His Assurance (Assured Distraction Book 3)

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His Assurance (Assured Distraction Book 3) Page 12

by Thia Finn

  Using her hips, I moved her at any pace I chose. From this water version of a reverse cowgirl, I knew I hit the spot over and over where she needed it the most. I reached around and slid my fingers over her clit, running it down to where we met and back, and she started helping the thrust by pushing off the sides. It made him go so deep inside her perfect pussy, and I knew I wouldn’t last long. I felt my balls tighten but I wanted her there first, so I grabbed her bare tit and pinched and twisted her nipple. She gave me a long, low moan, and I felt her tighten up around my dick, even more, knowing her impending orgasm was at the precipice of explosion.

  Between the two of us, we had the trifecta of sexually pleasured manipulation going. She pushed me deep to hit the magic spot inside her with each thrust, my index finger and thumb rolled her pert nipple, and I pinched her clit all at the same time. Lola’s pussy began to tremble on my dick so hard, and her scream came from deep inside her and worked its way out, loud and long. “Yesssssssssss!” A hiss of S’s went on forever, while her pussy quaked time after time.

  That’s all I needed to lose it totally. I grabbed her hips and pushed in over and over. A few well-placed strokes and I eruption began. “Fuuuck.” I didn’t know how loud we were, but I hoped the neighbors didn’t call 911.

  I pulled her back to me after I pried her hands from the coping where she gripped in her ecstasy, and I wrapped my arms around her body and rested my head on hers as she leaned into me.

  “Thank you, my little cherry pie. That was, that was, hell, I don’t even know if I can describe how great that was.”

  “Oh, Gunner, the pleasure was all mine.” I knew from her voice that she was exhausted. We’d had a long day, but the end was by far the absolute best part, wild and free and uninhibited in every way. I wished every time could be that kind of experience.

  I reached under her knees and picked her up. “Let’s get a quick shower before bed.” She looked at me and nodded before she laid her cheek against my chest. I was afraid she would fall asleep before we reached the bedroom.

  I rolled over and found Gunner sound asleep beside me. The peaceful look on his face was a direct contrast to the constant motion he lived in while he was awake. His skin still had the deep rich color hue from the summer sun, which surprised me since living with the band and spending days on the tour bus meant little time outdoors.

  I reached out and slid the long hair partially covering his face, and met a crystal blue eye watching me. The other was obscured by his pillow until he made a slight move. That blue gave me an intense stare as they did the last time we slept together. I wondered now if he woke up every morning with no idea who would be in his bed.

  It didn’t take long before a quirky smile replaced the unsure gaze. “Morning, beautiful.” That made me smile. He showered me with compliments like this, and I knew I could get used to it easily. “Watching me sleep again?”

  I turned my face to my pillow embarrassed that he’d caught me. “Yes. You’re so peaceful looking when you sleep. No cares, no worries, just relaxed. You rarely have that look when you’re awake.”

  “My brain moves too fast when I’m awake. My parents told me that was the reason they bought me drums when I was so young. It was something to do constantly when my hands, body, and brain refused to shut down.” He rolled completely to face me.

  “You’ve used a great outlet to curb some of the impulsivity. I like it.” I spent a lot of my nursing career in Paris working in pediatrics, and there were many children stuck in a hospital bed but with ADD or ADHD, they still battled a difficult time staying down. If they weren’t sick but in the hospital with surgeries or a broken bone, it was even harder keeping them contained in bed.

  “I’m feeling something else that involves a lot of movement right this second.” He gave me a little smirk.

  “I have to go the bathroom and brush my teeth.” I looked over at the clock. “Oh, damn, it’s already ten. What time are you supposed to be out at the festival this morning?”

  “I don’t have to be there until five, but KeeMac wants us to meet at the studio at one to go over the set list once or twice. We are playing some of the new stuff, and I was having a hard time concentrating on it the last time because it was the day you were arriving.”

