Embrace the Wild (The Great Outdoors Book 5)

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Embrace the Wild (The Great Outdoors Book 5) Page 12

by Shayne McClendon

“You’ll see.”

  “Let us do the worrying for a little while.”

  From the porch, Ana called, “I hear a car.”

  Wade pulled Galina to him, hugged her hard, and kissed her before turning her to Knox.

  “I feel dizzy…overheated.” Galina raked her fingers through her hair. They straightened her clothes, took her hands, and led her outside.

  Ana stood watching the road with her hands clenched nervously as a large black SUV made the turn into the clearing.

  Knox looked down at her. “I want to see and hear confidence, Galina. You control your future. She has no right to steal your life or independence.”

  Wade added, “Cold. Calculating. Bitch. You’re not going anywhere. You don’t give two shits what she thinks about it. Show me, Galina.”

  “Why don’t you go fuck yourself?” she said in a harsh, brittle voice without looking at him.

  “Perfect. Hold that persona.”


  Chapter Twenty

  The big vehicle parked thirty feet from the porch and idled there for almost a minute.

  “They’re trying to build suspense,” Knox murmured.

  “It’s working,” Galina whispered.

  Wade told her, “Deep breaths…we’ve got this.”

  Four doors opened simultaneously and four big men got out. They stood with their arms crossed over their chests. For a long moment, they simply stared.

  The one in front motioned to Galina. “Get in the car.”

  Wade and Knox bristled but it wasn’t unusual for her mother’s lackeys to talk to her like a dog.

  “No, Boris. You’re not my daddy. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Her friends moved in front of her on a lower step, barely six inches between their shoulders. Boris took a step in her direction and her mother screeched in Russian, “Stay!”

  A pair of heels touched on the gravel drive and her beautiful mother came into view. She wore a purple silk tailored suit that looked painted over her curves.

  Svetlana cocked her hip and put her hand on it. Her accent was thick as she said, “Galina! I’ve had enough of your tantrum. You’re being ridiculous! Get your ass in the car.”

  “I will not.”

  The older version of herself crossed her arms and seemed to think. “You don’t like the sheik. Fine. I’m certain you infuriated Winters by running off during his gala so that’s out of the question. I have other portfolios for you to review.”

  “I’m not going with you. I’m not marrying anyone.” She was proud that she kept her voice strong.

  “What are you talking about? You’re almost thirty! What else does someone like you do when you’re too old to act and model? You get married, you breed, and you secure an appropriate settlement.”

  Galina sucked air through her teeth and almost took a step back before she caught herself. “I don’t need someone else’s money. I have plenty of my own. I’m retired.”

  Palm pressed to her heart, Svetlana hissed, “Plenty…? There’s no such thing. Get in the car.”

  “Understand me…I’m not going back. Go home and take up a new hobby. I’ve made enough, I’ve worked enough. I’m done with that life.”

  Svetlana stomped across the gravel, slipping and sliding in her stilettos. A few feet away, she made a show of examining Wade and Knox from head to toe.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “Galina’s security staff. Who the hell do you think you are?” Wade asked her cheerfully.

  Svetlana growled at him. “Such insolence. Obviously, my daughter doesn’t know how to hire proper help. Lina, get down here this instant.”

  Galina stepped between the men to face her mother. It felt like her heart was lodged in her throat but she calmed her expression.

  The older woman stared at her daughter for a long moment, tapping her manicured nail against her hip. “What’s wrong with you? You cannot retire. The English prince wants you at his birthday party. He calls me daily along with many others. It’s time to get back to work.”

  “I wondered how long it would be until you ordered me to jump out of a cake.” She shook her head. “You turned me into a whore, Svetlana.”

  Her mother slapped her hard and Galina’s head snapped back. Knox bodily lifted her, setting her carefully behind them.

  Ana yelled, “Svetlana, she’s your child!”

  She screamed in Russian, “Stay out of this, hag!”

