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Reunion Page 12


  “Oh, come on, he had to have had a lot of help…” RJ's gaze drifted back across the lawn to where Patti balanced on one foot, the other leg bent at the knee, her hand plastered to the top of her head. Annie raced rings around her, nearly sending them both to the ground in fits of giggles.

  A laugh threatened to escape and he experienced the oddest sensation in his chest…as if his heart was swelling. “Patti.”

  “I can neither confirm nor deny…”

  “It wasn't a question.” Confirmation wasn't necessary. Of course it was Patti. She had always been the catalyst that drove their relationship. She had been determined to bring them back together more than a decade ago; he should have realized she wouldn't let the dream go without a fight.

  Just beyond the game of tag, Grant stood with Marcus—the man who had helped so much in the aftermath of the shooting. They had their heads together, apparently in deep discussion. When Grant nodded his head, Marcus turned to wave his partner Max over. After a brief discussion that had Grant looking back and forth between the two men, Marcus leaned in, gave his lover a kiss, clapped Grant on the shoulder, then turned and headed in the direction of the main inn. Max watched Marcus go, but Grant turned and met RJ's gaze. For a long moment they just stared at each other across the expanse of yard, then Grant's lips curved into the sexiest damn smile…as if he couldn't wait to get RJ alone somewhere. His dick grew heavy at the thought.

  Beside him, Michael laughed softly drawing his attention once more.

  “Normal is what you make it, RJ,” he said softly. “Marcus and Max might be here today without Jolynn, but that's only because we keep a top level case manager on site at all times, and she drew the short straw.”

  Michael nodded his head to where Graeme and Liz were walking toward the nature trail, hand in hand. “Graeme and Liz knew each other back in high school. Someday, I'll tell you the story of the rescue that brought us all together, but I admit, it took a little convincing to get me into bed with another man. Okay, maybe very little, because he's just sexy as all fuck, but the point is…now the three of us are a family. And we're part of this.” He gestured at the people scattered around the picnic area.

  RJ looked over to where a dark haired woman sat on a park bench, cradling her belly with one hand, while the other traced a lazy pattern over her stomach. RJ didn't have a lot of experience with pregnancy, but she looked ready to deliver at any time. She'd been introduced as Christina Thomas…Chrissie to her friends. They hadn't gotten to talk much because she'd stayed close to her girls most of the afternoon, but the love and devotion from her men was plain for all to see. Carter and Cade treated her like their queen, taking turns to bring her a plate of food, a bottle of water, a small cushion to slip behind her back. They shared their affection openly, and their twin daughters, who bore a striking resemblance to Carter, called both men daddy.

  “Thank you,” RJ said quietly. “I never believed—” He shook off what he'd been about to say. “Michael, your company has an amazing reputation for going the extra mile for clients, but this”—he nodded toward where most of the group was gathered—“goes far beyond anything I could have imagined. I know we started this case bass-ackward, but I promise we'll pay you—”

  “Jesus Christ, RJ. I thought I was hiring some sort of genius, but when it comes to relationships, you're more fucked up than Gabe and Graeme put together.” He stood and tossed the envelope he'd been holding into RJ's lap. “Assuming the terms are acceptable, I expect you to report to work a week from next Monday. Now, I've got some catching up to do.” As Michael loped off in the direction of the nature trail, RJ heard him mumble something about stubborn men whose names started with the letter G.

  With hands that shook ever so slightly, RJ slipped his thumb under the flap and opened the envelope. When he read the very generous offer of employment, it was as if the last piece of the puzzle that was his life clicked into place. He looked up just as Grant reached him and silently held out the letter.

  Grant read quickly, a small frown line forming between his brows. He pressed his lips together, and for just a long damn moment, RJ thought his friend…his lover was going to turn him down. Then with a start, he realized he hadn't asked.

  “It looks like I'm going to be sticking around,” RJ said.

  Grant looked up, searching RJ's face. “Is that right? I suppose congratulations are in order, then?”

  “As generous as the offer is, I'm going to have to think about it,” he said, his voice serious.

