis P. Farquhar (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1930), 469n; Moore, King of the
40th Parallel, 68-69.
130 Quoted in William H. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West (New York: Vintage Books, 1972), 360.
131 Wilkins, King, 53; Charles W. Eliot cited in Wilkins, King, 53n.
132 Farquhar, “Introduction,” in Brewer, Up and Down California, xviii-ix.
133 Brewer letter quoted in Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” in Hague, Memoirs, 316.
134 Ibid., 317.
135 John Ruskin, Modern Painters I, 2nd ed. (London: George Allen, 1892), 265, 267.
136 Brewer letter quoted in Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” in Hague, Memoirs, 318.
137 Clarence King, Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada, ed. and with a preface by Francis P. Farquhar (1872; repr., Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1997), 142. Unless otherwise noted, all subsequent references are to this edition.
138 Ibid., 193.
139 Brewer, Up and Down California, 525.
140 Brewer letter quoted in Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” in Hague, Memoirs, 319. For an excellent discussion of King’s interest in Tyndall and Ruskin, see Michael L. Smith, Pacific Visions: California Scientists and the Environment, 1850-1915 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1987), 71-103.
141 Brewer letter quoted in Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” in Hague, Memoirs, 321.
142 Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire, 372.
143 Clarence King, entry for Sept. 20, “Journal of Trip in Northern Sierra, Grass Valley, Northern Survey,” D23, King Papers, HEH.
144 Ibid., entry for Oct. 19.
145 JTG to mother, 6 Jan. 1864, quoted in Moore, King of the 40th Parallel, 72.
146 King, “Journal of Trip in Northern Sierra,” entry for Oct. 18, King Papers, HEH.
147 Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire, 373-74; Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” in Hague, Memoirs, 327-29.
148 Moore, King of the 40th Parallel, 72-73.
149 JTG to his mother, 7 Apr. 1864, cited ibid., 76.
150 King, Mountaineering, 48.
151 Ibid., 60.
152 Ibid., 99.
153 Ibid., 71.
154 Clarence King, “The Ascent of Mount Tyndall,” Atlantic Monthly 28 (July 1871): 369-84. King later adapted the piece for inclusion in Mountaineering.
155 King, Mountaineering, 74-75.
156 Ibid., 69-94.
157 Wilkins, King, 73.
158 King, Mountaineering, 95-111.
159 Edwin Tenney Brewster, Life and Letters of Josiah Dwight Whitney (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1909), 237-38, cited in Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire, 374.
160 Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire, 377.
161 King, Mountaineering, 164.
162 Ibid., 191.
163 CK to S. F. Emmons, 26 Aug. 1877, Clarence King Papers, American Philosophical Society (hereafter APS).
164 “George S. Howland,” Quarter Centenary Record of the Class of 1888: Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, comp. Percey F. Smith (New Haven, CT: Printed for the class, 1915), 114. Citation courtesy of Neilson Abeel.
165 Wilkins, King, 80; CK to William Henry Brewer, 25 July 1865, group 100, series 1, box 4, folder 100, William Henry Brewer Papers, Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Library, Yale University; “Maritime Intelligence,” New York Times, Nov. 2, 1865, citation courtesy of Patricia Chacon.
166 Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” in Hague, Memoirs, 332.
167 Quoted in Wilkins, King, 85.
168 Gardiner letter included in Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” in Hague, Memoirs, 335.
169 Wilkins, King, 89; Bishop et al., History of American Manufactures, 3:190.
170 CK to S. F. Emmons, 1 Apr. 1873, Clarence King Papers, APS.
171 Hague, “Memorabilia,” in Hague, Memoirs, 382.
172 Van Cott v. Prentice and Others, 59 Sickels 45, 104 N.Y. 45, 10 N.E. 257 ( Jan. 18, 1887); [ JTG], “Clarence King’s Boyhood,” King Papers, HEH.
173 CK to Henry Adams, 25 Sept. 1889, cited in Wilkins, King, 89.
174 “Clare has paid me all that he owed.” JTG to mother, 3 Nov. 1867, Gardiner Collection, NYSL.
175 Clarence King, “Preface,” in Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada, 9th ed. (Boston: Ticknor, [1874]), iv.
1 W. W. Bailey, “Clarence King,” Hartford Courant, Jan. 3, 1902, 14.
2 King’s orders reproduced in Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire, 437.
3 Quoted in R. W. Raymond, “Biographical Notice of Clarence King,” Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers 33 (1902) (New York: Published by the Institute, 1903): 631.
4 S. F. Emmons, “Clarence King,” American Journal of Science (March 1920): 224.
5 Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” in Hague, Memoirs, 335.
6 [ JTG], “Clarence King’s Boyhood,” 2, King Papers, HEH. Humphreys had directed the Office of Pacific Railroad Surveys in the 1850s.
7 Wilkins, King, 101-2. “Provided, That the same can be done out of existing appropriations,” U.S. Statutes at Large 14 (1867): 457. Renewed by U.S. Statutes at Large 15 (1869): 318, which authorized the secretary of war to have prepared and published reports on the results of the Fortieth Parallel survey. Citations courtesy of Clifford M. Nelson.
