Nordic Lessons

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Nordic Lessons Page 12

by Christine Edwards

  “Stop. Don’t say another word.” The control in his voice is chilling as he descends the steps to me. Instead of an argument he grabs my upper arm and marches me over to the huge garage, pulls his keys out, unlocks the door, and takes me inside.

  I jerk away. “No! I want to go home. Just take me home, please.” I can’t help it, my voice cracks on the last word. His brows draw together and he quickly shuts the door and hits the overhead light. Before I can move away, he takes hold of both my shoulders and I start to tremble. “Please, please Mikkel.”

  “Elora, look at me.” I reluctantly stare up at him and see both concern and confusion.

  “I watched you on the dance floor with Lisetta. You both were having a great fucking time, baby. What changed? Tell me.”


  As the single name falls from my lips, I watch his body turn into a sheet of steel. His voice drips venom as he asks the question, “What did that cunt say to you?”

  I shake my head, embarrassed, and stare down at the concrete floor.

  Before I can blink, I’m pushed up against the right wall. He melds his full body against mine, trapping me. I whisper, “Don’t do this to me, Mikkel.”

  “Fuck that. You’re going to tell me exactly what went down. You’re my girl. You have an issue, you come to me, I fix it. Real simple, babe. You sure as fuck do not ever walk away from me in my own club based on some bullshit hearsay. Now, I’ll ask you again. What did she say to you?”

  I have to tell him. He won’t stop until he knows. Fine. I straighten up and try my best to remain unemotional as I lay it out, “She basically said that I wasn’t your type at all and that I was the flavor of the week. Oh, and that you’d soon be ringing her up for a shag and I might get the pleasure of watching you two.”

  He looks completely dumbfounded. Not the look I expected.

  “And you believed that complete load of shit?”


  “You heard me.”

  Suddenly the stress is too much and all of the pent up emotions boil over as I scream, “You picked me up on the side of the road, Mikkel! How can I be certain that everything you’ve told me so far is the complete truth? Maybe you just wanted to try something different, someone unfamiliar with your lifestyle. Maybe this is all a novelty to you?”

  “Babe, stop fucking talking, right now. You’re starting to piss me off with the ridiculous bullshit that’s coming out of your sexy mouth. I kicked that bitch to the curb long ago, and I’ve been nothing but one hundred and ten percent straight up about my feelings and intentions toward you. What else?”

  I sputter, “W-what else? What do you mean, ‘what else’? She said that you want more than one woman in bed! I’m selfish, Mikkel. I won’t share you, ever! Therefore this could never work between us.”

  His eyes flash and he leans right into my face to whisper harshly, “Not that I need to explain myself, but I’ve never had a woman watch me while I fucked another one. Might have fantasized about it as a teenager while jerking off in the shower once or twice but that shit’s not for me. I could care less about another bitch watching me fuck or me watching pussy eat out other pussy. I get off on putting a laser focus on one woman, mine, and that is you. Now shut your mouth and give me those lips, Elora.”

  Before I can balk at his order, his mouth crushes down on mine in a fierce display of possession. Instantly the seductive rhythm of his tongue twirling against mine has my head spinning for more.


  A sure hand snakes up my dress and rips my thong clean off of me. Grasping the hem of my fitted black knit dress he pulls it up to my waist seconds before he starts sliding a finger between my lips to shamelessly work my clit.

  I can’t take any more. I’m on the verge of coming as I reach out blindly for his belt, opening it and popping the metal buttons of his fly. He growls and hastily shoves his pants down before heaving me up high against the wall. I twine my legs around his back and cry out as he immediately impales me on his searing erection and begins to furiously grind into me. He’s so strong that I’m held up effortlessly, his palms gripping tightly to the outsides of my bare thighs. His thrusts are ruthless as they pummel into me from below. Showing me exactly who’s in charge. Realizing that I’m being fucked up against the wall of a garage hits and the dark thought ignites me like a match. Suddenly he hits the perfect spot, so deep within my core, and everything explodes in a shattering tremor that rolls through me with unimaginable force.

