Labor of Love

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by Brandy L Rivers

  Labor of Love

  An Others of Edenton short

  By Brandy L Rivers

  Copyright 2013 Brandy L Rivers

  Smashwords Edition

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Also by Brandy L Rivers

  Box Sets

  Others of Edenton – Series Volume 1

  Others of Edenton – Series Volume 2

  Others of Edenton – Series Volume 3

  Others of Seattle – Series Volume 1

  Others of Seattle – Series Volume 2

  Others of Edenton

  New Beginnings

  In Too Deep

  Shadows Fall

  Shadows of the Past

  Falling Into Place

  Fated Love

  Breaking Free

  Mending Scars

  Labor of Love

  Light in Darkness

  Blissful Agony

  Entangled Darkness

  Deadly Design (Coming 10-24-16)

  Untitled: Declan’s story (Coming Summer 2017)

  Others of Seattle

  Nights Embrace

  Storm Mistress

  Accepting Fate

  Red Queen

  Seductive Solutions

  Changing Destiny

  Coming Together

  Storm Wrath

  Twisted Bonds (Coming Spring 2017)

  Nights Embrace Spin Off

  Summer Rhythm

  Stand Alone Contemporary Romance

  Heart on Fire

  Falling Star

  Sweet Tooth

  Backburn (Coming 1-6-17)

  Pine Barrens Pack Co-Written with Rebecca Brooke

  Cursed Vengeance

  Vengeance Unraveled (coming 2017)

  To keep up with upcoming releases and news visit me at my

  Website – Facebook - Twitter

  Or join my newsletter or reading group Rivers’ Shenanigans

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  About Brandy L Rivers

  Also by Brandy L Rivers


  Dad, you may be my stepdad,

  but you’re still Dad to me.

  You’ve always supported

  Megan and me.

  You’re the best dad ever.

  Chapter 1

  Looking into the mirror, Darla attempted to banish the sense of loss bearing down on her soul. Eight months gone but she couldn’t go back to Tomahawk. Not yet. In two or three weeks she would finally know if Izackarus’ taint was passed to her baby girl.

  After the shadow fae took control of her body, she’d needed time to purge the memories that still haunted her. As it turned out, the horrifying images were not as persistent as she initially feared. After a month, she managed to get through a few nights of real, unmedicated sleep. She had begun to believe she was still the same Darla.

  That was until the doctor confirmed she was pregnant. What should have been happy news left her shaken to the core. Darla’s normal optimism had taken a vacation, and she was left with a hurricane of what-if’s. The biggest one being, What if a tiny shred of that monster is in my baby?

  Not knowing what to do, or where to turn, she resorted to the one thing she dreaded. She went to her eccentric mother, Dawn Skies, who claimed to be a mystic.

  Darla expected her mother to put her through one ritual after another, to balance her chakra or some similar nonsense. Even after several years of living in Edenton where crazy stuff happened all the time, she found her mother’s beliefs too far outside the realm of reality.

  Surprisingly, Mom never tried a single cleansing spell. No chants were uttered. No potions offered. And not even a hint of incense.

  Mostly, Darla was left alone to wallow in doubts and fears that were slowly tearing her apart. Every day she considered going home, but then wondered if Tomahawk had moved on. He was a carefree spirit. After the way she left, she couldn’t blame him for letting her go. Her heart would be shattered, but she was the one who left without warning or explanation.

  There was a knock on the bedroom door. Darla answered, “Come in, Mom.”

  “Still won’t call Tomahawk?” she asked as she waltzed in with a vibrant gown of crimson and gold hanging from her raised hand. Feathers and sparkles covered the expensive material.

  “What is this?” Darla asked with wide eyes.

  “I need a favor, darling. Just this one, it’s the only thing I plan to insist on during your stay. I haven’t asked for anything yet, so please don’t deny me this one thing.”

  Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “First, tell me what you expect, then we’ll see if it’s possible.” She couldn’t begin to imagine what crazy notion was cooking in her mother’s head.

  “Well, I have plans that interfere with this big event tomorrow night. I’ve donated a lot of money to the reconstruction of the Lower Ninth Ward, and so I was invited to the prestigious Krewe of Magus Tableau and Ball. I need you to go in my place.”

  “What? Why? I’m due in a couple weeks.” She looked to the dress and violently shook her head. “And you want to stuff me into that?” she accused, pointing at the beautiful dress that she could never imagine herself in, even if she wasn’t pregnant.

  Darla’s eyes were drawn back to the dress when she tried to look away. Eye-catching, the glittery feathers were strategically placed, making the gown appear to be covered in flames.

  Stunning as it may be, it wasn’t something she would ever choose to wear. It drew way too much attention, something she always avoided.

