As if she felt him watching her, she opened her eyes and her lips turned up in a soft smile. “I just had the nicest dream.”
He stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “What was it?”
“You were holding our first grandchild, a little boy Chris’s age, and he looked just like you, even though he was Kitten’s son. We were right here in this house. Somebody called out ‘Judge Wainwright,’ and I turned around, because they were talking to me.”
He smiled. “Carolina Waverly Wainwright, circuit court judge. You’ll get my vote.”
She kissed his fingers. “The house looked just the way it does now, Billy. But it was filled with people and laughter.”
“Were we rich and important?”
“I didn’t think to look. But I doubt it. We were happy. That was all that mattered.” She closed her eyes and snuggled closer.
Billy Ray was content to lie quietly for a few more precious minutes and watch her. He was nobody’s knight, nobody’s hero. But for the first time he was completely satisfied that Carolina Waverly knew exactly who he was.
He was the man she wanted beside her. Forever.
ISBN: 978-1-4592-3576-2
Copyright © 1998 by MIRA Books.
Copyright © 1998 by Patricia Maxwell.
Copyright © 1998 by Emilie Richards McGee.
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Southern Gentlemen: John Rip PetersonBilly Ray Wainwright Page 31