  This time, his smile could light up the world. “Come here to me, little chéri. I want to hold you for a few minutes before we have to get out of our nice warm cocoon.”

  “Let me go to the bathroom and then we can stay as long as we want.” I climbed out of bed and took care of that and jumped back on top of him. He had dozed off already but woke when I landed on top of him. “What, old man? Did I wear you out with all the great sex in the pool, and now you can’t get caught up on your rest?”

  “No, but I have to piss now, so let me up.” I rolled off him to let him go, and he returned quickly.

  “You brushed your teeth, too?”

  “Yeah, seems like you got a thing about morning breath.” He leaned down and kissed me but didn’t get in the bed.

  “Get in here, Mr. Rockstar.” I pulled, and he fell across me on the bed. We played and rolled around laughing until he had a major hard-on. “Hmmm. Where’d that come from?” I sat up, cocked one eyebrow and looked at him.

  “I don’t know. Could it be having a gorgeous naked woman rolling around in my bed?”

  “I don’t know either. Tell me Mr. Rockstar, do you often wake up with gorgeous naked women rolling around in your bed?” I don’t know what possessed me to ask him this. I truly didn’t want to know the answer. I prayed I didn’t kill the mood with one stupid question.

  “The answer to that would be no, nada, never, no way.”

  “What?” I said in disbelief. I slid back down and laid on my pillow, and he rolled and faced me.

  “I don’t bring women to my home, Lola. Ever. Only my friends and relatives come here. I don’t want women to know where or how I live. My home is my private sanctuary, and I want to keep it that way.” His answer surprised me.

  He reached out catching a lock of my hair and ran it through his fingers. “Oh, I see. I guess privacy is a big issue.”

  “It’s not so bad here in Austin because there are lots of celebrities especially in the music industry running around the city but yeah, on the road, it’s a big problem.”

  “But you let me come and bring five crazy girls here.”

  As he continued to wrap my hair around his fingers, he said, “Only for you. I trust you, and I believe they’ll be cool about it. I might talk to them before they leave. I don’t want stalkers coming to my house.”

  “I’ll be sure and tell them today. I don’t want them telling their friends, and I know Journey has some here going to school.” I sat up and looked down at him. “Thank you for allowing us to invade your private space. It’s even more special now that you’ve told me.”

  “I wanted you here, Lola. I invited you when we had only been together one night, remember?” He rolled on his back facing me and took my hand, linking our fingers together. “Hey, about that. I’ve been meaning to ask you about moving here. I thought you were from France.”

  Dammit, I knew this was coming. I hoped he understood and wasn’t too angry with me. “I am French and American. I have dual citizenship.” I went on to explain to him the whole family situation, and he listened before saying anything to me.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that night? I assumed you lived in Paris your whole life, and now you’re telling me you lived here in Austin just a few years ago?” His strained tone made me worry.

  “I had been working and living in Paris for a while when you came and honestly, I didn’t think about it. I can change into my French accent at the drop of a hat. With living there that long when you showed up, I had been speaking their language one hundred percent of the time and didn’t consider it.”

  To drive home the point, I dropped into my French accent for the next sentence. “Monsieur Rockstar, you never asked me where I was from when we were toge
ther, no.” He didn’t seem impressed and dropped my hand and got off the bed.

  “You’re angry with me?” I sat up straighter.

  “That’s a cute stunt, Lola. Did you pull it on a lot of unsuspecting men often?” He grabbed a pair of basketball shorts from his dresser and stepped into them.

  “No, I’d never do that.”

  “Only for me then, huh?” He glared at me now from the foot of the bed.

  “No, Gunner, not just for you.” He made it sound like it was premeditated.

  “No, to answer your question, I guess I’m not angry. Maybe I’m disappointed, Lola. I’ve been asking you since I found out you were in the U.S. about this, and you always seemed to put off answering the question. I feel like I gave you plenty of chances to come clean before now. I do feel like you deceived me in Paris. And now here, especially after we had this big talk about being honest and truthful last night. I spelled out my thoughts completely about honesty. You didn’t think I should know at that point?”

