Nichols, Charles, 173
Nichols, J. L., 60
Nickell, Joe, 91, 93, 106, 107
report by, 89–90, 92, 97, 109
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 202, 209, 240, 279
Nilon, Charles, 173
Nixon, E. D., 128
Nixon, Richard, 151, 561–562
Nkrumah, Kwame, 137, 225, 432, 461
O. Henry, 153
Oates, Joyce Carol, 191
Obama, Barack Hussein, 41, 371, 504, 507, 547, 593, 594, 598, 604
election of, 1, 38, 39, 42–43, 566, 590–591, 599, 600–601, 602–603
race and, 549–550, 594, 595, 597, 599, 600
Obama, Michelle, 602, 604
Obiechina, Emmanuel, 170
O’Casey, Sean, 525
Odets, Clifford, 191
Ojukwu, Odumegwu, 200
O’Keeffe, Georgia, 295
Oladigbolu, Oba Siyenbola, 202
Oldfield, Bruce, 439–440
Oliver, Andrew, 122
Olivier, Sir Laurence, 524
O’Malley, Greg, 145
O’Meally, Robert, 175, 324
Omni-Americans, The (Murray), 313, 315, 320, 322, 325, 330
Ortiz, Fernando, 472, 473
Otis, Johnny, 240
Our Nig; or, Sketches from the Life of a Free Black, In A Two-Story White House, North. Showing That Slavery’s Shadows Fall Even There (Wilson), 47, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 65, 68, 71, 73, 84
authenticating, 87–92
biographical elements in, 63
contrasts/social critiques of, 68, 70
disappearance/reappearance of, 59
end of, 49–50, 69
plot of, 66–67
preface to, 56, 61, 62
publication of, 48, 76, 124
Ousmane, Sembene, 177
Owens, Paul T., 261
OyamO, 525, 529, 530, 537, 540
Ozick, Cynthia, 163, 187, 520
Pan-Africanism, 179, 420, 471–472, 487
Park, Robert E., 135
Parker, Charlie, 254, 323, 338
Parker, Theodore, 154–155, 160
Parks, Gordon, 316, 330
Parks, Rosa, 128–129, 318
Parks, Suzan-Lori, 525, 540
Patrick, Deval, 603
Patterson, Frederick, 137
Paul V, Pope, 467
Payson, Martin, 139
Paz, Octavio, 461
Pearl, Frank, 139
Pendergrass, Teddy, 537
Pennington, James W. C., 129
Peres, Shimon, 508
Peterson, Oscar, 240, 253
Petrie, Sir Flinders, 134
Petry, Ann, 459, 460, 462
Phelps-Stokes Association, 135, 136, 137
Phillips, Caryl, 444
Phillips, George, 446
Phillips, Trevor, 443, 444
Picasso, Pablo, 231, 453, 559
Pickett, Wilson, 240
Pierce, Franklin, 103
Pinchback, P.B.S, 297
Pinchback, Walter, 298
Piper, Keith, 448
Pittman, Jane, 328
Plath, Sylvia, 189
Plato, Ann, 124
Pleasant, Mary Ellen, 129
Plessy, Homer, 129, 367
Podhoretz, Norman, 199, 518
Pope, Alexander, 122, 252
Porter, Henry, 339
Porter Wesley, Dorothy, 76, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 92, 97, 108, 113, 118
Portnoy, Alex, 520
Postmodernism, 287, 289, 458, 459, 462, 541
Pound, Ezra, 199
Pound, Roscoe, 135
Poverty, 66, 425, 462, 473, 499, 594
black, 504, 505, 506, 546, 602
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr., 131, 461
Powell, Colin, 47, 372, 376, 586, 590
Powell, Enoch, 437
Pozo, Chano, 471
Pratt, Mary Louise, 287
Prejudice, 230–231, 431, 436, 504, 560, 599
Presley, Elvis, 79
Presley, Nelson Alexander, 398
Price-Mars, Jean, 471, 472
Price, Reynolds, 328
Property ownership, 26–27, 28, 29, 398, 406, 545, 546
Proust, Marcel, 313, 317
Pryor, Richard, 289, 417
Public Enemy, 442, 455, 459
Puryear, Martin, 455
Pushkin, Alexander, 137, 157
Putin, Vladimir, 567
Pynchon, Thomas, 193
Queen Latifah, 455
Querino, Manuel, 469, 495, 496, 497
Race, 216, 367, 446, 474–475, 478, 488, 516, 551, 553, 561, 603
black culture and, 465
class and, 466
critical theory and, 213
mixing, 362, 493
poverty and, 602
relations, 135, 176, 371, 466, 475, 492, 496, 586, 590, 599, 600