  Grant's shoulders slumped slightly and he looked back down at the letter before handing it back. “Well, let me know what you decide…”

  Unable to extend the charade a moment longer, RJ took Grant's hand. “I can't accept until I talk it over with my partners. It's going to mean a lot of changes in all our lives.”

  Grant jerked, his head snapping up, gaze locked on RJ's. “You mean it?”

  “I mean we have to agree. Let's go get Patti and…” He looked over to where the game of tag was winding down, then back to Grant. His throat squeezed tight at what they'd almost lost. “Be sure, Grant. Patti and I are adults…if this isn't the right choice for Annie, we'd understand.”

  Grant moved forward to stand between RJ's knees and cupped his face between two big hands. “The two of you risked your lives to keep my daughter safe. I've never been so sure of anything in my life. Let's go get our girls and make this thing official.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  “I had fun today, Patti,” Annie said. Her words were nearly swallowed by a jaw creaking yawn. “Can we play on the swings tomorrow?”

  “I had fun today, too. It was very nice of Mr. Michael to get us a cabin so we could stay overnight. I’m sure we can play on the swings tomorrow before we head home, okay?”

  Annie pushed up, her face so serious, that for a moment, Patti thought the little girl was going to cry. The knuckles on the small hands were white she gripped the edge of the sheets so hard. “Why did the bad man want to hurt us?”

  Grant had kept Kendricks’ identity and the motive behind the kidnapping a secret from Annie, which Patti thought wise. None of them knew exactly what had gone on between from Michelle and Franklin, but his words to Patti, plus Michelle’s actions the last year of her life, spoke volumes. But that still left some gaps in the little girl’s fears. Patti struggled to find the words to bring comfort.

  “Sweetie, I don’t know for sure. Sometimes we just can’t know why something bad happens. He wanted something that wasn’t his and it made him do bad things. I know you were scared but he can’t come back any more.”

  “I’m glad he’s dead.” The fierce look on Annie’s face nearly broke Patti’s heart right in two. She would have given anything to spare the little girl this experience. Before she could find the right words, Annie spoke again. “I’m glad he’s dead and the doctor said it was okay to feel like that. But I’m even gladder that you’re here. I don’t want you and RJ to go,” Annie said.

  Patti brushed a lock of hair from Annie's forehead, then pressed her lips to the girl’s soft cheek one more time. She guided Annie to lie back against the fluffy white pillows once more. “You go to sleep, sweetheart and I promise I'll still be here in the morning, okay?”

  “Okay,” Annie said. “RJ too, right? You said we could be a family.”

  Patti looked up and smiled at the two men standing in the doorway. RJ leaned against the frame, his faded jeans ripped at the knees, rust colored T-shirt stretched tight across his chest. On the surface, he presented a casual, relaxed posture, one foot resting on the other, a knee bent slightly, arms folded across his chest. The truth of how he was feeling showed in the way he lowered his chin so his curtain of heavy black hair shielded his eyes, something he'd done when he was younger whenever he felt vulnerable.

  Grant stood slightly behind RJ, but at Annie's question, he stepped closer, wrapped an arm around RJ's waist and rested his chin on RJ's shoulder. RJ visibly stiffened until Grant placed his othe
r hand over RJ's heart and completely encircled their lover in his embrace. RJ's head came up, his gaze finding Patti’s. For a long moment, she wondered if he would bolt if Grant let go of him.

  Patti understood that feeling. RJ was her oldest friend and had always been attracted to both men and women, but he'd never fully embraced living outside the norm. Those two stolen days in Sedona where the four of them had interacted as a family, RJ had given himself freely, accepting Grant's attention every bit as much as he welcomed hers. Then something inside both of them had seized in the aftermath of the shooting. As if some deep-rooted insecurity whispered that karma had bit them each on the ass for daring to think they could have more than they'd been dealt in life. Logically, she knew that wasn’t true, but she saw her own fear mirrored in RJ’s expression. Yes, they’d committed verbally only a few hours ago, but she feared until they consummated the next level in their relationship, uncertainties would continue to rise to the surface. Taking a deep breath, she finally answered Annie’s question.

  “RJ too, honey,” she said. “We’ll all be here in the morning and then we’ll go home together.”


