The Jovian Sweep (Asteroid Scrabble Book 1)

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The Jovian Sweep (Asteroid Scrabble Book 1) Page 44

by Martin Bourne

  CR-182 (6 Clippers)

  CR-183 (6 Watchdogs)

  Amethyst “Gemstone” class, Captain Haddad

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CM-1045 (12 Heralds) (transferred from “Belofte”)

  CM-1118 (16 Epee’s and 8 Epee-R)

  CM-1120 (16 Epee’s and 8 Epee-R)

  CM-1231 (16 Epee’s and 8 Epee-R)

  CM-2348 (24 Heralds)

  CM-2367 (24 Heralds)

  CM-2396 (12 Heralds) (transferred from “Valiant”)

  CR-185 (6 Clippers)

  CR-186 (6 Watchdogs)

  Tourmaline “Gemstone” class, Captain Wentzel (Fails to arrive)

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CM-1089 (24 Scythes)

  CM-1097 (24 Scythes)

  CM-1098 (24 Scythes)

  CM-2832 (16 Epee’s and 8 Kazans)

  CM-2947 (16 Epee’s and 8 Epee-R)

  CM-3885 (24 Classics)

  CZ-972 (6 Clippers)

  CZ-974 (9 Watchdogs)

  Light Depot ship (1st Generation)

  Belofte “165” class, Captain Hutton (added to fleet later in place of “Tourmaline”)

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CM-1121 (12 Epee’s and 6 Epee-R) (transferred from “Amethyst”)

  CM-2506 (24 Classics) (collected at “Outreach proving grounds”)

  CZ-119 (3 Clippers) (transferred from “Amethyst”)

  CT-198 (15 Carousels)

  Escort Depot ships.

  23rd Cruiser Flotilla (Commodore De Bos)

  Dragon “Mythos” class, Captain MacMorris

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CM-4764 (24 Classics)

  CZ-275 (9 Watchdogs)

  Griffin“Mythos” class, Captain Dortsman

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CM-3000 (24 Classics)

  CZ-531 (9 Watchdogs)

  Kaku “Mythos” class, Captain Liskey

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CM-3003 (24 Classics)

  CR-533 (9 Watchdogs)

  Temporarily attached.

  Genie “Genuine” class, Captain Peal

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CL-1066 (12 Strikemasters) (transferred from “Three Roses”)

  CL-1983 (12 Strikemasters) (transferred from “Belofte”)

  CZ-101 (3 Clippers) (transferred from “Ceres”)

  Auxiliaries and support vessels.

  Belt Star “B” class (Hired merchant) (Non-operational).

  Brig “Ship” class

  Citrine “Mineral” class

  Manna “Supply” class (Hired merchant)

  Philanthropist “Westgate” class (Hired merchant)

  Quartz “Mineral” class

  Sloop “Ship” class

  Whelp “Ship” class

  Xebec “Ship” class

  Slow division.

  15th Battle Flotilla (Rear-Admiral Vanderkolk).

  Fleet Depot ships (1st Generation).

  Eagle “Nebula” class, Captain Shamoon (flagship)

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CH-1786 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CH-1787 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CH-1793 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CH-1794 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CM-2391 (12 Classics)

  CZ-124 (6 Watchdogs)

  Helix “Nebula” class, Captain Kitzen

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CH-1888 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CH-1889 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CH-1890 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CH-1891 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CM-2555 (12 Classics)

  CZ-121 (6 Watchdogs)

  Rosette “Nebula” class, Captain Thomas

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CH-1600 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans) (transferred from "Valiant")

  CH-1706 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CH-1707 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CH-1708 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CM-2348 (12 Classics) (transferred from “Sapphire”)

  CZ-396 (6 Watchdogs)

  Tycho “Nebula” class, Captain Winther

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CH-1504 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CH-1505 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CH-1506 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CH-2104 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans)

  CM-2367 (12 Classics) (transferred from “Sapphire”)

  CZ-361 (6 Watchdogs)

  Light Depot ship (1st Generation)

  Endracht “Two-Two” class, Captain Willis

  (New Hope Admiralty)

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CG-2459 (24 Scythes) (transferred from Zan Crater base, Ganymede)

  ‘Searcher’ squadron (3 Clippers)

  Escort Depot ships.

  Ceres “Asteroid” class, Captain Greeley

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CG-2507 (12 Scythes) (transferred from “Tycho”)

  CZ-175 (6 Watchdogs)

  Dylla “Asteroid” class, Captain Veitonen

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CM-3333 (12 Scythes) (transferred from “Rosette”)

  CZ-139 (6 Watchdogs)

  Three Roses “Seven-nine” class, Captain Varsh

  (New Hope Admiralty)

  Embarked war drone squadrons:

  CG-2415 (24 Scythes) (transferred from Zan Crater base, Ganymede)

  CR-444 (9 Watchdogs) (transferred from “Genie”)

  ‘Ranger’ squadron (3 Clippers)

  Auxiliaries and support vessels.

