Embrace the Wild (The Great Outdoors Book 5)

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Embrace the Wild (The Great Outdoors Book 5) Page 10

by Shayne McClendon

  “Throw on something comfortable and let’s do it. Everyone should know up here. Unlike most places, wild animals are a thing and I’d like to know you can shoot in case of emergency.”

  “Then tonight, you should let us take you to dinner. There’s a great resort about an hour from here. Best steaks in a hundred miles.” Galina started to object. “Slap on your disguise and let’s get you out of the woods for a little while.”

  Knox stood beside him. “We should order you different disguises and really have fun with it. Make you a redhead, a brunette, long hair, short. Maybe throw an eye patch in the mix.”

  She developed a hard case of the giggles as Wade nodded seriously. “Bizarre contacts and some fake braces. We could get little ears like an elf to put over yours. People would freak.”

  Clutching her stomach, she met Ana’s eyes. It had been too long since they’d laughed so hard together.

  “You want privacy and we’re going to make sure you get it. Still…you can’t spend all your time in seclusion. There are work-arounds to every situation.”

  Walking over, the friends took her hands and pulled her out of her seat. “Dress and let’s do some shooting.”

  They kissed the corners of her mouth and physically turned her in the direction of her bedroom.

  So much stimulation…so little time to process.

  Chapter Seventeen

  After shooting for a couple of hours and laughing far more than she hit targets, the men left her to relax and told her they’d be back to pick her up at six.

  Galina showered and got out, staring at her reflection as she smoothed on custom moisturizer she ordered by the case. Certain habits were ingrained. She’d been rubbing lotions into her skin as long as she could remember.

  There was no hair on her body. The moment it started to appear when she was twelve, her mother took her for laser hair removal. Every couple of years, she had a standing appointment to ensure she was always denuded.

  A matched Kiki De Montparnasse crocheted lace bra and panty made her feel strong, confident, and sexy.

  Months before, she’d purchased a simple sheath in pale pink that complimented her figure with the extra weight. A pair of nude peep-toe heels completed the classic look and she had a lightweight sweater to match.

  Ana stood beside her in the bathroom. “You don’t want to wear the disguise.” It wasn’t a question.

  “I want to be with them as myself. Do you think anyone will recognize me if I just wear a pair of glasses?”

  She opened a drawer and removed a pair of sparkling cats-eye frames that didn’t have a prescription. Putting them on, she asked, “What do you think?”

  “It’s adorable that you think such a simple thing will make you unrecognizable.” She took Galina’s shoulders. “Tell me the truth…you want them to be seen with you.”

  Blushing brightly, she murmured, “So many men want to be seen with me. That doesn’t matter to them.”

  “It makes you want to…reward them, yes?”

  “Is that arrogant?”

  “That’s using what you were blessed with to benefit others who have nothing to gain from the generosity but pleasure.” She shrugged. “My sister took it too far but you’re an uncommon beauty. It’s nothing to gloat over but neither should it be a source of shame. Why not own it?”

  “They can keep me safe.”

  “Yes and they’ll drool hysterically over you.” Ana winked. “I’ll do your hair.”

  When her long hair was coiled into a simple chignon, she quickly applied minimal makeup and stepped into her heels.

  Turning for Ana’s approval, the woman grinned. “I will remember their reaction for the rest of my life.”

  She placed the small diamonds in her ears that her aunt gifted her for her sixteenth birthday. They weren’t her most expensive or ostentatious piece of jewelry but they were her favorite.

  In the other room, she heard the men arrive. Grabbing her sweater and the small clutch purse that matched her shoes, she took a deep breath and walked into the living room.

  They wore suits. “You dress up magnificently.”

  The friends turned as one and clearly forgot the clever quips on the tips of their tongues. Two sets of eyes traveled over her body with true appreciation.

  Wade placed his hand over his heart. “Galina.”

  Knox raked his fingers through his golden hair. “Damn. Just…damn.”

  She didn’t fidget. She held her poise as they took in what she looked like when she made the effort.

  “Are you sure?” She understood what Wade asked and nodded. He grinned and opened one side of his jacket to show her the holster along his shoulder. “I’m glad I came armed.”

  “Same.” Knox shook his head. “I can’t believe you’re standing here. I can’t.”

  They approached and she remained still. Growing up, she’d felt too tall, too skinny, too much. Wade and Knox made her feel good when she was around them.

  She let them look their fill and calmed her breathing.

  Wade whispered, “Are those the highest heels you wear?”

  She nodded and realized she was still an inch shorter than Knox and almost three inches shorter than Wade. They boxed her between them.

  Lifting her hand, Knox kissed it and spun her twice to Wade who spun her again. “You can dance, Galina.”

  “Ten years of lessons. One of my many useless skills. Dancing. Posing. Knowing all those stupid excess pieces of cutlery. Comportment.”

  “No skill is useless.” Knox kissed her lips.

  “No more putting yourself down.” Wade stroked his finger along her jaw.

  For several minutes, they touched her and took her in from head to toe. It drove her insane. She couldn’t think at all.

  “Time for a good meal you didn’t personally cook.”