  Grant suspected that the heart hammering under his palm was all the warning he was going to get that RJ was planning to take off as soon as he released his hold on the other man. Second thoughts, no doubt. Grant’s own biggest fear was that somehow the promises of the afternoon wouldn’t hold up to the realities of life. RJ had always shied away from public displays of affection, of people thinking he was anything except a not-yet-married man. As much as it pained Grant, he just wasn’t going to be able to keep fighting. Sure, he wanted it all: Annie, Patti, RJ. One big, messy, happy family. But he was a father. No matter what, he needed to protect Annie from any more losses. If RJ was going to go, it needed to be now, before Annie became any more attached.

  Patti stood from the bed, pulled the covers up slightly before looking up to smile at the two of them. To make room for her to pass through the door, RJ stepped back, pressing the two of them into the hallway, forcing Grant to drop his arms. Swallowing hard, he felt as if he was losing a part of his heart, not just his friend.

  With a quick glance into the room, he could see that Annie’s eyes were closed, and she’d already curled onto her side. Another full day of play had worn his baby girl out and unless a nightmare woke her, she would sleep through to the morning. Which meant, even if his heart was breaking, at least he would be free to focus on goodbye.

  “Come on,” RJ rumbled. “Let’s take this into the other room.” He looped an arm around Patti’s waist and led the way through the small cabin. Grant followed more slowly, trying to gauge his friend’s mood.

  As soon as they all stepped into the master bedroom, RJ closed and locked the door. Without looking at either of them, RJ kicked off his shoes and started unbuttoning his shirt. He tossed his clothes onto the dresser, an untidy heap of business casual—the clothes he’d worn to his job interview.

  Grant stood transfixed at the sight as RJ’s broad, dark back was revealed, tapering to narrow hips, his tight round ass leading to heavy thighs. This wasn’t looking like goodbye.

  RJ stepped into the bathroom, still talking as he grabbed a towel and dampened a wash cloth. “We can take turns checking on Annie. Plus, it’s so quiet here, I figure we’ll hear her if she wakes up, but I don’t want her to accidently walk in on something, you know?” RJ met his gaze in the mirror.

  “You got to help me out here, Grant. I mean, I know you’re her dad and all, but I really don’t want to fuck this up.” His smile was broad as he looked down once more to turn off the faucet. “Jesus, Patti—it’s like we get to be parents overnight. What do you guys think? I know it’s early, but I’d really like to have a couple more kids. Are you up for that, Patti?”

  Grant glanced at Patti and saw the bright sheen of her eyes, the way her lips trembled slightly. He thought he might look them same—he sure felt shaky enough.

  RJ emerged from the bathroom, then stopped suddenly as he came face-to-face with the two of them where they’d hovered near the edge of the bed. The smile slowly melted from his face, replaced with a quiet intensity. “I’m not running this time, babe. You already had your chance to change your mind. Now you’re both stuck with me forever.”

  Before Grant could make his throat work around the lump that threatened to choke him, RJ caught his wrist in an iron grip and pulled him close. Then Patti was pressed up against him, too, their lips met in a hard kiss, full of pent up desire and an overload of emotions. He was drowning in need for his lovers. Not just physical, although he was hard enough to pound nails. No, this was much more than a quick goodbye fuck. This was about forever and love and promises.

  “Need to talk,” Grant gasped. He pulled back from the sloppy three-way kiss.

  RJ and Patti moaned in unison, and Grant had to laugh. “I just need to tell you—”

  Patti spoke, interrupting the thought he wanted to share with them about the importance of this moment. “This must be your fault, RJ, because I know my kisses were perfect. There should be no way he could still be thinking…”

  Grant grinned, ready to defend himself. It wasn’t like he was always making speeches. He wasn’t. Well okay, maybe a little, but he just wanted to tell them—

  “No way is it my fault that Grant can still talk,” RJ muttered. His fingers played over Grant’s ass, a nail scraping along the denim seam. “I appear to be the only one ready to seal this deal in an appropriate fashion. Since I’m an excellent project planner, let me help the two of you along. Get. Naked. Now.”


