When Tomorrow Never Comes

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When Tomorrow Never Comes Page 3

by Raven K. Asher

  It was an odd feeling to have considering I still doubted this would work out, but to be honest it really felt like Eric and Matt wouldn’t give up on me.

  I already felt loved here.

  Chapter 4

  Dear Diary,

  Why did you have to leave me like that? You promised me tomorrow, Cole…You promised me…

  After dinner Eric, Matt and I sit around in the living room watching movies until the sun finally sets and darkness shrouds the house.

  “Well, I’ve got to get up early for work tomorrow. Are you coming to bed, Matt?” Eric asks as he stands up and stretches his arms above his head.

  Matt nods and stands.

  I stand with them and they both give me a look.

  “You can watch some more movies if you want to, Eve.” Eric grunts. “Just because we’re going to bed doesn’t mean you have to.”

  I shake my head. “I need to get as much sleep as I can. I have to go back to school tomorrow anyway.”

  “We can always put school on hold for a few days, if you want.” Matt suggests.

  “It’s better if I just jump back into it.” I reply.

  Matt nods. “Alright, let’s all get to bed then.”

  Without another word we file up the stairs and then move towards the two rooms across from each other upstairs.

  Eric smirks as he steps up next to the door that was now my room. “If you need anything, just scream.”

  Snorting I smack him playfully. “You have no idea how much you’re going to regret that joke.”

  He nods his head as he becomes serious. “Don’t be afraid to yell for help, Eve. We’re right across the hall if you need us.”

  I nod. “Thank you.”

  Pulling me in for a quick hug he steps back with his usual smirk on his lips as he opens my door.

  “I hope you like it. Matt really didn’t give me much of a warning that you were coming but I think I nailed it.” Eric states as I walk into my new room.

  It was absolutely amazing.

  The walls were painted a light gray and over that were black swirly designs accented by deep red roses. The bedding matched the roses and the carpet was a darker gray pulling it all together perfectly.

  The room was stunning.

  This was a dream come true for me.

  Turning around I give both Matt and Eric another hug. “You guys are amazing. I love it.”

  “Good, I’m glad you like it and I expect you to empty those boxes of yours tomorrow.” Matt grunts this time.

  “This is home, Eve.” Eric adds.

  I nod my head gratefully and then watch them as they leave me alone in my new room.

  Spinning in a circle I close my eyes as a soft laugh leaves my lips.

  After stopping I move around the room, touching everything with the tips of my fingers just to make sure that this was really happening.

  It all felt like a dream.

  Sitting down on the edge of my bed I sigh softly before standing back to my feet.

  There was one thing I needed to do.

  Making my way over to my door I open it quietly before tip toeing towards the door on the other side of the hall.

  I lean in close as Eric and Matt talk quietly on the other side.

  “I really think today went well. She’s a great kid just like you said.” Eric states.

  “She is, but the system has failed her so many times. She’s not going to trust us as easily as you think she will.” Matt replies.

  “She will when we prove to her that we aren’t going to just give up.” Eric grunts.

  “It’s going to be rough.” Matt then sighs.

  “When haven’t things been rough? We can make it through this just like everything else we’ve been through together. With my experience helping with PTSD and your skills as a psychologist we can help her.” Eric stresses confidently.

  “I really hope we can. I’d hate to see what happened to her boyfriend happen to her.” Matt replies gently.

  Eric grunts his response before the light under the door goes out.

  Sighing softly I slowly move back to my room and shut the door behind me before leaning up against it.

  A moment later I yawn and then decide to lie down.

  Still in my clothes I lay down on top of my blankets before shutting the small lamp on my nightstand off.

  Amazingly sleep comes quick.

  A scream falls from my lips as I sit up in my dark room and pant for my next breath as I clutch my hand to my chest.

  In an instant my room floods with light as Eric rushes into the room with me.

  He doesn’t look around frantically like others would have.

  Instead he focuses on me.

  Kneeling down in front of me he takes my hands in his. “Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Take a deep breath in and then let it out slowly.”

  I do as he suggests and within a matter of a few minutes my heartbeat slows and my breathing becomes easier.

  “Now, I want you to say this out loud, say this isn’t real. I’m at home and what I saw wasn’t real.” Eric commands gently.

  I shake my head and open my eyes. “But it was real, it did happen.”

  He nods. “It did, but your dream wasn’t real. What happened only happened once. Reliving it over and over isn’t real.”

  His words made a little sense.

  “I just want the nightmares to stop.” I whimper.

  Eric nods again. “I know, we can make the dreams stop but the memory of what happened will never fully go away.”

  I nod in understanding.

  “Now, close your eyes again and repeat after me.” Eric commands.

  Closing my eyes I wait for him to speak.

  “I am home. I am safe. What I dreamed was not real.” Eric begins softly.

  “I am home…I am safe…” I repeat but pause for a moment as I search for my voice to say the next words. “What I dreamed was not real.” I end.