  “I’m positive it will fit you beautifully. The theme is ‘From the Ashes,’ which will be you, if you ever get around to talking to that sweet man of yours.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “And if Tomahawk didn’t wait for me? I told him not to. He’s not the type to wait.”

  “That’s only the pregnancy hormones talking. I wouldn’t worry. He loves you. He proposed. I guarantee he’s waiting.”

  “You can’t possibly know that.” Darla sighed as she looked up at the ceiling. “Until I know this baby is all his and mine, I can’t go back. What if she’s evil? What if she’s all wrong?”

  “You would know if that was the case. Motherly instincts and all.”

  Darla rubbed her rounded belly. She was terrified. At the same time, she couldn't wait to meet her little princess.

  "Please, Darla," her mother begged with big sad-puppy dog eyes, "do this one thing for me. I really do have plans. And I promise you won't regret it."

  "Oh, very well." She knew it was unlikely her mother would let her off the hook. It was one night of pretending all was right in her world. Looking ridiculous wouldn’t be so bad behind a mask.

  Chapter 2

  New Orleans was one of Tomahawk's favorite places in the world, and he couldn't ev
en enjoy walking through the streets. He'd been empty since he found Darla's letter the morning she walked out of his life.

  She’d left him empty and cold, stealing every reason he had for wanting to live. Ending his life wasn’t the goal, but he wished he had a single clue on how to find her. He’d do everything in his power to convince her to take him back.

  Since Darla left, nothing much made an impression on him.

  Not until he found the cryptic invitation.

  Tired from a long day of work, he walked into the kitchen and froze. A crimson envelope with gold lettering sat on the table.

  Frowning, he picked up the fancy paper. Darla's scent tore at his heart. Closing his eyes, he breathed in deep, remembering every detail of the woman who would hold his love forever, even after death.

  Where are you, Darla? Will you ever come home?

  Unwilling to let himself think too much, he opened the seal and pulled out the note.


  You will find the answers you seek at the Krewe of Magus Tableau and Ball, in the same place you met your heart’s flame.

  Be there. She needs you.

  Darla’s Guardian Angel

  Inside the fancy envelope, he found a plane ticket to New Orleans, and a reservation for the Hotel Monteleon.

  In that moment, he made up his mind to see where this led him, hoping to find Darla at the end of the trail.

  The letter in his pocket offered only a dim sense of comfort.

  Darla ran instead of facing the horrors with him at her side. No matter what happened, he was ready to help her through the pain of what the shadow fae forced her to do. He would have been there for her no matter what.

  He knew she thought she needed space, and he’d attempted to give it, until he broke and went after her. By then, it had been too late.

  For her sake, he truly hoped whatever answers she sought, had been found.

  Tomahawk still had a problem. He was stuck figuring out how to crash this shindig. He'd tried donating to the cause for tickets, but they were sold out, and he had no contacts within the Deschanel clan. Tom was resourceful though. For a chance to find Darla he would find a way.

  Hopefully, someone would know where she was hiding. And once found her, he prayed Darla was ready to stop running and let him help.

  He made his way to the Hotel Monteleon in the Quarter. It was uncomfortably posh for his taste but the room was already booked, thanks to the mysterious guardian angel.

  From what he could gather, he needed to find a costume before the event. He had an idea where to start, but only a few hours. Worst case, he could crash the ball in his street clothes. He almost smiled at the thought of walking into a masquerade in jeans and t-shirt.

  He stepped inside the lobby and was greeted by the receptionist who he hardly noticed. His mind was on the night before Izackarus stole his sweet woman from him. They had made love all night, and before she left for her ass-crack of dawn shift, he proposed. She said yes.

  Their happiness crumbled the next day when a nightmare took control of her life, leaving her with horrible memories she couldn’t shake. His idyllic future fell apart, he wasn’t whole without her.

  Once the key was in his hands, he bypassed the elevator in favor of stairs to his room.

  Inside, an ornate costume hung on the closet door.

  One problem solved.

  He glanced at the clock. An hour before the festivities began, but he still needed to find a way to sneak in.

  Chapter 3

  "Darling, I wish you trusted me. I wouldn't send you if you couldn't handle this evening. You’ll be fine." Mom placed the feathered mask over Darla’s face, securing the ties.

  She turned to her mother. "I don't know about being fine.” Her little girl kicked when she ran her hand over her belly. She still didn’t have a name.

  With a sigh, she muttered, "There is nothing festive about a huge pregnant woman. I shouldn't be going to such an event."

  "That's rubbish. You look beautiful, my sweet girl. So set aside your worries and go enjoy your night."

  "I'll try, Mother, but it’s not likely. I can only think of one thing that would improve my mood at this point.”

