His Assurance (Assured Distraction Book 3)

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His Assurance (Assured Distraction Book 3) Page 22

by Thia Finn

  Oh well. It was what I wanted, so I had to live with it. My phone vibrated in my hand, and I read the message from Cash, the band’s old manager. He had turned the road show over to Peri, and she pretty much ran it all now. She stepped back some when the little Tucker was born, but she still had her hand in everything the band did.

  Cash: You up for a little company

  Me: Sure, you can come anytime and hang out with the hearing impaired

  Cash: That’s temporarily hearing impaired, isn’t it

  Me: Yeah, but it’s been weeks now, and I’m beginning to think it’s going to be permanently hearing impaired. But come on and bring your phone, or we’ll be passing notes like school girls

  Cash: Dude, school girls have cell phones, too. Catch up with the times. Tuck and Crew will probably have them before they start kindergarten

  Me: Whatever. Come on over

  A little while later Cash walked in since I couldn’t hear the doorbell ring. I got a text, but it arrived when I was looking at him. Lot of good that did.

  Cash: I’m here.

  “No, shit. Come on in.” I said this when we were only feet apart. We shook and hugged it out. I hadn’t seen him in a while.

  Cash: How you doing, Gun? You’re looking a whole lot better than the last time I saw you.

  “I don’t remember the last time I saw you,” I told him.

  Cash: Well, I saw a picture of you with your nose and forehead bleeding.

  “That asshat did not post a picture of me online when I fell?” I had to remember to kill Ryan.

  Cash: Uh, I don’t know anything about that. Someone might have included me in a group text with it.

  He had a huge smile on his face so I know that dumb shit Ryan must have done it.

  “I’m going to beat his ass when I’m well enough.”

  Cash: Speaking of that. How are you really doing?”

  I knew Cash meant well, but I hated talking about this. It felt like this was how people would define me now.

  “I'm over the whole dizziness and vertigo thing. I can walk without leaning over or trying to throw up last night’s dinner.”

  Cash: That’s great, Gunner. That had to be miserable.

  “Yeah, miserable enough for my BFF to send it out on a group text for all the world to laugh at.” I started laughing. Hell, at least someone has enjoyed my problems.

  Cash: Sorry, dude, but it was funny.

  “I’m sure it was. Ha-ha. Look at Gunner fall. Look at Gunner bleed. Bleed, Gunner, bleed.” We laughed at my first-grade reader approach.

  Cash: Haven’t heard anything else about the deaf thing? No pun intended :)

  “Very funny, prick. No, just waiting to see. The doctor swears it’s going to get better.” I wanted to be optimistic when I talked about my hearing, but it was difficult to stay positive after all this time.

  Cash: I see. Then you need to believe the doctor. That’s what we pay them for, isn’t it? To tell us when and how.

  “I guess, but it’s getting old.”

  Cash: What about your drums? When's the last time you sat behind that kit and gave it hell?

  “I don’t know. I thought about it, but I am not really feeling it just yet.” That sounded lame…even to me.

  Cash: It might make you feel good to bang some of your frustration all to hell on them.

  “I know. I’ll get to it soon.”

  Cash: There’s no rush. Are you thinking of coming to the studio anytime soon?

  “The doctor won’t let me drive, and I hate bumming rides when everyone is busy.”

  Cash: No one in the band is too busy for you, Gunner. Don’t ever think that shit again. Any of them, or I, would be happy to come get you. Just call me. I’ll get you there.

  “Thanks, man, appreciate it. We’ll see. Maybe I’ll come to the next practice to get out of here for a change.”

  Cash: It will be good for you to see other people and do different stuff.

  “Kinda hard to do since I can’t hear, though.” I hated the idea of going in there and no one being able to talk to me. This texting worked, but it was a pain in their asses to type every fucking sentence.

  Cash: Okay, I gotta go. I was going to be over this way and wanted to check on you since we hadn’t talked in a while.

  “Yeah, some great talk we had.” I laughed at our joke, but it was okay. I was learning to deal with it. I walked him to the door, and he opened it and then turned back to me.