  “Good girl, now repeat this. I have people around me who care. They love me. I am broken now but I won’t be forever.” Eric whispers.

  I couldn’t repeat his words though. I couldn’t because my throat gets clogged with emotion as I open my eyes.

  He smiles softly. “Repeat after me, I am broken now…”

  “I am broken now…” I repeat after him.

  “But I won’t be forever.” He ends.

  “But I won’t be forever.” I repeat and then close my eyes as I take in a shaky breath.

  “That’s my girl. Breath in and let it out slowly.” Eric instructs.

  He grins proudly as I open my eyes once more.

  I smile softly as I look into his soft brown eyes. “Thank you.”

  For the first time in a very long time I felt better, I felt more in control.

  “You’re welcome, Eve.” Eric replies as he stands and then hugs me for a brief moment.

  “Will you be alright?” He asks as he takes a step backwards towards the door.

  I nod and grin. “I’ll be fine for now. I’m not making any promises that I won’t scream again though.”

  He chuckles lightly. “I’ll come running if you do.”

  With that he gives me a quick wink before walking out of my door, shutting it behind him.

  Smiling to myself I sigh before glancing around at the bare shelves on the walls.

  Making up my mind I stand to my feet and move over to my boxes sitting in the corner of the room.

  I open up one box before pulling out a small framed photo of Cole.

  Trailing my finger over the dark wooden frame I smile before moving over to place it onto one of the shelves.

  Moving back to the box I pull out more of my things and place them all around the room.

  The box soon empties and I move onto the next one which held my clothes.

  Moving the box over to the tall dresser in the corner I open a drawer and freeze. Inside the drawer were brand new clothes with tags still on them.

  I ch
eck the tags and laugh. They were just my size.

  Lying on top of the clothes was a piece of folded paper with my name scrawled on it.

  Taking the note out I unfold it and then read what it said.

  I snort in amusement, it was from Eric and it simply read: I hope I nailed it.

  Shaking my head in amusement I fold the note back up and then place it into the top drawer of the desk that was against the wall on the other side of the room.

  Moving back over to my box I quickly take out my clothes and put them into their proper places.

  Each drawer was filled with so many new clothes though so once I finish I have to literally shove each one of the drawers closed with every ounce of strength I had.

  Moving onto my last box I sigh softly as I open it and touch the worn cover of my favorite book before placing it next to the photos I had of Cole.

  On the shelf above that I place the rest of my other treasured books there before take a step back to admire them.

  Smiling happily I take in the entire room again with all of my things scattered around.

  It wasn’t much but it made the room feel as if it was really mine.

  Happy with my decision to unpack my things I unfold my boxes and then place them into the closet before moving back over to the dresser to gather some clothes to wear for bed.

  I find a soft tank top and a cute pair of soft gray yoga pants to sleep in.

  After slipping them on I yawn and then crawl into bed, under the covers this time.

  Reaching up towards the ceiling fan I tug on the cord, shutting the light off.

  Lying back I snuggle a pillow against my body before closing my eyes.

  “Tomorrow will come.” I whisper softly.

  Sighing softly I slowly drift back off to sleep.

  Chapter 5

  Dear Diary,

  My heart still hurts but maybe not as much as it did in the beginning. I still miss you. You will always have my heart…I love you.

  The next day I wake up feeling happy and refreshed until I realize I had pushed Matt into letting me go back to school today.

  Groaning softly I force myself to out of bed before making my way into the bathroom that was attached to my room.

  It was definitely something I could get use to having. I had never had my own bathroom in any of the others homes that I had lived in.

  Stripping out of my clothes I quickly step into the shower to scrub my hair and body before getting back out.

  I wrap a soft white towel around myself before walking back into my room.

  On my bed was a folded note.

  I smile expecting it to be from Eric or Matt, but as I recognize the writing my smile falls.

  It was from Liam and said: I told you not to come back.

  Discarding it down on my bed I quickly search through my drawers for something to wear, opting for a pair of skinny jeans and a simple black top with knee high black boots to match.

  Brushing out my hair I quickly towel it dry as much as possible before snatching up the note from Liam before heading downstairs.

  In the kitchen Eric and Matt both look up at me from the table, where they were already eating.

  Seeing the look on my face Eric stands up alarmed. “What’s wrong?”

  I hold up the note. “Did you let someone into my room?” I question.

  Eric glances back to Matt and he shakes his head before looking back to me.

  “We didn’t let anyone inside and I sure as hell wouldn’t have let anyone in your room without your knowledge.” Matt replies.

  I nod and then hand the note to Eric. “Well, someone was in my room while I was getting a shower.”

  Eric curses as he reads the note before handing it to Matt to read next.

  “Do you know who wrote that?” Eric questions as he sits back down in his chair while I join them, sitting down in my own seat across the table.

  “It’s from Cole’s brother, Liam.” I answer honestly.

  Matt stands up and begins moving around the kitchen before placing a plate stacked high with pancakes down in front of me.