  Knox held his arm out and she slipped her hand through it. Wade opened the door and escorted Ana to a vehicle Galina hadn’t seen before.

  Taking in the Mercedes SUV, she asked, “Whose car is this?”

  “It’s usually parked in the garage behind the house. We weren’t taking you out in our work trucks.” Wade rolled his eyes.

  Closing the women in the back seat, they sat in the front and she realized they were thinking and behaving more like her bodyguards than her friends.

  Classical music played low as they made the drive to the resort on the other side of Lake Mary. There wasn’t a lag in conversation and Ana made several remarks in Russian that made Galina appreciate the darkness.

  One of the valets opened the rear door and tripped over the curb when she emerged from the car.

  Breathlessly, he said, “Lina…oh my god.”

  “I hear that a lot. Do I look so much like her?”

  The young man swallowed hard and managed to nod. Ana rounded the car and stepped up on the curb barely containing her laughter.

  Wade and Knox positioned themselves on either side. Knox handed the valet a substantial tip. “Keep it close.”

  “Y-yes, sir.”

  They escorted the women inside and received a similar reaction from the hostess. “Wait…is this happening? You’re Lina.”

  “That’s the second time tonight someone called me that. Odd.” She flashed her brightest smile at the woman. “Tell me you have tables on your beautiful deck overlooking the lake.”

  “Of course. Oh god, anything you want.”

  Walking through the restaurant, there were gasps from patrons and staff alike. There was the sound of breaking glass followed by a curse.

  They were seated in a private area of the deck lit with Tiki torches and candles on the table. Galina looked out at the moon sparkling over the lake and exhaled roughly.

  “I’d forgotten…it’s been so long. It feels like another life.”

  “Hey.” She turned to Wade. “You’re a beautiful woman but that’s not all you are.”

  “Don’t forget, Galina,” Knox added softly.

  “How gorgeous is thi
s restaurant, little one? I could sit right here and stare at this view for hours.”

  Smiling warmly, she nodded. “It really is stunning.” They glanced through the menu until the restaurant manager appeared at her shoulder.

  “Miss…Lina. It’s such an honor to have you with us. Please let me know if your service or meal is less in any way and I’ll make it right.”

  “I’m sure everything will be wonderful. Don’t worry.”

  “So glad to hear it. I’m the manager…Steven. If you need anything at all, please let me know and I’ll handle it personally. Right away.”

  “Thank you, Steven. Can you bring a bottle of the most popular wine with your patrons? I don’t care if it’s fancy if it’s delicious. I trust your judgment.”

  “Certainly. Would you prefer a red or a white?”

  “Let’s go with red. My companions prefer it.”

  As if suddenly noticing there were three other people at the table, the man made a sound like a whimper. “Yes. Welcome ma’am and sirs.”

  Hardly able to control their laughter, they nodded.

  “I’ll bring your wine. Your server will be Aaron. He’ll take excellent care of you.” Bowing, he backed from the table.

  The moment he was out of sight, a gorgeous young man appeared. “Big fan of your work. You rock a Valentino like no other woman on the planet and I’d kill to have your lashes. That’s all the fan-boying I’ll be doing during your time here. Best to get it over with.”

  Galina laughed happily. “Hello.”

  “Let’s do the food thing before you starve to death. Steve will be back soon enough to breath your air. Let me make some suggestions. My estranged father owns this place and I’ve worked here since middle school.”

  He went through their specialties and they made their selections. “I’ll get this in for you and prep your salads.”

  Meeting the eyes of her fellow diners, they grinned in moral support. Ana had experienced the ripple effect of Galina’s fame but she worried about the men’s reactions.

  Wade chuckled. “They just want to make you happy.”

  “It’s kind of adorable,” Knox added.

  Relieved, she laughed softly. “They’re harmless. These days, someone like me saturates social media. They’re inundated with my image and it makes me larger than life. It makes me seem more important than a human should really be.”

  “You’ve always been so nice about it, Galina. Even when you were on that Disney show as a girl, you were good to the fans and reporters. It’s why your press is so good.”

  “You do have a great image,” the friends agreed.

  The wine was excellent, Steven checked on them as much as Aaron did, and the food was above reproach.

  Sitting in a fancy restaurant with candles on the table lent a romantic vibe even with the presence of her aunt.

  Several times, she caught the males staring at her and tried to control her reaction.

  Aaron placed desserts in front of them. “Steven had me send over a variety on the house.” He winked. “By the way, if you need any kind of trim, style, or color done while you’re around, I’m going to slip you my card. I’ll take care of you like the Queen’s jewels. I’ve won competitions all over the country.”

  “Actually, that would be great. I’ve been dealing with things myself for a while now.”

  “Oh no…that won’t do. I also do fingers and toes. I have a full salon set up in my pool house. I can make anything happen.” He bent closer to murmur, “Absolute discretion.”

  “Thank you, Aaron. You’ll hear from me.”

  The check arrived when they’d been talking and eating for more than two hours. Both men grabbed for it.

  “Loser gets tip.”

  Then they did rock-paper-scissors to decide. Wade won and snatched the leather off the table. Knox handed him two hundred-dollar bills.