  “Oh God, Mikkel, yes! So damn good!” I’m mindless with pleasure as the orgasm sweeps me away.

  He’s growling in that rich, rumbling voice, and the sound hums through the dim space as he drives me harder from below. I gasp at the way he fills me. He’s swelling impossibly larger within my already stretched sex. Suddenly, everything halts. He plants himself to the hilt, so very deep as he presses his face against my cheek and groans out my name as if in pain.

  Overwhelmed, I whisper in a strained tone, “Mikkel, oh God, that was unreal. I-I’m sorry, I should never have doubted us.”

  His head lifts and his beautiful eyes stare deeply into mine. He’s nearly breathless as he says, “Let’s get the fuck out of here. I’ll have Bern keep things tight tonight. I believe I need to spend some quality time with my girl, show her exactly what we both need and want from each other. Isn’t that right, Elora?”

  Instead of answering, I pour my feelings for this man into a soulful kiss that swiftly has us going straight into round two. It’s a good thing that Swedish band is loud as hell.

  Chapter Nine

  Arctic Bound

  “Come on Mikkel! The anticipation is killing me! Why won’t you tell me where we’re going?”

  “Woman, you make it hard as hell to give you a surprise, you know that?”

  “Pretty please?” I bat my eyelashes in hopes that my flirty pleading will lead to some sort of an answer. Last night was our first misunderstanding, and I’m still sore from how that turned out, although I must admit, in a very pleasant way. Mmm, just the thought of his sexy aggression has me lightheaded.

  “No. You’ll get your answer soon enough. Wait here. I’ll be ten minutes, tops.”

  He wedges the oversized SUV into an impossibly tight space, throws it into park and jumps out into the frigid morning air. I turn back and watch him step onto the sidewalk. I grin as people instantly give him a wide berth. Yes, he appears frightening with his imposing height and menacing image, but at this point I see him for who he really is, an honest, good man who has a heart of gold. I’m falling hard for him. It’s unavoidable and I love it.

  What is he up to? I watch him swing open the door to a brightly lit shop called The Cliff. I huddle into my black wool coat, grateful that he left the heater running. I’d better get used to this weather because this is merely a teaser for the bitter cold winter to come.

  After the mindless wall-banging session last night, we drove to his home in the forest and talked long into the night. I learned that he’s a man of many interests that run the gamut from sports to music. He’s also very curious, wanting to know about my childhood and the schools I attended. One painful topic I’m not quite ready to discuss is the loss of my parents. No, that’s locked so deep inside that it will take a pickaxe to pull it out. Maybe one day ….

  When I woke this morning, he was propped up beside me, typing on his laptop. Before I could ask whether or not he was seriously working on a Saturday morning, he asked if I was up for a weekend getaway. I snuggled into him and said, “Absolutely.” Now, the endless list of destination possibilities is turning over in my head like a Ferris wheel. He told me that we’re only spending one night, that he’s backlogged with work and can’t afford to miss a day between now and Christmas. So, that must mean that we won’t be going very far …. Hmmm, Sweden maybe? When we stopped by the apartment and I asked him what I should bring, he simply said ‘kinky underwear and warm clothing’ because we would be outdoors. Okaaaayy ….

turn on the radio and find an alternative station. “Fader” by The Temper Trap instantly puts me in an upbeat mood. The brilliant beat and cool lyrics have me swaying in my leather seat.

  “Oh!” The door swings open, startling me out of my own private jam session.

  With an amused expression, he rumbles, “Enjoying yourself, babe?” He tosses a large, white-handled bag into the back seat.

  “Indeed I am.”

  His chin lifts and he breaks into a full smile. “Glad to hear it. Gonna grab us some drinks and a couple of chocolate croissants. The shit at the airport blows. Any requests?”

  “A hot tea would be lovely.”

  “You got it.”

