Up and Coming: Stories by the 2016 Campbell-Eligible Authors

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Up and Coming: Stories by the 2016 Campbell-Eligible Authors Page 1

by Anthology

  Table of Contents



  Charlotte Ashley La Héron (F&SF) (Short story)

  Sigrid Under the Mountain (The Sockdolager) (Short story)

  John Ayliff Belt Three (HarperVoyager) (Novel excerpt)

  Lucas Bale To Sing of Chaos and Eternal Night (Dark Matter Publishing) (Novelette)

  Nicolette Barischoff Pirate Songs (The Future Fire) (Novelette)

  Follow Me Down (Unlikely Story) (Novelette)

  In the Woods Behind My House (Podcastle) (Short story)

  Sofie Bird A' is for Alacrity, Astronauts and Grief (Zombies Need Brains LLC) (Short story)

  Derrick Boden Clay Soldiers (Daily Science Fiction) (Short story)

  The Last Mardi Gras (Flash Fiction Online) (Short story)

  Stefan Bolz The Traveler (Samuel Peralta) (Short story)

  David Bruns The Water Finder's Shadow (Hip Phoenix) (Novelette)

  I, Caroline (David Bruns) (Short story)

  Martin Cahill It Was Never The Fire (Nightmare Magazine) (Short story)

  Vanilla (Fireside Fiction) (Short story)

  Aaron Canton Dining Out (Phobos Magazine) (Short story)

  A Most Unusual Patriot (Michael DeAngelo) (Short story)

  D.K. Cassidy Room 42 (Windrift Bay Limited) (Short story)

  Zach Chapman Between Screens (Galaxy Press) (Short story)

  Curtis C. Chen Zugzwang (Daily Science Fiction) (Short story)

  Making Waves (SNAFU: An Anthology of Military Horror) (Short story)

  Laddie Come Home (2016 Young Explorer's Adventure Guide) (Short story)

  ZZ Claybourne Agents of Change (Windrift Books) (Short story)

  Liz Colter The Ties That Bind, The Chains That Break (Galaxy's Edge Magazine) (Short story)

  Echoes (Urban Fantasy Magazine) (Short story)

  The Clouds in Her Eyes (Writers and Illustrators of the Future vol 30) (Short story)

  Nik Constantine Last Transaction (F&SF) (Short story)

  Daniel J Davis The God Whisperer (Galaxy Press) (Short story)

  S.B. Divya Strange Attractors (Daily Science Fiction) (Short story)

  The Egg (Nature) (Short story)

  Ships in the Night (Daily Science Fiction) (Short story)

  Margaret Dunlap Jane (Shimmer) (Short story)

  Broken Glass (Wisdom Crieth Without) (Short story)

  Bookburners, Episode 5: The Market Arcanum (Serial Box Publishing) (Novelette)

  S. K. Dunstall LINESMAN (Ace Books) (Novel excerpt)

  Jonathan Edelstein First Do No Harm (Strange Horizons) (Novelette)

  Harlow C. Fallon A Long Horizon (The Immortality Chronicles (The Future Chronicles Anthology Series)) (Short story)

  Rafaela F. Ferraz The Lady of the House of Mirrors (Lethe Press) (Novelette)

  Sam Fleming She Gave her Heart, He Took Her Marrow (Apex Magazine) (Short story)

  Annalee Flower Horne Seven Things Cadet Blanchard Learned From The Trade Summit Incident (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction) (Short story)

  Ron S. Friedman Game Not Over (Galaxy's Edge) (Short story)

  LUCA (Analemma Books) (Short story)

  David Jón Fuller The Harsh Light of Morning (EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing) (Short story)

  Caged (Crossroad Press) (Short story)

  In Open Air (Futurefire.net Publishing) (Short story)

  Sarah Gailey Bargain (Mothership Zeta) (Short story)

  Haunted (Fireside Fiction) (Short story)

  Patricia Gilliam The Backup (Windrift Books) (Short story)

  Jaymee Goh Liminal Grid (Strange Horizons) (Short story)