  Though maybe two. Having a perfectly healthy baby would help. Her other wish, Tomahawk asking for a dance, was clearly impossible.

  Her heart felt like a ten-ton weight dragging her down. She took one more look in the mirror. The scarlet mask had tiny soft feathers dusted in fine ruby glitter. Longer golden feathers were enhanced with gold dust. It was beautiful, and matched the gorgeous dress, that once on her and not the hanger, looked closer to a long flowing Grecian gown, embellished with the same feathers. From the right angle, it had the appearance of being on fire.

  Grudgingly, she could admit to herself that she looked like some beautiful ethereal creature from another realm. At present, she almost wished she was.

  Resigned, Darla turned to her mother and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I should be going.”

  Her mother’s smile was radiant. “I predict you shall have a night to remember.”

  Darla repressed a groan. Her mother’s predictions were generally correct, but she was having a hard time seeing how. She managed a smile. “Thank you. Enjoy your evening.” Even if I won’t.

  She stepped outside to find a silver stretch limo waiting to take her to the ball. Rolling her eyes, she walked to the chauffer with a grim smile. “This really is too much.”

  He dipped his head in apology but didn’t say a word.

  With a sigh, she climbed in and closed her eyes, trying in vain to find a comfortable position against the soft leather seats.

  She felt the Braxton-Hicks contractions starting up again and struggled to stay calm. They had been coming and going for the last month, and she couldn’t wait to finally be done with them.

  Not that she would induce early or ask for a C-section. A part of her hoped that bringing this baby into the world naturally would ensure there was no taint left by the shadow fae.

  Deep down, she knew her little girl was perfect, but she couldn’t help the residual fear after being controlled by that monster.

  The door shut and she was left with her thoughts.

  A few more weeks and I’ll know for sure. Please, God, don’t let there be a trace of the shadows in my child.

  Chapter 4

  Tomahawk waited in the foliage near the entrance. So far, he hadn’t figured out a way to sneak in.

  Everyone was decked out in colorful costumes. Some daring, some more modest, yet everyone was wearing variations form of red and gold. These people were clearly in party-mode. Not that his outfit was much better.

  Still, his tattoos were covered and his hair was braided and hidden in the feathers adorning the costume. Most of the people attending were high-society types who were more likely to call security than greet him if he wore his street clothes.

  He hoped to find someone flamboyant enough he could shift and follow in. Or maybe he was dreaming. He'd been waiting outside for nearly two hours and hadn't seen the right opportunity.

  Then he saw the falcon perched on a stunning woman's shoulder and a chimpanzee following a man who looked like he spent as much time in the spa as his significant other.

  Shifting into his spirit animal, a big black panther, he followed on the man's heels. The kid taking the tickets barely lifted a brow as the chimp brazenly climbed on Tomahawk's back.

  This may be my kind of party after all.

  The group he was with caught mild looks of curiosity, but no one made a comment within earshot. He had to wonder who this guy was, and if he pulled these kind of stunts often.

  Tired of carrying the ape on his back, Tom looked over his shoulder to growl in a low tone. The chimp’s eyes widened as he hopped down and rushed to the man, wrapping long furry arms around trouser-clad legs.

  Taking his cue, he wound through a tangle of people, still without much more than a startled gasp from one regal woman who stopped
to stare until he found his way to one of the gardens.

  The ice sculptures littered throughout the greens were all nude, and anatomically correct. He couldn’t help admiring the taste someone had in decoration, though he wondered how many attendees were offended.

  Then Darla’s scent hit him like a fastball to the gut. He froze, his lids closing as he breathed her in.

  Answers, he expected. Actually seeing Darla in the flesh, he had not. His heart pounded in his chest as he took a look around trying to hone in on her location.

  Silently, he padded through the gardens, tracking his heart’s only desire. She had walked outside only moments before, but he easily followed her scent back inside. Winding through people, he found her at a balcony overlooking another lavish garden, with similar ice sculptures. Her gaze was locked on the sky.

  Without a single coherent thought, he circled, and sat before her, staring up at her in shock. Her perfect breasts had more than filled in, her tummy rounded with child.

  Mine? The one word whispered through his head, spinning his emotions into turmoil as nudged her hand gently with his soft face, without realizing what he was doing.

  His heart pounded in his chest as her fingers slipped through his silky fur. He tried to make his feet carry him away, but his heart wouldn’t listen. The doubts his mind brewed couldn’t trump the undying love that had him leaning into her touch.

  A purring sound rumbled from his chest, and a smile graced her lips, as she absently scratched his head.

  Finally, she looked down, and her big brown eyes widened as she stared at him. “Tom?” she asked softly, a whimper in her voice. He didn’t dare shift back until he knew she wouldn’t run.


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