  The rear passenger door slams shut and he strides confidently up the busy sidewalk, hands tucked into his front jeans pockets. He’s wearing a jet black Helly Hansen down parka. It’s the first time I’ve seen him in anything other than leather. A little thrill goes through me as I recall the naked fabulousness of his body. Since we first met, my libido has been in a delicious state of constant turmoil, easing a bit when he makes me come for him, but even then, only briefly.

  A beep on my mobile interrupts my wicked memories. I slide it out of my purse and read the new text. “Hello, Elora. I may be arriving earlier than I’d initially planned. Looking forward to showing you around Oslo. I’m sorry you’ve been stuck there alone. I’ll keep you posted. Alexander.”

  I text him back, “All right, sounds good. Don’t work too hard. Looking forward to catching up and hearing all about Asia. Love you, Elora.”

  I’d like nothing better than to have my brother accept Mikkel, but deep down I’m very worried that it won’t be easy. Ever since the loss of our parents, Alexander sees himself as a father of sorts. My resentment of his patronizing attitude has been building for years, and at times it threatens to boil over. His advice can be suffocating.

  Knuckles rap on the glass and I hit the window button.

  “Here you go.” He hands me a tall, steaming cup of tea and a wax paper sleeve with a buttery chocolate croissant inside.

  “Yum, thanks.”


  He rounds the front and slides in, places his coffee in the holder, sets down his croissant and pulls out into the busy street.

  He glances over at me. “You excited, min skjønne?”

  With a sly grin, I say, “Well, I’d be more excited if you’d just tell me. Please?”

  “You’re too damn adorable to deny. All right, ever heard of Svalbard?”

  “Svalbard? No, I haven’t. Is it in Norway?”

  “Sort of.”

  “Not following.”

  “It’s part of Norway, but it’s actually a set of islands in the Arctic. Midway between Norway and the North Pole. We’re hopping a flight directly to Longyearbyen, the only town up there with an airport. You’re into scenic shit with your paintings, so I thought it’d be cool to take you there.”

  I go solid and manage to blink a few times.

  “Elora, hello, you all right?”

  “You’re taking me somewhere scenic, because you think I’ll like it?”

  His brows draw together and he glances over to me. “Yeah, and?”

  “Mikkel, I adore you. Really, I do.” I lean across the black console and place a kiss on his hot cheek. “Thank you for thinking of me.”

  “Jesus, babe, what kind of fucking douche bags have you dated in the past?” He holds a hand up, stopping me before I can answer his question. “Wait, I don’t wanna know. Just know that it’s all good. You’re mine and I take care of what’s mine, baby, always. I want you to be happy, to be inspired, Elora, to live the fullest life possible.”

  Tears well up in my eyes and start to spill over. I look away and try my best to blink them away before he notices.

  “Look at me.”

  When I do, he takes my hand and presses his lips into the center of my palm just before pulling back to say, low and slow, “Jeg beundrer deg virkelig, min skjønne.”


  “I said, ‘I really admire you, my beauty.’ ”

  My brows draw together and I wonder if something was lost in translation. “Why?”

  “Because you’re so completely open, so genuine. I don’t cross paths with many people like that, baby.”

  “Thank you, Mikkel.”

  “No need for thanks. It’s the truth. We’ll be at the airport in fifteen. Need to haul ass once we get there, because our flight leaves just over an hour from now. Reach back into that bag and grab the shit I bought for you. Slide the coat and boots on and pack the rest of it in your bag.”

  “You bought me a bag full of clothing?”

  “Yeah, damn right I did. There a problem?”

  I puff out a long, slow breath. “My head is spinning with all this, this, well everything. You’re too much, Mikkel. I’ve never dated anyone who was so caring. Thank you.”

  “Jesus Christ, woman, you’ll learn soon enough that your welfare is on the top of my mental list, although I appreciate the gratitude. I sure as fuck can’t have my baby freezing like an icicle up there, especially with what I have planned for us this afternoon.”

  “And that would be?”

  A sly, secretive smile forms on his lips. He reaches down to take a sip of his coffee, and without looking my way he says, “Oh you’ll see, and I can guarantee that you’ve never done it before.”