  Elad Haber Number One Hit (Interfictions Online) (Short story)

  Auston Habershaw Adaptation and Predation (Escape Pod) (Short story)

  A Revolutionary's Guide to Practical Conjuration (Galaxy Press) (Novelette)

  Philip Brian Hall Spatchcock (AE The Canadian Science Fiction Review) (Novella)

  The Waiting Room (Flame Tree Publishing) (Short story)

  The Man on the Church Street Omnibus (The Sockdolager) (Short story)

  John Gregory Hancock The Antares Cigar Shoppe (Windrift Books) (Short story)

  Nin Harris Sang Rimau and the Medicine Woman (Lackington's Magazine (editor: Ranylt Richildis)) (Short story)

  Your Right Arm (Clarkesworld Magazine (Publisher: Neil Clarke)) (Short story)

  C.A. Hawksmoor Y Brenin (Beneath Ceaseless Skies) (Novelette)

  Murder on the Laplacian Express (Interzone) (Short story)

  Sean Patrick Hazlett Boomer Hunter (Grimdark Magazine) (Short story)

  Entropic Order (Outposts of Beyond) (Short story)

  Chandler's Hollow (Perihelion Science Fiction) (Short story)

  Holly Heisey The Monastery of the Parallels (Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show) (Short story)

  An Understanding (Escape Pod) (Short story)

  Contents of Care Package to Etsath-tachri, Formerly Ryan Andrew Curran (Human English Translated to Sedrayin) (EGM Shorts) (Short story)

  Michael Patrick Hicks Revolver (Dark Matter Publishing) (Short story)

  Preservation (Windrift Books) (Short story)

  SL Huang Hunting Monsters (The Book Smugglers) (Short story)

  By Degrees and Dilatory Time (Strange Horizons) (Short story)

  Zero Sum Game (self-published) (Novel excerpt)

  Kurt Hunt Paolo, Friend Paolo (Ecotones) (Short story)

  QSFT7mk2.7853 Has a Name (Perihelion) (Short story)

  Tigerskin (Strange Horizons) (Short story)

  L.S. Johnson Vacui Magia (Strange Horizons) (Short story)

  Little Men with Knives (Crossed Genres) (Novelette)

  Cameron Johnston The Economist & The Dragon (Buzzymag) (Short story)

  Head Games (Swords and Sorcery Magazine) (Short story)

  The Shadow Under Scotland (The Lovecraft eZine) (Short story)

  Rachael K. Jones Makeisha In Time (Crossed Genres) (Short story)

  Who Binds and Looses the World With Her Hands (PodCastle) (Short story)

  Charlotte Incorporated (Lightspeed) (Short story)

  Jason Kimble Broken (Escape Pod) (Short story)

  Hide Behind (The Sockdolager) (Short story)

  Paul B. Kohler Rememorations (Windrift Bay Limited) (Short story)

  The Soul Collector (Global Endeavor Publishing) (Short story)

  Jeanne Kramer-Smyth Unsealed (2015 Young Explorer's Adventure Guide) (Short story)

  View from Above (2016 Young Explorer's Adventure Guide) (Short story)

  Jamie Gilman Kress And Now, Fill Her In (Daily Science Fiction) (Short story)

  Jason LaPier Unexpected Rain (HarperVoyager UK) (Novel excerpt)

  Fonda Lee Zeroboxer (Flux) (Novel excerpt)

  Universal Print (Crossed Genres) (Short story)

  S Lynn Ffydd (Faith) (Crossed Genres Publications) (Short story)

  Jack Hollis Marr into the waters I rode down (FutureFire Publishing) (Short story)

  Arkady Martine City of Salt (Strange Horizons) (Short story)

  When The Fall Is All That's Left (Apex Magazine) (Short story)

  Adjuva (Lakeside Circus) (Short story)

  Kim May Blood Moon Carnival (WMG) (Short story)

  The Void around the Sword's Edge (WMG) (Short story)

  Alison McBain Grandmother Winter (On the Premises) (Short story)

  The Lost Children (Abbreviated Epics) (Short story)