  Cash: Promise me you’ll call if you want to come to the studio? Or hell, call if you want to get out of this house for a while. We can get something to eat or grab a beer.

  He shook my hand and hugged me again, shutting the door behind him.

  I sat back down on my couch and picked up my controller for the online games I played. It wasted a lot of time for me, and I didn’t have to hear to play others. They typed it in. When I sat back, I thought about Lola, though.

  She would sit and play all kinds of games with me, but she loved Mario Kart. She was a good driver and could sometimes actually beat me. That was the only game she was good at winning. Damn, I missed that girl. I started Mario Kart and played it by myself, but after I crashed, I threw down the controller. I didn’t want to play it if she wasn’t here. I may as well delete that game because she wasn’t coming back.

  I thought about what Cash said about taking out some frustration on my drums, so I went down to my basement studio and slid in behind them. My sticks were there waiting for me, staring at me. I finally got the courage and picked them up. Could I play them without hearing what I was doing? Shit, I used to play with my eyes closed, but then I heard it and knew it was right. I felt it when the sticks hit the heads, or the rims, or the cymbals. I felt the vibration of the base when my foot stomped it or hit it lightly depending on the sound we needed.

  I put my foot on the pedal and pushed a little. It didn’t go far enough to bang the drum, and I knew when I did it there would be no sound, no vibration. I pushed a little harder, and the mallet only tapped the head.

  I seemed like I’d been drumming forever, but now I felt inadequate. I was a heel up drummer, so I used my whole leg to really get down on it when I needed to. I sat for a second and then I got down on that pedal the way that bitch was meant to be played. I felt the vibration all the way up my leg, and it got me excited for the first time in so long. I couldn't hear it, but I felt it. The feeling was amazing.

  My drumsticks were begging to hit that snare. I had a few pairs I treasured but the ones sitting here were my practice sticks, which was fine since that was all I was doing. The feel of those smooth babies in my hand was so fucking nice. The hardwood I wrapped my fingers around at first gave my hands a little thrill because they knew what was coming next. I held them in my hand and fingers loosely like I did when I played. It was muscle memory at its finest because the years I had spent holding my sticks were too many to count.

  I gently tapped my snare on the first pass, but then I played a few rudiments to get a feel for how it was going to affect me not being able to hear it. When I played a few paradiddles from our songs and then ran through some triplets and double strokes, I was ready to move on. I decided to run through all of the rudiments I knew, which were most of the forty. It felt amazing to have my sticks back in hand, even if I only felt the power it gave me.

  I took a deep breath and then launched into our first song we usually started a concert with, “Lighter Than Air”. I counted out the beat with my sticks just like it was a real concert and became overwhelmed at how good it felt to be playing. After I had played three more, I put my sticks back on the snare because drumming was hard work, and I didn’t want to tire myself out. My body felt like it had been playing for hours, when in reality, it was only about thirty minutes. That was all right, though. I felt good. No, scratch that. I felt fucking amazing.

  I thought it was time for a change to be made around here. It started tonight. I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked li
ke shit. Several days of stubble and my hair was grown out. I looked like a homeless person. I took out some scissors and a razor. It was time for some changes.

  I spent two days filling out applications for the hospitals in Austin. Since it was all online now, it was easy to apply, but then it was hurry up and wait. I hated this part, but it gave me more time to organize the house. Tall windows that still opened were on every side of the house. I loved them because the fall was mild and the winter didn’t usually come until January, so I knew I could open them and let in the fresh air. The high ceilings made my home feel huge, but it wasn’t with only two small bedrooms and a bath. It was perfect for me because I didn’t need all that much.

  While unpacking, I ran across some items from ACL that I apparently didn’t get rid of when I moved. I found my armband and pass twined together. They made me think of Gunner. I wanted to text him so badly and see how things were going, but decided against it. My plan on how I was going to approach this operation that I had tasked myself with, didn’t include sending him texts. Instead, I texted Chandler and Peri.