  “Are you sure it was from him?” Eric questions.

  I nod. “He warned me the day that I left not to come back.”

  Eric growls. “I swear to god that brat better not try anything.” He then turns towards Matt. “Can you do anything to keep her safe while she’s at school?”

  “I’ll be fine, he’s just mad because I remind him of his brother. He won’t hurt me.” I chime in before Matt can respond.

  “But…” Eric tries to argue but I stop him as I raise my hand.

  “Let me take care of this. If it does turn into something more you’ll be the first to know.” I promise.

  He nods and then takes a bite of his food even though the look in his eyes proved that this subject was far from being over.

  “Tell us everything that happens with this boy, okay.” Matt reasons.

  I nod and then take a bite of my breakfast in order to end the conversation.

  “Are you really ready for this?” Matt questions as we hop into his jeep.

  “I’m nowhere near ready but I have to do this one way or another.” I reply honestly. “If I don’t do this today I’ll only have to face it tomorrow.”

  He nods once before starting the engine and then backing out of the short driveway before driving on down the road.

  It doesn’t take long before we pull up and park in front of the school.

  Matt exits the jeep first before waiting patiently for me.

  With a deep breath I open my door and jump out before my nerves could have a chance to get the better of me.

  Moving quickly I step up next to Matt before we walk into the building together.

  Leaning up against a wall I wait patiently as Matt walks into the main office to sign the necessary paperwork to get me enrolled back into school.

  As I wait I’m forced to watch as Liam walks through the main entrance with the girl that I had seen with Sally.

  His arm was wrapped around her waist and they were laughing together, but as soon as Liam spots me his smiles drops.

  He stops abruptly in the hallway to whisper something to the girl before she nods and then walks away.

  Bowing my head I silently plead for Matt to hurry up.

  I needed to get out of there before Liam confronted me.

  When a dark figure moves next to me I sigh and close my eyes, readying myself for whatever harsh words would come.

  “What are you doing back?” Liam bites out.

  Instead of answering I stay quiet.

  “Answer me, Eve.” Liam then demands.

  Still, I don’t reply.

  He growls fiercely before grabbing my chin to make me look at him. “Why did you come back?”

  I shake his hand off of my chin before standing up straight and take a step forward. “Did it ever occur to you that maybe no one wanted me, and that no one could deal with me screaming out every single night as I relived the worst moment of my life over and over again.”

  His eyes go wide for a moment before growing hard. “Of course no one would want you. Even my brother didn’t want to stay with you.”

  I step back as if slapped.

  His words were harsh.

  “That was too far, Liam, even for you.” I whisper.

  Instead of saying another word Liam turns and then walks away.

  Moments later Matt comes out of the office with a raised brow as he glances towards Liam’s retreating back.

  “What happened?” He asks gently.

  I shake my head and look down the opposite hallway absently. “It was nothing.”

  “If you say so, Eve, but I’m here if you need to talk.” Matt replies unconvinced as he hands me the papers I needed for my classes.

  I sigh and look through the papers. “I’ll be fine, Matt.”

  He nods. “I need to go now but Eric will be here at the end of the day to pick you up, okay.”

.” I reply.

  Matt doesn’t move though.

  “Go, I’ll be fine, Matt. If I need anything you’ll be the first to know.” I reassure while waving him away.

  He nods before pulling me in for a quick hug. “Have a good day, Eve.”

  “Same goes for you too, Matt.” I reply before he finally starts to walk away.

  Sighing roughly I move in the other direction, towards my first class of the day.

  As I walk into the room I’m greeted by the history teacher, Mr. Richards, and then motioned to sit down in the only open seat.

  Of course it would have to be the one right in front of Liam.

  I knew then that my day would be a living hell.

  When lunch time comes around I nearly rush to the cafeteria for a small chance to breathe somewhere that wasn’t anywhere near Liam.

  He had been in every single one of my classes.

  The first class had been the worst though.

  Sitting down at an empty table in a secluded corner I sigh roughly before placing my head down onto the cool surface of the table.

  I tense a moment later when a presence joins me.

  Every bone in my body screamed for me to just get up and run away but I was frozen in place.

  When yet another presence joins me I silently curse my luck.

  “What’s wrong with her?” A girl asks with an annoyed tone.

  “She’s messed up.” Liam bites out harshly to her before directing his voice to me. “Isn’t that right, Eve?”

  Moving my head off of the table I glare up at him. “Go to hell, Liam.”

  He snorts as his eyes pierce mine. “I’ve already been there.”

  Another presence joins us and Liam’s smug smirk falls as Eric sits down next to me.

  He silently hands a lunch bag over to me before opening his own.

  He takes out a sandwich before nodding towards my bag. “You forgot to take it this morning so I figured we could have lunch together.”

  I nod and then reach into my bag, producing a sandwich like his.

  He grins and takes another bite before turning his attention towards Liam. “So, is this the jerk who decided to climb into my daughter’s room this morning while she was getting a shower?”


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