  The Heart of Y
uki-onna (Frozen Fairy Tales) (Short story)

  Rati Mehrotra Charaid Dreams (Apex Magazine) (Short story)

  Ghosts of Englehart (AE – The Canadian Science Fiction Review) (Short story)

  Lia Swope Mitchell Slow (Apex Magazine) (Short story)

  Allison Mulder Decay (Crossed Genres Magazine) (Short story)

  Ian Muneshwar Ossuary (Clarkesworld Magazine) (Short story)

  Brian Niemeier Strange Matter (Jason Rennie) (Novelette)

  Nethereal (Brian Niemeier) (Novel excerpt)

  Wendy Nikel Rain Like Diamonds (Daily Science Fiction) (Short story)

  The Tea-Space Continuum (AE) (Short story)

  The Book of Futures (Broken Eye Books) (Short story)

  George Nikolopoulos A Rise to the Surface (SFComet) (Short story)

  Razor Bill Vs Pistol Anne (Bards and Sages Quarterly) (Short story)

  Megan E. O'Keefe Of Blood and Brine (Shimmer) (Short story)

  Steal the Sky (Angry Robot Books) (Novel excerpt)

  Malka Older Tear Tracks (Tor.com) (Short story)

  Emma Osborne The Box Wife (Shock Totem: Curious Tales of the Macabre and Twisted) (Short story)

  Zip (Bastion Science Fiction Magazine) (Short story)

  Clean Hands, Dirty Hands (Aurealis) (Short story)

  Chris Ovenden Upgrade (Penny Shorts) (Short story)

  Peace for our Times (Every Day Fiction) (Short story)

  Behind Grey Eyes (Daily Science Fiction) (Short story)

  Steve Pantazis Switch (Galaxy Press) (Novelette)

  Carrie Patel Here Be Monsters (Beneath Ceaseless Skies) (Short story)

  The Color of Regret (PodCastle) (Short story)

  The Buried Life (Angry Robot) (Novel excerpt)

  Sunil Patel The Merger (The Book Smugglers) (Short story)

  The Robot Who Couldn't Lie (Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show) (Short story)

  The Attic of Memories (Fantastic Stories of the Imagination) (Short story)

  Laura Pearlman I am Graalnak of the Vroon Empire, Destroyer of Galaxies, Supreme Overlord of the Planet Earth. Ask Me Anything. (Flash Fiction Online) (Short story)

  A Dozen Frogs, a Bakery, and a Thing That Didn't Happen (Daily Science Fiction) (Short story)

  In the End, You Get Clarity (UFO Publishing) (Short story)

  Samuel Peralta Hereafter (David Gatewood) (Short story)

  Humanity (David Gatewood) (Short story)

  Andrea Phillips In Loco Parentis (Escape Pod) (Short story)

  Revision (Fireside Fiction) (Novel excerpt)

  Mark Robert Philps Dragonfire is Brighter than the Ten Thousand Stars (Robinson) (Novella)

  Monica Enderle Pierce Judgment (Windrift Books) (Novelette)

  Ivan Popov The Keresztury TVirs (Sci Phi Publications) (Short story)

  Bill Powell The Punctuality Machine, Or, A Steampunk Libretto (Beneath Ceaseless Skies) (Short story)

  Stephen S. Power Stripped to Zero (Nature) (Short story)

  Wire Paladin (AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review) (Short story)

  Automatic Sky (AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review) (Short story)

  Rhiannon Rasmussen The Hymn of Ordeal, No. 23 (Lightspeed (Women Destroy Science Fiction)) (Short story)

  Charge! Love Heart! (The Sockdolager) (Short story)

  How to Survive the Apocalypse (ZEAL) (Short story)

  Chris Reher The Kasant Objective (Windrift Books) (Short story)

  Ethan Reid THE UNDYING: SHADES (Simon & Schuster, Inc.) (Novel excerpt)

  Kelly Robson Waters of Versailles (tor.com) (Novella excerpt)

  The Three Resurrections of Jessica Churchill (Clarkesworld Magazine) (Short story)