  Me: Hey ladies, I’m in town. Care to have lunch or drinks this evening

  Peri: Damn straight, girl. When and where

  Chan: Yeah, what she said

  Me: Y'all pick. I’m the new one

  Peri: I’m dying for margaritas. Let’s go to Takoba’s. Their mango habanero margarita is to die for

  Chan: Sounds good to me. Want to meet? Or me come get you

  Peri: I’ll meet you there after work

  Me: Sounds great. I'll meet you there too.

  Chan: Squeeeee! Super excited :)

  Me: Me too

  Okay, checked that off of the list. I spent some time finding clothes and dressing, but was ready to head out in time to beat some of the traffic this city was known for. When I pulled into the small lot on Seventh, I spotted Peri getting out of her car.

  I met her halfway with a hug. “It’s great to see you.”

  Peri pulled back and looked at me. “It is great to see you, too. I was so surprised when I got your text.”

  “Well, I moved here this week and wanted to catch up with my two favorite ladies and band groupies.”

  “Girl, we better be the only band groupies for that lead singer and guitar player.” We both laughed as Chandler took the last spot in the lot.

  She joined us, and we hugged before heading in to try out these famous margaritas. “I’m so happy you texted us, Lola. How have you been? More than that, where have you been? We never really had a chance to say goodbye to you,” Chandler commented as she looped her arm through mine.

  “Yeah, that’s a long story. Let's get these drinks going, and I’ll tell you what’s happened and what’s going to happen.”

  Our margaritas arrived shortly thereafter, along with wonderful peach salsa and homemade chips.

  “Oh my God. I had forgotten what good salsa tasted like,” I told the two as I took generous scoops of the sweet, spicy deliciousness.

  “Okay, girlie, long enough. Spill. What happened for you just to leave like that?” Peri looked me straight in the eye when she asked.

  “Basically… Gunner decided he didn’t want me here, so I left.”

  “He did what? The big asshat. What was he thinking?” Chandler added between bites.

  “Yeah, he came in one day after things had settled down and said we weren’t right for each other. Then, he claimed some bullshit about how his life wasn’t good for me, and I needed to go back to Houston and do my own thing while he moved on with or without the band.” It felt so good to say all of that out loud to two people who understood.

  “That dumb shit. He needs to have his ass kicked. I will tell Ryan to get right on that.” We laughed.

  “Keeton could help, but don’t let them get his face. It’s too hot to mess up.” Chandler smiled.

  “Guess the newness hasn’t worn off then? If you still want his beautiful face perfect for you,” I added.

  “So, what’s going to happen now? Are you here to see him? Just visiting? What?” Peri asked.

  “I’m here to stay. I applied for jobs at the hospitals and some clinics, too. It didn’t take too long for me to figure out I didn’t want to live in Houston. It’s a great place, but it’s nothing like living in Paris. Austin certainly isn’t Paris, but it’s a whole lot closer than H-town.”

  “Great. What about him, though? What are you planning, Lola?” Chandler said in a sing-songy voice.

  “Well, I do have a scheme in mind.” We huddled together.

  Me: So how are the plans coming along

  Peri: Everything is set to go on my end

  Chan: We’re ready, too. Keeton was so happy when I told him the plan

  Peri: Yeah, Ryan was very happy. The only person left out was Carter, but he couldn’t keep a secret if his life depended on it, so he’ll have to figure it out tonight

  Me: Great. See y'all later

  I spent almost two hours getting ready to go to one of the downtown clubs where AD hung out at when they were in town. The guys’ job was to get/force/hogtie, whatever it took, to get Gunner there. Cash arranged for us to have the VIP section. The last thing I needed was groupies or other beautiful women for competition. I could come and go because I was nobody, so it was the front door for me. The doorman knew to wave me through because I was on the VIP list, courtesy of Peri.