  “We’ll be back. Leave them happy.”

  Aaron placed his business card upside down on the table and said, “Before it gets chilly, you should come and walk the trails here during the day. There are lookouts along it that are great spots for pictures and stuff. What do you like to be called?”

  “Galina,” she told him softly.

  “It was a pleasure. I knew you’d be amazing in person. You never seemed like a typical celebrity. I hope to see you again.”

  “You will.”

  When he was gone, the men pulled out their chairs. Knox placed her light sweater over her shoulders.

  There were fewer people dining as they exited the resort but most of them stared while trying to pretend they weren’t staring. The staff called out to her and she waved politely.

  Twice she stopped to sign autographs. Several people requested photos which she agreed to outside where other patrons wouldn’t be disturbed.

  Finally, she was closed in the back of the Mercedes and she leaned her head on the seat. “Not quite as bad as it was in Los Angeles or New York. I can handle that sometimes. It’s exhausting to do it too much.”

  Leaning forward, the placed her hands on their shoulders. “Thank you for a lovely dinner.”

  They lifted her hands and kissed the backs. “It was our pleasure. I hope we can get you out of the house and off the mountain occasionally.”

  “You’re as gracious and patient as you are beautiful.”

  She stroked their hair and sat back, the rush of the evening and more attention than she was accustomed to hitting her all at once. She was asleep before they turned on the main road.

  Knox lifted her out of the car in front of the cabin and she murmured, “You don’t have to carry me.”

  “I’m happy to do it.”

  Inside her little house, he set her on the side of her bed. Ana told them, “I’ll get her settled. Thank you for a wonderful evening. You were perfect escorts for my niece.”

  She walked them out and locked up. Galina removed her earrings and Ana returned to take down her hair and help her change into pajamas.

  “I feel like a little girl. Thank you.”

  “Even grown women can benefit from being cared for, little one. Those men will pamper you when you need it and help you stand strong.”

  “I’d love that.” Raking her hands through her hair, she laid down and Ana covered her with the blankets. “Love you.”

  “I love you. Sleep. Dream of the life you truly want, Galina. Dreams can be another form of prayer.”

  Drifting away, she thought about having the chance to see Wade and Knox by candlelight whenever she wanted.

  She didn’t realize she was smiling.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next day, Galina took a long soak in the morning to think while Ana went for a walk.

  She loved the bathroom. It was where she retreated to consider big thoughts. At her mother’s house, it was her last bastion of peace.

  Filling up the soaking tub, she poured in her favorite almond oil and closed the wood shutters on the window. While she waited for it to fill, she lit a single candle with a hint of coconut.

  Immersed ten minutes later, she leaned back, stared at the ceiling…and let her thoughts wander.

  In the months she’d lived on the mountain, her friends avoided touching her unnecessarily. Always respective of her personal space.

  Over the last few days, Wade and Knox took turns touching her. Nothing intrusive, nothing that crossed a line. She knew they gauged her reaction to physical contact.

  Naturally, she wanted more.

  She didn’t know enough about herself or men to know how to proceed. Other than her roles in movies, she’d rarely been in intimate situations with the opposite sex.

  For years, she’d been numb. Not just emotionally.

  Since Galina was a teenager, various diet pills, anxiety medication, and other unknown pharmaceuticals deadened her ability to feel much of anything.

  She spent almost a decade feeling like her body was in some sort of suspended animation as she went through the motions.

  She’d been in the cabin for a month when her emotions started to come back. As various chemicals left her system for good, she felt off-balance and irritable.

  Then everything balanced out for the first time in a decade. Suddenly able to feel again, she experienced need and desire but wasn’t equipped to act on them.

  By Christmas, she regularly hid her reaction to her friends separately and together. Their presence physically affected her in ways she didn’t recognize at first.

  Now she was painfully attached to both men. She’d never met men like Wade and Knox.

  Just the thought of being free to touch them…it electrified her.

  Only years of practice in blanking her expression and keeping a tight rein over every muscle in her body enabled her to sit still while they touched her.

  She wanted to beg them not to stop.

  It was the baldest irony that a model known all her life as Lina – usually half-naked in photo spreads and movies – had no clue how to act around real men.

  Well versed on posing with them, kissing them on cue, dancing and mimicking romance while being filmed, she was a novice in the real world.

  What did she know of men who wanted nothing from her, treated her with respect, and considered her needs above their own? Very little.

  Then there was the fact that there were two of them. She couldn’t and wouldn’t choose between them. Ana proposed a direction she never would have considered.

  Perhaps she didn’t have to choose.

  It was a heated thought. One that tightened her nipples and sent chills rolling over her skin despite the hot water of her bath. Beneath the surface, she clenched her thighs together, hoping to relieve the ache that gathered there.

  Previous lovers never inspired her body to react without touch. Wade and Knox inspired that and so much more.

  Lifting her hand from the edge of the tub, she ran her fingers down her neck, remembering the stroke of their hands on her skin. Trailing over her thigh, she recalled the casual touches of their legs against her while she pretended not to notice.

  Her heart raced, she panted through slightly parted lips. Closing her eyes, she imagined her hands belonged to the only men she’d ever desired.


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