  He went to his closet and got running shoes. “I’m going for a run. There’s breakfast stuff in the fridge. I’m not hungry, but help yourself.”

  “I’m sorry, Gunner. I didn’t do it to deceive you.” He looked at me without saying anything and turned, walking to the door.

  He grabbed the top of the door frame with his back to me, holding on for a few seconds. Then turned and looked back at me sitting in the middle of his bed wrapped in a sheet, exposed under his intense stare. “I’ll leave if you want.”

  He just shook his head and walked away. The next thing I heard was the door opening and closing. Wow, I didn’t see that coming.

  I didn’t want to leave, but I didn’t want to stay somewhere I wasn’t wanted, so I leaned over to my phone on the nightstand. A sleepy voice finally answered. “What?”

  “Journey come get me, please.” My tone of voice said it all because she didn’t stop to question me.

  “I’ll be there in twenty.” The line went dead, and I did a fast clean-up. I put my wet clothes from the pool in the dryer last night, so I was able to put them back on this morning. I sat out front until she drove up the driveway. I opened the door and hopped in almost before she stopped rolling.

  “Let’s go.” That’s all I had to say, and she stomped on the gas pedal. I waited for the twenty questions I knew were surely coming, but surprisingly got none. I was good with that, too. I honestly didn’t know what to say.

  Thank God the others were still sleeping when we got back to our house. Journey sat down at the bar as I made coffee. She watched me but said nothing, and I didn’t offer any explanation. I didn’t want to repeat my conversation to her even though the holes she drilled into my back told me she wanted to ask so badly.

  “You want breakfast?” I finally asked her.

  “Are you fixing?”

  “Yeah, I guess. What do you want?”

  “What I want is for you to tell me what’s going on, but I’m not asking for that.”

  “Good, because I don’t want to talk about it.” I grabbed some orange juice out of the fridge.

  “Are you still planning to go out to the ACL today?”

  I poured us both a glass and slid hers across the bar. “You want champagne in that? I think I’m having some.”

  “Sure.” Addie, Lauren, and Piper came around the corner about that time. “Hey, Lola’s making mimosas. Y’all want one?”

  The three nodded. I wasn’t positive they were awake. “Okay, if I make mimosas, you’re on your own for breakfast.”

  I poured the champagne glasses full, made mine a double, and picked it up. I knew it was going to be a long day. The beeper went off on the coffee maker, so I stopped and made a big mug full. I walked out the door to the patio and carrying both into the cool morning air and sat at the table.

  She couldn’t leave it alone, though. Journey walked up with both hands full and a bag of full of strawberries and grapes dangling from her mouth.

  “You could have used a tray.”

  “Too much trouble.”

  I sipped my hot coffee and looked out over Lake Travis. The water color blue looked perfect for an early fall morning.

  “So, I’m still waiting.” Journey poked me again with a comment.

  “Hell hasn’t frozen over so I think I’m safe.”

  “Ha ha. Are you saying I have to wait that long?”

  “Maybe.” I sat back in my chair and propped my feet on the other letting the morning sun beam on my legs.

  “Aren’t those the same clothes from yesterday? How do they look clean?” I guessed if I didn’t supply an explanation for the early morning call, she would find other things to worry me with.

  “Cleaned them off in the pool when Gunner walked into it holding me.” I didn’t want to start this story, but she was worming her way to it.

  “We had this discussion last night about how he doesn’t like liars and being deceived by people. It was more like a damn speech. I wasn’t exactly honest when I met him in Paris, and he felt like I had plenty of opportunities to come clean before this morning.”

  “You lied to him? That’s not like you, Lola. What about?”

  “I never let on that I was an American when I met him in France. I was with my friends when I met him. We were speaking French the whole time, so when I talked to him I was in my French accent, and I never told him any differently. You know most Americans like a French accent, and we were just playing around. I honestly thought I would never see him again.”

