Always You (A Magnolia Falls Novel)

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Always You (A Magnolia Falls Novel) Page 16

by Ruth Roberts

  She rang the door bell again and waited. Worried, she was about to use the key his father had given her when Dax opened the door, wearing a towel around his waist and another around his neck that he used to dry his hair. His chest was wet and her mouth went dry. They stood, speechless, staring at each other. Had she really thought all those feelings he evoked in her could be tied up and locked away? They were front and center right at the moment, mocking her audacity, making her mute.

  He was the first to speak. “If I’d have known Café Au Lait had such beautiful delivery women I’d have called in an order long ago.”

  He stepped back and opened the door wider so she could enter.

  “Just a small thank you for your help yesterday,” she replied, finally recovering her ability to speak, in full sentences at that.

  He took a cup from her and sipped. “Mmm. You didn't have to, but I'm glad you did. Set them down wherever you’re more comfortable. I’m going to run upstairs and get dressed.”


  Daxon shut the door to his room and quickly dressed in jeans and a red t-shirt, his normal working attire. When he had opened the door to find Lorelei standing there, in black yoga pants and a fitted pink t-shirt he thought he was still dreaming. She had visited his dreams all night, having her in his home this morning brought all those dreams flooding back and he had almost blushed like a school boy.

  Why was she here? He had enjoyed the time he spent with her the day before. But, that meant he had a lot of work to catch up on today. Yet, there was no way he would send her away as long as she wanted to be with him. Even if she was there because he was a Hayward.

  Although, to be honest, he didn’t believe those were her motives. He just hadn’t figured out what they were yet, and it bothered him. Usually he could read people better, with her his judgment was impaired, and that scared him because he wanted to trust her. He would have to try harder to figure her out.

  He joined her in the living room, chose an apple filled pastry, and sat next to her.

  “Would you like to spend the day with me?” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Depends what you have in mind.”

  Holding you in my arms, kissing you.

  “Work,” he said instead. “I have a deadline but I don’t want you to leave. Do you have any work you can bring over? I have plenty of space, a big desk and comfortable chair I never use.” As soon as the words were out there, he realized their truth. He was drawn to her and wanted to be near her. His declaration had surprised her, he had seen it in the slight, quick widening of her eyes.

  “I do have a security design I need to finish. I'll run next door to grab my laptop.”


  Over the next two weeks they fell into a routine. A light breakfast together, then work… together. Some days he would take his work to her house, and on others she would take her laptop to his. They would break for lunch and dinner, and many times during the day they would begin talking, joking, flirting… always laughing. Lorelei could, at times, almost forget she was on assignment.

  The daily calls from Ben Stevens didn’t let her forget. The threats kept escalating. All the leads pointed to the group from Russia, but they had not been able to obtain any concrete evidence. It seemed more like a smoke screen to hide the real threat.

  One morning, she had just finished dressing and expected Daxon to arrive any minute when her doorbell rang. Seeing him every morning sent a thrill through her, one she tried to ignore. When she opened the door it wasn’t Daxon on the other side.

  “Dylan, how did you find me?”

  “Is that anyway to greet your favorite brother?” Recovering from her shock she opened the door wider so he could come in. “Sorry, I was just surprised to see you. I take it you were selected for the task force? I saw your name on the list of candidates.”

  “Yeah, but I’m surprised you know about it. I was under the impression only agents involved would know.” He gave her a hug.

  “I am involved. Didn’t they tell you?” Before he could answer her question the doorbell rang again. She panicked. It was Daxon. She grabbed Dylan’s arm. “Listen, you cannot say anything about me working for the Secret Service. Got it? I design security systems, and I’m self-employed.” The doorbell rang a second time. She quickly went to open it. “Good morning. We have a visitor,” she said with a smile.

  Daxon gave her his usual greeting, a hug. “Oh yeah, who's visiting?”

  “My brother Dylan. Dylan, this is…”

  “Oh heck no,” Dylan said. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  “Daxon Hayward,” she finished, lamely.

  “I suppose a hand shake isn’t a good idea,” Daxon said.

  “I’ve heard about your refusal to accept a protective detail, and now I find out my sister is living next door to you. Do you realize you have a big red target on your back Hayward? And my sister is in the blast range. That is not okay.”

  Lorelei had never seen Dylan this angry, not even when Tommy Sommers pulled her pigtails and stole her lunch money. “Dylan, stop this. It’s not his fault I moved in next door, nor that he is the President’s son. Besides, I am trained to take care of myself.”

  “I would never let anything happen to her,” Daxon said. “If it makes you feel any better, there are three agents across the street.”

  Lorelei snapped her attention to Daxon. Three? There were two agents. Thankfully, Dylan asked the question so she wouldn’t have to. “Exactly where have you seen these three agents?”