  Wade caught the woman’s wrist as she tried to reach between them to hit her again. “Don’t you dare.”

  Her eyes glared at her daughter. “You were always a whore! It’s what you were created to be!” Snapping her head around to her sister, she barked, “Stop crossing yourself!”

  “What’s wrong with you, Svetlana? What have you become?” Tears sparkled in Ana’s eyes.

  “Don’t you judge me, martyr!” Attention back on her daughter, she laughed. “Your beauty may surpass mine but you’re too fucking soft to use it.”

  “I’m not you. I don’t want to use it as a weapon!”

  “I’ve spent years of time and buckets of money to make you the most sought after whore and I won’t settle for less than top dollar for you. You will choose a man I deem worthy.”

  She pointed one long finger at her daughter and smiled coldly. “Do as you’re told or I’ll have these men beaten bloody. You’re coming even if you make the trip bound and gagged. How much are their lives worth?” Her smile broadened. “See? You’re not cold enough.”

  Knox held her in place. “Cold and calculating. Do it.”

  It took several deep breaths for her to manage it. “No. I’m not leaving and I wouldn’t suggest fucking with my men.” She smoothed her hand over their shoulders. “Leave while yours are still capable of driving you.”

  Svetlana’s mouth dropped open and she stared between the three of them. “You’ve refused the billionaires I’ve presented you and you’re giving it up to the hired help? Are you out of your mind? Do you have any idea what your pussy is worth?”

  She snapped her fingers and Boris stepped forward. Wade casually rolled up his sleeves.

  “They’ll bleed for touching you.”

  Both men felt the tremors that wracked Galina’s body. “What a hypocrite you are, Svetlana. How many of these men have you fucked in the last twenty-four hours? Despite what you’d lose if my father found out?”

  “I married rich and produced a child. I did my fucking job. Now it’s your turn and you will do what you’re told.”

  She turned and said in Russian, “Fuck up the big one then do the other one and get her in the fucking car. I have shit to do.”

  Walking to the far side of the vehicle, she casually checked the notifications on her phone.

  Wade stepped down into the main yard. Boris circled him.

  Galina moved forward and Knox held her against his chest. She made a small sound of pain. “Watch and wait. He’s fine.”

  Boris was bigger in bulk but Wade didn’t seem concerned. He was relaxed, waiting. When the attack came, Wade took him out in three brutally painful, highly effective shots. A fist to the jaw, another to the sternum, and when he hit the ground, one kick to the side of the head.

  Boris was still. Wade crossed his arms and looked bored.

  Svetlana gazed at him for a long moment. Her look was predatory. “I’m ready to renegotiate. You may bring your men, Lina.”

  Hands at his waist, Wade chuckled. “She’s not leaving. It’s where she wants to be. We stay with her. We’re very loyal but only to Galina. Do you understand where I’m going?”

  Knox nuzzled her ear and the feel of his breath on her skin gave her chills. “She’s going to send the other three guys at the same time. I’m going to assist so Wade doesn’t get to have all the fun. Don’t move. Promise me, Galina.”

  She managed to nod and he kissed her lightly before joining his oldest and best friend. She felt like she might rattle out of her own skin. Ana appeared at her side and hu
gged her waist. They watched the scene together.

  “She called our girl a whore, Wade. Can you believe her own mama did that? Unacceptable. We need to make an example of these guys.”


  Their relaxed banter further enraged Svetlana. To her men, she snarled, “One of you better draw blood or you’re all fired. Deal with these assholes. I expect my daughter in this car in five minutes.”

  She looked down at Boris in disgust and kicked him with the toe of her shoe. When the others hadn’t moved, she snapped, “What are you waiting for?”

  The other three men moved away from the SUV and spread out. Wade and Knox waited, chatting amicably.

  Knox said, “Galina took what she got from her mom and really expanded on it.”

  “Imagine if this woman managed to turn our girl into a younger version of herself. It would be a tragedy.”

  The initial rush was hard but slow as the three men attacked.

