Steele (Army Brothers Book 1)

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Steele (Army Brothers Book 1) Page 11

by Savannah May

  “Yes,” she says dreamily. Then adds; “Thank you so much for giving me that experience. I couldn't have done that with anyone other than you.”

  “You better not,” I gnarl. Joking but I'm still perplexed.

  Is that something she wants? A pleasure she needs on a regular basis.

  She certainly couldn't wait for the second go around with both of us. And while I admit it was the hottest fucking thing, watching her get off on Bolt's dick, I know it's not something I could tolerate again, Scherri being with another man. That was a moment in time and it better remain a lost moment. It was a bond that glued us together, glued Bolt and I back together while we took care of her. And maybe even me, myself and I back together finally.

  I guess she picks up on the turmoil running through my head because she disentangles herself and sits up to look down on me, her face a mask of concern.

  “Are you fine with what happened?” she whispers, her eyes wide, her little fingers working anxiously at my ab ridges. “Please say you are because I don't think I could bear it if I've caused any problems between us. You're all that matters to me.”

  “Yeah, I'm cool,” I say. Relief gushing at every cell. “It was a thing that was hot in the moment. But Scherri, I'm not going in for threesomes as a general practice.”

  “Good, that's good,” she agrees, looking relieved. “Because I don't want to do that ever again either. You're right, it was a moment. And I feel closer to you than ever now, if that's even possible. Like all the stuff that could have come between us going forward - your feelings about your deployment, my issues with my mother - that's all behind us.”

  “So long as we're clear. You're mine. You belong to me and I don't intend to share you again with another man. Ever.”

  Her eyes stretch wider and she nods her head. But her lip is sucking in on itself and she looks as though she's about to tear up.

  Fuck, what did I say to upset her?

  “What is it, Baby?”

  “I - are you saying?” She gives a little squeak, more like a hiccup.

  “I'm saying you're mine. You better tell me right now if you got a problem with that, Lady. Because I can't focus much longer, what with those perfect tits of yours bobbing up and down, right within my reach. She chortles at that and reaches up to pinch her own hard points in her fingers, driving me half deranged with desperation to pull her down on top of me.

  “You mean you want us to be together? After this crazy week of reunion is over?”

  “Of course that's what I mean. You can't imagine I'd let you leave me ever again, after suffering those years in the fucking wilderness without you. It's you and me, Babe. Just like it was always meant to be.”

  “But, but, what about our parents?”

  “What about them? I know family's a big deal for you but it's been a bit hit and miss for both of us so far. However, I reckon we can rectify that by creating our own special unit.”

  “You mean -”

  “Baby, you can always read where I'm coming from right out of my head, why do you suddenly need a dictionary definition?”

  “I'm just so surprised, Steele. I loved you for so long, I never really dreamed this day would actually come. I thought you were mad at me - for going to live with my dad.”

  “I was mad at everyone I guess.”

  “And now.”

  “Now the things I've seen and experienced tell me there's no time for being mad. You have to love hard and let people know you're doing it.”

  “We were kissing in the water and that moment just happened, came over me like, ohmigod this is love. It's just love. So complex but only when we think it so. Really it's very simple. Pure.”

  “Okay, that's it. Don't say I didn't warn you.”

  I fist her hair and tug her down onto me and suck up a huge mouthful of her perky little tit. Scherri is so irresistible, I want every part of her body in my mouth as regularly as possible. It's an insatiable greed, an addiction, a crazy urgent need I have to fulfill before I lose my mind.

  We stay wrapped around each other, breathing each other in until there's a tap at the door. Scherri jerks up and her eyes widen at me. I touch her bottom lip with a finger, letting her know it's okay. The worst thing that can happen is we leave the house together now. I can't wait for that to happen. To have her all to myself. I pull the door back, not even bothering to hide the fact Scherri's sprawled across my bed. I find my dad standing there, looking kind of sheepish and apologetic.

  “Just came up to let you guys know I'm taking Lyndsey out to dinner. You can fend for yourselves, right?”

  “Yeah, we'll manage.” I grin, relieved he's seen Scherri over my shoulder and it's cool. He's not gonna give me some lecture. Like he did last time about calling Lyndsey Mom, that preceded me leaving the house for good. I don't want that kind of split and family rift for Scherri.

  “We're going to a hotel. We'll spend the night,” he says, then drops his voice for me alone. “Maybe she'll cool off.”

  I can't help it. I throw my arms around my father for a huge back-slapping bear hug.



  It's early in the morning when Steele and I wander downstairs looking for some sustenance. We've been awake various times through the night. Our desire kept dipping into our rest. We'd sleep a while then one of us would come around and we'd go crashing into each other with deranged hunger. Steele must have come inside me four or five times and I'm swollen sore and very happy.

  I can imagine how it could if we were ever to live together, just us. If that really works out. Me wandering around braless in one of Steele's huge tees, that are a mini dress on me. Him wearing just his baggy sweats, slung low on his hips, barely clinging. His magnificent rack of ab muscle flexing as he moves about the kitchen. He's making coffee and I'm distracted by a noise outside. Like something scratching at our door to get in.