8 Hague, “Memorabilia,” in Hague, Memoirs, 385.
9 Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire, 433-35. For more on O’Sullivan, see Joel Snyder, American Frontiers: The Photographs of Timothy O’Sullivan, 1867-1874 (Millerton, NY: Aperture, 1981); Robin Kelsey, Archive Style: Photographs & Illustrations for U.S. Surveys, 1850-1890 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007); Rick Dingus, The Photographic Artifacts of Timothy O’Sullivan (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1982).
10 Wilkins, King, 103.
11 On the stability of King’s staff versus the staff of the competing federal surveys of the period, see Clifford M. Nelson and Mary C. Rabbitt, “The Role of Clarence King in the Advancement of Geology in the Public Service, 1867-1881,” in Frontiers of Geological Exploration of Western North America, ed. Alan E. Leviton et al. (San Francisco: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1982), 31-32.
12 General background information on the so-called Great Surveys can be found in Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire, and Richard A. Bartlett, Great Surveys of the American West (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1962). Bartlett revisited the history of the surveys in his “Scientific Exploration of the American West, 1865-1900,” in North American Exploration, vol. 3, A Continent Comprehended, ed. John Logan Allen (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1997), 461-520.
13 See Nelson and Rabbitt, “The Role of Clarence King,” in Leviton, Frontiers of Geological Exploration; Clifford M. Nelson, “Toward a Reliable Geologic Map of the United States, 1803-1893,” in Surveying the Record: North American Scientific Exploration to 1930, ed. Edward C. Carter II (Philadelphia: Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, 1999, vol. 231), 51-74.
14 JTG to mother, 2 Mar. 1867, Gardiner Collection, NYSL.
15 Wilkins, King, 104-5.
16 William Whitman Bailey, “To California with Clarence King” [memoir recounting 1867 trip], 23, HM 39965, HEH.
17 Charles Loring Brace, The New West, or California in 1867-1868 (New York: G. P. Putnam, 1869), 14-15.
18 Ibid., 15-16.
19 Wilkins, King, 106-9.
20 Hague, “Memorabilia,” in Hague, Memoirs, 391.
21 Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” in Hague, Memoirs, 345-46.
22 George C. Parke to CK, 31 Aug. 1868, reproduced in Moore, King of the 40th Parallel, 335.
23 Hague, “Memorabilia,” in Hague, Memoirs, 392.
24 Raymond, “Biographical Notice,” in Hague, Memoirs, 346.
25 Hague, “Memorabilia,” in Hague, Memoirs, 392.
26 See the entries for James Marryatt, 1880 U.S. Federal Census, City of San Francisco, County of San Francisco, SD 1, ED 14, 54, http://content.
ancestrylibrary.com/iexec/?ht x=View& r=5542 & dbid = 6742 & iid = CAT9_73-0 098 & fn = James & ln = Ma rr yat t & st= r& ss rc=&pid=43567686, and James Marryatt, 1880 U.S. Federal Census, Town of Eureka, County of Eureka, Nevada, SD 81, ED 16, 66, http://content.ancestrylibrary.com/iexec/default.aspx?htx=View&r=5542&dbid=6742&iid=NVT9_758-0417&fn=Jas.&ln=Marryatt&st=r&ssrc=& pid= 43459628 (accessed Jan. 10, 2007).
27 See the entry for Florence Marryatt, 1880 U.S. Federal Census, City of San Francisco, County of San Francisco, SD 1, ED 14, 54, http://content.ancestrylibrary.com/iexec/? ht x = View& r = 5542 & dbid= 6742 & iid= CAT9 _ 73 - 0098 & f n = Florence& l n = Marryatt &st=r&ssrc=&pid=14356364 (accessed Jan. 10, 2007).
28 Clarence King, First Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey (Washington, DC, 1880), 4, cited in Wilkins, King, 117-18.
29 “Clarence King’s Boyhood,” 8-9, King Papers, HEH. This is Emmons’s piece of the manuscript.
30 CK to James D. Hague in J. D. Hague, “Clarence King’s Notes for My Biographical Sketch of Him . . . ,” box 1, A1, King Papers, HEH.
31 JTG to mother, 26 Dec. 1867, Gardiner Collection, NYSL.
32 On the intense male friendships so characteristic of mid-nineteenth-century American life, see E. Anthony Rotundo, American Manhood: Transformation in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era (New York: Basic Books, 1993), esp. chap. 4.
33 JTG to mother, 26 Dec. 1867, Gardiner Collection, NYSL.
34 Mark Twain, “Letters from Washington,” no. 9, Daily Territorial Enterprise, Mar. 7, 1868. On Twain’s time in Nevada, see Effie Mona Mack, Mark Twain in Nevada (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1947).
35 “Lively,” Daily Territorial Enterprise, May 7, 1868, 3.
36 The Virginia City Daily Territorial Enterprise documents the community’s rich social life.
37 S. F. Emmons, Diary, 1 Jan. 1868, box 1, S. F. Emmons Papers, LC; William Whitman Bailey, “Diary of a Journey in California and Nevada (1867-68),” 2 Jan. 1868, New York Botanical Garden Library.
38 Bailey, “Diary of a Journey,” 3 Dec. 1867, New York Botanical Garden Library.
39 JTG to mother, 26 Dec. 1867, Gardiner Collection, NYSL.
40 Wilkins, King, 120.
41 See the entries for January and February in Emmons, Diary 1868, box 1, S. F. Emmons Papers, LC.
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