  Oh my.

  Chapter Ten

  Longyearbyen, Svalbard

  I can see the excitement in her clear eyes as the blustery wind causes snowflakes to swirl about her. Glancing out at the pristine white terrain, I can’t help but hope we’ll encounter what we’re setting out to find today. We’re headed in the direction of the colossal glaciers. I hope she’ll be able to take the arctic cold out here. I’m accustomed to it, but today it’s far colder than normal, close to unbearable.

  “Okay, Elora, Sven just said that we need to follow close to him at a distance of no more than a snowmobile between us. You’ll be in the middle on your Cat and I’ll tail you, all right?” I have to yell over the whine of the three whirring engines.

  “Yes, okay! You have your mobile on you, right? My battery died and I forgot to pack the charger.” She looks excited rather than nervous, which is a good thing.

  “Mine is back in the room. Wouldn’t work in these temps. All right, keep it steady and raise your right arm up if you need anything. Stay close to me.”

  She nods and I place my gloved hand on her shoulder before stepping away to mount my ride. I reach down to double-check the security of the black neoprene strap that’s attached to the Remington 700 Mountain SS. It hangs at an angle across my back. All good. Sven’s armed as well. It’s an absolute necessity as we head out on our tour of the glaciers today. Svalbard is polar bear country, and with males weighing well over a thousand pounds, you’d have to have a death wish to venture out without both a high caliber big game rifle and an experienced local guide. Up ahead, Sven raises his glove and makes a forward motion, signaling that we’re off.

  When I mentioned observing polar bears, I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her skull. She gushed, “Yes! I’ve always wanted to see them, and in the wild would be a dream.”

  We had only enough time to drop our gear back in our room in the Trapper’s Lodge Hotel before we needed to be in the lobby to meet our guide. He checked her over, making certain that she was dressed appropriately for the elements. I bought her the most expensive North Face down parka they had. The shade of rich teal matches her eyes and the oversized fur hood makes her look both adorable and supremely fuckable. I shift around a bit on my wide leather seat. My throbbing erection has been constant since we took our seats on the plane in Oslo. I can’t keep my hands off her, and from the way she responds to my touch, it’s clear that the feeling is more than mutual. Yeah, gonna lay into her hard tonight. Hope there’s a stereo in the room ’cause it’s gonna get nice and loud.

  Sven offered Elora a gun
if she could provide a driver’s license. She didn’t have one and I assured him I’d look after her. She could end up hurting herself without proper training. She agreed. I could tell that she was apprehensive about even touching a rifle, which is reasonable because it’s just as rare to see a weapon in Norway as it is in England. Guns are highly regulated. Cops in both countries don’t carry them and the majority of guns in Norway are rifles that are used primarily for hunting. Like most of my buddies, I have several. The ones that can be registered, are, and the others, well, that’s my call. With the random shit that comes our way, it would be tantamount to a death sentence not to have protection.

  We’re heading away from town toward the shore and the glaciers. The landscape is a total whiteout. The wide, yellow lenses of our goggles allow for maximum visibility, but with the snow coming down at a pounding, sideways angle, it is difficult to discern anything in the distance. It doesn’t take long before we spot a bear, most likely a male because he’s solo and massive. In Svalbard they are protected as endangered animals but if one attacks, you’re allowed to shoot. Sven told us that nine times out of ten they see humans as odd curiosities, exhibiting little to no interest in us. Before riding out we had to show him that we were carrying nothing edible—not even a drink other than water—because that shiny black nose of theirs can scent shit for miles, not to mention that they’re shockingly fast when in pursuit of something they want.

  Before we get too close, about a hundred meters out, Sven raises his arm, a signal for us to halt. I pull up near Elora and take in the look of wonder in her wide eyes.

  Sven calls out, “Leave the Cats running; we can dismount and have a look. Remember, no sudden movements, and stay close to the rides.”

  “All right.”

  Just as with my motorcycle, I swing a leg off and walk across the packed snow and ice to stand next to her.


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