  Anthracite “Mineral” class

  Bark “Ship” class

  Corvette “Ship” class

  Feldspar “Mineral” class

  Florentine “Ship” class

  Galena “Mineral” class

  Limonite “Mineral” class (Non-operational)

  Loyal Cause “Loyal” class (New Hope Admiralty)

  Muscovite “Mineral” class

  Fixed bases.

  Ganymede Ultima, Ganymede. Commandant Rogers

  Assigned war drone squadrons:

  Ultima 1 (24 Classics) (still assembling)

  CG-366 (6 Trailblazers)

  Ganymede 2nd Defence Squadron (15 x Strikemasters)

  Ganymede 3rd Defence Squadron (15 x Strikemasters)

  Ganymede 4th Reconnaissance Squadron (3 x Watchdog)

  Zan crater, Ganymede. Commandant Sonnee

  Assigned war drone squadron:

  CL-2098 (12 Kazans) (transferred from “Genie”)

  CM-2349 (12 Classics) (transferred from “Sapphire”)

  CZ-159 (6 Watchdogs) (transferred from “Ceres”)

  Chash base, Ganymede. Commandant Fell

  Assigned war drone squadrons:

  Ultima 2 (24 Classics) (still assembling)

  Ultima 3 (24 Classics) (still assembling)

  Ganymede 1st Defence Squadron (15 x Strikemasters)

  Main Field base, Persephone. Commandant Too

  Assigned war drone squadrons:

  CT-199 (15 Carousels) (transferred from “Belofte”)

  CL-1919 (24 Strikemasters)

  CG-454 (34 assorted drones, mostly non operational)

  CZ-446 (6 Watchdogs) (transferred from “Three Roses”)

  Bloage Circus, Persephone. Sub-Commandant Brock

  Assigned war drone squadrons:

  CH-1220 (16 Lancelot and 8 Kazans) (transferred from “Endracht”)

  Vereingte Mesa base, Callisto. Sub-Commandant West.

  Assigned war drone squadrons:

  CZ-138 (6 Watchdogs) (transferred from “Dylla”)

  CT-225 (4 x Carousel)

  Callisto Home Guard squadron (6 x Strikemaster, 3 x Clipper)

  Triangle League forces assigned to the Jovian Sweep.

  (NB. This list is provisional only. Only about half of the vessels that were known to have operat
ed in the Jovian system were positively identified. Virtue Confederation Intelligence made tentative identifications on about half of the remainder. The exact identity of the rest is unknown, although in most cases it was possible to determine the class of vessel from configuration, acceleration rates and electronic emissions.

  Main Strike Fleet “The ‘Hammer’).

  3rd Generation Fleet Depot Ships.

  Prime (Sovereignty class)

  Destiny (Dominion class)

  Dominion (Dominion class)

  2nd Generation Fleet Depot Ships.

  Savior (Spazia class)

  Spazia (Spazia class)

  One more, unidentified ship (probably also a Spazia class)

  1st Generation Fleet Depot Ships.

  Collins (Hero class)

  Feldwell (Hero class)

  Unidentified Hero class (probably Rosita)

  Unidentified Hero class (probably Waldeck)

  3rd Generation Light Depot Ships.

  Bella (Mark 20 class)

  Helen (Mark 20 class)

  2nd Generation Light Depot Ships.

  Foresight (Mark 14 class)

  Possibly one other.

  Auxiliaries and assorted support ships.

  Between ten and twelve, mostly “Sweeper” class but including at least two “Lancia” class types.

  Total number of War Drones: approximately 3000, mostly “Hussars”, “Pikemen”, “Rangers” and “Trefoils”.

  Flank Raiding Squadron.

  1.5 Generation Fleet Depot Ship.

  Impulse (Impulse class)

  3rd Generation Light Depot Ships.

  Merriwell (Mark 19 class)

  Mesti (Mark 19 class)

  Minotour (Mark 19 class)

  One other unidentified vessel (Mark 19 class)

  Ursula (Mark 20b class)

  Vera (Mark 20b class)

  2nd Generation Light Depot Ships.

  1 x unidentified vessel (Mark 14 class)

  1 x unidentified vessel (Mark 19 class)

  Auxiliaries and assorted support ships.

  At least eight, mostly “Sweeper” class.

  Total number of War Drones: approximately 550, mostly “Avengers”, “Rangers”, “Sterlings” and “Trefoils”.

  In addition, several long range “Vidette” scout drones were spotted in the Jovian system, probably operating from either an undetected Depot ship or an unknown forward base.

  Design characteristics, Virtue Confederation drones.

  There are several different ways of classifying war drones in common use in the middle solar system. Unfortunately, few war drones fit neatly into the various categories, not least because there is no little disagreement as to what the categories are, and how they should be defined. More practically, there have been a great many war drones, more are being introduced all the time, and endemic warfare has meant that development has been very fast.

  The most obvious distinction is that of size. Smaller “light” drones tend to have better acceleration rates, require fewer crew and of course Depot Ships can carry more of them. Larger “heavy” drones are much better armed, but are bulkier and harder to hide. They are also more expensive and take up more room. “Medium” drones are a compromise between the two extremes, and are the most common type in use.