  RJ hadn’t known if he wanted to laugh or cry when he’d caught sight of his lover’s faces when he’d turned around in the bathroom. They’d both looked…stunned. How could he blame them? He’d always been the one to pull back from a relationship that was outside the lines. They’d probably thought he would again once the excitement wore off.

  God, he’d never forget today as long as he lived. The new job was only a small part of his happiness. The real treasure was with the two people in front of him scrambling to get undressed. And the little girl down the hall—the one who looked at him with those beautiful eyes, so full of trust, who still wanted him to be here tomorrow. He would work hard every day to show the three of them, Annie, Pattie, and Grant, that they could count on him to always be there for them.

  Tossing the towel over the chair, RJ sat and watched as Patti tugged her bright yellow tee shirt over her head and tossed it on top of his clothes on the dresser. Grant’s shirt landed on the floor, then he was pushing his jeans down those long, lean legs. They would all look like wrinkled ragamuffins by morning if they didn’t hang their clothes, but RJ couldn’t bring himself to care. Let people think what they wanted, he was through trying to impress anyone except his new family.

  “Don’t move until I say so,” he told Grant as the other man took a step forward. Grant stopped, then looked over to watch Patti step out of her jeans. When they were both completely naked, they looked at him expectantly, apparently willing to let him take the lead for now. That was so fucking sexy, especially since one look at the vintage, low-slung craftsman style armchair with the paddle-wide arms gave him an idea.

  “Over here, on your knees, both of you.” Spreading his legs wide, RJ stroked his cock and watched while his lovers dropped to their knees.

  “Suck me, Patti. Let me feel your hot mouth on my cock.”

  Grant moaned as Patti crawled forward. RJ hissed when Patti wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and slowly licked her way to the tip. She gathered the drops of pre-cum on her tongue, then worked his slit. Alternating long swipes of tongue with soft sucking on just the crown, she seemed determine to drive him mad with her teasing pace.

  Tearing his attention from a complete focus on watching Patti’s mouth on his dick, RJ met Grant’s heavy-lidded stare. “Taste her, querido. Make her ready for us.” Grant’s answering smile was slow, and oh-so-fucking hot.
He leaned over to retrieve the bottle of lube and a couple of foil packets from the nightstand before he crawled between Patti’s legs.

  Then it was Patti’s turn to moan as she rocked her hips, spreading her knees wider even while she took RJ’s cock deeper into her mouth. Grant stayed on his knees and pressed his face between her thighs.

  For long minutes, the sounds of slurping and moans surrounded them. Patti punctuated his blowjob with gasps and sighs as she wriggled under the onslaught of Grant’s mouth against her pussy. RJ couldn’t see what Grant was doing to her, but every few minutes, Patti’s lips went slack on RJ’s cock, and her moans grew more pronounced. When Grant moved further up her crease, RJ watched his lover lick at Patti’s tight pucker. God, he was so ready to have her ride him.

  Gripping fistfuls of long red hair, he held Patti still while he fucked her mouth with slow strokes. He held himself inside her throat just long enough to feel her swallow around his shaft.

  Meeting Grant’s gaze, RJ nodded. “Hand me a condom and lube her, Grant. Patti, baby, gonna take us both. Are you ready for that?”

  Her response was another moan and an increase in suction. He pulled her off with a pop.

  “Fuck.” Grant hurried to comply. When he pulled his fingers from Patti’s ass, he rose up on his knees and rolled his condom on.

  Patti whimpered at the loss. “Please.”

  “Come here, sweetheart,” RJ said. Together he and Grant turned Patti, so that her back was to him. After quickly rolling on his own condom, RJ held out his hand for a squirt of lube, then slicked his cock and added more lube to Patti.

  “I want you to lower slowly back, like you’re going to sit on my lap. Hold on to the arms of the chair.” As she moved, RJ aligned his cock with her pucker and with a hand on her hip, guided her into position. She lowered oh-so-fucking slowly and his breath left him on a hiss as her tight ass opened for him. Then her hot channel swallowed him up, one slow inch at a time until she was completely seated, his cock filling her completely.


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