  Knox drove his knee into the first man’s diaphragm with enough force to throw him backwards into the front of the vehicle. He followed with a strike to the temple and watched the man slide to the ground.

  His next opponent took a martial arts stance. He was faster than the others. Knox countered and blocked with little effort until the other man tired. Then he went still, spun, and delivered a kick to the side of his face as he came around to attack again. The bodyguard dropped without a sound.

  The last man read the intent on Wade’s face and started to step back. Svetlana yelled at him and he looked resigned.

  “You guys need new jobs. Getting laid isn’t worth that kind of abuse. Grow a pair. Shit.” Wade shook his head and toyed with his opponent for several minutes.

  He darted in for a hit to the jaw, skipped back, and shadow-boxed with his fists. The bodyguard attempted to block without success. Wade’s hits got through again and again.

  After a couple of minutes, Wade sighed. “I’m bored.” One-two, pop-pop, against the guy’s jaw, and he went down.

  The friends bent over each man, slapped their faces lightly to bring them around, and helped them into the car. Three men in the back and Boris in the front passenger seat. Knox opened the driver’s side door and held it wide with a smile.

  Walking to Svetlana, Wade scooped her up gently and deposited her behind the wheel. He closed the door and stepped back. She sat there for a long time, staring through the windshield at her daughter.

  After a few minutes, she rolled down the window and called out in Russian, “Come. Talk to me.”

  Galina closed her eyes. “Why must everything be so hard with you?” Squaring her shoulders, she walked to the window.

  The silence drew out between them. Wade and Knox stood behind her, their hands crossed at their backs.

  Svetlana looked at them and back at her daughter. She spoke Russian and Galina knew it didn’t cross her mind that the men spoke it fluently.

  Not even she considered such a thing.

  “The world is a cruel place, daughter. I learned it as a girl. It’s a curse to be born beautiful. You must be hard, cold.”

  “I can’t, Mother. I’m sorry.”

  “Your heart is too soft. I took you from that silly boy because you didn’t love him. You would have stayed because he had a sweet smile.” She shook her head. “The drugs were his and he didn’t fight us about taking them.”

  “You never told me that.”

  “You see everything through rainbows. I cannot communicate with you. Ana has always been better and I resent her for the skill.” Meeting her eyes, she added, “I resent you for squandering opportunities I’d have sold my soul to have.”

  “It isn’t the same world. I don’t have to sell myself to survive. You and Father made it possible for me to live a different life.”

  “I married for money. When you marry for money, there’s no illusion.” Her expression was sad for a moment but she quickly blanked it. “Your father married me and gave me his last name for one reason. To own me. It’s what men want.”

  “Not all men, Mother.”

  “Jacob finds ever younger versions of me every year but when he calls my cell and orders me to be ready when he gets home, I obey instantly.”

  “It doesn’t have to be that way for you either.”

  One finger pressed against her temple. “If you lead with your heart, you’ll be broken. You care for these men. I see that. Fuck them if you must but don’t love them, Galina. They’ll use you and tire of you.”

  “Give me the chance to prove you wrong.” Galina took her mother’s hand. “I’m sorry you’ve been hurt. No one should have that kind of power over someone else.”

  “I don’t want your pity.”

  I don’t pity you…but I won’t sacrifice myself for whatever your end game is. I have more money than I’ll ever spend and I won’t sell rights to my body for more. I’ve obeyed in many things but I cannot, will not, do that.”

  “You plan to stay here…with them? How long until the novelty wears off? What will you have to show for it?”

  “They’ve never touched me.”

  “You lie.”

  “We built a friendship first. A strong one.”

  Confusion broadcast clearly on Svetlana’s face. Galina doubted she’d ever had a man as a friend. They were nothing more than pawns in her games.

  “I love it here. I have no plans to leave.” She leaned forward and kissed her mother’s cheek through the window. “It’s time to find something else to do with your time. I’m no longer on the schedule.”

  Svetlana stared at her for a long time before looking at her sister. Ana left the porch to stand beside Knox.

