Mine Forever

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Mine Forever Page 74

by Mia Ford

  I stood by the window watching the snow slap against the pane of glass. The wind was scratching branches making me feel like there was an intruder trying to get in. Lillian had really affected me on a level that I didn’t think was possible.

  “I had a feeling that the restaurant was closed. I am famished. It was very kind of you to think of me in this way.” I rewarded him with a soft and delicate kiss on his cheek. He blushed and I could tell that the attention that I was giving him was more than his wife had done in quite some time. Couples get complacent, forget to say certain words and even relegate sex to special occasions and birthdays.

  “I’m just doing my job. I like to make sure that all of my guests are comfortable. I pride myself on going the extra mile to make sure that everybody has what they need. I would offer some extracurricular contraband, but I don’t think that you indulge.” He was referring to Mary Jane and I had tried it, but I saw nothing good coming from it. It had a tendency to make me feel mellow. Time would slip by without being noticed. I didn’t like the way that it made me feel, but I had to give him credit for making the effort to make my stay here more pleasant.

  “I don’t do any of that and I barely drink unless it’s during social occasions.” I escorted him to the door, opening it and then closing it behind him as he disappeared in the storm.

  I could smell the aroma of the maple coated salmon that was poached to perfection. I lifted the tray to see the steam escape. The mashed potatoes had a hint of garlic that wet my appetite.

  There didn’t seem to be any need to heat things up in the microwave. I sat down, grabbing a red linen napkin and placing it in my lap before grabbing the gleaming silver of the fork in my hand.

  I heard the whistle of the wind, but I was safe and secure and happy to be off the road. I ate in silence, thinking about Marshall and wanting him to be here to experience this with me. The salmon flaked off my fork. There was a medley of fresh vegetables that were most likely in season this time of year. I devoured the entire plate, thinking that it was the perfect way to end a very confusing day.

  The future was unclear and murky like I was looking into the dirty water under the bottom of a bathtub. I had no idea what would be waiting for me when I went back to civilization. I’d seven days to think about that and to not think about that. It was hard not to think about the words that Lillian and Marshall had said to me.

  I went to the fridge and I opened it to see the complimentary bottle of wine. I looked for a corkscrew and saw that one was magnetized to the door of the fridge. This place really did think of everything including more blankets and dishware for whatever I would pick up and make on my own in the small kitchenette.

  I pried the cork loose, poured myself a glass and then sat down by the fire. I looked into the flames and I could remember the heat that penetrated into my clothes every time that I was around Marshall. My legs would be weak at the knees. My heart fluttered and my eyes glazed over with amorous intentions.

  I got up and I walked to the window, pacing back and forth and then draping myself over the chair by the fire once again. Any problem seemed to wash away. It was a perfect venue and something that I should’ve done a long time ago. I was a summer person and winter was a time to cloister and hibernate by binge watching old shows and movies on Netflix.

  This place had all the comforts of home and was definitely my way of roughing it. I found a few books that were probably left during somebody’s stay. I got quite involved in a mystery that was taking place on the orient express. I was breezing through the pages, holding the book in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. I felt like I was getting a better understanding of who might have done it. I had my assumptions, but I had yet to find any evidence to corroborate my theory.

  The murder was in the dining car after the lights had inexplicably gone off for only a few seconds. When the lights came back on, young Mr. Peterson was flung over his food with blood dripping from his mouth. The evidence of foul play was quite apparent by the hilt of the blade sticking from his back.

  I curled up with a blanket over me. I was in the Lotus position. I was quite comfortable and finding that this time away was doing me a world of good. Marshall still lingered in my thoughts. Touching his lips with the deep impression of my lipstick was keeping me from getting to the bottom of the mystery in the novel. I didn’t recognize the author and it was not one of those that would be found on the New York’s best seller list.

  I heard the creaking of the cabin as the wind buffered against it. I was afraid that it wouldn’t stand up to the abuse, but this place was built with the kind of eye for detail that was not seen these days.

  My eyes were starting to get heavy. I couldn’t avoid going to bed. I knew that once under the covers that I would feel a profound sense of loss. Marshall’s words would strike me over and over again preventing me from finding eight hours of beauty sleep. I would toss and turn, twisting in the sheets and throwing them asunder onto the floor. That was something that I was expecting.

  It was getting close to midnight and I’d finished almost half of that book before putting it down. I was ready to retire for the evening. The fire was dying out. I threw a couple of fresh logs on to keep it going. There was nothing like the warmth of a fire to make you feel like you were in the lap of luxury.

  The crackling of the logs and the bearskin rug was a nice touch. I had assumed that it was a fake bearskin rug. There was no way that they would want the unnecessary publicity of animal cruelty. Everybody had a reason to complain about just about anything these days. Being politically correct was getting to be a headache. You had to be careful about what you said to any minority or even a man or woman who might take offense and throw sexual harassment in your face.