role of, 215, 290, 300–301, 436–437, 492, 586
“Race,” Writing, and Difference, 195, 225, 226, 287, 289, 290–291, 292, 293, 294
Racial democracy, 473, 478, 480, 496, 499, 501, 504, 508, 509
Racialists, 552, 553
Racism, 18, 41, 56, 57, 114, 157, 164, 165, 180, 215, 226, 261, 364, 367, 369, 392, 401, 416, 432, 459, 473, 478, 488, 496, 499, 533, 552, 564, 601
battling, 64, 134, 230, 274, 506–507, 551, 554, 600
black, 229, 231, 473, 499, 508, 606
black culture and, 442–443
black literature and, 179
Brazil and, 501, 504, 506
Raglan, Lord, 314, 319, 325, 328
Rampersad, Arnold, 166, 173
Ransome-Kuti, Fela, 13, 15
Rawlings, Jerry, 548
Reader, John, 431
Reagan, Nancy, 604
Reconstruction, 129, 180, 297, 305, 405, 545
Redding, J. Saunders, 173
Redding, Otis, 240
Redman, Gertrude Helen, 3
Redman, John, 1, 9, 14, 16–18
Reed, Ishmael, 178
Reid, Bob, 557
Reis, João, 479, 480–481, 482, 494
Reiss, Winold, 231, 453
Remnick, David, 549
Remond, Sarah Parker, 129
Rendell, Kenneth W., 89
Rhodes, Cecil, 416
Rice, Angelina, 576, 588
Rice, Condoleezza: interview of, 555, 575–592
Rice, John, 576, 588
Rich, Frank, 534
Richard II, King (Richard the Lionheart), 383
Richards, I. A., 207, 215
Richards, Lloyd, 527
Richardson, David, 145, 457, 465
Richburg, Keith, 572
Richmond, Legh, 77
Rider, Edith, 297
Rinaldi, Matthew, 402
Rivers, Francis Ellis, 10
Roberts, Hermese E., 259–260, 261
Roberts, Mary, 110
Roberts, Sam, 455, 456
Robeson, Paul, 132, 420, 559, 560
Robinson, Jackie, 129
Robinson, Jo Ann, 128
Rogers, J. A., 229
Rohrbach, Augusta, 86, 98
Romain, Jacques, 177
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 40, 583
Roots, 12, 14, 548
Roper, Moses, 132
Rosa, Marilene, 505–506
Rosenthal, A. M. “Abe”, 344, 350, 351
Rosenwald, Julius, 398
Ross, Diana, 611
Roth, H., 520
Roth, Philip, 519, 521
Roumain, Jacques, 471
Rourke, Constance, 317, 330
Rudenstine, Neil, 233
Ruffin, Jimmy, 33
Ruggles, David, 129
Rumsfeld, Donald, 589
Rush, Caroline E., 67–68
Rush, Norman, 519
Rush, Theressa Gunnels, 60
Rushing, Jimmy, 330
Russell, George, 471
Russell, Sarah, 35, 168
Rustin, Bayard, 128
Said, Edward, 28
Salinger, J. D., 5
Sanchez, Sonia, 454
Sancho, Ignatius, 437, 468
Sand, George, 318
Santayana, George, 134
Santiago, Danny, 520, 521, 522
Saroyan, William, 191
Saussure, Ferdinand de, 235, 238, 239, 247, 249
Schmeling, Max, 38, 43
Schomburg, Arthur, 76, 470
Schoolcraft, Mary Howard, 57
Schwamm, Ellen, 341, 346, 348, 349, 350
Schwartz, Delmore, 336
Scott, Nathan A., 321
Scott, Rebecca, 470
Scowcroft, Brent, 582
Segregation, 10, 298, 309, 310, 318, 335, 398, 478, 497, 522, 576, 584, 585, 587–589, 591, 596
racial, 74, 229, 295, 498, 543, 545, 601
Seligman, C. G., 429
Senghor, Leopold Sédar, 198, 223, 420–421, 471
Sergi, Guiseppe, 134
Seymour, Gene, 325
Shakespeare, William, 171, 198, 209
Shange, Ntozake, 172, 178, 454
Shanker, Al, 190
Shannahan, Catherine, 52
Shapiro, Harvey, 351
Sharpton, Al, 546
Shaver, Elmer, 28
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 64
Shepard, Charles, 52
Shriver, Mark, 147, 292, 293
Shweder, Richard A., 353–354, 355, 357
Signification, 235, 236, 237, 238, 255, 257, 267, 268, 269, 274, 278, 280
figures of, 271, 281, 281 (chart)
poetry of, 239–249
Signified, 237, 241, 246, 254–255, 258
signifier and, 239, 248, 253, 261
Signifier, 237, 241, 243, 257, 271, 279
signified and, 239, 248, 253, 261
Signifyin(g), 239–243, 245, 247, 248, 252, 253