  “She was always more your daughter than mine, Ana. Your influence on her shows.” She rubbed her hands over the steering wheel. “I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing.”

  Releasing a heavy sigh, she murmured, “You’re not a whore, Galina. Only one person in this family ever earned the title.” Her expression hardened. “You will call me.”

  Galina nodded. “Leave me in peace and I’ll answer your calls. Give me space to breathe and you’ll always know where to find me. I don’t want to fight with you.”

  Her mother turned her focus on Wade and Knox. “You two are clever and handsome. Clearly you have skills. However, if anything happens to her, your bodies will never be found. I’ll come with a hundred men to see it done.”

  “We wouldn’t have it any other way, Mrs. West.”

  “Have a safe trip, ma’am.”

  She glared at them. “Insolent. Goodbye, Galina.”

  “Goodbye, Mother,” she whispered.

  With a nod to her sister and a brittle smile at her daughter, Svetlana backed from the clearing. No one moved until the vehicle disappeared.

  Galina swayed as she lost sight of it. Her mother was leaving.

  Wade caught her when she crumpled.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Wade carried Galina inside and laid her on their guest bed. Knox removed her shoes.

  “Give me one of your shirts. I want her to be comfortable while she sleeps.”

  Knox grabbed one of his and they turned to give her privacy as Galina’s aunt removed her jeans and bra. She mumbled groggily as Ana put the oversized t-shirt on her.

  Pulling the blankets up, she bent to kiss her cheek. In Russian, Ana murmured at her ear, “Your new life begins today, little one. Rest and prepare for it.”

  “It’s all going to be okay,” Wade told her softly.

  “You held your ground, pretty girl. Well done,” Knox added.

  They returned to the living room and shared a synchronized exhale. “Gentlemen, you did well.”


  “I knew you spoke Russian, you devils.”

  Wade laughed. “Galina was spinning out with nerves. We wanted intel on how to ease into things.”

  With a small shrug, Knox muttered, “We were desperate.”

  Ana nodded. “She’s a much better actress
than people think. You’re forgiven for the deception. I see the reason for it.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m going to the cabin. When she wakes, you need privacy. Talking first.”

  They got the message.

  “You will share her?”

  The question, though somewhat expected, still shocked them both. She was a nun.

  Wade cleared his throat. “Yes.” Knox simply nodded.

  She leaned against the island in their kitchen and smiled. Arms crossed, she took a deep breath. “Then I’m sure she’ll receive more than enough love to make up for what she’s been deprived of.” With a tilt of her head, she asked, “You’ll be careful with her?”


  “The Church doesn’t condone such a relationship.” She chuckled. “However, they also believe nuns and priests should be celibate.” Her smile was impish. “My conscience is clear. Her heart is pure and God certainly knows this. I like to think He takes each situation on a case-by-case basis.”

  Neither man could hide their smiles. “Thank you, Ana.”

  “When she wakes up, she’ll be confused, uncertain, and likely second-guess what I know she wants. Show her why that’s silly.” She picked up her small backpack. “She’s in good hands. I’ll leave in a couple of days.”

  “Stay as long as you like, Ana. It’s good for Galina and we’re smitten with you,” Wade told her as he opened the front door.

  “Charmers. I’ll visit more now. My order is in the midst of serious changes. I need to get back to them.”

  They watched as she hiked up the mountain to Galina’s cabin. Closing the door softly, the friends shared a look.

  Knox said, “We can’t fuck this up.”

  “We won’t. We like her, we love her, and she’s staying.”

  “In a million years, I wouldn’t have bet on something like this.”

  “Agreed. Now we make sure it’s everything she needs.”

  They worked together to clean the house while they let her sleep. Knox diced fruit for a salad and Wade set up a fresh pot of coffee for the morning.

  When Galina woke, they had much to discuss.

  * * *

  Blinking in confusion at her unknown surroundings, Galina’s eyes adjusted to the low light.


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