  “Two are in the unit to the left, and the one in a unit on the right just appeared this morning.”

  She and Dylan exchanged a look, and she realized he figured out what she had been trying to tell him. She was the agent assigned to protect Daxon.

  “I have to go,” Dylan said. “We aren’t done with this,” he said to Lorelei.

  After the door slammed behind him Lorelei turned to find Daxon watching her. “I can see the family resemblance, that same fiery disposition.”

  “If you think he’s bad, you should meet my mother. I’m sorry for the way he treated you.”

  Daxon had his hands in his pockets. He looked at her intently. “He’s right, you know. Spending time with me puts you in danger. There have been threats made against me recently. I would understand if you want me to leave and stay away until this gets sorted out.”

  “No. I know the risks. I am trained to take care of myself. I'm not worried.”

  Daxon pulled her into his arms. He gently smoothed the back of his fingers down her cheek. “I was hoping you would say that.” He held her tightly for a few moments, and she held on. He had come to mean more to her than was wise. Her heart was involved, and that was the first rule of an agent... don't make it personal.


  Later that day Dylan called her. He wanted to meet, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. After checking in with Agent Ricks she left to meet her brother. Twenty minutes later she walked into Dylan’s hotel room. He didn’t waste any time.

  “You are the undercover agent! Do you realize the danger you are in? We are dealing with terrorists here.”

  He was pacing the room. She stood still and listened. When he finally finished his rant, he stopped and looked at her. The tears that had been brimming in her eyes spilled over and fell down her cheeks. “I think I’m falling in love with him.”

  His expression changed from angry to concern in a second. “Aw, honey.” He went to her and wrapped her in his arms. “Don’t cry.”

  Her tears were flowing freely now. “He is going to hate me when he finds out the truth.” Dylan led them to the sofa, where they sat, and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “I don’t want you in there, Lor. It’s too dangerous. You know I didn't agree with your decision to work for the Secret Service, but I thought you would be given a low risk assignment. Not the First Family.”

  She dried her tears and sat up. “This is what I wanted.”

e needs to be moved to a secure location with a whole team of agents on him.”

  She shook her head. “He won’t agree to that.” She stood and went to the mini fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. “What I don’t understand is why the threat is against him only, and not his sister too.” She took a drink of her water.

  “That is one of the things we are trying to determine.” He stood and squeezed her shoulder. “Until we do, security has been increased on her as well.”

  Lorelei looked up at her older brother. He and Colin were always there for her, protecting her and supporting her. She could see the concern in his eyes. “I’ll be okay, Dylan,” she said in an attempt to reassure him. “I was a good cop, and I’m an even better agent. Physically, I will be fine.”

  “You’re not so sure about your heart are you?”

  She shook her head, her eyes tearing up again. “It is what it is. He’s a job, I need to remember that always. When I forget is when I lose my focus and put us both in danger.”

  “In that case, picture him as an ogre.” He smiled.

  “That won’t work because I’ll think of Shrek, and he was very lovable.” She meant it as a joke, but it fell flat.

  “I’m going to move in with you. I have a valid excuse for being there, and I can be close at hand if anything happens.”

  “That won’t work. My objective is to spend as much time with him as possible. With you around that won’t happen. You’d be the third wheel.”

  “This isn’t funny.”

  She put her hand on his arm. “I can do this, Dylan.” She looked him in the eyes until he nodded. “I’m not saying you can’t come visit, a lot.”

  “You bet I will,” he said, with determination lacing every word. He walked over to the closet and pulled out a garment bag. “Collin and I had this made for you.”

  She laid the bag on the bed and unzipped it. “A coat. It’s beautiful. Thank you.” It was a black, knee length wool coat, fitted at the waist then flared out.

  “It’s not just any coat. It’s lined with Kevlar.”

  “Bullet proof? It’s so light.”

  “A friend of Colin’s made it. He can put this stuff in anything.”

  She was inspecting the coat and its lining. It was slightly heavier but other than that, there was no difference. “It’s amazing.”

  “The weather is cooling down now. I want you to wear it whenever you go out. Promise me, Lor.”

  She tried it on and buttoned it up. It fit perfectly. “I promise.”

  I hope you enjoyed reading Always You, the first book in my Magnolia Falls series. I would be ever so grateful if you would leave a review. Thank you for reading my book.


  Romance novelist Ruth Roberts lives in the Big D, where city life abounds but the wide open spaces Texas is famous for are within easy reach. Her books transport readers to the glittering life of high-society, while making the characters normal, fun people we would all like to have as friends. She loves reading, writing and Gilmore Girls. She and her teenage daughter call themselves the real life Gilmore Girls. Her very own romantic hero of twenty years is her greatest inspiration and support. She loves hearing from fans so drop her an email at [email protected]




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