definitions of, 234–235, 254–280, 282
as rhetorical strategy, 244, 266
as troping, 274
Signifying Monkey, 234, 239, 241, 242, 244, 248, 253, 262, 266, 269, 277, 282n10
poems of, 243, 249, 251, 283n14
tales of, 249, 278, 280
Simmons, Charles, 343–344, 346, 348, 356
Simmons, W. J., 60
Simpson, Lorna, 455
Sinche, Bryan, 92
Singer, I. B., 520
Singleton, John, 455, 459
Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson, 577
Slater, Rob, 256
Slave narratives, 65, 76, 77–78, 83, 84, 85, 93, 117, 119n2, 153, 155, 517
Slavery, 56, 66, 71, 74, 79, 92, 95, 99, 115, 118, 124, 138, 143, 148, 240
abolishing, 376, 400, 474, 477–478, 494
Brazil and, 480–481, 501, 505, 506, 508
culture and, 141, 433
history of, 466
indicting, 91, 105, 218, 416
intelligence and, 552
legacy of, 1, 144, 473, 504, 550
rationalization of, 140
segregation and, 545
women and, 433
Slaves, 74, 221, 377, 385, 476, 478, 485, 544, 613
African Americans and, 143
domestic, 481–482
freed, 143–144, 479, 620
marriage and, 115–116
Smith, Anna Deavere, 526
Smith, Bessie, 461
Smith, David Cloyce, 177
Smith, James McCune, 419, 492
Smith, Valerie, 289, 290, 292
Smitherman, Geneva, 173, 175, 263, 272, 282n10
Smolenyak, Megan, 295
Snead, James A., 169
Snowden, Frank M., Jr., 232, 426
Sollors, Werner, 173, 306, 529
Solzhenitsyn, Alexandr, 198
Sontag, Susan, 190
Souls of Black Folk, The (Du Bois), 305, 307
Sowemimo, Segun, 200
Soyinka, Akinwande Oluwole (Wole), 138, 139, 169, 170, 177, 195, 201, 202, 207, 208, 461, 501, 524
interview of, 566–574
plays by, 197–199, 209
tragedy and, 203, 204–205, 210
youth of, 198–199, 200
Spillers, Hortense, 166–167, 168
Spivak, Gayatri, 287
Stanley, Henry Morton, 416, 547
Staples, Brent, 352
Staples, Ella, 403
Starling, George Swanson, 614, 616
Steed, John, 89
Steele, Shelby, 457
Stepan, Nancy, 217
Stepto, Robert, 173, 174, 175
Stevens, Shane, 518, 521
Stevens, Wallace, 335
Stewart, Annie, 445
Stewart, Jimmy, 519
Stieglitz, Alfred, 295
Still, William, 83, 100, 101
Stokes, Anson Phelps, 135
Stoppard, Tom, 199
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 67, 77, 79, 81, 82, 85, 86, 520
Stringer, Christopher, 430
Stuart, Paul, 439
Styron, William, 199, 517–518, 519
Sully, Ellen Oldmixon, 99
Sumner, Charles, 155
Swann Galleries, 74, 75, 76, 79, 88
Taine, Hippolyte-Adolphe, 213–214, 215
Tanner, Henry Ossawa, 134
Tate, Allen, 215
Tate, Greg, 455, 543
Taylor, Charles, 353, 567
Taylor, Derief, 449
Taylor, Freddie, 33
Taylor, George Edwin, 41
Taylor, Lord, 448–449, 450
Taylor, Poochie, 24, 36
Tebbit, Norman Beresford, 443, 450
Tenreiro, Francisco Jose, 177
Thatcher, Margaret, 443, 545, 586
Thiongo, Ngugi wa, 177
Thomas, Emma, 380
Thomas, Paul, 27
Thompson, Robert Farris, 464, 466, 475
Thorn, Margaretta, 51, 52–53
Thornton, John, 146, 387, 388, 407–408, 477, 482, 547, 548
Tolson, Melvin, 178
Tolstoy, Leo, 317
Toomer, Jean, 178, 195, 295, 296, 298, 453, 460, 462, 492
race and, 295–296, 297, 299–300, 300–301
Toomer, Marjorie C. Latimer, 296
Townsend, Robert, 458
Toynton, Evelyn, 343, 348, 349–350
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 144–145, 465, 477, 548
Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 429, 431, 435n36
Trilling, Lionel, 199
Tropes, 22, 241, 257, 260, 271, 274, 275, 278, 279–280, 282n10
Truman, Harry, 583
Truth, Sojourner, 39, 40, 129
Tubman, Harriet, 39
Tucker, Chris, 13
Tupper, Martin Farquhar, 64
Turing, Alan, 521