  I looked in the mirror one last time and decided—Damn, I do look hot. My royal blue tube dress hugged every curve I owned. It wasn’t slutty, but it was super short, so I didn’t dare bend over because the tiny G-string under it hid nothing. My ‘fuck me’ sparkling heels in the same color were to die for. I saw them in the window at Nordstrom’s and had to own them. My big splurge was on the lingerie. La Perla all the way, baby. I freaking loved their panties and bras. They screamed seduction in my opinion, and I hoped in Gunner’s opinion, too. The fine lace was exquisite. The bra made my perky tits look amazing, too, because the dress was somewhat low cut. My bronze skin still had a summer glow since I had been by the pool often lately with so little to do.

  Curls hung loosely down my back, and the blonde stood out on top of the royal blue. After a light spritz of my favorite scent, I picked up my wristlet and headed out at exactly the right time. I would make a statement the moment I walked into that VIP section, but I only cared about one very important person.

  Chan: Operation get the gun is right on time

  Peri: My end too

  Me: On my way

  The valet opened my door on the strike of ten. I didn’t know what they did to get Gunner here, but I was ready for this to go down. At least that was where I hoped it would end up, one of us going down.

  The valet offered me his hand to help me out of my SUV, because this tight dress wasn’t especially car friendly. His nod of appreciation didn’t cause me to be offended. He was a cute young eighteen-ish looking kid. It was nice being noticed for all my effort, and I had put in a lot of effort for tonight. Now if Gunner only responded the same or better, I would be one happy woman.

  The bouncer smiled and moved the rope aside. I made my way inside, and the loud music surrounded dance floor preparing for the crowd later in the evening. It was still early in the evening, but I wanted to be there early to scope out the best spot for sitting until it was time for the show.

  I ordered a glass of wine, to sip and calm my nerves. Seeing all of these people pouring in around ten, made my nerves stand on end.

  What if he truly meant the things he said?

  What if he didn’t want a relationship with me?

  What if I had made a huge mistake tonight?

  My phone vibrated, and I was glad for it to take me away from my guessing game.

  Peri: He’s getting antsy. Maybe you better make a move. He might bolt on us. Oh, and he’s got a little surprise for you. Something we didn’t anticipate. Hope you like it

  Me: Wait, what? Can I see it? Is he facing the dance floor

i: Yes, you can see it all right. And he’s facing just like we talked about. Have you spotted some potential dancers

  Me: What’s going on? Am I going to be upset? I can leave now

  Peri: No, it’s not worth leaving over. Actually, Chan and I think it’s kinda hot. Just wait

  I made my way down to the dance floor and maneuvered through the crowd where I could see him without being seen. I wanted a chance to look at him before I made myself known. I danced around a few girls who played along with me. I glanced and found him looking at the guys, and I couldn’t help but stare in his direction. To pick him out in a crowd was simple. God, he’s so hot.

  Wait, WHAT THE FUCK? His beautiful hair… gone.

  What was he thinking?

  He was totally shaved, smooth and slick. The longer I looked at it, the more I thought maybe it was hot. How would that feel kissing and touching and rubbing? Maybe I did like the look. It was new and different. Maybe he needed a new look. Hmm. Maybe I loved the new look. Thinking about how that might feel kissing and rubbing in other places on my body, my panties were getting wet. Hell yeah. I thought of the mutual pleasure this would be for both of us.

  I danced over to the edge of the floor closest to their table, facing the VIP section. I glanced to see Peri and Chandler as they made their way down to join me on the floor. The two danced their way at the edge of the crowd where we hugged before getting our dance moves on, laughing and having fun. I kept glancing toward the table, but he was talking about something with the other guys, and since he had to keep looking at his phone, he never looked down on three hot women dancing to draw his attention.

  Finally, KeeMac spotted us and typed something to him. He turned his head in our direction, and I spun letting my hair fly out and around, so he couldn’t miss the blonde curls. Chan and Peri chose that moment and made me the filling in their sandwich, and we rolled our hips together in unison to the music. The provocative move captured attention everywhere, including Ryan’s and KeeMac’s. I wanted to turn and stare at the guys, but I didn’t want it to seem obvious on my part. A lot of self-discipline kept me from looking.


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