  I had put down the book, drank the last of the wine and was headed towards the stairs. I was going by the door when there was a flash of winter lightning that illuminated a face in the window that made me jump out of my skin.

  Chapter three

  I saw the icicles on his nose and snow on his eyelids. He looked wild and untamed. Marshall was staring at me and I was slightly afraid of opening the door. His breath was steaming up the window. He licked his lips only to have it freeze on his face. I couldn’t let him stay out there, but bringing him in here was tantamount to lighting a fuse between us.

  “I had some time to think about it. I’m still not very happy, but I want to give this a chance. I want to give us a chance. Do you think that you can open up the door before my hand freezes to the knob?” He sounded sincere. He wasn’t exactly dressed for the weather. He had his leather jacket on looking like a reject from rebel without a cause.

  “I don’t know if I want you to come in. You really hurt me with what you said to me. I know that I had it coming, but it still didn’t feel very good.” I unlatched the lock and I opened the door to see him push past me and stamp out the snow on the mat by the door.

  I was having a hard time pushing the door closed against the wind and he had to turn and give me a hand doing it. “I said some things that I regret. It was during the heat of the moment. I’m sure that if it wasn’t you that there would’ve been somebody else coming after me for my behavior. Lillian has every reason to hate me. I was terrified by the way that she was looking at me. I had to cut her loose, but I didn’t know that she would take it personally. I don’t like the role that you played in all of this.” Marshall took off his coat and the black and red flannel shirt underneath seemed a little out of place for his sophisticated taste.

  He did look rugged, handsome and had the look of somebody that would be able to protect me from bears in the wild. I still couldn’t believe that he was here and that he had risked life and limb to follow me here.

  “You should take that off,” I said the words before realizing the connotation behind them. “You’re soaking wet and you need to warm up your body by the fire.” I was waiting with bated breath, licking my lips seductively and staring into his eyes.

  “I know your
game. You want me to get naked, but I’m not going to fall for that.” I was a bit disappointed that he wasn’t willing to play along.

  “I can turn around if you want. I’m not sure that I would’ve taken you for somebody that was shy. There’s more to you than meets the eye. I learned that the hard way.” I turned away. I heard the rustle of clothing and I had no choice but to sneak a peek.

  His strong and muscular back tapered down to an ass that was sculpted for my pleasure. They were round and delicious. He hadn’t even taken off his pants, but he was about to when he glanced in my direction and gave me a smirk of approval.

  “I think that we can dispense with the pretense that you’re not going to look. I don’t mind an audience. I didn’t make myself this way so that I couldn’t be admired. I’m sure that you feel the same way when you get those salacious stares from a strange man on the street. You might feign disgust, but underneath, I’m sure that you enjoy the attention.” It wasn’t right that he could read me that well.

  “I’m not going to lie and I do dress for certain clientele. If other men look at me, then who am I not to play into it.” I turned with my back towards the door with my arms crossed and watching as those pants began to slide ever slowly down along the contours of his body.

  I could see something swinging between his legs, but I didn’t get a chance to investigate. When he was naked, he dashed over to the fire, kneeling at the hearth and putting his hands out.

  “I came here to tell you that I don’t hate you. When I gave it, some thought, I knew that eventually, somebody was going to take exception to the way that I treat women. My only wish is that it wasn’t you that was hired to come after me. This whole thing has not set well with me. I want to wash my hands of you and your co-conspirators, but I can’t get you out of my mind. I had to find you. I didn’t know you well enough to contact any of your friends. I did know where you worked and I have been a customer for quite some time. It didn’t take much to get your boss to let me know of your plans to come here.” He looked like a Greek statue with his hand up against his chin and his naked body reminding me that what I had fantasized about was right there in front of me.

  I scooted the chair that was near the fireplace closer to where he was kneeling. He was shivering. I needed to touch him even in a superficial way. I sat down, wrapping my bare feet around his midsection and pulling him to me until he was right there for me to knead the tension from his shoulders. My naked toes came in contact with his chiseled physique. I traced those lines down until I found a certain elongated object that was capturing my interest.

  “I hope you know that I didn’t come here for this. A guy can hope, but I certainly didn’t think that we would be able to get past what happened.” His words were softer than normal. I could attribute that to the way that my toes were now absent-mindedly running up and down the length of him. I could feel something sticky on my feet. I swirled my big toe around the head to spread it down the column of flesh. He quivered to my touch while leaning back against me so that he could close his eyes and let my fingers do the walking.

  “It would be a damn shame to let this place go to waste. You should stay until morning and then we can talk about suitable accommodations. I might consider having you stay here with me, but that will depend on certain conditions. The one that comes to mind right away is that you will have to sleep in my bed. We don’t necessarily have to have sex, but I would like you to be close enough so that I can wrap my arms around you.” He was nodding his head with his eyes closed to the pleasures that I was inflicting on him from both ends of the spectrum.