  The second method of defining war drones is on function. For example scout drones major on reconnaissance, Link drones on communications. Trooper drones are optimised to fight other drones, and Attack drones are fitted with torpedoes to engage enemy Depot ships. These traditional functional designations are being challenged by the latest multifunctional drones, which have the ability to do several different tasks equally well.

  Finally war drones can be designated on their time of introduction. Specifically they are said to be first, second or third generation. This is not merely a description of their age, it is equally a function of their design priorities. First generation drones are highly specialised. They may emphasise weaponry, or electronics, or high acceleration, depending on their function, but their other systems will be nominal at best. They may even be missing entirely. Their endurance is typically low; their countermeasures are weak and sometimes supplemented by armour plate. They are usually quite large, but have rather small crews.

  Second generation drones are almost a reaction against first generation types. They are smaller and more rounded designs, with much better acceleration and endurance. Usually their armament emphasises long range rather than great destructive power. Their defences are almost entirely electronic. They rarely have armour.

  Third generation drones are multifunctional and usually of medium or medium-heavy size. The design priorities are almost always armament first, defence second and acceleration third. They are more solid than second generation war drones, often carrying small amounts of armour for spot protection of vital functions. Perversely, although third generation drones are a great deal more “rounded”, the link warriors crewing them are a lot more specialised.

  Typical designs.

  "Carousel" class training drone.

  Total Mass: 400 EEGs.

  Generation: 2nd.

  Link Stations: Three.

  Armament: 1 x Spurner laser cannon, 1 x Carousel basic Ion gun. Provision for 2 x Mk XII torpedoes.

  Propulsion: Dynamo HP5.

  Sensor suite: Tracker 3B.

  EW suite: HIDE & Hyperchaff.

  Comms suite: Malenkov/Roseberg horizon.

  The most common advanced trainer drone used by the navies of the Virtue Confederation, “Carousel’s” are large and very complex, using dual control systems to allow instructors to guide a trainee through every aspect of war drone operations – even down to the provision of two main weapons (which cannot be fired simultaneously).

  The overhead from these extensive controls means that a “Carousel” is very marginal as an actual fighting machine. They are only ever used in combat as a last resort.

  "Classic" class trooper drone.

  Total Mass: 486 EEGs.

  Generation: 3rd.

  Link Stations: Four.

  Armament: 1 x Farringdon/JPL ‘moonbeam’ Ion gun, 2 x Mk XII torpedoes.

  Propulsion: Fortitude industries megathrust.

  Sensor suite: Thurley type 554.

  EW suite: Mirror Image & Hyperchaff.

  Comms suite: Communique ++.

  Coming into service a year before the outbreak of the Third Belt War, the “Classic” is now the standard third generation trooper drone of the Virtue Confederation. It is a good solid all round combat machine, with excellent sensors and countermeasures and a good acceleration rate, although it is no longer quite at the cutting edge of drone design. The main armament in particular is regarded as an oddity, ion guns having fallen out of fashion.

  "Clipper" class link drone.

  Total Mass: 195 EEGs.

  Generation: 1st.

  Link Stations: Three.

  Armament: 1 x Farringdon NP laser cannon.

  Propulsion: Parsons and Simmond Mk II.

  Sensor suite: Koji fastglance.

  EW suite: HIDE & Hyperchaff.

  Comms suite: Brace Clipper.

  The “Clipper” is a communications drone with powerful signal booster capabilities, designed to facilitate signalling around spatial obstacles. A long thin tube shape studded with disks, aerials and antennae, they do look something like an old sailing ship.

  “Clippers” are sometimes used as spotters for support drones such as the “Lancelot” and the “Epee”, although their sensors are really not good enough for this role. Some have been specifically modified with enhanced sensors to make up for this, usually at the expense of their endurance.

  "Epee" class light-medium attack drone.

  Total Mass: 293 EEGs.

  Generation: 2nd.

  Link Stations: Three.

  Armament: 1 x Duplex Mk 17 laser culverin, 1x Type X torpedo.

  Propulsion: Bovington/Clyde spaceshunt.
br />   Sensor suite: Koji Navigational.

  EW suite: Vollins abstrude.

  Comms suite: Clairmont B.

  Introduced when budgets were tight at the end of the First Belt War, the “Epee” was designed as the smallest possible effective long range attack drone, the latest in a long line requiring other drones to provide it with targeting information. This arrangement is now regarded as being obsolete, but “Epee’s” remain in service in some numbers.

  The “Epee” is essentially built around the large and complex Mk 17 laser culverin. It is a powerful and accurate weapon, but difficult to operate. The link warrior operating the communications net assists in controlling it, and in fact can even fire it independently. The sensor and countermeasures suites of the “Epee” are nominal and its engines are not powerful, but their relatively small mass makes them hard to spot and gives them a surprisingly high acceleration.

  "Epee-R" class light-medium tracker drone.

  Total Mass: 301 EEGs.

  Generation: 2nd.

  Link Stations: Three.

  Armament: 1 x UEDF Mk 6 laser culverin.

  Propulsion: Bovington/Clyde spaceshunt.

  Sensor suite: Koji Spacesearch.

  EW suite: Vollins abstrude+.


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