Turner, Darwin, 173
Turner, Nat, 99
Twain, Mark, 83, 171
2 Live Crew, 511, 513–514
Twyman, Doug, 34
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 67, 77, 78, 81, 93, 520
United Nations, Darfur and, 568, 569
United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), 131, 469, 470
Updike, John, 346, 519, 520, 521
Valdes, Carlos “Patato,” 471
Valentino, Rudolph, 25
Van den Haag, Ernest, 340, 342, 345, 346, 349
Van Doren, Carl, 135
Vassa, Gustavus, 468
Vico, Giambattista, 213, 221, 240, 279
Victoria, Queen, 448
Vieira, Jose Luandino, 177
Vincent, Edward, 96
Vincent, Elisa, 96
Vincent, Hannah, 110, 111, 112, 118
Vincent, Jacob, 96
Vincent, Joseph, 96
Vincent, Nathan, 96
Vincent, Samuel, 111–112
Vincent, Sir Clifford de, 95, 96
Vincent, Thomas, 111, 112, 118
Vincent, William, 96
Vitale, Alberto, 139
Von Schlegel, August, 213
Von Schlegel, Friedrich, 213
Vovo, Antonio Carlos, 47
W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, 18,
76, 80, 127, 228
Walcott, Derek, 177
Walker, Alice, 45, 171, 172, 178, 223–224, 454, 456, 460
Walker, Madame C. J., 22
Walker, William, 99
Wallace, George, 151, 516, 522
Wallace, Michele, 172, 454, 457
Ward, Douglas Turner, 525
Ward, Jerry, 173
Warren, Robert Penn, 215
Washington, Booker T., 40, 153, 160, 305, 452, 469, 495, 578, 607, 611
Washington, Eisa, 13
Washington, George, 21, 74, 106
Washington, Mary Helen, 166, 173, 175
Washington, William, 13
Watson, James, 326, 551, 552, 553, 554
Watson, John R., 13, 404–405
Watson, Paul, 443
Wayans, Keenen Ivory, 458
Wayman, Alexander W., 139
Webb, Frank J., 49, 68
Weber, Max, 461
Weeks, Lawrence Bittle, 422–423
Weems, Anna Maria, 83
Wells-Barnett, Ida B., 129
Wentworth, Harold, 262
Wesley, Charles, 81, 135, 136, 137, 308
Wesley, Dorothy Parker, 80
Wesley, John, 108
West, Cornel, 292, 293, 309, 311, 455, 457
West, Kanye, 590
West, Mae, 79
Weston, Randy, 471
Wharton, Edith, 149
Wheatley, John, 122
Wheatley, Nathaniel, 122
Wheatley, Phillis, 22, 156, 157, 160, 218, 416, 417, 468, 469
African American literary tradition and, 123–124
poetry of, 121, 122
Wheeler, Ellen, 103
Wheeler, John, 98
Wheeler, John Hill, 82, 92, 97–100, 101, 112, 113, 118
diary of, 102–107
Wheeler, Maria Elizabeth Jordan, 98, 107
Wheeler, Mrs., 106, 116, 117–118
White, Henry Kirke, 64
White, Walter, 299
Whiteman, Maxwell, 60
Whiteman, Paul, 461
Whitfield, Smokey Joe, 240
Whitlow, Roger, 60
Whitman, Walt, 329–330
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 91, 517
Wideman, John Edgar, 455
Wilbur, Richard, 326
Wilde, Oscar, 337
Wilkerson, Isabel: interview of, 555, 605–621
Williams, Francis, 468
Williams, Franklin, 335, 351, 360
Williams, James, 91, 517, 521
Williams, John A., 521
Williams, Martin, 253
Williams, Sherley Ann, 173, 175
Williams, Shirley Broyard, 333, 334, 335, 342, 347, 349, 357–358, 360, 361, 362
Williamson, Adrian, 530
Williamson, Passmore, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105
Wilson, August, 454, 455, 524, 525, 526, 527, 529, 530, 533, 534, 536–537, 540, 620
Chitlin Circuit and, 541
cultural politics and, 528
keynote speech by, 523
Wilson, Cassandra, 455
Wilson, Edmund, 188
Wilson, George Mason, 48, 50, 54
Wilson, Harriet E. Adams, 48, 54, 57, 65, 72, 88, 112, 114, 124
birth of, 49, 50, 77
characterization by, 68, 71
copyright by, 47, 51
life and times of, 49, 52, 55, 56, 61, 64
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