  “Honest, huh?” She’s looking right at me. “So in all the times y’all Skyped, you never told him the truth? That’s a shitty thing to do, Lola.” The stare she fixed on me told me she was surprised I would leave that information out. “Didn’t he say something about it when he talked to you once you got to the States? Why didn’t he question you then?”

  “He tried to a couple of times, but something kept getting in the way of us talking. He must not have wanted to know that badly, or he would have pursued it more.

  “Or, he was trying to give you the chance to do the right thing.” Journey kept her stare on me.

  I finally broke eye contact and looked down. “No, I didn’t. I really fucked things up, huh?”

  “Hell yeah, I would say you did. How are you going to fix this? Did he tell you to get the fuck out of his house?”

  “I asked if he wanted me to go. I didn’t want to stay where I wasn’t wanted, but he wouldn’t answer me.”

  “Good call on your part.” She drained her mimosa since her coffee mug was empty, picked up her fruit bags, and left me. I guess she was mad too, and I messed up their plans, as well.

  We spent the early afternoon lounging around, before leaving for the festival. I thought I put off going longer than we should, but I didn’t know how I would feel running into him or worse, seeing the groupies who always seemed to show up at the worst possible times. Right now would be one of those times.

  We didn’t have to go into the VIP area today, but he wouldn’t be there anyway. I decided it would be better to let him reach out to me if he ever wanted to speak to me again. Leave it to me to mess things up so badly, so fast. I could see our relationship going somewhere, or at least until this morning.

  Once we headed downtown, I realized without the VIP parking, we had to walk at least a mile or Uber over to it. I memorized his schedule since I didn’t want randomly to run into him. I planned to enjoy my day listening to the great music.

  In my mind, I thought I could pull it off. It turned out, with every new stage we ventured to, I found myself searching for him. I hoped I would see him talking to friends off stage as he did yesterday.

  I knew I royally fucked this up and had no clue how to repair the problems between us. He may never speak to me again based on the feelings he poured out last night and this morning. Since I knew how he felt about having strangers at his home, I didn’t feel comfortable going back over there, even if it was just to talk to him. He made everything in his
life known right up front, and I broke the whole trust issue so soon into the ‘getting to know you’ stage, that I was at a loss as to how I could fix it.

  “Glass Animals are playing on this stage next,” Addie told me. “I love these guys. Do you think it would be all right to use our VIP passes to go up front? I would give anything to get to see them up close and maybe take some pictures of them.”

  Addie was quiet, and I hated to deny her the chance. Ivy had ditched the girls for the guy she met, so it was only three of them. “Go ahead. I think I’m going to get another Apple Ale, and I’ll meet y’all back at the corner of the Beer Hall. Have fun.”

  “I don’t want you to go alone, Lola,” Addie said. They had all been attentive to me, so I guessed Journey filled them in.

  “I’ll be fine. I can listen to the music playing over at the stage by the beer hall until Glass Animals finish.”

  “If you’re sure, then.” Her glowing excitement made bringing them to the festival better for me.

  “I’m a big girl. I can fend for myself for an hour or two.” I waved them off and turned to find a cold adult apple juice.

  Sitting on the steps listening to some hardcore metal music wasn’t exactly the best way to enjoy my drink, but it was good to relax. The location was a great people-watching place, too. I was surprised at the amount of people who brought their children to the festival. It was kid-friendly enough, but the crowds of people would make me paranoid about losing my child.

  My kid, now that was a random thought. I suppose one day I would actually get down to having one or two, but it wasn’t even on my radar so far. Hell, I couldn’t find and keep a boyfriend, much less a husband. Those thoughts led me to Gunner, so I pulled out my silent phone.

  The blank screen only displayed the time: no calls, no texts, no messages. Guess I could chalk another one up to my stupidity. Why did I keep that from him in Paris?


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