  While Steele is scrabbling in the back of the refrigerator, I cross to the back door and pull it open. When I look down, my hands fly up to my mouth.

  “What is it, Babe?” Steele hears my sharp gasp and is beside me in an instant. Then he drops to his knees and cradles the puppy's face in both his heavy palms.

  “She is so adorable,” I say, getting down on my knees beside him where the dog is already lapping at Steele's hands and face.

  “Look, there's a paper tied to her collar.”

  “His collar, Babe. It's a male dog.”

  “So it is.”

  I untie the big knot and unfurl the scrap of paper.

  “Hey guys,” I read out loud. “I met a girl in a bar whose dog just had a litter of black lab pups she couldn't manage and immediately thought of you both. I know lost friends can never be replaced but new ones are always on the horizon. Love Bolt.”

  “Bolt left him for us?” Steele croaks. Like a bomb of emotion hurled into his throat.

  “Seems like he wanted us to have another Rod. The first member of our own new family.”

  “Ohmigod Scher, I love you so much.”

  His face falls into the side of my neck, scooping me up against his chest. The puppy leaps up at both of us, wanting in on the hugs.

  “We'll call him Peb, short for Pebble – a little Rod,” Steele says while the dog goes crazy on us, delighted to discover his new best friends and family.

  I don't think I could be any happier with my life right now. No, I know I couldn't. I'm really saddened about Gran's death but Mr Greengross was right about one thing. Gran lived well. She loved and was loved by so many people. And she imparted her wisdom to me, where I hope it will carry on. Like a little part of her is still alive inside her granddaughter.

  I'm upset about my Mom but that's never been any different. At last I've opened up about how I feel to her and made it clear that she can't get in my head and make me feel bad about my body. My two guys knew exactly how to heal the burst of agony at how she treats me, in the most divine way. I hope I was able to help them find some sort of absolution too.<
br />
  Something was definitely exchanged between them, that altered them. We never talked about it but I could feel it inside me. With their cocks buried in my two channels, almost touching heads deep in my core, I was more than a physical catalyst. Something emotional occurred which we may never get the chance to talk about now Bolt's taken off.

  I look up at Steele and his face is glowing with happiness, which is reflecting my own. I squeal with laughter as Peb leaps up to lick across my cheek with his rough tongue and knocks me back on my butt.

  “Cheese, Or should I say cheesy?”

  I look up to see my sister, Bella, stopped in the middle of the path with her phone out to snap a picture of the three of us piled up on the porch.

  “Bella, you made it. I thought you were getting here last night.”

  “Hi Bell,” Steele says and throws her a wave.

  “Well didn't you fill out, Steeley?” she tells him with an admiring glance. “My new car gave out on me.”

  “Oh no, why didn't you call?”

  “Cuz I'd been shooting videos of twisters on the route and the phone ran out of juice. Of course I couldn't plug it in.”

  “So you were out there alone?”

  “Not exactly. I found some bar and when I asked the bartender where I could find a mechanic, some dude sitting beside me offered to help.”

  “Bella, that was risky.”

  “Yeah, I know and at first he looked like a real hellion, but this guy had the kindest eyes. And man was he ripped, sexy beard too.”

  Steele and I exchange a glance, both thinking the same thing.

  “You get his name?”

  “I'll never forget it. Bolt, he said. Probably faking it right? Anyway, he put me on the back of his bike and rode back to my car and had it fixed in no time.”

  Her face is glowing as she talks about him. He has that effect on the entire female population, I guess.

  “I ended up telling him that I missed saying bye to Gran,” Bella continues. “And all sorts of other stuff about our family. Just spilling it all. It was weird. He was so easy to talk to. Not to mention hot.”

  “Bell, you didn't? -” I squeal.

  “What? God no. Although it crossed my mind a few times. Can you imagine? A sexy stranger in the middle of the night would have been quite the experience.”

  Steele wanders into the kitchen with a smirk and comes back with coffee for Bella. And the jug to top off my cup. Then he goes back in and returns with cream.

  “You've got a good one there,” Bella says with a glint.

  “I don't know what you mean,” I say, laughing.

  I wont be able to keep the secret from my sister. And that's good. I'm done with secrets.

  “Come on, it's plain as the house in front of me that you two are lovers,” she says.

  “Shhh.” I look behind nervously, forgetting the parents aren't home.

  “Oh. How's Mom?”


  “So, same old.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “She'll come around.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “Well, you've got each other.”

  “Bella, what are you talking about?”

  Steele's eyes catch mine with a look that tells me to fess up. It's my sister after all. And we're going to be together so it's time we came out to our shared family. It's not like we're doing anything wrong. Only thinking we are makes it so.

  “Wow, what's happening?,” Bella laughs. “The electric charge up on that porch is like another tornado strike.”

  “We're together now,” Steele says. “I'm getting myself a girl and I guess, a new sister into the bargain.”

  Bella's face lights up, delighted.

  “You two were always gonna happen if the chance ever presented itself. You've been glued together since you were kids. And now, yikes, you look great together. It's like finding the missing jigsaw piece under the couch.”