  Two-Year Man (Asimov's Science Fiction) (Short story)

  Andy Rogers The Doom Of Sallee (Grantville Gazette) (Short story)

  Brothers In Arms (Star Citizen Jump Point Magazine) (Novella)

  Lauren M. Roy The Eleventh Hour (Fireside Magazine) (Short story)

  Steve Ruskin Grand Tour (Zombies Need Brains LLC) (Short story)

  KB Rylander We Fly (Baen) (Short story)

  Hope Erica Schultz Mr. Reilly's Tattoo (Fireside Magazine) (Short story)

  The Princess in the Basement (Diabolical Plots) (Short story)

  Effie Seiberg Re: Little Miss Apocalypse Playset (Fireside Fiction) (Short story)

  Rocket Surgery (Analog Science Fiction and Fact) (Short story)

  Thundergod in Therapy (Galaxy's Edge) (Short story)

  Tahmeed Shafiq The Djinn Who Sought To Kill The Sun (Lightspeed Magazine) (Novelette)

  Iona Sharma Archana and Chandni (Betwixt) (Short story)

  Alnwick (Middle Planet) (Short story)

  Anthea Sharp Ice in D Minor (Timberland Regional Library) (Short story)

  The Sun Never Sets (Windrift Books) (Short story)

  Fae Horse (Fiddlehead Press) (Short story)

  Elsa Sjunneson-Henry Edge of The Unknown (Broken Eye Books) (Short story)

  Daniel Arthur Smith The Diatomic Quantum Flop (Windrift Books) (Short story)

  Tower (Holt Smith ltd) (Short story)

  Hugh Howey Lives (Holt Smith ltd) (Novella excerpt)

  Lesley Smith The Soulless: A History of Zombieism in Chiitai and Mihari Culture (Windrift Books) (Short story)

  William Squirrell Götterdämmerung (AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review) (Short story)

  Fighting in the Streets of the City of Time (Bewildering Stories) (Short story)

  I am Problem Solving Astronaut: How to Write Hard SF (Blue Monday Review) (Short story)

  Dan Stout Outpatient (Nature) (Short story)

  The Curious Case of Alpha-7 DE11 (Mad Scientist Journal) (Short story)

  Naru Dames Sundar A Revolution In Four Courses (Daily Science Fiction) (Short story)

  Infinite Skeins (Crossed Genres) (Short story)

  Broken Winged Love (Strange Horizons) (Short story)

  Will Swardstrom Uncle Allen (Windrift Books) (Novelette)

  The Control (Windrift Books) (Novelette)

  Jeremy Szal Daega's Test (Nature) (Short story)

  Last Age of Kings (Fantasy Scroll Magazine) (Short story)

  Skingame (Perihelion Science Fiction) (Short story)

  Lauren C. Teffeau Forge and Fledge (Crossed Genres Magazine, Issue 16) (Short story)

  Jump Cut (Unlikely Story) (Short story)

  Natalia Theodoridou The Eleven Holy Numbers of the Mechanical Soul (Clarkesworld Magazine) (Short story)

  On Post-Mortem Birds (Interfictions: A Journal of Interstitial Arts) (Short story)

  Android Whores Can't Cry (Clarkesworld Magazine) (Short story)

  Joseph Tomaras Bonfires in Anacostia (Clarkesworld Magazine) (Short story)

  Thirty-Eight Observations on the Nature of the Self (Haikasoru) (Short story)

  The Joy of Sects (Unlikely Story) (Short story)

  Vincent Trigili The Storymaster (Windrift Books) (Short story)

  P.K. Tyler Moon Dust (Evolved Publishing) (Novelette)

  Avendui 5ive (Windrift Books) (Short story)

  Tamara Vardomskaya The Metamorphoses of Narcissus (Beneath Ceaseless Skies) (Short story)

  Acrobatic Duality (Tor.com) (Short story)

  Leo Vladimirsky Collar (F&SF) (Short story)

  Dandelion (Boing Boing) (Short story)

  Nancy SM Waldman ReMemories (Fantasy Scroll Magazine) (Short story)


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