  “I don’t see how that is going to be a problem. It would’ve been damn lonely down here on the couch all by myself. I’m glad that you broached the topic about the sleeping situation. I was willing to throw myself at your mercy. I wouldn’t have been very happy about it, but I would understand that your anger at my words couldn’t be soothed away by mere apologies.” I was stroking his member between my feet. This was not something that I had ever done, but somehow it seemed kinky and perverted to put my best foot forward.

  “I’m still not happy with you, but I can’t seem to keep my hands or my feet off of you.” My panties were soaking wet and if I wasn’t careful there was going to be a telltale stain through my jeans. The excitement of having him this close was like a dream that I thought that I was going to wake up from at any moment.

  “I remember saying the words, but it was like it was coming from somebody else. I lost control and that has never happened before. I’m usually pretty carefree and not somebody that will go off the handle for no reason. You gave me a lot to digest. It would’ve been nice had you led into that, but I suppose there was no easy way to say that you were playing me for a fool. I see now that it may have begun that way, but it certainly didn’t end that way.” As he was speaking, I moved a little closer, so that I could see over his shoulder.

  My eyes were wide with the implications of the hardness of his member. He was leaking down the sides and I was using my feet to slip up and down over the head several times to elicit a gasp of response from his lips.

  “You said something about throwing yourself at my mercy. If you’re not careful, my mercy might make you have a premature accident. Just so you know, I’ve never done it like this before, but I find the idea slightly intoxicating. I’ve been watching every move that you make. Every time that you walk into a room, I can never be sure of what woman is going to greet you.” I had him where I wanted him, completely transfixed and unable to move from his position sitting at my feet.

  “I will say that for somebody that hasn’t done this before that you’re doing remarkably well. I have had other girls do this, but not in quite the same way that you are.” I couldn’t look at him the same way twice. I was falling for him night after night and there was no denying the sparkle in my eyes whenever he was in my gravity.

  “I can tell that you like what I’m doing. Perhaps, I can push you over the top, but only if you’re the type of man that likes a certain part of your anatomy teased.” I could feel the confusion on his shoulders and I took my sticky feet and I brought them up until I was tweaking his nipples with my big toes.

  I saw his back go straight and I heard the low growl of approval that was giving me permission to go further than what I had already done. I left his nipples, trailing down over his taut stomach and then grasping onto his appendage once more.

  I gave him a tight grip with both of my feet pressed together. He must’ve taken that as a sign and began to thrust his hips out to use my feet in the same way that he would use other parts of my body.

  “I don’t know where you learned this technique, but I have to say that you have me at a loss for words. I never thought that I would be into any kind of fetish, but I could seriously revisit this at a later date. I would love nothing more than to cover your feet in my sizzling cream. You can feel how hot and bothered you have made me by the way that my body is responding. You can feel that long and pronounced vein throbbing with insistence.” I had a feeling that all he would need was some encouraging words to reach the peak of his pleasure.

  I leaned forward, touching his left ear with the tip of my tongue and then grabbing onto it with my teeth. “I know that you want to shoot that nice load all over my toes. I had no idea that I was this flexible. I can tell that you like it from the way that you jerk every time that I move my feet back and forth on you. Do you suppose that you can keep it from going off long enough for us to make it to the bedroom?” It wasn’t hard to feel that he was close to that moment of truth.

  “I really… I really don’t know if I… CANNNNN” I should’ve known that his resolve was crumbling from the way that I was manipulating his flesh. His body responded with a jettison of jizz that cascading over the bearskin rug and my toes. I watched quite happy that I was the reason for his response.

  “It looks like somebody has been bottling it up for quite some time. Am I out of line to say that you have been celibate from t
he moment that we met? I’d say it is a compliment that you didn’t want to ruin what we have together. It’s not like we had any kind of commitment. There was no promise to be faithful, but it does give me hope for all man that you were able to keep it in your pants. I still need to hear it from you to know that it’s true.” I could see that he was stalling and it bothered me that he might have been with someone during our time together.

  “I haven’t been with anybody besides you. I don’t know why I waited and I can only assume that I had feelings for you long before I even knew it myself. Deep down, I knew that if I did anything with anybody else it would be cheating. I tried to convince myself that some acts were more cheating than others. I could never do that to you. I think that for the first time in my life that I really want something to last longer.” I wasn’t sure what to say and his declaration was quite unexpected and made me wonder what we had been waiting for.

  Chapter four

  We didn’t do more than that and the exhaustion of that night had caught up with us. We did manage to get to bed, but it was only enough to sleep off the feeling like we had been dancing all night.

  I woke up to find that the snowstorm that was supposed to end early in the morning was still going strong. It didn’t bother me and the resort had already cleared the path leading up to the restaurant. They were going to have to do it again. There didn’t seem to be an end in sight and yet the idea of being with Marshall during the storm inside that cabin was very appealing. I could think of far worse things to do than to show each other the kind of affection that had been growing from each moment that we had been together.


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