  “You could say that's me to a tee.” Steele nods. “The missing piece lost under the couch.”

  “Not any more,” I remind him.

  Steele takes my hand as Peb bounds over to Bella looking for some attention.

  “And who's this?” she asks, crouching down to rub his chops. “He reminds me of -”


  “Yeah, that's it. Your lovely old dog that trailed you around everywhere, same as my sister did.”

  “And still does,” I add, proudly.

  Rod, I mean Peb, comes bounding back up the steps to us and hurls himself at Steele, scrabbling for more loving. I wrap my arm around Steele's waist and rest my cheek on his shoulder as Bella lifts up her phone again to snap away at us.

  “Soooo cute. And it's just like going five years back into the past,” she says.



  Six months later

  So now I know absolutely for sure I couldn't be happier. Not that I was is any doubt before, but now we've got each other and Peb, our little family is complete, for the moment. Because we've talked about the kids we're going to have and as soon as our little adventure is over, I intend to get started on the expansion project.

  Steele and I ended up staying at our parents' house until after the funeral. When they came home from their night away, well, I'd like to say that everything was different, but nothing much was. I could see my mom was slightly chastened and that Mr Greengross, sorry, I still can't call him 'Dad' - anyway he'd obviously put his foot down over me and Steele being together.

  “I don't think he wants to lose his son for another five years,” Steele told to me when we were safely cuddled up in bed.

  Yes, we were allowed to share a bed but that may have had something to do with Bella. Even though she was the favored daughter now, our mother still hadn't made up a space for her to stay. I told her to take the attic and I'd move down with Steele.

  “He risked the wrath of mom for you,” I said, impressed.

  “He wants to be part of our lives.”

  “Our lives. I like the sound of that. So official.”

  Steele pulled me tighter into his huge embrace and I nestled down, getting comfortable.

  “We will make it official but Scher, your sister's got a point. I don't have much to give you right now but I promise that's gonna change. I'm gonna make us an amazing life and you'll never be unhappy or want for anything.”

  “Never mind about Bella,” I told him, trailing my index finger along a carved ridge of muscle. My sister had gone a bit Father Figure during dinner. Without meaning to, she was all over Steele's case.

  “Where are you living now, Steeley?” she demanded.

  “Since I got back I've been crashing in a studio pad at the beach. Nothing but a man cave, really.”

  “What sixty inch screen and sweaty socks?”

  “Ya, that pretty much nails it.”

  “So is Scherri going to be moving in her stacks of Victoria's Secret Pink?”

  “For now we'll find a place for that, whatever it is. Until we get on our feet.”

  My mother had rolled her eyes, but I looked the other way and pretended not to notice. She just can't help it.

  “Good, so the world is our oyster?” I'd reassured Steele.

  He nodded and squeezed my hand under the table.

  Just like he's squeezing it now. We've stopped to grab breakfast at a diner on a highway across the desert.

  “You happy, Babe?” he asked, searching my face.

  “I couldn't be happier. It's literally not. Even. Possible.”

  Before we set out, my own dad had gotten genuinely father figure on me, when I called him from Steele's house. (It will probably be Steele's house in my mind forever).

  “What about your job? What will you do for money?”

  “I could leave tomorrow without them noticing I've gone. They can get another barista and I can get another barista job.”

  “But what is Steele planning to do to take care of you?”

, we're going to take care of each other while we figure it out. Please be happy for me. I have the man I love who loves me more than anyone in the world.”

  “Okay, Baby. I know you can make whatever you set your mind on turn out great.”

  It was great that Daddy wasn't at all invested in this sibling business. It was all in the thoughts of those who wanted it to be an issue.

  After Gran's funeral was over, we all picked over dinner in silence while Mr Greengross told us about a neighbor's camper.

  “I always wanted to take the family across the country in one of those things,” he said. The funeral must have brought up his wife, Steele's Mom's death.

  “That would have been cool, Dad.”

  Steele clapped his father across the back. I don't remember the two of them ever taking a trip together when we were growing up.

  “Jed's got a 'For Sale' sign on the windscreen so I guess he's given up on that dream.”

  Mr Greengross slid his eyes hopefully cross to my mother but she remained totally impassive and he soon let go of the thought. But later, when Steele and I were entwined around each other in bed, with Peb scrabbling to burrow under our feet, I had an idea.

  “Gran left me a little money.”

  “I know, Babe. Do you know what you want to do with it?”

  “I do. I want to live your dad's dream. I want us to drive across our country. Not just across, up, down, all around. To figure out together what we really want. Where we want to make our nest.”

  I invited Mr Greengross along with us and we all went to look at the trailer that was for sale down the street.

  “Wow, you never said it was an Airstream, Dad,” Steele burred.

  His eyes lit up and although I wasn't at all sure, because the vehicle must have been gorgeous once but was way past its prime and had no bathroom, I made myself look thrilled.

  “I can fix it up for you, Scher. It will be our silver bullet when I'm done with it.” Steele promised me and I believed him.

  Steele and his father were already discussing where to install a washroom and I could see decorating the place with pretty curtains and vintage china, like something out of a magazine.


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